• No results found

Overview of ADO Programming

gra ming using ADO with KB_SQL is just as it is for using ADO with any other ata Source.

A p

C uses a syntactical . The escape clause consists of a pair of curly braces {} which surround the standard SQL syntax form and a token which specifies the type of clau . Dat T d form of DATE types is: 10:30 AM 0:30 AM

p endixes

A - Escape Sequences

Extensions SQL Extensions

KB_SQL API supports several ODBC SQL extensions:

• the representation of date and time literals

• the syntax for scalar functions

• LIKE predicate escape characters

• stored procedures

These extensions provide essential functionality that is shared by most DBMSs. tax required by the DBMSs varies, ODB

However, because the syn notation called the escape clause



e ime, and TimeStamp

Date, Time, and Timestamp Data

KB_SQL API supports the DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP (a combine hese data and TIME) data types. The shorthand escape clause syntax for t

{d 'value'} {d '1999-04-28'} April 28, 1999 {t 'value'} {t '10:30:00'}

{ts 'value'} {ts '1999-04-28 10:30:00'} April 28, 1999 at 1


For a underscore is

a litera LA _

Using the escape character prevents the engine from interpreting the underscore as a LE,

Sca r

Scalar ( pute

absolut e or time, or return a substring. The on-line query

SQ F ctions

and the

Functi Description



SQL_FN_CEILING(numeric_exp) Returns smallest integer

ASCII code ng SQL rules

ate_exp) Returns day name

QL_FN_DAYOFMONTH(date_exp) Returns day of month based on date value

date_exp) Returns day of year

ENCE(string_exp1, string_exp2) Difference in Soundex codes

Returns largest integer less than or equal to value Returns hour for time value

<value>) Formats an


alue) Returns NULL or value

APS(Value) Format value using initial


NSERT(string_exp1, start, length, string_exp2) Overwrite characters in ex mple, to obtain all columns for the LAB_PATIENT table where the

l in the SQL_IDENTIFIER, you send the table name parameter as: B\ PATIENT

wildcard, thus avoiding retrieving columns for tables that could be named LABaTAB LABbTABLE, and so forth.

Scalar functions

la Functions

or row) functions operate on a single value. They include functions that com e value or length, format a dat

L_ UNCTION_LIST provides a complete list of the KB_SQL API scalar fun ir syntax.


L_ N_ABS(numeric_exp) Returns absolute value

N_ASCII(string_exp) Returns the ASCII code

value of the leftmost character

greater or equal to value

SQL_FN_CHAR(code) Returns the character of the

SQL_FN_CONCAT(string_exp1, string_exp2) Concatenates two values usi


SQL_FN_DAYOFWEEK(date_exp) Returns day of week



tring_exp) Convert to lowercase

) Returns the leftmost count

of characters in string Number of characters in

ks starting position of exp1 in exp2

Returns minute of hour

p2) Returns remainder

(modulus) of integer_exp1 divided by inte2

_MONTH(date_exp) Returns month based on

date value

Returns name of month IRST(<DateValue>) Returns the date value of

next first of month Returns the date value of the next month end date DateValue>) Returns the date value of

the next weekday

_NEXT_WEEKEND_DAY(<DateValue>) Returns date value of next weekend day

(numeric_exp,integer_exp) Returns value raised to power

p) Returns quarter (1-4) for

date value

Returns random number using value as seed L_FN_REPEAT(string_exp, count) Repeat string n-times SQL_FN_REPLACE(string_exp1,string_exp2,string_exp3) Replace all occurrences of

s2 in s1 with s3 SQL_FN_LCASE(s

SQL_FN_LEFT(string_exp, count SQL_FN_LENGTH(strin

string less trailing blan g_exp)

SQL_FN_LOCATE(exp1,exp2[,exp3]) Returns

SQL_FN_LTRIM(string_exp) Strip leading blanks



SQL_FN_SQRT(flo Returns the square root of

SQL_FN_SUBSTR string value TA interval, integer_exp,timesta SQL_FN_TIMESTAMPDIFF( timestamp_exp1,tim

