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A Study utilizing halftone based digital proofing systems in the flexographic printing process


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A Study utilizing halftone based digital proofing

systems in the flexographic printing process

William Hanna

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William James Hanna

Athesis submittedinpartialfulfillment ofthe

requirements forthe degreeofMasterofSciencein the

SchoolofPrintingManagementand Sciencesin theCollege

ofImagingArts andSciences ofthe

Rochester InstituteofTechnology

December 1996


Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York

Certificate of Approval

Master's Thesis

This is to certify that the Master's Thesis of

William James Hanna

With a major in Printing Technology

has been approved by the Thesis Committee as satisfactory for the thesis requirement for the Master of Science degree

at the convocation of

May 1997

Thesis Committee:

Joseph L.Noga Thesis Advisor

Joseph L.Noga

Graduate Program Coordina tot


Flexographic Printing Process.

I, William James Hanna,prefer to be contactedeach time a request for repro-duction is made. I can be reached at the following address:

William James Hanna 2 Sanford Avenue

Amsterdam, New York 12010


I wish to thank thefollowing:

My friends for theiradviceand support;

Jamisen Gingerelli,JamesRecene, Timothy Conroy,JenniferKerrigan, and Stuart


My advisors for guidance;

Professor Joseph Noga,Mr. ChetDaniels (StatisticalDesign),Mr. Franz Sigg

(SystemCalibration),Professor BarryLee (Press Technology) and Professor Len


My press crewforhelp above andbeyondtheoriginal scope ofthis project;

Mr. Phil Fisher (forjust abouteverything imaginable) and Mr. Dave


Thecompanies who generously supplied the goods and services Ineeded to completethis project;

Ms. AmyCarpinellaandMr. AndyKatzat Optronics,Mr. Mike Rook and Mr. Tim Harrigonat EastmanKodakCompany, Fasson Corporation, and Mr.Jim SmithatEnvironmental Inks.

And my familyespeciallymymother,MaureenHanna,withoutwhom my edu cation would nothave beenpossible.


Chapter One

Introduction 1-5

Chapter Two

Theoretical Basis 6-33

Flexography 6-11

The FlexographicPrintingSystem 7-8

FlexographicPrintingPlates 8

FlexographicSubstrates 9

Flexographic Inks 9

LimitationsoftheFlexographic Process 9-11

Proofing 12-29

What is aProof? 12

AHistoryinProofing 12-16

TypesofDigital Proofers 16-20

AdvantagesofDigitalProofing 21-23

Limitations ofDigitalProofing 23-24

TheFutureofDigitalProofing 25

HalftoneProofingSystems 25-30

Chapter Three

A Review ofthe Literature 34-42

Flexography: PrinciplesandPractices 34-35

UnderstandingDesktopColor 35-37

ElectronicProofingTechnologiesforFlexography 37-38

OffsettoFlexo 39

Changing Paradigm 39-40

Digital ColorProofingforFlexography 40-41

Chapter Four

Hypothesis 43-46

Chapter Five

Methodology 47-55


Chapter Seven

SummaryandConclusions 68-73

Bibliography 74-75

Appendix A

Buildinga Test Page Usingthe ISOStandard Color Image Data.... 76-92 WhatIstheISO Standard ColorImage DataandWhyIs ItBeingUsed? . . 76-77

LegalIssues 77-78

Assemblingthe Page 78-81

Press CalibrationandFingerprinting 81-89

MatchingtheProofstothePress Sheet 90-92

Appendix B

Dataand Statistics 93-121

Appendix C

Photomicrographs 122-170

Appendix D


Contractproofingforprintinghas been traditionallydone bypressproofing. This is costly and wasteful,notjust intermsof equipment and laborbutalso in

termsof expendables. The advent ofoff-pressproofingwas greeted with some degree ofuncertaintybytheprinting industry. Withpress proofing, theproof

was literallya preview ofwhat wouldhappenon a press. Thepressproof,

although oftenprinted on a differentpress, generallyused thesame typeof

inks, plates andsubstrate that would characterizethefinal print. Withoffpress

proofing,printers werecomparingapples to oranges;instead ofcomparing a

presssheet toa press sheet theywerecomparing apress sheet toan approxima

tionofa presssheet. However, overtimeas printers learned toread off-press

proofs, theybecame accepted as contract proofs. The same situationhasnow

befallen digitalproofs.

Intheparticularcaseofflexography, theproofingproblem isabit different.

Off-press analog proofs were designedwithlithographyin mind,they were charac terized to simulatelithographic dotgain. In ordertomake a proofthatlooks likea flexographicpresssheet, two sets offilmsare required;one which com

pensatesfor flexographic dot gain(this is thesetfrom whichthejob wouldbe

printed) andone whichhasextradot gainbuiltinto thehighlight and quarter tones (this is the setthat theproof wouldbemade from). This extra set offilms

iswasteful and timeconsuming to generate.


canbe builtintothe proofingsystem and no extrafilm isrequired to createthe

proof.Atthe mostbasic levelthere are two typesofdigitalproofers available;

those whichsimulatehalftone dotsand those thatdo not. Whetherornotthe

dots arenecessaryis opento discussion,however, inthecase of flexographythe

dots appear tobecrucial. Forthis researchdocument itwas decided that the

halftone dots were preferred.The reasonforthis isthat at about133 lpithe

rosette patterns formedbyhalftone dotsare atthe threshold of resolutionby the humaneye. For more coursescreen rulingsthisis even more critical. Muchof

flexographyisprinted at screen rulings of133 lpior lower, so veryoftenthe dots canberesolved bytheeye. Therefore, themindset atthebeginning of the

researchwas thatifthe dotscanbe resolved onthepress sheet then the dots

shouldberesolved on theproof.

Themajorthrust ofthis researchwasto observe whether or not a halftone-based

digitalproofer can simulatetheappearance of a flexographicpress sheet. Aflex

ographictestformwas created and printed on afilm based substrate. Apress

sheetwas sentto two vendors whomanufacturehalftoneproofers. Theproofing

systems are notmentioned byname; they are insteadreferred toasDigital Proof Aand B. They thenattemptedto matchthepress sheet ascloselyas possible.

Thus, throughreverse engineering, thevendorscreated a device profilefor this

set ofprintingconditions.Uponreceipt of the proofs, theywere comparedto

the press sheet interms of optical density,hue (AE) andhalftone dot size. Later,

a visual assessmentwas executedto observehowclosely thedigitalproofs

matchedthe press sheetusinga3M Matchprint, thathad been alteredto

approximate flexography, as thereference or control proof.


press sheetin someinstances and insignificant differences inothers. In terms of

the physical structure ofthe halftonedots, the3M Matchprinthadtheclosest

matchtothe press sheetdot structure. Interms of physical dot size;digital proof

Abestmatched the50 and 75% dotsand theMatchprintmatched the5% dots

thebest. In terms of optical density; digitalproofAbestmatched thedensity of

the25% dots,digitalproofBbestmatchedthe densityofthe 5% dots and the Matchprintbestmatched the50 and 75% dot patches. Interms ofAE values

(color orhuedifference); theMatchprintmostcloselymatched the press sheet, digitalproofB wasnext, and digitalproofAwaslast.

