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Effects of hydrostatic pressure on a membrane-enveloped virus: high immunogenicity of the pressure-inactivated virus.


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Copyright © 1992, American Society forMicrobiology

Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure

on a




Immunogenicity of the Pressure-Inactivated




Department of Biochemistry'andDepartment ofMicrobiology,2 University ofIllinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801

Received 30 October1991/Accepted31 December 1991

Anewapproachtothe preparation ofantiviral vaccinesrelyingonthe inactivation of the virusparticle by hydrostatic pressure is described. Theenveloped virus vesicular stomatitis viruswasutilized as a model; a pressure of 260 MPa applied for 12 h reduced infectivity by a factor of


and the antibodies against pressurizedmaterialwere aseffectiveasthose againstthe intact virus when measuredbytheir neutralization titer. Fluorescence measurements indicate thatapplication ofpressureresults inperturbationsoftheparticle

interactions thatpermitbindingofspecificmolecularprobes. Electronmicroscopyshowed that the membrane of the pressurizedvirus was partially preserved, presenting thespike pattern of the membrane Gprotein.

Unlike the icosahedralviruses,dissociation into smallerparticleswasnotobserved,butaconstantchangein themorphologywasthepresenceofabulgeinthe surface of thepressurized virus, indicatingadisplacement

of the capsid subunits, retained under thelipidand proteinmembrane.

Studies of the last few years have demonstrated the

reversible dissociationofoligomeric proteins by hydrostatic

pressure (for reviews, see references 32 and 33).

Observa-tions ofcomparableeffectsonproteinsofmanysubunits and

on viruses (8, 14, 18, 23-28) have engendered the idea of

using hydrostatic pressure as a means to suppress virus

infectivity, while preserving or perhaps improvingthe im-munogenicproperties.Inmostcases,effective immunization against viruses requires presentation of the whole virus particle tothe immune system(7, 15, 16). Thisrequirement coupled to the need for elimination of infectivity greatly

limits the possibilities of preparation of appropriate


The use of hydrostatic pressure as a virus inactivation

methodmayfulfill thetworequirementsdescribed above. To

our knowledge, high-pressure methods have not been ap-plied to produce vaccines. We found that brome grass

mosaic virus isreversiblydissociatedbypressure.Recovery

ofreassociated, but characteristically modified, virus

parti-cles decreases steeply atpressures greater than those that

produce 75% dissociation (28). Athigherpressures,

unspe-cific aggregates ofcapsid proteins predominate over seem-ingly complete reassociated capsids. The formation of

im-perfect virus particles after a cycle of compression and

decompression has also been demonstrated in simian virus

40 (28a) and rotavirus (20) by electron microscopy, gel filtration, and spectroscopy. In this article, we report the effects ofpressure on amembrane-enveloped virus,

vesicu-larstomatitis virus (VSV), a rhabdovirus thatinfects some

animal cells, whichwe chose as an appropriate model for

inactivationandimmunogenicity studies (2, 29). Our results

withVSVpointtothepossibility ofutilization of hydrostatic

pressure topreparenoninfectiouswhole virus particles that

arehighly immunogenic.


tPermanent address: Departamento de Bioquimica, Instituto Ciencias Biomedicas, Universidade FederaldoRio deJaneiro, Rio



Chemicals. Allreagentswereofanalytical grade. Distilled waterwasfiltered and deionized through aMillipore water purification system to >10-Mflresistance.

Virus preparation. VSV type Indiana was grown on BHK-21cells(2, 4)in standard medium(Glasgow'smodified

Eagle's medium, 10% calf serum and 10% tryptose phos-phate buffer). Nonpurifiedviruseswereprepared by propa-gatingin 100-mm-diameter dishes. The infectionwas moni-toredvisuallyandtypicallyallowedtoproceedfor 12to16 h at 37°C in a CO2 incubator. The supernatantwas collected and cleared of any cellular debris in a Sorvall centrifuge (5,000rpmfor 10mininaGSArotor).For thepreparationof purified VSV,viruswaspropagatedfor16 h in roller bottles thatwereplacedon arollerapparatusina37°Cwarm room. Afterpropagation,thesupernatantwascollected and cleared

of the cellular debris. Thesupernatantwasspun ina

Beck-manTi45 rotor at30,000rpmfor2.5 h. The pelletwas then resuspended in 3E buffer (0.12 M Tris, 0.06 M sodium

acetate,3.0 mMEDTA, pH 7.4)andlayeredonto a

contin-uous5to40%sucrosegradient (in 3E buffer) andspunfor 1

hat36,000rpminaBeckmanSW-41rotor. The virus band

was collected and pelleted in a Beckman type 40 rotor (35,000rpmfor1hour) andresuspendedin 10 mMTris, pH

