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In document Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017 (Page 81-90)

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-

1. Introduction

The end of the last century and the beginning of this century were marked in our country by extraordinary expansion of terminological activity and emergence of new one in theoretical and practical field. Presently rapid development of science and technology grants sufficient role to terminological dictionaries, their number quickly increases and considerably exceeds number of other types of dictionaries (Grinev-Grinevich, 2009).

In the lexicographic (terminographic) theory the doctrine about types of dictionaries, vocabulary structure and structure of dictionary entries is central. As terminological dictionaries cross in many aspects, the facet principle of their division was accepted subsequently. The similar typology is very convenient for sorting out the kinds of dictionaries on their parallel characteristics. It (as well as any other typology) assumes allocation of the key lexicographic parameters for dictionaries classification. In the Russian terminography such parameters asterminologistss specify, are in tens.

As for Sakha language, our terminological dictionaries and their variety in comparison with the Russian dictionaries are much more limited in the quantitative and qualitative relation. Glossaries of our dictionaries are drawn up in alphabetical order, their general character being bilingual - Russian-Yakut (exceptions are single). The specified characteristics are common to almost all terminological dictionaries. In this regard we exclude them from structure of differential parametrical characteristics for typology. Thus, the fundamentals of facet typology for Sakha language terminological lexicon dictionaries are formed by the following parallel characteristics: a) the choice of special lexicon layer (diversified, diversified with thematic breakdowns, complex and kinds of one-industry dictionaries); b) definition methods of a vocable header (translation, translated and inventory, translated and interpretative), i.e. translated and sensible (definition-type).

2. Literary review

Annually the special lexicon published dictionaries number increases, the fields of their practical and theoretical application extend. Comes to light that science language - a concept wider, than the literary language. It is counted that on average each 25 years the number of scientific disciplines doubles. Each new discipline needs its own terminology. Theorists-researchers proved emergence of the new direction

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017

Page 82

under the name "terminography". It stood apart from lexicography and was issued as independent scientific discipline.

The academician L. V. Shcherba in the middle of the twentieth century for the first time developed typology of dictionaries. This typology belongs to the general lexicography and is based on theoretical oppositions of the dictionaries existing by then (Shcherba, 1974). The typology of the general lexicography dictionaries is constructed on the hierarchical principle according to which the type of the dictionary is determined by one prepotent characteristic. Strictly hierarchical classification based on only fundamental characteristic cannot disclose composite variety of terminological dictionaries completely. 3. Technique

The descriptive method was applied to complex consideration of the Yakut lexicography in work, as well as elements of the analysis and synthesis were used. Descriptive and historical methods were applied by us when collecting and cataloguing, as well as at systematization of language material. By means of a descriptive method language units and if it is specific, dictionaries were divided into types. Historical approach in a research of types of Sakha language lexicographic works allowed showing communication of the given phenomenon with history of development of the literary language, as well as branches of the different direction sciences. Besides, the historical method allowed defining correlation of some phenomena of lexicographic science of the Yakut linguistics to the specific period of life of the Yakut native speakers. When using a method of the analysis tendencies in development of the Yakut lexicography and terminography are revealed. Results of work can promote development of a descriptive lexicography and terminology. Separate conclusions can be used in a research of a lexicology, Yakut lexicography. The practical importance of this research is that results of work can be used in creating the general and private dictionaries, materials of article can be applied in research works on Sakha language history.

4. Results

4.1 Diversified terminological dictionaries

The Yakut diversified dictionaries are divided, in turn, into dictionaries without field labels, specifying fields of knowledge and dictionaries where dictionary entries are supplied with a special field labels. The third group is made by explanatory (definition) dictionaries.

The diversified dictionaries having no special field labels. This group make "The Russian-Yakut term-spelling dictionary" by P. A. Oyunsky (M., 1935) and the "Terminological dictionary" by A. A. Ivanov-Kyunde (prepared for printing by 1934, but published only in 2000). Both of them are diversified bilingual Russian-Yakut translated type of terminological dictionaries (with rare sensible impregnations in Kyunde’s). On the width of coverage of the word terms "Dictionaries" far outgo school programs. In them along with educational terms social and political, philosophical terms up to place names and names of outstanding cultural figures and politics are fixed in a mass order. So-called "nonterminological" parts of speech (verbs, adverbs, adjectives) quite often occur at Kyunde’s. P. A. Oyunsky's "dictionary" contains 1300 header units, and Kyunde’s - over 4000 thousand word terms. The right and left parts of "Dictionaries" have no great terminological differences.