In terms of a visualmatch, the threeproofs were found to be statisticallyequal

in theirability tovisuallymatchthepress sheet. Thevisual matchbeingthe

most powerful ofthe criteria; shows thatthemeasurabledifferencesin the

proofs did notdirectly affecttheir abilitytomatchthepress sheet.

Theresults show thateither ofthe twohalftone digital proofscould have been

used inplace ofthe 3M Matchprint. The results also questionthe needfor

halftone dots ina proof.This is primarilybecausethetwohalftone digital

proofs utilized a different RIPthantheAgfagenerated films forthe 3M

Matchprint andflexographic press sheet.Yetthevisualobservationsmadeby

thejudges couldnot, at a normalviewing distance, discernthis difference. The

conclusionisthat there isnovisual difference betweenthehalftone digital

proofs andthe3MMatchprintproofinterms of

visually matchingthe press




"The colorproof,which isusuallymadebefore theproduc

tionrunfor customerapproval, isexpected tobe a reasonable representationofthe printedjob sothecustomer candeter mine whatmodifications, ifany, areneeded before printing.

Whenapproved itbecomes theguideforpressmentouse during makereadyto derivetheOK sheetthatis used for checking theprinting duringtherun. Ifthe proofdoesnot reproduce theprinting characteristicsoftheprocess thereis the risk ofdifficultyin gettingtheprintedjob tomatch the proof, which can resultinlong, tedious, expensive corrections onthe press, plate remakes,a dissatisfiedcustomer andpossi blyjob rejection."

Michael H. Bruno, 19891

Purpose andRational for Study

Thepurpose ofthisresearchwasto determineifa digitalhalftone proofingsys

tem is able tosuccessfullypredictthehalftone dot structure,ink densityand

hue (AE) aswell asvisuallyapproximate a flexographicpress sheetprintingon

aplasticfilm substrate (polypropylene). This isa relevant subjectto study becauseup to now, there hasnotbeen aproofing systemthathas beenable to

successfullycompensateforthehighamount ofdotgain present inthehigh lightportion ofthe tonescale in the flexographic printingprocess,ina timely fashion. Digitalproofingcould save a great dealof time and materials (especial


proofingis anytypeofproofingnotdoneon apress;this includes theexposure

based analogsystems and allformsof digitalproofing.

The initial formofproofingwaspressproofing, which usedthe sameink set

and substrateas thefinal product. Press proofs areconsidered tobethebest method ofpredictingthe appearance oftheprintedjob. Pressproofing isnot withoutitsdisadvantages; it isa labor intensive processandplates need tobe made everytime a proofis made. Ina film based environment,this means films and plates need tobe made each timea proofistobemade. This is a large amount oftime andmaterialsto waste ina production setting.

Differentpresses are used toproofandto print, "astyingup aproduction press forproofingisnot economicallyadvisable."2

"All presses aredifferent, notonly

in design,butin performance."3 Even if

thedesign oftheproofpress wassimi larto the designofthe flexographicproductionpress; there arecertainvariables

suchas, anilox roller and doctor bladecompositions or ages, thatwillprevent

theexact sameresultpress to press.

Inoff-press analogproofing,a series of exposures are madeto aphotosensitive

material.There aretwocategories ofthis typeofproof; anoverlayproof and an integralorsingle sheet proof. For proofingcriticalcolor,the overlay proofing

systems arenot accurate. This is dueto agraying effectcausedby eachsucces

sive colorbeinglayed down. With integralproofs, colorlayers are laminated to


dot gain on press and one hasadditional dot gainbuiltinto it. Thefilm withthe

additionaldot gainis thenused tomake the proof; ifthedesire isto match the

proofdot sizeto thepress sheet.

The dotgain present inthe midtoneportion ofthe tonescale canbe compensat

ed for inthe exposingprocess. Michael Brunostates that the polyesterbase on

the3MMatchprint, "actsasa spacerbetween theproof and thesubstrate which produces optical dotgain of about20-24% inthemiddletones. Thisis equivalent

to the mechanical dotgainexperienced inaverage magazineprinting . .

However, the dot gaininthehighlightsofanimageprintedby flexography can

notbeaccounted forin anexposurebased analog proofingsystem,withoutthe

use ofmultiple exposuresand masks or generatingmultiple films. Themask

insures that thehighlights areexposed independentlyofthe rest ofthe image.

Exposingwithout the mask, inan attempttomatch thehighlights, willresultin distortingthe midtonegain this istrue regardlessofwhether apositiveor a

negative system is inuse.

Ifahalftone digitalproofingsystem couldaccuratelypredictthehue(AE), den

sity,dotsize,andvisuallyapproximate aflexographic press sheet, thenpress proofsor off-pressanalogproofs would notberequired-thus savingvaluable

productiontime andmaterials (platesand film).


operator whattheyneed to know. This is especially true inflexography,the

highlight areas onthe continuous tone proof mightonlybear a slight resem

blance to thehighlights onthe presssheet. This is a problembecausea contract

proof; whichis legallybinding,issupposed to bean accurate representation of

whatwill come off thepress.

Thereare severalhalftone based digital proofingsystems onthe markettoday.

Eachuses different imaging schemes andcolor control varies from systemto

system,buteachonepromises a dot for dotrepresentation of theprinted page.

Two systems werestudied; in the interestof each ofthecompanies investments

-none wereidentifiedbyeithercompanyorby product name(inthe results section). Theyinstead were referred toas Digital Proofing SystemAand B. A brief descriptionof eachis used todifferentiate betweenthe technologies that

driveeach system.Athird systemwasto be studied;butthemanufacturer dropped out oftheproject. Itwaslater determined that the 3M Matchprint

would beused as a referenceandbecame thethird (althoughnot digital)proof ing system.

This researchinvestigatedthethree systems todeterminetheirabilityto simu late the reproductionofaflexographic pressrun intermsofhalftone dotsize, density,hue (AE) and invisualappearance.Apressrun was performed ona

polypropylene substrateknown as Primax,which ismanufacturedbyFasson. The results ofthispressrunwere used asthestandard press sheetfor the digital


1 Bruno, Michael. Principles

ofColorProofing. Gama Communications, Salem. 1986. p 1.

2 Sigg, Franz. Personal interviewconducted at RITonNovember 20, 1995.


Bruno, Michael. Principles ofColorProofing. GamaCommunications, Salem. 1986. p4.