7.6. Viral stockswere keptat -70°C.

Infectivityassays.Infectivitywasstudiedby plaqueassay as described previously (2). Confluent monolayers of

BHK-21 cellson60-mm-diameter disheswereinfected with

serialdilutions ofVSVfor 30minatroomtemperature.After aspiration of the virus solution, 1% agarose in medium

solution wasadded toeach plate. The plateswere left in a 37°C CO2incubator for 24 h. Aftertheagarosewaspeeled off

the plates, the cells were stained with crystal violet and plaqueswerecounted.

Antibodies. Rabbitswereinjected with 1.0 ml of

pressure-treated virus or control samples diluted 1:2 in complete

Freund's adjuvant. After3 weeks, the initial injectionwas

followedbyabooster injection and the rabbitswerebled 2

weeks later. Gamma globulin fractions were prepared as previouslydescribed(30). Afterthe rabbitswere bled, sera were allowed to clot for 24 h. Theywere centrifuged in a

Sorvall SS-34 rotor at 10,000 rpm for 15 min, and the 2111

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TABLE 1. Pressure inactivation of VSV

Titer(PFU/ml) of viruspreparationa Condition


Native virus 1.82 x 107 4.0 x 106 3.9 x 106 2.0 x 107 (atmospheric


260MPa, 3 h 1.41 x 105 260 MPa, 5 h 1.80 x 104

260 MPa, 12 h 1.80 x 103 <2.5 x 101 <2.5 x 101 75

aVirus preparations: A, nonpurified virus preparation; B,nonpurifiedvirus

preparation diluted10-fold in 50 mMTris-HCI (pH7.5); C, Sameas

prepara-tionof B, except that it was kept at room temperature for 2 weeks after the

incubationat atmospheric pressureor 260 MPa; D, purifiedpreparationof

VSVinwhichthe stockconcentrationwas 3.4mg/mland it wasdilutedin 50 mMTris-HCl(pH 7.5) to a finalconcentration of 100 ,ug/ml. All the pressure

treatmentswere performed at 20°C.

supernatant wascollected and treated with dextran sulfate

and calcium chloride to remove serum lipoproteins. After centrifugation, thewaxypelletwas discarded and the clear supernatantwas treated with an equal volume of saturated

ammoniumsulfate. Theresulting precipitatewasallowed to

formover a24-h periodat4to5°C.Aftercentrifugation, the precipitate wasdissolved in 0.1 Mpotassiumphosphate.

Electron microscopy. AJEOL 100 CX electronmicroscopy was used forobservation of the samples. Negative staining wasperformed with ammonium molybdateor

phosphotung-stic acid.

High pressure and fluorescence. The high-pressure bomb

has been described by Paladini and Weber (19). Fluores-cence spectra were recorded on a SLM-AMINCO photon-counting spectrofluorometer.


Pressure inactivation ofVSV.Table 1 shows the effect of 260 MPa ofpressure onthe infectivit' ofVSV. Whenhigh titersofVSVwere utilized (1.8 x 10 PFU/ml), incubation for 12 hat260 MPapromoted104decrease in theinfectivity.

Lower-titer preparations ofVSVwereinactivated down to levels at which theinfectivity assay was nolonger reliable

(Table 1).Theinfectivityofthepurified preparationof VSV decreased more than 5 orders of magnitude (Table 1), a pressureinactivationevenhigherthan thatobtained with the nonpurified preparation. Table 1 also shows that the virus remained inactive after 2 weeks.

Immunogenic propertiesofpressure-treated VSV.The ex-perimental protocolconsistedin subjecting aVSV

prepara-tionto260 MPa ofpressurefor12 h. Thepreincubationtiter was 4 x 106 PFU/ml, and the infectivitydecreased to less than25 PFU/mlafterpressuretreatment(samecondition as

column B of Table 1). Pressure-treated virus and control

samples were injected into rabbits with the addition of completeFreund'sadjuvant. Rabbitsinjectedwith the

pres-surized virus showed no additional side effects. Neutraliza-tion of nativeVSVbythegammaglobulinfraction obtained from the immunized rabbits is shown in Table 2. The pressure-inactivated VSV elicitedneutralizingantibodies as

wellasnative VSVparticlesdid. The 1:2 and 1:20 dilutions

could neutralize a high-titer preparation of VSV (5 x 108


decreasingthe number ofPFUbyafactorgreater than 10 . The steep decline in neutralization observed

be-tween the serum dilutions of1/20 and 1/200is expectedfor theregionofantigenexcess, ifanumberofimmunoglobulin

