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School of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Fall CSCI200 Introduction to Computers


Academic year: 2021

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School of Arts and Sciences

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Fall 2021 – 2022

CSCI200 Introduction to Computers


The course aims at making students competent in computer-related skills. It is supposed to develop basic computer interface knowledge by providing an overview of managing folders and files, opening a start menu, as well as hands-on practice on common software applications such as Word, Excel and Power Point. The students will learn how to use the most features of Microsoft Office 2010 mainly Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations.

Moreover, the course aligns with the Cisco Networking Academy® Get Connected course, which helps students understand how to connect to the Internet.

Learning Objectives:

− To have basic knowledge in windows interface and develop applications using Word Processors

− To develop spreadsheet applications using Spread Sheet software

− To develop Presentations using Presentation software

− To combine all previous applications in one

− Explain what is a computer network, the Internet and how computers communicate

− Surf the internet using a computer browser

Class Day : Class Time : Room:

Instructor :

E-mail :

Office : Office Hours : Extension No:


A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated ability to:


CSCI200 Outcomes

CO – 1 Create and Format documents (using a word processor)

CO – 2 Create spreadsheets, Apply formulas and Produce charts (using spreadsheet software)

CO – 3 Create and Design presentations (using presentation software)

CO – 4 Integrate documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in one application/file CO – 5 Recognize basic Internet functionality, explore e-learning applications and

windows interface

Weekly Schedule Week 1

Syllabus: reading and explaining

Windows features: Creating folders, Copying folders, Deleting folders, Moving files, searching for a document, Overview of the START button…

Week 2

WORD INTRODUCTION 1. The Word Environment 2. New, Open, Save, Save as

3. Print, Close, Options (Advanced: changing measurement units to from inches to cm and vice versa)


1. Clipboard: Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special, Format Painter

2. Font (Latin text [Font, Font style, Size], Complex Script [Font, Font style, Size], All text [font color, underline style, underline color], Effects (Strikethrough, double strikethrough, superscript, Subscript, Small caps, All caps, character spacing, clear formatting, text highlight color)

3. Paragraph (General [Alignment, Outline Level, Direction], Indentation, Spacing), Bullets, numbering, Decrease Indent, increase Indent, Line spacing, Shading, Borders, Sort, Show/Hide) 4. Styles (Headings)

5. Editing (Find, Replace, Select) Problem Solving


Week 3


1. Pages (Cover Page, Blank Page, Page Break)

2. Tables (Insert and delete rows and columns, merge and split cells, borders and shading, cell alignment, adjust column width and row height)

3. Illustrations (Picture, Clip art, Shapes) 4. Hyperlink

5. WordArt, DropCap, TextBox

6. Header & Footer (Header, Footer, Insert page number & Date/Time, adjusting header and footer size) 7. Symbols

Problem Solving

Week 4


1. Page setup (Margins, Orientation, Paper size)

2. Page Background (Watermark, Page Color, Page Borders) REFERENCES

1. Table of contents (Table of Contents, Add text)(Not for exam) 2. Footnotes and Endnotes


1. Proofing (spelling & Grammar, Set Language, Word Count) VIEW

1. Document Views 2. Zoom

Problem Solving

Week 5

Solving Sample Word Exam

Word project (1 week to submit – Deadline end of week 5)


EXCEL INTRODUCTION 1. The Excel Environment

2. Understanding the Workbook concepts, Assign Worksheet Names, Delete a Worksheet, Add a

Worksheet, Move a Worksheet, Copy a Worksheet, Format the Worksheet Tab Color, Hide and Unhide 3. Selecting cells and ranges

4. Entering, deleting and editing data

5. Equations using arithmetic operators (* + - / …), naming ranges of cells


1. Clipboard (Cut, Copy, Format Painter, Paste [Formulas, Values])

2. Font (Font, Font style, Size, Underline, Color, Effects [Strikethrough, Superscript, subscript], Fill) 3. Border & Shading

4. Alignment (Text alignment, Text Control, Right-to-left, Orientation, Wrap text and Merge cells) 5. Number (General, Number, Currency, percentage)

Problem Solving

Week 7


6. Styles (Conditional Formatting [highlight cells rules: greater than, less than, equal, between, text that contains])

7. Cells (Insert, Delete, Format [Cell size, visibility (Hide/Unhide), organize sheets])

8. Editing (Functions [Sum, Average, Count Numbers, Max, Min], Clear, Sort & filter, Find & Select) PAGE LAYOUT

1. Page setup (Margins, Orientation), Sheet Options (Headings: view, print) Problem Solving

Week 8

INSERT 1. Tables

2. Charts (Bar only) FORMULAS

1. Statistical (CountA, Countblank, CountIf) 2. Logical (if) and nested if (not for exam) 3. Math (SumIf, AverageIf)

Problem Solving


Week 9

Solving Sample Excel Exam

Excel project (1 week to submit – deadline end of week 9)