Theoretical Basis


Flexographyis a direct rotary printingmethod which uses reliefimageplates

made of a photopolymer or rubber. Unlikehard metalplates; flexo plates are

displaceable. Sincetheprocess isadirect rotaryprocess; foreveryrevolution of

the cylinder animage isproduced. CharlesWeigand said,"the plates are

affix-ableto plate cylinders ofvarious repeat lengths,inkedbya cell-structured

ink-meteringroll,with orwithout a reverse-angledoctorblade, andcarryinga fast

dryingfluid ink toplatesthatprintontovirtually anysubstrate, absorbent or


Flexographyhasthe advantage ofbeingabletoprintona varietyofsubstrates;

fromnewsprintto plasticbased filmssuch aspolyethylene. Both spot color and

process color are often used byflexographicprinters. Theprocess is often used

in the packagingportions of theprintingindustry. Infact, as Richard Neumann

pointedoutin Flexo & GravureInternational; thepercentage ofpackage print


sists of the following: 1) inkfountain, 2) ink-fountain roller, 3) doctor blade

(unless thepress contains a two-roller system),4) anilox or ink-metering roller,

5) printingplatecylinder, 6) thedesired substrate, and 7) the impressioncylin der (see fig. 1)

fig. 1 flexographicroller system

Theink-fountainroller takes inkfromthe inkfountain transferringitto the

anilox roller. Theanilox rollhas cellsengravedinto it, thesize and frequency of these cells meterthe amount ofinktransferred ontotheplate. Thedoctor blade

is used to scrape offanyexcess inkontheanilox rollerto insurethata uniform

amountofink istransferred to theprintingplate cylinder. Theamount ofink

transferredto the plateis directlyrelated to thenumberand type ofcells

engraved intothe roller. The highfrequencycell counts containmanycells,

whichare smallerin circumferenceand shallower indepthwhencomparedto courser cell counts. The highercell counts are generallyused for higherfrequen

cy halftone line screens.

Ina two-rollerflexographic system, onewithout adoctorblade,the ink-fountain

roller (2) runs slowerthanthe anilox roller (4);the excess inkisactually


a doctorbladeis used ornot; the next actionis inkbeingcarriedto theplate then to the desired substrate (6),whileusing theimpression roller(7) to support


FlexographicPrintingPlates. Exposure of platesis averycritical processin flexog

raphy (this is trueofany printing process),so theexposure processwillbe

examinedhere. Printing plates fortheflexoprocess are madeof either a rubber

or a photopolymer substance. "Rubber platesare flexible,resilient and havethe

printingimage inrelief."3These

plates are duplicates madefrom a matrix,

whichis fromanoriginal patternplate. Thebasicprocedure forproducingrub

berplates is as follows: "1) makingmaster pattern metalengravings or hard

durometerphotopolymer platesbyexposure through aphotographic negative

andprocessingby acidetching (metals) orsolvent wash (photopolymers),2)

makinga phenolic matrixmold ofthemaster patternplate,3) rubberplate

molding fromthe matrixmold."4

Aphotopolymerisa lightsensitive material, thatis usedinmany printing

processes for printingplates, filmsand proofingmaterials.Photopolymers are

available inboth liquid formand solid sheets intheneeded platethickness. The

procedure forproducingphotopolymer platesis asfollows: "1)backexposure

ofbase toUV lightto harden(cure) floorand establish reliefdepth, 2) face expo

sure ofsurface toUVlightthrough the negative toharden (cure) printing

images,3) washoutin appropriate solventtoremove unexposed polymer and

leave printingimages inrelief,4) dryto remove absorbed solventandrestore

gaugethickness, 5) postexposeto finalcure of floorandcharacter shoulders,6)


print onmany differenttypesof substrates. However,when lookingatthe two

leaders; paper and film-based stocks,it appearsthatfilmisbecomingmore pop

ular. IntheJuly 1995 issueofFlexo,CatherineHeckman cited "requests for film

facestockapplicationshaveincreased morerapidly than thosefor paper, averag

ing 15 to20 percentversuspaper growth at8to 10 percent,with thelargest

growth dominatedbythe health/beautyindustry."6

FlexographicInks. As withallprintingprocessesusing inks, flexographic inks

have three components: 1) the colorant, 2) the vehicle,and3) additives. Thecol

orantis theportion oftheink fromwhichit getsitscolor or hue. Thematerial

usedas the colorantis either a dye or apigment; themaindifferencebetween

the two beingthat dyesare soluble inthevehicle. Thevehicle is anearlycolor

less fluid thatis expectedtocarrythe colorantfromthe inkingsystemto the

substrate. Flexographic inksare fluid inksthatdry quicklybetween printingsta

tions on a multicolor press.

Limitations ofthe Flexographic Process. The biggestprobleminflexography seems

tobe the highamountofdotgainwhen compared to otherconventional print

ingprocesses. This is duetothe physicalmakeup oftheprintingplate; as stated

earlier, the flexographicplate ismade ofrubber or a photopolymer whichcanbe

easily compressed. This compressioniscaused bythepressurebetweenthe

plate cylinder andthe impression cylinder. The resultis thatthedots are


and print largerthanthefilm dots orthe dotsonthe plate when not


halftone dots are the smallestand will distortto a greaterextent than the

mid-tone and shadow areaswhenexposed toanequal amount of pressure.Aprocess

such as offsetlithographydoesnot encounterthis as DonAlldianstated, "...

conversely, the offset plate is hard or rigid and therefore doesnot experience the

same squeezingeffect."7

Thisamount ofdotgainis, ofcourse, inadditionto thenormal amounts of opti

cal andmechanical dotgainassociated withany printingprocess. According to

Gary Field, mechanicalorphysical dotgain is"the gain inthe dotarea" and

optical dotgain is "darkeningofthewhitepaper around thedotcaused bylight

scatterwithin the substrate."8The

darkeningthatMr. Fieldrefers tois in regard

to lithography. Optical dot gain will occurregardless ofsubstrate type, color or


Anotherconsiderationis imagedistortion dueto plate curvature. Allprinting

plates, regardless of construction will distorttheprint tosome extent when

curved around the platecylinder,however, flexographicplatedistortionis more

noticeable. Inorderto remedythis situationthefollowingequation couldbe


factor based on platethickness

printed repeatlength = percentelongation

The factor forplatethicknessdiffers depending onwhetherornottheplate was

separatelymounted to a stickyback or premounted.Stickyback platemountingis doneby mountingtheprintingplate onto an adhesivestickybackwhichisthen

attached to theplatecylinder. Premounting theplate or conventional plate


was mounted separately, thefactoris 3.1416 (n) times twicetheplatethickness.

Ifthe plate wastopremounted the factorwould ben timesthe platethickness. The actual distortioncompensationcould beaccomplished either

photomechan-ically or electronically (onthedesktop).

Trappingis also anissuein flexography. First,a distinctionneeds tobe made between a prepress trap and a press trap. Aprepresstrap iswhat usedto be

morecommonly knownas


and "choking". "Trapping istheover lapping of variouscolors ina design to preventtheirseparatingas a result of

registration movementduring printing."9

Apresstrap is how well alayer ofinktransfers onto a substrateor another layer

ofink. Thetrap thatisaddressedin thisresearchisthe prepresstrap. Trapping is more critical in flexothan inlithographyThis isbecause flexopresses gener

ally operate athigherspeeds. "The flexopress, therefore, needstohave addi tionalcolor-to-color tolerancesasopposed to theoffsetpress."10The


trap amount in flexo is0.031 (1/32)ofaninch.