Returns integer number of



SE(s d

SQL_FN_YEAR(date_exp) Returns year of date value


f the LIKE predicate escape clause allows for searches to include metacharacters. In a LIKE predicate, the underscore character (_) is used for single-

haracter replacement and the percent sign (%) is used for multiple-character

replacement. The percent and underscore characters can be used as literals in a LIKE ODBC queries looks like:

mple ape ‘\’} mple s aab aad aazz 23 aa_2 abc ade

eric_exp) Returns -1 (neg), 0 (z

or 1 (positive)

X(string_exp) Returns site-determined

value of string

ount) Returns string of n-spaces



ING(string_exp,start,length) Returns sub-component of SQL_FN_TIMES MPADD(


Add interval to timestamp



intervals between m1 and m2

MPPART(<Part>,<TimeStamp>) Returns a

SQL_FN_TIMEST specified part of a

timestamp SQL_FN_TRUN


TE(numeric_exp,integer_exp) Truncates numeric value

tring_exp) Converts all lowercase

characters to uppercase

SQL_FN_WEEK( ate_exp) Returns week of year based

on date value


LIKE Predicate Escape Characters

The support o c

predicate by preceding them with an escape character. The escape clause for

{escape ‘escape-character’} Exa {esc Exa Item aac aa_1 45 74

SQL without escape character code item_m h esc characte de m_m r ode l ‘aa\_%’ he d lt LIKE ).

the escape clause syntax: {escape '\'}.

he S Editor su s not use the {} syntax.

xam de m_m r ode l ‘aa\_%’ itor mple de m_m r

ode l ‘aa\_%’ escape ‘\’

re C

stored procedures as a collection of

pi L erver.

• An application can call a procedure in place of an SQL statement.

B_SQL rts manent stored procedures.

select rom

f aster

where code like ‘aa_%’

Returns aab aac aad aazz aa_123 aa_245 SQL wit ape r select co

from ite aste

where c ike Returns aa_123 aa_245 Notes • T

• The escape character can be specified using efau escape character is '\' (backslash

• T QL pports the feature, but doe

ODBC E ple

select co

from ite aste

where c ike {escape ‘\’}

SQL Ed Exa select co from ite where c aste ike Procedu alls

• The KB_SQL Server API supports the use of precom led SQ statements residing on the s



The KB_SQL Outer Join syntax is proprietary to KBS. For generic applications, use of

this ould pro lication. To avoid this limitation,

generic applications use the ODBC escape clause to encapsulate the outer join syntax,

allowing the specific driv necessary. This is

exactly what KB_SQL does.

ses e seque ns. The syntax of this escape sequence is as


uter- is: eren EFT | R ch-co ion

t any terms in {br erms would appear in a

or e ple, an o aracterized as one of LEFT, RIGHT, or

o that the outer-jo cification.

h the ing of o not

sup this cap

onn tion O

BC i ace allow which a client application can

connection to a ice of option is sometimes

left tion such Office products. Other situations give

the developer the choice of connection strategy. These strategies are basically trading off l co rations,

ontr er appe e bu g a custo d to custome ng S riverCo

het r not yo e to define the parameters

f the nection.

e bu g a custo ou might want total control over the

on p eters. Y ing the creation of the data

ou c lso cont ion parameter value information

plica code an re-defined data source. See File Data -less Co

ter Joins

syntax w com mise the portability of the app

er to translate into a native syntax where ODBC u scape nces for outer joi


{oj oute n}

where o join

table-ref ce {L IGHT | FULL} OUTER JOIN {table-reference | outer-join} ON sear ndit

Note tha aces} indicate that only one of the t phrase. F xam uter join would be ch


Note als in term can be included as part of the outer-join spe _SQL does Althoug nest uter joins might be a desired feature, KB

currently port ability as of 10/18/2001.

B - C



Connection options

The OD nterf s some flexibility in the ways in server-based data source. The cho achieve a

to the applica as the case of Microsoft of severa nside including:

• C ol ov arance of dialogs in your application.

