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platfora-node config

In document Platfora Installation Guide (Page 111-115)

Changes the configured host name and/or server administration port for a Platfora worker node.


platfora-node config --id number [--host hostname] [--port admin_port] | [-h]


The platfora-node config changes the configured management port and/or host name of an existing Platfora worker node.

Required Arguments

--id number

This node ID number in the Platfora catalog database. Usually the master node is 0, the first worker node added is 1, the second worker node added is 2, and so on. You can run platfora-services status to see the IDs of all nodes in the Platfora cluster.

Optional Arguments

-h | --help

Shows the command-line syntax help and then exits. --host hostname

The updated host name or IP address of the worker node. -p | --port admin_port

The updated server administration port.


Update the port of the worker node ID number 2:

$ platfora-node config --id 2 --port 8004


Starts, stops, restarts, or checks the status of Platfora server processes. Can also be used to syncronize Platfora software and configuration files in multi-node installations. Requires one of the following sub- commands: start, stop, restart, status, or sync.


platfora-services [-h] [-q] [-v] [-V] start | stop | restart | status | sync [sub-command options]


The platfora-services utility is used to manage Platfora server processes. It must be run with one of the following sub-commands:

start - Starts the Platfora server processes. In multi-node installations, starts the master server first and then the worker servers in sequential order.

stop - Stops the Platfora server processes. In multi-node installations, sequentially stops the worker servers first and then the master server.

restart - Issues a stop immediately followed by a start. • status - Shows the status of the Platfora server processes.

sync - Copies the Platfora software binaries and global configuration settings from the master to the worker nodes.

The following sub-commands are issued internally by the platfora-services utility. DO NOT USE without explicit directions from Platfora customer support.

watchdog - Starts the watch dog daemon for the Platfora server process. • launch - Includes the specified Java class in the Platfora environment.

Finally, this utility ensures the clock on the master node is not skewed. The tolerance is 60 seconds. If this master node is not within the acceptable tolerance, the utility logs an error and, depending on the context, the node process is not started/added/enabled.

Required Arguments

Requires one of the following sub-commands: start, stop, restart, status, or sync. Optional Arguments

-h | --help

Shows the command-line syntax help and then exits. -q | --quiet

Runs in quiet mode. Do not send output messages to STDOUT. -v, -vv, -vvv | --verbose

Runs in verbose mode. Show all output messages. -V | --version

Shows the software version information and then exits.

platfora-services start

Starts the Platfora server processes. In multi-node installations, starts the master server first and then the worker servers in sequential order.


platfora-services start [-h] [-d [DEBUG]] [--hadoop_conf path] [-- platfora_conf path] [--logdir path] [--profile] [-n node_id] [- p management_port] [-w web_port] [--datadir path] [-P pid_path] [-

s jvm_size] [--no_watchdog] [--nowait] [--heapdump] [--gc] [--gclogging] [-jvmopts options]


The platfora-services start command starts the Platfora server processes. If you do not specify any arguments, the command uses the configuration information specified during setup. This configuration is stored the Platfora metadata catalog. To view your current configuration, see your Global Settings in Platfora or the platfora.properties configuration file located in the $PLATFORA_CONF_DIR.

Required Arguments

No required arguments.

Optional Arguments

-h | --help

Shows the command-line syntax help and then exits. -d | --debug

Starts the Platfora server with the Java debugger listener enabled. --datadir path

The path of the Platfora data directory where the catalog database, lens data, and logs reside. Defaults to $PLATFORA_DATA_DIR or what was specified during setup.

--hadoop_conf path

Local directory path where the Hadoop configuration files reside. Defaults to what is specified for the

env.platfora.hadoopconf property. --heapdump

Enables the JVM to provide a heap dump to $PLATFORA_DATA/log/platfora-heapdump.hprof when an out of memory error occurs.

--gc G1|SmallHeap

Sets the garbage collection algorithm. --gclogging

Enables JVM garbage collection logging. --jvmopts options

Adds additional JVM options to the server process. --logdir path

The directory of the Platfora server log files. Defaults to $PLATFORA_DATA_DIR/logs. -n | --nodeid node_id

Starts the Platfora server process on the given node. The master node id is usually 0. Worker node ids can be determined by running platfora-services status.


Do not start a watch dog daemon process to monitor and restart the server process if needed. --nowait

Do not wait for the server startup tasks to complete before returning the command prompt. -P | --piddir pid_path

The path of the server PID file. Defaults to $PLATFORA_DATA_DIR/platfora.pid. --platfora_conf path

The directory that contains the Platfora server configuration files. Defaults to $PLATFORA_CONF_DIR or what was specified during setup.

-p | --port management_port

The API port of the Platfora server used by the management utilities. Defaults to what is specified for the platfora.server.management.port property.


Starts server with the Java profiler listener enabled. -s | --jvmsize jvm_size

The size of the Java Virtual Memory (JVM) to allocate to the Platfora server process (M=megabytes, G=gigabytes). Defaults to what is set for the env.platfora.jvm.maxsize property.

-w | --websvc_port web_service_port

The web service port of the Platfora application server. Defaults to what is specified for the

platfora.webservice.port property.


Start the Platfora server on all nodes in the cluster (master and workers) using the default settings: $ platfora-services start

Start the Platfora server on worker node 3 only with a 8 GB JVM: $ platfora-services start -n 3 -s 8G

In document Platfora Installation Guide (Page 111-115)

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