There isalso a certain amount ofdifficultyinholding a vignettein thehigh lights. Inother wordsthe abilityto "taperthesize ofthehighlight dotsuntil

only thebase colorofthesubstrate

shows."11 Whatthis

means inthe case of a

halftone image is that,therewill bea "cut


in thehighlights. Sincethehigh

light dots are


onthe plate, theyprintlargerthanthey are supposed

to. Thetapering isnot as effective asinlithography, in flexographythehighlight dots gain to abouta 10-14% dot, thusthere isnot a taperingtransition from



What is a Proof?

Aproof, inthe graphicarts, isessentiallya prediction oftheappearance ofthe

final printed product. Thereare severalmethods ofdoingthis; oneway isusing

a printingpressto generate a proof underconditions similarto those thatwould

beused forthefinalprinted product. Anothermethodis offpress proofing,

which canbeeither analogordigital. Analogoff-press proofs are filmbased, while digitalproofs donot requirefilm. Whetheranalogor digital,bothutilize tonersor dyesto simulate theinks of a givenprintingprocess. Yetanother

method ofproofing iscalled softproofing, whichinvolves viewing aCRTcali

brated for a given set ofprintingconditions.

AHistory in Proofing:

Press Proofing. Theoldestmethod ofproofing isprintingunderconditions very

closeto those ofthe productionpressrun. Althoughtheclosest method of pre

dictingthe outcome ofthepressrun, this approach isnottime ormaterials


AnalogOff-press Proofing. The firstphotomechanical off-press proofwaspro ducedby the United StatesArmy duringWorldWarII. This wasanoverlaysys

tem called Watercote and was oftenused bymap makers tochecktheir line

work and color. The Watercote system wascreated by Direct Reproduction Corporation.As experimentswith off-press proofingsystems continued, they became more complex;halftones andprocess colorsbeganto find theirway into

color proofing.According toHarveyTHolzapple, "halftoneproof[s] in process

colors, presenting ... an exact statement oftheoriginal separation negatives

thatwill show exactlywhat [image] thereis on yourplates."12

The3MCompany introducedthe ColorKeySystemin 1960. Itutilized dyesto

approximate theprocess color inkset. The ColorKeySystem isstill used today, inorderto checkpagelayout, colorbreaks andthe densitiesof colors. It is not, however, used tocheckforcolor accuracy.

In 1971, theDuPontCompanyintroducedtheCromalinProofingSystem. Prior

tothis, most customersdemanded actualpress proofs inorder toverify final

films. The Cromalinproofing systemis a compositeor integralproofin which

colorlayers arelaminated together toform a single sheet. "Becausethe

Cromalin overcamemanyproblems associated withoverlays such as the

grayed whites andtinted highlightsthat resultfrom lightabsorption and reflec tionamongmultiplelayers of polyester film. Itwas graduallyaccepted as an


Thesefilm basedproofing systems use light(generallyUV) exposures to image

onto animage carrier of some description, onefor eachofthe process colors.

The integralproofingsystemslike theCromalin ortheMatchprint are often

used as contract proofs inplace ofa pressproof.They are quite accuratein

regardsto halftone dotsize, inkhueand density, aswell asvisually predicting

what apress sheetwill look like. Some ofthesesystems proof directlyonto the

final substrate,while others simulatethe finalsubstrate. These systems were

created tobeused withlithography. Therefore,their inherentcharacteristics

morecloselymatch alithographic press run. Thiscanposeproblems whenthey

areused for flexography.

Today, there aremanyproducts that competeintheanalog proofing circle 3M

Matchprint, Enco Pressmatch,FujiColorArt, and KodakContractProofarejust

a few. Thecompanies that manufacturetheseproofingsystemshave developed

or aredeveloping digitalproofingsystems.

Digital Proofing. The initialpurpose ofdigitalproofingwasto emulatethestruc

tureofthe halftonedot; includingadjustable line rulings,dot shapes and

rosettes. Thiswas dropped infavorof lesscostlycontinuous tone methods,after

several companies lostlargeamountsofmoneyin failed R&D.

During the 1980's,a numberof companies were working on a newtechnology

thatwouldeventually lay thefoundationfor adigitalproofingsystem. In 1987,

DuPontand Xeroxteamed up toproduce theDX (DuPont/Xerox) system. By


justifythe expense ofbringingit to themarket. "It was feltthatif thesystem were notrapidlyperfected, cheaperones [digitalproofs] wouldarrive and

undermine the marketsdesire forhalftonebased digital proofs."14

Meanwhile,the 3Mcompanyworkedon a digitalproofingtechnology and dubbed itthe Digital Matchprint which promisedto accurately reproduceboth colorandhalftone dots. Other companieshave continuedto explorethe realms

of digital proofingincluding; Kodak, Polaroidand Optronics. "These. . . sys

tems differin theirbasic technologies rangingfrom Kodak Approval'selec trophotographic engine [author'snote; theApprovalactually uses a laser] to Optronics IntelliProofsimagesettinglaser;buttheyare allextremelycapable

andhavepricetags thatreflect it $245,000andup."15

Only fairlylarge and

successfulfirms canafford a systemlike this. In 1994, 3Mdiscontinued the

Digital Matchprintproduct statingthatitwould be toocostlytoupgradethe


AsDuPontand Xerox had feared, othertechnologieshave emerged and lowered the demand for digitalhalftone dots. Two types ofdigitalproofers that arepop

ular inthe market atthis time are; inkjetand dye sublimation. Theyrangein price; frominexpensivedesktop office printers tohighpriced proofers,suitable for advertising agencies anddesign firms.


priced between$245,000 to350,000, while production grade continuoustone

inkjets sell for about$40,000 to125,000; and dyesublimation printers arepriced

between $10,000 to25,000.

Types of Digital Proofers:

Accordingto Dr. Patrick King(VPofTechnologyatPolaroid Graphics Imaging),

digitalproofers canbe dividedinto three categories; 1) digitalcolorprinter,2)

digitalpreprooferand 3) digitalcolorproofers or halftone digitalproofer.Adig

italcolor printerisbestsuited foran office environment ratherthan ingraphic

arts. Xerox, Canon, andHewlett-Packardare amongthecompanies involved in

producingcolor printers.

"The four basic technologiesat thislevel of price andqualityare

inkjet, laser (electrostatic), thermalwax transferand dye subli

mation. Thesetechnologiesenable themanufactureof low-cost

devicesin volume.

The performance capabilities andspecifications identifythese

devicesascolor printers. They cancertainlybe employed for

conceptproofing,butone shouldbe realistic andmaintainthe

lowest level ofqualityexpectations."16

Adigitalpreprooferis amore expensive version of a color printer. Whatthis

means is that the digitalpreprooferhasa higher degree of control over color

matchinganda moreadvanced color engine. Preproofersusethesame four


dyesublimation and inkjet. Two popularmodels ofpreproofersare the3M

Rainbow andthe Iris3024.