TABLE 2. Neutralizationassayof antibodies elicitedby pressure-inactivatedVSVa



dilution Control Preimmune Anti-native


ControlPrelmmune VSV


1:2 5.0 x 108 5.3 x 108 <2.5 x 101 <2.5 x 10'

1:20 5.8 x 108 <2.5 x 101 <2.5 x 101

1:200 5.7 x 108 1.6x 106 1.0 x 106

1:2,000 5.8 x 108 1.6 x 108 1.4 x 108

aAhigh titer of VSV(5.0x 108PFU/ml) wasincubatedfor 30minwitha

gammaglobulinfraction diluted as indicated. The stockconcentrations of

gammaglobulinwere4.8 (preimmune),5.1(anti-nativeVSV), and 4.9

(anti-pressurized VSV)mg/ml. Thetiterwasmeasuredas described in Materials


molecules is necessary for the neutralization of infectivity of

asingle virus particle.

Table2 also shows that neutralizing antibodies were not present in the sera ofrabbits before immunization

(preim-munesera).Thetiter of theneutralizing antibodyappearsto

be the same for the anti-native VSV and anti-pressurized VSV, because an antibody dilution of 1:2,000 reduces the infectivity in bothcasesto25%. We do not believe that the similarity of the immune response obtained with equal numbers of virus particles inactivated to the extent of 99.99% and with intactviruses can in anyway be attributed

to the 0.01% of survivors. Neither the mass action that governs the chemical reactions in andoutoforganisms nor previousimmunological experience would authorize such a conclusion. These results suggest that hydrostatic pressure promotesalterations that causesuppression of theinfectivity without affecting the ability to elicit neutralizing antibodies. Electron microscopy. Observations of VSV samples incu-batedfor 12 heitheratatmospheric pressure or at260 MPa

were performed. The samples incubated at atmospheric pressure or at260 MPa were stained either by ammonium molybdate (Fig. 1) or phosphotungstic acid(Fig. 2). These figuresshow that thegeneral morphology of thepressurized virus was not altered. In the pressurized virus, the

mem-branewaspreservedand thespikepatternof the membrane Gproteincould be visualized. A very consistent alteration in the virus surfacewasthe presence ofabulge. This surface protrusion could be observed in all the pressure-treated viruses, whethertheywerestained with ammonium molyb-date (Fig. 1)orphosphotungsticacid (Fig. 2)but notin the nativeparticles.We surmise that this alteration is linkedto

the molecular processes under pressure that leadto inacti-vation (seeDiscussion).

Binding of ananionic fluorescentprobe. Silva and Weber (28) showed that the fluorescent probe 4-4'-bis-1-phenyl-amino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (10, 22) at aconcentration of

2 ,uM was poorly bound to brome mosaic virus at atmo-sphericpressure, asshownbythe small increase in

fluores-cence overthat of the freeprobeinwater.Anenhancement of the fluorescencewas observedto begin at 150 MPa and

reach a maximum ofa factor of 10over the initial

fluores-cence at300MPa.Figure3 shows thefluorescence emission ofa 2 ,uM solution of


(bis-ANS)inthe absence(spectrumc)orpresence of VSVat atmospheric pressure (spectrum b) and in the presence of VSV incubatedat260MPa(spectruma). Figure4shows the fluorescence enhancementbyVSVas afunction of pressure. Comparison of the fluorescence observed when the same

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_. o C





= CD






P 2










X-0- B o


n-30 0D




.'-je 11

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FIG. 2. Electron microscopy ofpressurized VSV negative stained with phosphotungstic acid. VSV(107PFU/ml) wasincubated for 12 h atatmospheric pressure (2A and 2B) or at 260MPa(2C and 2D) beforenegative staining withphosphotungstic acid. The arrows indicate the protrusions in the pressurized virus. Magnification, x300,000.

concentrationofbis-ANS isaddedtosuspensions of brome mosaicvirus (Fig. 10 of reference 28) and VSV show that

the fluorescence intensity is considerably higher in the

latter case. The appreciably greater fluorescence signal at atmospheric pressure in comparison with brome mosaic

virusis undoubtedlydue tothe partition ofsome bis-ANS

into themembrane. Thefurther increase between the pres-sures of 100 and 240 MPa is to be attributed to the dis-ruption in both viruses of the interactions between

sub-unitsorbetween protein and nucleic acid, and the appear-anceofsites(probablyofbasiccharacter)atwhich bis-ANS

is bound. Similar effects were observed employing the related fluorescence probe



Fluorescenceobservationslike these appearuseful inproviding a simplemeans ofassessingthe magnitudeand the range of pressureatwhich


of the particles takes place.