At once we will note that when Oyunsky's and Kyunde’s "Dictionaries" were formed, a terminology did not exist as the independent scientific discipline (Buyanova, 2013). Besides the Yakut literary language was at an initial stage of formation. P. A. Oyunsky and A. A. Ivanov-Kyunde as theorists and practitioners, well understood that terminology is a sphere of intelligently organized activity of people, its formation – is a business conscious, but not spontaneous. The multiple-valued word, getting to various branches of knowledge, passes through a peculiar semantic purgatory of the same sciences systems (Oyunsky, 1993). It means that the word "step", keeping the common meaning, at the same time begins to designate the corresponding concepts of the specific fields of musical art, equipment, diplomatic policy and spiritual human life. An impression is made that Platon Alekseevich back then understood that terminology is a functional kind of public language.

They, as theorists and large experts on the native language, in practice showed models of creating word terms by lexico-semantic reconsideration of common words, means of an affixal term-forming and ways

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017

Page 83

of syntactic phrases. In essence, they laid the foundation of Sakha language terminological lexicon formation. Sadly, P. A. Oyunsky was repressed in 1938, and "Dictionary" of Kyunde was issued only in 2000.

Diversified dictionaries with knowledge branch division. In pre-war time under the direction of the Yakut institute of language and culture the short "Russian-Yakut dictionary of educational terms" with purpose – to serve as the manual for schools of the republic was made and published in 1942. It comprises five branches of knowledge: geography, natural sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry. The famous experts in the branches of knowledge were originators. "Dictionary" belongs to diversified translated type, in it 1135 word terms and terminological phrases are registered. From them about 50% - the Russian loans, the others represent original and hybrid educations. It is published by five-thousandth circulation and as the only terminological grant served till 90th years of last century.

As a sample of the diversified terminological dictionary with knowledge branch division we present "The short Russian-Yakut explanatory dictionary of scientific and technical terms" in two books (Yakutsk, 1994). Issue of this dictionary marked itself a turning point in inventory and interpretation of scientific and technical Sakha language terminological lexicon. For the first time in the Yakut lexicography were selected and supplied with transfers’ interpretation of 3084 scientific and technical word terms and terminological phrases.

The diversified dictionary with a special field labels. "The short terminological dictionary of Yakut" concerns to this group of diversified dictionaries (Yakutsk, 1955). The dictionary contains over 4000 word terms and terminological phrases covering on a field labels of the author, the following fields of knowledge and activity: aircraft, agronomics, biology, botany, administrative terms, anatomy, architecture, astronomy, accounting term, household term, veterinary science, military science, geography, geology, geometry, grammar, natural sciences, railway business, zoology, art, history, office terms, forestry, literature, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy, sea term, music, official term, pedagogics, policy, post term, production, psychology, radio engineering, sports term, equipment, trade, educational term, physics, physiology, philosophy, financial term, photo, chemistry, economic term, electrical equipment, esthetics, legal term. In this dictionary most boldly and visually influence of Russian on development of Sakha language terminological lexicon was reflected.

In the dictionaries made in the 60th according to the prof. P. A. Sleptsov, "more and more amplifying influence of Russian on development of terminological lexicon to a certain extent was reflected: terms of the latest period are exclusively borrowed from Russian, and a part of original terms is also replaced by Russians" (Sleptsov, 1990).

4.2 Complex dictionaries

Dictionaries where terminology of allied industries of knowledge is integrated belong to complex.

The complex dictionary in two parts. In 1993 the "Russian-Yakut dictionary of biological terms" created by group of authors from highly qualified specialists under edition of professor G. S. Ugarov was published. "Dictionary" consists of two parts. In the first part under the general name "Biology" adjacent areas are integrated in certain heads: anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the person, botanist. The second part consists of nomenclature names of animals, plants of Yakutia and the mammals and birds brought in the Red List of Yakutia. In the second part along with the Russian-Yakut nomenclature also Latin names are given. The first part of the book intended for practical application at lessons of pupils and students is of interest to us.

"Dictionary" belongs to translated inventory type of terminological dictionaries. In it 1526 widely used terms and terminological phrases are recorded. For dictionaries of this kind the main thing is the translation (adequate transfer) of the header term. Without setting the purposes of detailed analysis, we will note only some receptions used by authors. First of all, reception of the alternative translation like бадараан, дьэбэрэ 'swamps', күүрүү, кѳбүтүү, кѳҕүтүү 'excitement', ѳлүү, эстии, сүтүү 'death', бараныы, быстыы, быстарыы 'exhaustion', тѳрѳѳһүн, оҕолонуу, олоруу 'childbirth', бэлиэ, сибики, чинчи 'symptom' attract attention. We see good knowledge in mass application of a method of the alternative translation by authors of the native language.