If you ar ildin m application, you will want to control the dialogs that are presente

NOT usi

your QLD

rs. At a minimum, his translates to using SQLConnect and nnect.

• W her o u require a pre-configured data sourc

o con

If you ar ildin m application, y

connecti aram ou can accomplish this by controll source. Y an a rol this by putting the connect in the ap tion d connecting without a p Sources and DSN nnections.

• When g a com n, your options are limited to the choices ade he devel

es this means tha te a certain type of connection and

onne n strateg hen evaluating a new ODBC-enabled

ion, i aluable options that are supported.


nnec he simpl quires a data source name and

an op al user ID ell for applications that hard-code a

rce n and do n ord. It also works well for

ions t ant to c l,” or that have no user interface.

plications can bui SQLDataSources; prompt the

data ce, user n call SQLConnect.

Con function a driver and a data source. The

on h e referen out the connection to the data

nclu status, t ation.

es th lowing: val nnection val B_SQL val B_SQL ting a C pr ect t ta sourc LCo t(hdbc, le AR Sales", S ourceName AR DBA", S ername

AR SHARK is the password

tion a M pr C^S S("M" he D ourceN is the rname K is passwo is the nection

usin mercial applicatio

m by t opers.

Sometim t you are forced to crea e. W certain c ctio ies are not availabl applicat


t is v


to review the connection

SQLCo t is t est connection function. It re

accepts tion and password. It works w data sou ame ot require a user ID or passw applicat hat w ontrol their own “look and fee

using Such ap ld a list of data sources user for


sour nect

ID, and password; and the establishes connections to ces storage of all informati

connecti andl on ab

ransaction state, and error inform source, i ding

It requir e fol

• A id co handle (hdbc).

• A id K username.

• A id K password.

Connec from ogram.

/* Conn rc = SQ

o da nnec

e */

// hdbc is the connection hand QL_NTS, // Sales is the DataS (SQLCH *) "

(SQLCH *) " QL_NTS, // DBA is the us

(SQLCH *) " ", SQL_NTS); // SHARK

Connec from ogram.

S rc=$$ QLO , "DBA", "SHARK", hdbc)

// M is t ataS ame

// DBA use

// SHAR the rd


• To le applicat mation.

o re t that the user for connection information.

• To connect without specifying a data source.

n alternative to SQLConnect. It supports data sources that information than the three arguments in SQLConnect, dialog

information, and data sources that are not ystem information.

provides the following connection attributes:

string that contains the data source

he tion to a data source that is not defined in the system

rmation. If the application supplies a partial connection the driver can prompt the user for connection information. See DSN-Less Connections.

ce using a connection string constructed from See File Data Sources.

DriverConnect returns the leted connection r subsequent connection requests. For more documentation.

ct function is not available in the M-based interface. For

s, use the SQLConnect function.

without DSN, or a file DSN, to connect to ction properties supp

er t

#include <sqlext.h>

t the ion use driver-specific connection infor

• T ques driver prompt the

SQLDriverConnect is a

require more connection

boxes to prompt the user for all connection defined in the s


• Establish a connection using a connection

name, one or more user IDs, one or more passwords, and other information required by the data source.

• Establish a connection using a partial connection string or no additional information; in this case, the Driver Manager and the driver can each prompt t user for connection information.

• Establish a connec

info string,

• Establish a connection to a data sour the information in a .dsn file.

After a connection is established, SQL comp

string. The application can use this string fo information, see the Microsoft ODBC Note that the SQLDriverConne connections from M program

DSN-less Connections

If you are using ODBC 3.0 and a connection

your server, you can set the additional conne orted by the driver.