Thermal Wax. ThermalWax proofersutilize coloredribbons, eitherCMY or

CMYK,to image ontoa special substrate.According to MichaelKieran, the rib

bon is butted against a drum "which has been divided up intoa grid ofindivid

ually addressablepixels,typically 300perlinearinch. Eachpixel for a given

colorheatsup, meltingthewax into thepaper."17

Thermal Waxproofers arefairly inexpensivebutare slow inactually outputting

a proof. Thedifference betweenusingthreeor four ribbonsis mainlyoneof

speed,butthe CMYK option wouldbe desirable ifalarge amount ofblackis to

be presentin theproof.

Thermal Waxproofers use an imagingtechnique knownas errordiffusionor

dithering. Conventionalhalftone dots arenot created,thereforeattemptingto

matcha halftonescreen patternisnot possible. Theyhavethe abilitytoproof on

mostlyofficesized stocks-uptoabout 11"

x 17",but thesesubstrates are made

specifically forthe proofer.

Laser (Electrostatic). Color Electrostatic devices commonlyknown as "color

copiers",aresimilar totheirblack and whitecounterparts; theybothuse a

pho-toconductorinthe imagingprocess. "The majordifference [between color and

B&W] is thatfour tonersare used, one eachforcyan,magenta, yellow,and


Most ofthesedevices usedithering inorder tocreate theimage;however, when

certainRasterImageProcessors (RIPs) areused inconjunctionwith thedevice a simulatedhalftonepatterncanbecreated. This halftonepattern should notbe mistaken as thepatternthat willappear on thepresssheet. Most "color


can support substrate sizes up to 11" x 17".

Dye Sublimation. Adye sublimationproofis identified by rich vibrant colorsthat

arewell suited for compsorscatterproofs. Dye sublimation was the first tech nologytobeadoptedby large advertisingagenciesand designstudios. "Dye sublimationworks with a special set ofdyescarried on a page sizeribbon. Whenwarmedby theprinthead variable-intensity heatsource, the dyes turn to

gas andevaporate from the ribbon. They thendiffuse into a speciallycoated thermalactivated paper(varying inweightfroma slightlyheavierthanfax paperto actual photographicqualitypaper) and revertto a solid. Differenthues

aredeterminedbyheatintensity; withhigher temperatures. . . more dye is applied to thepage . . .sinceup to256 differenttemperature levels are available for eachcolor,it's possibleto obtainveryprecisecolorcontrol."19

Adyesublimation proofingsystemlays downa grid of pixels at a relativelylow

resolution (150to 300 dpi) butappears as acontinuous toneimage. Dyesubli mationproofingsystemsare convenient and flexible becausethey are able to read,RIP, and process directlyfrom the designer's disk. Theyare also ableto proofon manysizes ofpaperfrom

8" x


to 11" x17". Most dyesublimation


quality fromthesesystems isbetterthan thequalityof a colorcopier (laser or

electrostatic device) or a low-end inkjetproofer. "... beforeabsolute color accu

racy is critical,they [dyesub] give a good feeling for how a designis progress

ing, andtheydo socosteffectively"20

Aserious drawbackto these systemsis

thehighcost of consumablesdue to theneed for a specific type of paper.

Inkjet Proofers. Inkjetproofers "range from inexpensivedesktopunitsto those

usedin final stages ofproofingbyprinters, tradeshops,publishers and service

bureaus."21 Inkjet digital

proofers are considered themiddle ground ofthe

realm ofdigitalproofing. Animage that isproducedbya productionlevel

modelresembles a photographinits sharpness, clarityof color and subtletyof

tone.An inkjetprooferproduces variable size dotsthatare toosmalltobe seen

individually apparent resolutionishigherthanactual resolution. For example;

300 dotsper inchwould appear as 1200to 1800 dotsperinch.

"Inkjetimages arecreated withmicroscopic dropletsofink cyan, magenta, yel

low,andblack thatare sprayed fromultra finenozzles to formdotsof color on

the page."22Thesedots do notformconventionalhalftone

dots,therefore these

devices cannot predictdot behaviorsuch as dot gain. Inkjetproofers use

water-based dyesandmost substrates offilm orpapercapable ofabsorbingwater

based inks canbeused.

These proofingsystemsdonot attempt toreproducehalftone dotsor predict

moire. Detailand color is quite consistentusinginkjetsystems. Theseproofs are


repeata-bility. Althoughthe initial costforan inkjetproofing system is quitehigh, the

operational andmaintenancecosts arefairly inexpensive butrequire frequent

cleaning andcalibrationprocedures.

Adigitalcolor prooferor direct digitalcolorproofer, or morespecifically a

halftone based digitalcolorproofer, imageshalftone dots onto a substrate in

order tomatchthe dot gain ofa specifiedprintingcondition. These systems

havedifferingamounts of color control.

DigitalHalftone Proofers. Thecurrenthighend digitalproofers are thehalftone

basedsystems. Thesehalftone proofers accordingtoMac Byrd, "presentan

accurate representation of whatthepresssheet will looklike,since theyshow

actualhalftone dots printed inSWOP dye. They're also more consistent. . .

They simulatethe halftonestructureatextremelyhigh resolutions (upto2400

dpi)and fine screen rulings (up to200 lpi).They alsocontrolscreen anglesand

dot gain,show certaintypes ofmoire', andcalibrate outputtoreflectmany

types ofpaper characteristicsand printingconditions. Theycan alsobe lin

earized and calibratedfor a specific deviceprofileor "fingerprint"of aparticu

lar printingpress.

There are avariety ofdigitalhalftone proofing devices onthe market andthey

do not share acommontechnologybase. Some uselasers toimage the device

specific films or papers. Othersuse laserswithtoners toproof onvarious com

mon typesofsubstrates, and still othershavereplaced inkand tonerwith a dry


Advantages of Digital Proofing:

Analogproofing fromthe actualfilms used forplatemakingis a goodproofing

method for evaluatingthecolors ofthe images and thequalityand accuracyof

the separationfilms. However,it is very time consuming,labor-intensive and

consumescostly materials. Itisalso prone toerrorsinherentto itsnature; such

as fluctuations inthe exposure, thechemistryand development time, theregis

terofthe separationfilms, and avarietyof operator errors. Byreducingsome of

thevariables of theanalog process, digitalproofing isconsideredmore consis

tentandrepeatable fromproofto proof. Because ofitsconsistent nature,users of

digitalproofingmethods are ableto gain experienceand a more reliable under

standing oftherelationship betweenproof and press.

"Because somanyprintjobs nowremainfilmless until platemaking . . . digital

proofing seemsan obvious and evennecessary componentoftoday'soverall

creative/productive process.This is especiallytrue when ajob involves several

rounds ofproofing."24

With full-scale computer electronicprepress systems (CEPS), a digitalproofer

can translateRGB files toCMYK, simulateSWOPstandards,incorporate custom

colorsetups, and manipulate image data toaccommodatepapercharacteristics,

ink types, and specificpressconditions. This also allows theusertocreate

proofsthat can predict avarietyofconditions apartfrom thedataused topro

ducethe separationfilms, such as differentpressconfigurations, differentpaper


Another advantage ofdigitalproofingisthetime savedin sendingjobs from

customerto printer,when thefiles are digital. Theprocess ofmaking ananalog

proofis verylengthy,considering thetime to RIP, imageset,and process the

film, then tohand registerandexposeeach separation film. It isnowfasterand

easier tofindproblemswith image quality and placement and colortrapping

withdigitalproofing. Acustomer canlookat numerous rounds ofproofs before

the finalsign-offandbeforecommittingthepagetofilm. This cangreatlyallevi

atethe bottleneckatthe RIPand imagesetter,as wellas reducethefilmcosts.