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017

Page 84

It is common to modern translated dictionaries inventory function. Inventory of terms is a selection and the description of all word terms, the terminological phrases belonging to the chosen subject domain of knowledge. We have no such translated and inventory dictionary which would capture all terms of the chosen branch of knowledge.

The complex dictionary with sections. Under the scientific guide of the doctor of psychological sciences A. P. Okoneshnikova the publication of the second edition of "The conceptual and terminological Russian-Yakut dictionary on psychology" took place (Yakutsk, 2006). "Dictionary" contains 13 sections, since the general psychology, finishing with mathematical, professional orientation, social psychology, in total about 1200 terms and terminological phrases. All psychological terms, including very abstract, are translated into the Sakha language. Originators widely used intra-word and space term-forming means of Sakha language. For example: from the basic term ѳй 'mind' the following author's creations are formed:

ѳйүбэт 'intelligence', ѳйүкү 'subconscious', ѳйүлэх 'thinking', ѳйүңү 'unconscious', ѳйдѳѳһүн 'understanding', ѳй-санаа 'consciousness', ѳй-ууһа 'imagination', etc. In the form of word terms obsolete words or words quite often meet the darkened semantics like барымта 'subject', долоҕой 'memory', сүрэх 'soul', уйулҕа 'mentality', ньиргэ 'society', ѳһүлүк 'depression', etc.

Many tracing-papers of authors are perceived as neologisms, some of them - occasional educations. Nevertheless most of them found how write in "Introduction", the use at experts (Okoneshnikova, 2006). That this "Dictionary" showed itself functional expansion of Sakha language in such especially intellectual area as psychology there are no doubts.

4.3. One-industry terminological dictionaries

Thanks to democratic transformations, the first one-industry Sakha language terminological dictionaries in the nineties appeared. It was promoted acceptance in the republic of such acts as "The declaration on the state sovereignty of RS (Ya)" (1990), "The concept of updating and development of national schools" (1991), "the Constitution of the Republic of Sakha" (1992), "The law on languages" (1992). According to these acts Sakha on an equal basis with Russian the status of a state language is provided to language. On the composite structure such dictionaries are subdivided into two types: alphabetic and translated and alphabetic and interpretative (alphabetic and translated and interpretative).

Translated and inventory terminological dictionaries. A basis of this type of terminological dictionaries make, first, the fullest vocabulary coverage of the chosen branch of knowledge or its fragment, secondly, in the right part of header terms only the translation or its possible equivalent is given.

"The short Russian-Yakut dictionary of economic terms" (Yakutsk, 1998), created by PhD in Philosophy V. I. Byganova, meets all standards of translated and inventory dictionaries, however on volume limited - about 2000 word terms. "The dictionary Russian-Latin-Yakut names of plants of Yakutia" A. M. Petrova, published in 2002, contains 1560 nomenclature names of plants of Yakutia. As for "The Russian-Yakut legal dictionary" (Yakutsk, 2000), its terminological execution causes a set of complaints. As Akimova A. S. notes. "... in "dictionary" it is possible to meet many excess variants of translation. The existing tendency of inclusion in the dictionary of the excess options reflecting the multidimensional use of foreign-language terms causes considerable difficulties in practical use of terms in office-work" (Akimova, 2013).

In sight of our short review there is "Russian-Sakha social and political dictionary" (Yakutsk, 1998). The concept "social and political" covers such humanities as policy, philology, history, social science, sociology, jurisprudence, economy, pedagogics, etc. It contains 3908 word terms and terminological phrases. At once we will note as a shortcoming the small number of the terms phrases consisting of two, three and more word terms fixed in "Dictionary" is insignificant.

The way of phonetic transfer of the borrowed terms is not subject to doubt. We give several examples: аатам 'atom', кэнгириэс ‘congress’, хантыраак 'contract', мэссэнээт`patron`, парылааман 'parliament', etc.