Connection Parameters

UID=UserName PWD=PassWord

Driver=KB_SQL ODBC 32-bit Driv Host=ServerAddress TCP_PORT=ServerListeningPor Connection Example // DsnLessConnect.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> int main() { 78


SQLCHAR szConnStrOut[256];

SQLCHAR szConnStrIn[] = "DRIVER=

K;TCP_PORT=6500;HOST=;"; StrOut, cbConnStrOutLen n = SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE_REQUIRED; ConnStrOutLen, sg[128]; = 128, pcbErrorMsg; rrorMsg); KB_SQL ODBC 32-bit Driver;UID=DBA;PWD=SHAR

SQLSMALLINT cbConnStrIn, cbConn SQLHWND hWnd = NULL; ; SQLSMALLINT fDriverCompletio cbConnStrIn = cbConnStrOut = 256; rc = SQLAllocEnv(&hEnv); rc = SQLAllocConnect(hEnv, &hDbc); rc = SQLDriverConnect( hDbc, hWnd, szConnStrIn, SQL_NTS,

szConnStrOut, cbConnStrOut, &cb fDriverCompletion);

if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {

SQLCHAR szSQLState[10], szErrorM SQLSMALLINT cbErrorMsgMax SQLINTEGER pfNativeError; rc = SQLError(NULL, hDbc, NULL, szSQLState, &pfNativeError,

szErrorMsg, cbErrorMsgMax, &pcbE } rc = SQLDisconnect(hDbc); rc = SQLFreeConnect(hDbc); rc = SQLFreeEnv(hEnv); return 0; }

C - Error Messages


[module_name][version_number]API_function; error_message


tandard naming sch r errors cess Group (SAG). eturned native

ppropriate SQLSTATE code. If the oes not have a correspondi

the KB_SQL ODBC Driver returns SQLSTA ss violation).



the SQL Ac eme fo r developed by error code is The mapped to the a

native error code d ng SQLSTATE code,

TE 37000 (Syntax error or acce

_error_code The native error code number will be included for any error

rated by the KB_SQL Server API. It corr _SQL specific error message.

of the provider of the

the error. In the example below, it is KBS, the provider of the Server icrosoft, if the module he ODBC Driver is is the module responsible for the error. I

is the KB_SQL Server API. Errors can also be tagged with KB_SQL Driver for errors generated by the driver.

Version_number This is the version number of the module that reported the error. In

below, it is version 3.6

API_function This is the name of the API function that was last invoked. This ill prefix the first error generated for a par

function call.

he native error text that corresponds to the native error code. In the example below, the test corresponds to the error code for

ased Systems, Inc.][Server API][V3.6] SQLConnect: User

Note: For a complete list of all the possible errors and their descriptions, see one of the



owing values for SQLCODE. See also, the


Function completed Function failed. _HANDLE Network failure.

WITH_INFO Function completed successf nonfatal error.

The application needs to send parameter

gene esponds to a KB

Vendor_name This is the vendor name module that reported

API. It could also be M Manager.

was t

Module_name Th n the example below, it

ODBC the example

name w ticular API

Error_message This is t #530.


28000 (530): [Knowledge B name / password failure

following queries: SQL_API_SQLS .

Error processing typically handles the foll SQLError function.


0 SQL_SUCCESS successfully.



1. SQL_SUCCESS_ ully with a


data values.

100 SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND No data found (or End-of-Data)

odes that can be generated with diagnostic or function.


overflow. 22012 -1 Division by zero.

String data, length mismatch. y constraint violation.

te. nsaction state.

ent name.

Triggered data change violation. ification.


syntax error or access violation. ollback.

40001 -1 Serialization failure. n.



The following table shows the SQLSTATE c o, the SQLErr messages from KB_SQL. See als


21000 -1 Cardinality violation. 22000 -1 Data exception.

22001 -1 String data right truncation. 22003 -1 Numeric value out of range. 22005 -1 Error in assignment.

22008 -1 Datetime field 22026 -1

23000 -1 Integrit

24000 -1 Invalid cursor sta 25000 -1 Invalid tra

26000 -1 Invalid statem 27000 -1

28000 -1 Invalid authorization spec 33000 -1 Invalid SQLDA name.