Withthe sizes available fordigitalproofers, thecustomer isabletoreview com

plete pages with typeandcolorimages in place, insteadof randomproofs of

eachimage separately. Even thesmaller sizeproofingsystems can accommodate

2to4page spreads thatcanbeevaluated as contractproofsand full-sized rough

proofsthatcanbeused tocheckimposition, general cleanlinessand colorbar

positioning. Onceagain, the abilitytocheck afull page orimpositionfor errors

willreduce the wasteoftimeand materials associated witherrorsfoundintra

ditional analogmethods.

DotsorNo Dots?

The largest issue in the debateover the qualityofanalogversus digital,is

whetherhalftone dots arenecessary ina proof. Traditionally,analogproofs have

had halftone dotssimilartothosefound onthe press sheet. Manypeople

believe thatfora digitalprooftobeusedas acontractproof; it must alsohave

halftone dots similar to thoseonthepresssheet. Others believethatif acontinu


be acceptableas a contractproof. The focusofthis research was onhalftone

based digitalproofing systems; originallytheauthor feltthattheywere superior

to the continuous tonesystems. Based on theconclusionsshown in laterchap

ters; thisbeliefhasbeen questioned.

Concerningnewer technologieslikefrequency modulated screening (FM),

matchingconventionalhalftone patternsisnolongernecessary,butmatching

the FMdots wouldbe nice. The FMscreenhas a largeramount of dot gain;but,

the analog proofingmaterials (laminates, toners, inks, etc.) weredeveloped for

the tone reproductioncharacteristics of conventional halftonescreens. The small

size oftheFM dotand the greaternumber ofdotspose problemsfor analog

proofingsystems. To make ananalogproof of aFMscreened image,2sets of

filmsare made one toproof and one toprint and relating theproofto the

printtakes considerabletime, effort and experience. With digital data, the

proofer can manipulate thestochastic screeninformationtoproof with the same

tonereproductionand dotgain characteristicsas thepress itself.

Limitations of Digital Proofing:

"Digitalproofing issomewhatofa problemforus atthemomentbecause there

is reallynoproduct onthe marketthatdoeswhat we need it todo."25 Wewant

all theattributes ofananalogproofinhalfthetime and athalfthe cost. The

problem is thata (generally non-halftonebased) digitalproofiscreated directly

fromthe electronicfile and onlyprovidesan estimate ofthe informationand the


prob-lemswiththe imagesetter, outof register films,variances indotdensities from

the imagingor

processingsystem, variancesin filmemulsion, dirt and scratches

onthe final films,colorshiftsor moirepatternscaused byusingdifferentRIP's

for generating films orproofs, incorrect linescreening, and anyoperator errors.

Anotherconcernwith digitalproofingis that the "connection betweentheproof

andthe film isbroken."26Files

canbe changed purposely (oraccidentally), after

the finalproofhasbeenchecked andbeforethe films aremade,creatinga prob

lemwhenthe erroris detected onpress. Thiscanbe alleviated byrepeated

proofing,proper trafficcontrol ofthe filesand adequate qualitymanagement of

the final films.

Digital proofing, like all newtechnologies,struggleswithgainingrespectand

acceptance notbecauseitis inferior,butratherit is very difficulttochangethe

mindsetofthe industry. Press operators, customersand art directorshave expe

rience reading analog proofsand analyzingthe translationoftype, color, and

imageryto the press.Ittook timeforpeople to learnto read all ofthevariations

thatcanbepresent within a given analog proofingsystem andwhenthisnew

technologywasintroduceditwas not understood andconsidered problematic.

As withthe introductionofanalogsystems, digitalsystems will takesometime

to becomemainstreamed. In fact, adigitalproofis better suitedto previewa

final imagebecausethe electronic data canbemanipulated to actually "finger


the characteristics ofthepress. This offersthe consumer a moreaccurate

resemblanceofthe finalprinted piece. Itwillsimplytake time tobecomemore


The Future ofDigital Proofing:

The futureof digitalproofing isbased onthe needforcultural changein the

industry andfor manufacturercooperationtoestablish standards to better facili

tate thetechnologythatalready exists. "Ifpressescanbe calibrated to anagreed

upon standard . . . thencolor management softwarecould [theoretically] be

usedto matchthe finalpress output"27In

a fullycalibrated system, thecolor on

the designer's screenshould matchthe finalpress output.All printouts,

pre-proof and pre-proof would alsomatch and technicalproblemslike incorrecttrapsor

overprints couldbe markedbythesoftware. Inthis scenario, jobscould stay

digitalall theway toplate orpaper. There wouldno longer be a needfor film or

filmproofs. "Ina film freeworld, a similarproofing arrangementmay be

offeredforplatemakers, where thesame machinewill createbothplates and

proofs . . . platemakervendors

alreadynote theirmachines canbe used to gen

eratefilmto makea traditional

proof." 28

Halftone Proofing Systems

Thepurposeofthis document isto testtheability ofhalftone digitalproofersto

represent a flexographicpress sheet.Therefore, the remainder ofthis document

will concernitselfwithinformationpertinenttothe actual execution ofthe

experiment. Short discussionson each ofthe threeproofingsystems are present

edbelow. The chapterfollowingthis willdealwithworkin the field, this is


The Optronics IntelliProof. The IntelliProofisa device thatiscapable of producing

both filmandproofs. The IntelliProof is a digitalproofing systemthatresides

withinthe vendorsimagesetter, whichisan external drumcolor laserimageset


Accordingto the vendor, "TheIntelliProofalso increasesthe levelofcertainty in

digitalproofing. Unlikesomedigitalproofing deviceswhich simulate halftone

dots,the IntelliProof employsthesame screeningalgorithms toproduce the dot

as the ColorSetter (imagesetter) uses to produce film. As such, theIntelliProof

matches the actual dotrather thanemulatingit, producinga proofinwhich pre

press professionals can haveconfidence."29

TheIntelliProofis thefirstDirect ColorProofingsystemthatutilizes thesame

colorlaser imagesetter in theproductionofboth separationfilm and large-for

mat, full-colorproofs withlasergeneratedhalftone dots. "Bytakingadvantage

ofthe samelaser imaging, rasterimage processor, 2000or 4000dpi resolution,

andhalftonescreening technologiesusedbythe ColorSetterto image filmsepa

rations, theIntelliProofsystempresently provides theonlyalldigital means

available tocloselypredicthow aPostScript jobwillbeprinted on a four-color


Redand greenheliumneon laserswere added to the standardblue argonion

used inthe ColorSetter. The greenheliumneon laser is formedby


the signalofthenormal redheliumneon. Theargonion laseris used to image


pro-ducecyan,magenta, and yellowhalftonedots respectively. Theblack halftone

dots are producedby allthree lasersactingtogether.