The experiments described above providethe first dem-onstration that hydrostatic pressure can inactivate a mem-brane-enveloped virus while preserving the immune

re-sponse.The effectsobserved in VSVmustbe


by referencetothe extensivestudiesof the last few yearsonthe high-pressure effects upon oligomeric proteinsand

on November 9, 2019 by guest





60-z z


40-0 z 0

cn2 b

D ~~~~~~~~c

Li. 0.

400 450 500 550 600



FIG. 3. Fluorescence spectraof 2 ,uMbis-ANS free in solution (line c)orinthepresenceofVSVatatmosphericpressure(line b)or at 260 MPa (line a). The excitation wavelength was 360 nm. The VSVconcentrationwas50,ug/ml. Thetemperaturewas20°C. A.U.,


dral viruses. In the


proteins and someviruses, dissociation ofprotein subunits takes placeunder pressure and is followed by complete or partial reassociation on


Thedifferences observed in thereversibility of the dissociation and in


the nativepropertiesare determined


the number of subunits and thecomplexityof theirinteractionsin the


aggregates.Thus, the rapid reappearance of the enzyme activity on decompression,


of the temperature is the rule in dimers




tryptophan synthase [25],

hexokinase [23], and Arc repressor


In tetramers(lactate dehydrogenase


andglyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase [24]),the reappearance of


and spectral properties upon


is much slower, and depending on time and


of the


pressureapplication, it may take hours to


It is even possible to indefinitely delay the recovery of enzyme


in tetramers by keeping the


at 0°C


In oligomeric proteins of many subunits, reassociation is very slow upon decompression,



sufficiently high

pressures are reached and


for an


longtime (27). All these



L 0.75Q


C.) Li


C= _i 0.500


CC 0

0.0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8


FIG. 4. Effect of pressure (102 MPa) on the fluorescence of

bis-ANS bound toVSV. Other conditions areas described in the

legendtoFig. 3.

tions are qualitatively explained on the assumption that when the subunits are out of contact with each other,they undergo structural changes that have been termed "confor-mational drift" (14, 23--28, 31, 32). Reversal of the confor-mational drift takes place progressively more slowly the higher the structural requirements and the number of con-tacts of each subunit with its neighbors in the original particle.

Several icosahedral viruses are uniformly dissociated by pressure. In brome mosaic virus, imperfect reassembly

occurs depending on the extent of dissociation (28). In simian rotavirus (SAl1), only theouterprotein capsid shell is dissociated by pressure and return to atmospheric

pres-sure is followed by reassembly, ensuing a noninfectious particle (20). Imperfect assemblyoccurs also in the papillo-mavirus simian virus 40 after a cycle of dissociation and reassociation (28a). All the pressure studies performed on viruses reveal apeculiarcharacteristic: the pressure effects, when present, occur in the range 100 to 250 MPa and are virtually independent on virus concentration. Oligomeric proteins that are made up of many subunits like erythro-cruorin(27)andhemocyanin (12)show similarindependence of pressure effects upon the concentration. Theonly expla-nation so far envisioned is that virus particles and large aggregates are extremely heterogeneous, resulting in a "thermodynamic individuality" (9, 27) of the particles. This individualityoftheparticlesarises in differences in confor-mation and needs to be distinguished from that owing to geneticvariations of the virus. Existence of the latter type has been recently confirmed by observations on a slightly

more complex multisubunit system. Brauchet al. (1) were

able to select pressure-resistant variants of T4 phage by replatingthephagethatsurvivedrepeatedpressure applica-tions.

The appearance ofadefective virusparticleafter pressure

treatmentisanalogoustothe formation ofoligomersthat had undergone conformational drift (28, 32). Virus particles present added complexities absent in the oligomeric pro-teins, namely,theinteractions of thecapsidwith the nucleic acid and interactions of thecapsidwith the associatedlipids in the membrane-envelopedviruses. As aresult,we expect


complete irreversibility of the pressure effects in membrane-envelopedviruses.

Inthe assays ofpressurization aswell asin the studies of


we used high densities of virus particles






areliable estimate of the reduction of the infectivity by the pressure and thedetermination of measurable anti-body concentrations in a reasonably short time. We are aware that infectivity was not yet reduced to the extent

necessary in a vaccine that could be safely applied to


but there is reason to believe that this can be achievedbyeitherrepeatedorlengthierpressureapplication or by a combination ofpressurization and chemical treat-ments that are ineffective at atmospheric pressure. These studies arebeing presently pursued.

