• No results found

Modifying patient information

From the list pane, double-click the patient information you want to modify. The [Modify Patient Information]

dialog box appears. Alternatively, you can also select the patient information you want to modify, and then click the [Modify] button on the toolbar.

The fields in the [Modify Patient Information] dialog box are the same as those in the [Register Patient Information] dialog box*. Please refer to it.

Follow the steps below to register or modify patient information.

[Patient ID] Displays the patient's ID.

[Patient Name] Displays the name of the patient (first name, last name).

[Sex] Displays the patient's gender.

[Birth] Displays the patient's date of birth.

[Age] Displays the patient's age.

[Ward Name] Displays the patient's ward name or the name of the clinical service.

[Doctor Name] Displays the name of the doctor assigned to the patient.

[Patient Comment] Displays comments about the patient.

[Register Patient Information] dialog

1 Populate the displayed fields.

2 Click [OK].

The dialog box closes, and the patient information is registered (or modified).

Clicking [Continuous Registration] registers the [Patient Information] that you just entered, and allows you to register the next [Patient Information]*.

* In the Modify dialog box, [Continuous Registration] does not appear.

[Patient ID] For new registrations, you can enter the patient ID.

You can enter up to 16 characters.

You cannot modify it. The patient ID cannot be changed when modifying information.

[Last Name] Enter the patient's last name.

You can enter up to 20 characters.

[First Name] Enter the patient's first name.

You can enter up to 20 characters.

[Birth] Enter the patient's date of birth. Enter it in the format "Year (4 digits)/Month (2 digits)/

Date (2 digits)". If you click the button on the right edge of the input field, a calendar appears. You can also enter the date by selecting from this calendar.

A delete button is displayed on the right side of [Birth] field.

Clicking it will clear the [Birth] field.

[Age] Enter the patient's age. This is automatically displayed once the date of birth is entered.

[Sex] Select the patient's gender.

[Ward Name] Select the patient's ward name or the name of the clinical service.

[Doctor Name] Select the doctor assigned to the patient.

[Patient Comment] Input comments about the patient.

You can enter up to 100 characters.


Once the number of registered orders exceeds 10,000, any subsequent new registration will overwrite the oldest registered order.

7.2.3 Sorting patient information

You can sort patient information by the condition that you specify.

Follow the steps below to sort patient information.

1 Click the [Sort] button on the toolbar.

The dialog box on the right appears.

2 Populate the displayed fields.

In fields [1st Key] through [5th Key], specify the sort keywords. The sort conditions are prioritized from [1st Key]

to [5th Key]. After selecting the keys, sort the alphanumeric in [Asc.] (0 to 9, A to Z) or [Desc.] (9 to 0, Z to A) order.

3 Click [OK].

The dialog box closes, and sorting is applied.

[Patient ID] Sorts by patient's ID.

[Last Name] Sorts by patient's last name.

[First Name] Sorts by patient's first name.

[Age] Sorts by patient's age.

[Sex] Sorts by patient's gender.

[None] Condition not specified.

7.2.4 Specify conditions for the patient information to display (filter)

You can specify conditions for the data you want displayed in the patient information list.

Follow the steps below to specify conditions for the data you want displayed.

1 Click the [Filter] button on the toolbar.

The following dialog box appears.

* When the dialog box is started, the ward name / doctor name selection field is not displayed.

2 Populate the displayed fields.

The following items appear in the dialog box.


The doctor selection area is similar to the above dialog box. Please refer to it.

[Use Filter] Selecting this check box will display only the orders that match the specified conditions.

If you clear the check box, the following settings will be grayed out and cannot be selected.

[Specify Sex] Selecting this check box enables you to specify the patient's gender.

[Specify Ward] Selecting this check box enables you to specify the patient's ward.

Select button Clicking the button displays the ward selection area on the right side of the dialog box.

[Specify Doctor Name] Selecting this check box enables you to specify the name of the patient's doctor.

Select button Clicking the button displays the doctor selection area on the right side of the dialog box.

Ward selection area

List of ward names Ward name input field

When the Ward name is displayed

Select button

● Ward / Doctor selection area

3 Click [OK].

The dialog box closes.

Only the patient information that match all of the specified criteria are displayed.

7.2.5 Searching for patient information

You can search for specific patient information.

Follow the steps below to search for patient information.

1 Click the [FIND] button on the toolbar.

The dialog box on the right appears.

2 Populate the displayed fields.

Ward name / Doctor name input field

Enter a condition to narrow down the ward names / doctor names.

You can enter up to 20 characters.

List of ward names / doctor names

Displays the ward names / doctor names that contain the condition that you entered.

Click to select the ward name / doctor name.

You can only select one ward name / doctor name.

[Clear] Click to cancel the ward name / doctor name filter.

[Patient ID] Enter the patient ID.

You can enter up to 16 characters.

[Last Name] Enter the patient's last name.

3 Specify the search condition.

If you want to find patient informations that match the specified conditions exactly, select the [Find exact matches] check box. If you clear the check box, it will also find patient informations that partially match the specified conditions.

4 Click [PREV.] / [NEXT].

An patient information that matches the search conditions is selected in the list pane.

5 Click [Close].

The dialog box closes.


You can enter "*" and "?" as substitution characters in your search.

"?": A "?" is used in place of any one character.

e.g. If you search for "99?99", "99099", "99999" and "99A99" are all selected.

"*": A "*" is used in place of zero or more characters.

e.g. If you search for "9*9", "909", "9119" and "99A99" are all selected.

[PREV.] Click to search upward from the ward name selected in the list.

[NEXT] Click to search downward from the ward name selected in the list.

7.2.6 Ward Name screen

Clicking the [Ward Name] tab displays the following screen.

In the [Ward Name] screen, you can sort and search ward names. You can register up to 200 ward names.

● Toolbar

The button of the following functions are displayed.

● List of ward names

[Regist.] Click to display the [Register Ward Name] dialog box.

[Modify] Click to display the [Modify Ward Name] dialog box for the selected ward name.

[Sort] Click to display the dialog box that allows you to set the conditions for the data to be displayed in the ward name list.

[Upper] Click to move the selection up by one row.

[Lower] Click to move the selection down by one row.

[FIND] Click to display a dialog box that allows you to search data.

[Delete] Click to display a dialog box that allows you to delete the selected ward name.

[No.] Displays the ward number.

[Ward Name] Displays the name of the ward.


For instructions on the following tasks in the [Ward Name] screen, see the procedures for the [Patient Information] screen.

List of ward names


7.2.7 Registering and modifying ward names

You can register and modify ward names from the [Ward Name] screen.

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