Konica, a leadingmanufacturer ofphotographic supplieshas produced a photo

sensitive paper thatapproximates a coated sheet. According toa Product

ManageratOptronics, theydidnotinitiallyintend onusingthe IntelliProofas a

device forproducingcontractproofs. However, manyoftheircustomers have

beensuccessful in utilizingtheproofs as contractproofsfor theircustomers.

Thissuccess hasbeenpartlyattributed to the gooddesign ofthe photopaper.

Proofs canbeoutputautomaticallytoa special lighttightcassette or directlyto

a user supplied or optional in-lineprocessor. "Avarietyof colorcontrols, are

alsosupportedto ensurecolor consistency fromproofto finishedproduct,

includingreferences toSWOP/GAAstandards, aswellas adjustable dot gain

controls to ensure thatthehalftone dotsintheproofaresubstantiallythe same

size asthehalftone dots createdbytheprinting process."31 Look

up tables

(LUTs) areused to interpolatethelook ofmany widelyused and accepted con

ventional (analogproofing systems).

The Kodak Approval. The Kodak Approval is a devicethatoutputs screened

halftone proofs imageddirectly ontothesubstratethatwouldbe used forthe

press run. Thissubstrate, at thispoint intime,is restrictedto paperthatis

between 30#-110#stockand between and inthickness.

The systemalso allows forcontrol ofdotgainfrom 3%-97% in 1%increments,


choose from fivedifferentscreenshapes, andcontrol of solid densityofthe col

orant; all in aneffortto attemptto match a set ofprintingconditions.

Accordingto the vendor, "CMYK donormaterials arebroughtintocontact with

the intermediate receiverand are digitallyexposed bya thermallaser."32Color

dyes arethen transferredto the intermediateas halftone dotsorline work. The

intermediate isloaded ontothe drum and doesnotchangepositionforthe

entire proofingprocess.

"Thethermal lasertransferscolordyes fromeach donorto the receiverinthe

exact amounts neededto reproduce pixelsat 1800dpi."33The donor materials

utilizedby the KodakApprovalare advertised as beingcloselymatchedto


Inearly 1996, Kodakannounced theApprovalPS whichis PostScript driven

ratherthanDolev drivenasithasbeeninthe past.This eliminatestheneed for

a Scitexsystem andbringstheApprovalinto thedesktop environment. The PS versionwastheversionused forthis research project.

The PolaroidDryTech. The PolaroidDryTech is uniqueamongthe threesystems

researched inthatituses dried printinginksas itscolorant. The printinginks

are then transferred utilizing a laserto thesubstrate. Theproofingsubstrateis

the generallythesameas thefinal printingsubstrate this should alsoinclude


The system also includestheoption ofcustomcolors;which wouldhelpout


attempting to matchspotcolors on packaging. Sincenot all ofthe

other proofers havethe abilityto usecustomcolors (mostdigital proofing sys

temsuseCMY orCMYK colorants)this pointwillnotbeaddressed in the

research andpressrun.

Digital proofing isa link for direct-to-plateand direct-to-print technology,thisis

especiallytrue inthe case oftheIntelliProof. If thevendors platesetterwas

equipped withthe IntelliProof itwould endtheneed forfilm; and thesame

imagesetterwould beused, usingthesame files,using thesameRIPto image

both the color proof and theprintingplate.

Filmhas alreadybeeneliminated inthe gravureprintingprocess and similar

technologycanbe used toeliminate theneed forfilminother processes. Inthis

environment, digital proofingwillbe theonly practicalalternativeto press

proofing becausethere wouldbeno sense intaking anelectronic file,making

analog films for proofingand returningtoelectronic data forprinting. Digital

technologyisalsomuchmore compatible withnewscreeningtechnologies and

itiseasier tomanipulate digitaldatatoemulate other "untraditional" prepress

and printingconditions.

Finally,itseems the standards ofthegraphic arts industryare changing. Quality

colorreproductionandprintingwasonce much lessaccessibleby thecommon

market. Withtechnology becomingmore "user


and the reductionin


"All jobsare not equal in importanceand therefore,all do not requirethesame

level ofmonitoring andpreviewprior toprinting ... asconfidencebuilds inour

collective ability to"read" digital proofs, customers willbe increasinglywilling


Endnotes for Chapter 2


Siconofli, Frank. Flexography:Practicesand Principles.

FoundationofFlexographic TechnicalAssociation,

Ronkonkoma. 1991. p 4.


Neumann, Richard. "Flexography-the Print Process ofthe Future for the Packaging Industry". Flexo & Gravure International. January 1995. p 7.


Siconofli,Frank. Flexography: PracticesandPrinciples.


Ronkonkoma. 1991. p 104.

4 Ibid,

p 104.

5 Ibid,

p 104-105.

6 Heckman, Catherine. "Film Facestock Update"

Flexo, July 1995. p 24.


Alldian, Don. "OffsettoFlexo" Flexo, March 1995. p 164.

8Field, Gary. ColorandIts Reproduction.

Graphic ArtsTechnicalFoundation,Pittsburgh. 1992. p 338.


Alldian, Don. "OffsettoFlexo" Flexo, March 1995. p 167.


p 167.

11 Siconofli, Frank. Flexography:Practices andPrinciples. Foundation ofFlexographic TechnicalAssociation,



Hogg,Charles. "DirectDigital ColorProofing"

ElectronicPrepress SectionofPIA., Alexandria, VA. 1994. p 8.


p 9.


p 10.


p 10.


King,Patrick. "ProofingTechnologies forFlexography"

Flexo, March 1995. p 146.


Kieran,Michael. UnderstandingDesktop Color. PeachpitPress, Berkeley. 1994. p447.


p 453.


Hogg,Charles. "Direct Digital ColorProofing"

ElectronicPrepress Section ofPIA., Alexandria,VA. 1994. p 14.


Byrd,Mac. "Direct Digital Proofing" Pre, May/June, 1994. p46.


Abraham, Matthew. Personal interview conducted atRIT inJanuary of 1995.


Hogg,Charles. "Direct DigitalColorProofing"

Electronic Prepress Section ofPIA., Alexandria, VA. 1994. p 16.


Byrd, Mac. "Direct Digital Proofing" Pre, May/June, 1994. p46.


Hogg, Charles. "Direct Digital ColorProofing"

Electronic Prepress Section ofPIA., Alexandria, VA. 1994. p 11.


Hogers,Hans. "TheDigital Proof"



Hogg, Charles. "DirectDigitalColorProofing"

Electronic Prepress Section ofPIA., Alexandria,VA. 1994. p 15.


Hogers, Hans. "The Digital Proof" Canadian Printer. April 1994. p 25.


p 25.

29 Optronics Product Literature. "Intelliproof"

Optronics: An IntergraphDivision. 1994.

30 Ibid. 1994.

31Ibid. 1994.

32Kodak ProductLiterature. "Approval"

EastmanKodak Company. 1993.

33Ibid. 1993.