Additional explanations sometimes are required for the similar entering terms. 1. Some part of them is followed by the simplified definitions like бэрдиик 'verdict' (cуукка сэтээтэллэр быһаарыылара), буотум 'vote' (парылаамаҥҥа куолаһынан ылыныллыбыт быһаарыы). 2. Sometimes the simple

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017

Page 85

specifying field labels like баллатырыапка 'vote' (быыбарга), a датаассыйа 'grant' (көмөлтө үп), дибидиэн 'dividend' etc.

The terms which mainly appeared in the nineties, type буруокар - the broker 'broker', дэбэлбээссийэ - devaluation 'devaluation', хоруупсуйа - corruption 'corruption etc. underwent alternative transfer. The borrowed term ending with -ость, is consistently translated by an accessory form like былыргыта 'antiquity', тутулуктааҕа 'dependence', суолталааҕа 'importance'. Substantive adjectives and participles can be quite used as word terms like килбиэннээх 'valorous', толоруулаах 'executive', төлөбүрдээх 'paid'.

Translation-and-interpretative terminological dictionaries. Dictionaries which header vocables are supplied with definitions (short interpretation) belong to interpretative type. The Yakut terminography has the following interpretative dictionaries: 1) "The Russian-Yakut poetic dictionary" (Yakutsk, 1976); 2) "Dictionary of linguistic terminology of Yakut" (Yakutsk, 1977), "Dictionary of geographical terms" (Yakutsk, 1993), "The explanatory dictionary of physical terms" (Yakutsk, 1997), "The Russian-Yakut explanatory dictionary of mathematical terms" (Yakutsk, 1998), "Dictionary of astronomical terms" (Yakutsk, 1998), "The explanatory dictionary of chemical terms" (Yakutsk, 2000).

The called dictionaries contain big terminological material in volume of mass general education, professional averages and partially the higher schools. They are in turn subdivided into bilingual - Russian-Yakut and monolingual - Yakut.

4.4. Interpretative terminological dictionaries

Bilingual interpretative terminological dictionaries. Work on their creation happened on a wave of the first democratic transformations in the 90th years of last century in a short time at total absence of the previous experience. Before had the only "Dictionary of educational terms" (Yakutsk, 1942) a pocket format. Glossaries were formed generally on the Russian sources: to dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, etc. From here vocabulary of dictionaries turned out hard for assimilation by pupils because of bulky (big) phrases and highly specialized terms (Gotovtseva et al., 2016).

The word becomes terms if it is exposed to definition. The terminographic word meaning is established by means of scientific definition - a definition. The academician V. V. Vinogradov as the main characteristic of terms allocated their definition-type function: "It is well-known that first of all the word executes nominative and definition-type function, i.e. is means of accurate designation, and then it - a simple characteristic, or means of logical definition, then it - the scientific term" (Vinogradov, 1986). As always happens in scientific literature, in it there are many definitions of a definition. The dominating theory the definition given to the prof. V. P. Danilenko is considered now: "The definition - it is the exact, logical definition establishing essential characteristics of the concept called by this term" (Danilenko, 1971). The definition consists of one offer reflecting essential or distinctive characteristics of the term. "The dictionary of geographical terms" differs in more or less successful definition. Further we give examples from experience of application of a definition in this "Dictionary". Each term has a volume of concepts comprising set of objects and phenomena of this or that branch of knowledge. At systematization on fields of knowledge terms enter the hierarchical relations with each other. Main types of hierarchical communications between concepts are the rodovidovy relations. The patrimonial relations exist between (patrimonial) concept, wide on volume, and narrower concepts entering it. Originators caught this feature and managed to put it into practice like чагда 'pine forest' кумахтаах почваҕа үүнэр

үксэ эбэтэр барыта бэс мастаах тыа 'the pine wood growing on well sandy soils'; тибии 'blizzard' сир

үрдүнэн хаары көтүтэн сыҕарытар күүстээх тыал 'strong wind carrying snow'; сис хайа 'ridge' уһун синньигэс субурҕанан сытар биир эбэтэр кэккэ хайалар 'a mountain chain, a number of the mountains extending in a certain direction'.

Monolingual one-industry terminological dictionaries. Monolingual terminological dictionaries we call dictionaries where the main components of the dictionary entry are given in one language, in this case - in Sakha language. Among them " Саха тылын үөрэҕин тиэрминнэрэ " 'Linguistic terminology of Yakut' (Yakutsk, 1977), " Физика терминнэрин быһаарыылаах тылдьыта " 'The dictionary of physical

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017

Page 86

terms' (Yakutsk, 1987), " Астрономия терминнэрин тылдьыта " 'The dictionary of astronimichesky

In document Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017 (Page 81-90)

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