Invalid cursor name. 34000 -1

35000 -1 Invalid condition num

37000 -1 Dynamic SQL

40000 -1 R

42000 -1 Syntax error or access violation. 44000 -1 Check option violatio

70100 -1 Operation aborted.

00000 0 Success.

01000 1. Success with infor 01002 1. Disconnect error.


1. S02 1. Option value changed. leted.

or deleted. ta found


of parameters.

type attribute violation.

ect to data source. n in use.

t open.

cted establishment of connection. during transaction.

k failure. not supported.

21S01 -1 Insert value list does not match column list. rived table does not match 2. A000 -1 Direct SQL syntax or access error. 2B000 -1 Dependent privileges exist.

e. n termination.

e. hema name.

Remote Database Access condition. IM001 -1 Driver does not support this function.

urce name not found and no defa IM003 -1 Driver specified by data source name co

ed. iver's SQLAllocConnect failed.

ver's SQLSetConnectOption failed. ata source specified; dialog prohibi IM009 -1 Unable to load translation DLL.

ng. 1. S03 1. No rows updated or de 1. S04 1. More than one row updated

02000 100 No da 07000 -1 Dynamic SQL err 07001 -1 Wrong number 07006 -1 Restricted data 08000 -1 Connection error. 08001 -1 Unable to conn 08002 -1 Connectio 08003 -1 Connection no 08004 -1 Data source reje 08007 -1 Connection failure 08S01 -1 Communication lin

0A000 -1 Feature

21S02 -1 Degree of de column list.

2C000 -1 Invalid character set nam 2D000 -1 Invalid transactio

3. C000 -1 Duplicate cursor name. 3D000 -1 Invalid catalog nam 3F000 -1 Invalid sc

HZ000 -1

IM002 -1 Data so ult driver specified.

uld not be loaded. IM004 -1 Driver's SQLAllocEnv fail

IM005 -1 Dr

IM006 -1 Dri

IM007 -1 No d

IM008 -1 Dialog failed.


IM010 -1 Data source name too lo ong. IM011 -1 Driver name too l

yword syntax error.

IM012 -1 DRIVER ke

IM013 -1 Trace file error.

S0001 -1 Base table or view already exists. le not found.

dex already exists. d.

ult for column.

failure. lid column number.

ram type out of range. ata type out of range. S1008 -1 Operation canceled.

S1009 -1 Invalid argument value. S1010 -1 Function sequence error.

id at this time.

S1012 -1 Invalid transaction operation code specified. sor name available.

ffer length. S1091 -1 Descriptor type out of range.

ion type out of range. S1093 -1 Invalid parameter number.


e out of range. range. S1097 -1 Column type out of range.

queness option type out of range. S1101 -1 Accuracy option type out of range. S1102 -1 Table type out of range.

cision value.

S0002 -1 Base tab

S0011 -1 In

S0012 -1 Index not foun

S0021 -1 Column already exists. not found. S0022 -1 Column S0023 -1 No defa S1000 -1 General error. S1001 -1 Memory allocation S1002 -1 Inva S1003 -1 Prog S1004 -1 SQL d S1011 -1 Operation inval S1015 -1 No cur S1090 -1 Invalid string or bu S1092 -1 Opt S1094 -1 Invalid scale S1095 -1 Function typ

S1096 -1 Information type out of S1098 -1 Scope type out of range. S1099 -1 Nullable type out of range.

S1100 -1 Uni

S1103 -1 Direction option out of range. S1104 -1 Invalid pre


S1DE0 -1 No data at execution values pending.


ion types used by ODBC along with the responses items marked with an asterisk

defined names or values that could be different in your installation reproduced using the GetInfoAll option of the ODBC Test utility Microsoft ODBC SDK. InfoType SQL_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES=20 SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES=19 IONS=0 SQL_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENTS=116 SQL_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS=1 SQL_ALTER_TABLE=86 DD_COLUM S1T00 -1 Timeout expired

D - Info Types

SQLGetInfo Return Values

The following table lists the informat

from the KB_SQL Server. Note that (*) are based on site- . This list can be that comes with the


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