Hogg, Charles. "Direct Digital ColorProofing"


Chapter 3

A Review of the Literature

Flexography: Principles andPractices

Thebook, Flexography: Principles andPractices, isfull ofinformationconcern

ing everyfacet ofthe flexographic process, from artgenerationto inkformula

tions,press specifications toconvertinginformationfor packaging. The book

refers tobothpress and off-pressproofingmethods insome detail,off-press

proofing is whatis of concern at this point. Below isa quoteconcerningproof

ing,in general, forthe flexographicprocess.

"Traditionalproblemsinproofing forflexographyhaven't

been in editorial orgraphics contentbutinimage quality. This

is especially trueinproofingprocesscolor. The objectivehere

is tohave a proofthatvisuallymatchesprintingfrom thepro

ductionpress. Proofingimagequality requiressimulating

[press] imagequality. To obtain avisualmatch of a proofto productionpress requires matchingthevariablesthataffect

color reproduction. Allthesevariables canbeclassified under

three headings: hue, density and dotsize. Ifwe can match

thesevariables inthe proofto theproductionpress,we can

obtain a visual match to theproductionpress."1

Thebooknext discussesthe problemswith off-pressproofing methods;citing


simu-late offsetprinting."2

This means thateven ifthere isa hueand densitymatch to

flexography, a conventionaloff-press

proofingsystem will notbe ableto mimic

the dot gain offlexography-atleast notwithout


Althoughthere are ways ofdealing withthis;such as givingdifferentexposures

usingmasks orby

changing thedotsizes inPhotoshop, this istime consuming

andwasteful. Creating a photographic maskin ordertoexpose areas


isno smalltask.Altering the dot sizesin Photoshop

usingthe transfercurve

functionis easy enough,butrequiresthat two setsoffilms be output. Changing

the dotsizesinPhotoshop, is similartowhatdigital proofing devices allowthe

userto do to matcha given set ofprintingconditions-butdigitalproofing does

not requirean extra setoffilms.

Understanding Desktop Color

This is an excellent reference for anyoneinterested indigitalprepress;itcovers

theentire spectrumofelectronic imaging devices usedinthe graphic arts today

Theauthor Michael Kierancovers quite abit informationconcerning digital


Mr. Kieran identifieshalftone based digital proofers aselectrophotographic

printers, and says ofthem, "... their output consistsofhalftone dots exactly like

those onthe printed sheet.Inthisrespectthey are closerthanany digitalprinter

to traditionalfilmproofs."3He then

goes onto mentionthatabigpayoffisthat


DigitalProofs. Kierangoes onto statethat digitalproofs arebotha


andan "opportunity".

"Thechallenge isin learning to interpretthem properly, especially

withcheap pre-proofs fromthermalwaxprintersor intermediate

proofs produced ondyesublimationprinters, ratherthanwith con tractdigitalproofs created onmore expensive ink jetor electrophoto

graphic printers.

The opportunitycomes fromthe factthatdigitalproofsallow youto

createworkingcomposites, orcomps, priortoplotting film,which

resultsin significantsavings, especiallyifyou endup makingchanges to thejob priorto going topress. Afterall, ifreviewinga filmproof

leadsyou to decideto make changes,you endup throwingaway both

the proof andfourpieces of film.With digitalproofing, you still toss

awaythe proof, butno film isproduced untilyou're confident (based

onthe digitalproof) thateverythinglooks right."4

Limitations ofdigital proofs. Kieranlists some"potential


of digitalproof

ing, the onemostimportant for halftone based digitalproofing systemsiswhere

andhowthe filesare ripped. Hestates, "... becausethe rasterimage processor

used to createthe film is usually differentthan thatused to createthe proof, the

screen angles,screen frequencies,and dot shape can vary between filmand

proof. . Kierangoes ontosay thatthiscould result inundesirable effects such

asundetected moire patterns and color shifts.

Where's thedot? Thelast portionofKieran's discussionondigitalproofingis

concerned with whetherornothalftone dotsare necessaryin acontract proof.

His decision is thathalftone dots are necessary.Kieran states thatmost digital


acommercial printer's standpoint. "The results [froma non-halftone proofer]

may lookgood,butareoflittleuse to the pressoperator,who makes assess

ments ofquality noton subjective groundsbutonhow closely thehalftone dots

on the press sheet match thoseontheproof."6

ElectronicProofing Technologies for


This is an article writtenby Dr. PatrickKing, that appeared intheMarch 1995

issueofFlexo magazine. Dr. KingbeginsbyquotingBritishphilosopherJohn

MichaelOsbourne'spiece, The Road to Nowhere, as anexampleof a prevalent

feelingmanypeoplehave regarding digitalproofing.

Dr. King statesthatanalogor exposure film-based proofing systems competefor

the marketsharebyclaimingto effectively mimicthepress sheets ofa printing

process. He then flatlystates that, "the fact istheycan neverpreciselysimulate a

press sheet,particularly for all flexographicneeds."7

On the subject ofdigitalproofing, Dr. King feelsthat the initialexpectation ofa

digital proofingsystem is thatitwould offerthe sametype of control overthe

imageasimagesetters do. "Thisisa naturalassumption,since theyare often

drivenoffthe sameterminalas animagesetter. Theoretically, thisassumption is

correct, but inrealitymostDDCP [direct-digital colorproofing] systemslimit

the operators abilityto replicate thepress sheetprecisely"8

This isablanket

statement, obviouslythe halftonebased systemsallow formorecontrolthan


Onthe topic ofhalftone dots, Dr. Kinghas this to sayaboutnon-halftonebased

proofing systems:

"Most dyesublimation systems donot create dotsbutrather

colorusing dyes imagedatvariousdensities. Inkjetand

laser-based proofingsystems generallycreate spots (typically300

dpi) whoseshapes do not evencloselymatchthedots on a

press sheet.Thermalwax transfer systemsform imagesusing

extremelycourse,fuzzyaddresses ofcolorthat shouldnot even

be construed asdots ... thevast

majorityof DDCPsystemsdo

not possess sufficient control over the tonereproductioncurve

tobe accurately fingerprinted toan offsetpress, letalonea

flexo press."9

The Ideal DDCP. Dr. Kingexplains thathe feelsthat there are certainfunctions

that the ideal digitalproofing systemshould have: anopen architecturesystem;

sufficienttonecurve control tomimic aprintingsystem (this includes midtone

control to simulate dotgain forlithography orhighlightcontrolto simulate dot

gain in flexography); itshould produce dots ofmanyscreenrulings, shapes, or

type (AMorFM). "Thereshouldbenocompromise."10

Controlof thecolorantdensity isalso importantbecause differentprocesses will

have differing amounts ofsolid density,evenpresseswithinthesameprinting

process are subjectto slightly different solidinkdensities.Also, controlofthe

actual colordata (CIELab) is desirable because a magentaink in flexography


fig. 1 flexographic roller system
figure C-39; micrograph of the 25% black dot on the 3M Matchprint.
figure C-41; micrograph of the 75% black dot on the 3M Matchprint.
figure C-42; micrograph of the 95% black dot on the 3M Matchprint.


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