Thelongtime necessarytoachievecomplete inactivation


ispresumablyrelatedtothe need oftime-dependent structural fluctuations that cooperate with the hydrostatic pressureindisruptingthe normal subunit association. Fora membrane-envelopedvirus like VSV,these necessary fluc-tuations will involve thecontactsof membraneproteins with lipids and RNA, besides the interactions of the capsid subunits of the simpler icosahedral viruses. It has been demonstrated that the VSV membrane andprobably the G


arebridged tothe capsid protein Nthroughabasic


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[image:5.612.] [image:5.612.50.289.540.702.2]

protein (M) (11, 34). These interactions seem to be of

electrostatic nature, which cause them to be sensitive to pressure dissociation.

The high titer of the neutralizing antibodies elicited by

pressure-inactivated VSV (Table 2) indicates that

hydro-static pressure can be used topreparewhole-virus

immuno-gens. Pressure-inactivated rotaviruses were also able to elicit a high titer of neutralizing antibodies (20). In both cases, hydrostatic pressure reduces dramatically the infec-tivity, with minimal effects on the overall structure and hydrodynamic properties of the particles.

In some cases, chemical inactivation by formalin has provided highly efficient immunization (Salk's poliovirus vaccine), but in other cases it has resulted not only in insufficient immunity protection but in more severe forms of the disease upon exposure to native virus (e.g., measles virus [3] and respiratory syncytial virus


which appar-ently occurred because formalin treatment destroyed one of the antigens. These problems are unlikely to arise when pressure is used. As the inactivation of the viruses results exclusively from the altered physical disposition of the parts, without changes in covalent chemistry one would not antic-ipate a loss of the immunogenic properties. For a membrane-enveloped virus, an enhancement of immunogenity of the whole particle after pressure treatment may exist because of the exposure of antigenic sites buried in the membrane or hidden by strong subunit interactions. Generally we expect that natural selection favors the virus varieties in which antibody-eliciting epitopes are masked and that the irregular conformational drift of the subunits will lead to their un-masking, resulting in an increase in desirable immunogenic properties. Both rotavirus and VSV are already strongly immunogenic as intact particles, which means that the question of the effect ofconformational drift on immunoge-nicity remains open. To clarify this question will require a study of the immune response to poorly immunogenic vi-ruses before and afterpressurization.

Hydrostatic pressure is known to promote a decrease in lipid fluidity ofbiologicalmembranes (5), which would favor both extrusion from the membrane and changes in the association of integral membrane proteins. Exposure to high pressures has been claimed to promote tumor antigenicityin EL-4 leukemia cells (21).

The high-pressure approach would have important advan-tages over other methods of vaccine preparation. The tradi-tional attenuation approach has the drawback that the atten-uated viruses, as distinct from fullyinactive ones, may cause thedisease that they are intended to prevent or worsen the actual disease. Immunization with isolated subunits is an-other method for vaccinesthat has beenrecently developed. Todate, such method has been successful with hepatitis B and influenza virus vaccines (16). One disadvantage of the subunit procedure is that one or a fewviral proteins may fail toelicit an adequate antibody response becausethe immune system recognizes the isolated antigen less effectively than the whole virus. For example, in poliovirus, the isolated capsid protein VP1 elicits only low titers of neutralizing antibodies (6). A more dramatic instance inwhich vaccina-tion with a recombinant virus that carried only one of the antigenic proteins caused the disease was recently reported (17).

The observations on VSV reported in this paper indicate thathydrostatic pressure provides an efficient means of virus inactivation without loss of immunogenicity. Studies are in progress to test the applicability ofthis conclusion to other viruses. If generally valid, the high-pressure method could

provideasimple and inexpensive meanstoproduceeffective antiviral vaccines.


We are grateful to E. Basgall from the Electron Microscopy Center at the UniversityofIllinois forhis generous collaboration and use of hisfacilities forelectronmicroscopy.

This work was supported by grants GM11223 (G.W.) and GM21953 (M.G.)from the National Institutes ofHealth.


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TABLE 2. Neutralization assay of antibodies elicited bypressure-inactivated VSVa
FIG. 2.protrusionsat atmospheric Electron microscopy of pressurized VSV negative stained with phosphotungstic acid
FIG. 3.VSV(lineatarbitrary 260 Fluorescence spectra of 2 ,uM bis-ANS free in solution c) or in the presence of VSV at atmospheric pressure (line b) or MPa (line a)


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