Week 10

Submit CISCO online exam (Module 3 Test) during class session-Make sure that all students are done with it – deadline end of week 10

Week 11


Create a Presentation: Create a Presentation with a Template, Build a Blank Presentation Students submitting Online Exams:

Mandatory In class: Submitting Module 3 Test (Students will earn the complete 15% grade just after this submission in class

Optional at home: Submitting the “End of course Assessment” (Students should search the Internet or read all chapters’ content for being capable of answering all assessment questions.

Students who complete the “End of Course Assessment” will be granted a certificate from Cisco Academy signed by the Instructor.

Instructors: should create classes on NetSpace & import student accounts to class.

Instructors: should demonstrate - NetSpace Access

✓ Each student to verify his account credentials on www.netacad.com (in class)

Instructors: should demonstrate:

▪ Course content Access:

✓ Sample reading of Module 3

✓ Completing 1 sample interactive activity

Completing Module 1 Test as a sample test


Insert: Table, Links (link, Action), Text (Date &Time, Slide Number, Word Art), Insert a Media Clip Design: Assign a Theme, apply to all slides, Apply to selected slides

Design: Insert and Delete Slides, Reorganize Slides,

Transition: Add Slide Transitions, Timing [Sound, Duration, Apply to All, Advance Slide (On Mouse Click, After)]

Animation: Add Animation Effects (entrance and exit only), Timing

Run: Start Slide Show (From Beginning, From Current Slide), Setup Slide show (Loop continuously until esc)

Problem Solving

Week 13

Power-point project (1 week to submit) Week 14

Embedding Excel, Word and PowerPoint files in one another [Insert (object, Create from File, Browse, with link, Icon)]

Week 15

General Revision (if needed)


Course Prerequisite(s) ENGL051

Course Corequisite(s) None

Microsoft Office 2010 Simplified by Kate Shoup – Publisher: Visual; 1 edition (May 24, 2010). ISBN: 0470571942

Further Reading(s) None

Software Needed

Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010

Grading Policy and Withdrawal Deadline

Word Project 30% Week 5

Excel Project 30% Week 9

Module 3 Test 15% Week 10

Power-point Project 25% Week 14

Withdrawal Deadline

N.B: Optionally, students who complete the “End of Course Assessment” will be granted a certificate from Cisco Academy signed by the Instructor.


Class Rules & Discipline


- Assignments:

o Posted on M to be returned within one week.

No late submission allowed since students had one week.

- Projects:

o Posted on M to be returned within one week.

No late submission allowed since students had one week.

- Exams on Fridays (non-Common):

o Posted on Friday as scheduled by the instructor; to be returned within 1 hour 15 minutes.

- Tests/Quizzes:

o Posted on a day and time that does not conflict with other courses and exams o To be returned on the same day within 1 hour.

- Participation:

o Based on how many of the above tasks were completed.

Late Exam/Test/Quiz Submission and Deduction:

- - If the exam does not require file-upload then:

o After 10 minutes, no exams are accepted, and the student must fill in a petition.

o Each minute of lateness will result in a deduction of 1 point.

o Deduction starts after 3 minutes of the deadline of exam time; we are not to inform student of this.

- - If the exam requires file-upload then:

o After 15 minutes, no exams are accepted, and the student must fill in a petition.

o Each minute of lateness will result in a deduction of 1 point.

o Therefore, the maximum deduction is 12 pts.


- The activity would not be repeated.

- If similar copies are submitted for at least one question, all students that participated in the cheating are punished with a grade of zero; The students that participated in the cheating are informed.


- Deadline for Petition acceptance is 3 days after the date and time of the exam.

- Late petitions will be rejected unless it is extreme case (Hospitalization as an example).

- In case a petition is accepted, the exam’s grade is replaced with the final exam’s grade.

Must inform students of this. Curriculum, Yearly Plan, and Advising

If a student majoring in Computer Science or Information Technology is planning to graduate in three years, then he/she should follow the corresponding major yearly plan. A copy of the yearly plan and the curriculum (which contains the prerequisites and co-requisites of

courses) can be picked up from the office of the school of Arts and Science. When not sure about anything please contact your advisor prior to or during the registration period.

Probation Policy

If a student who has attempted 19 credits has a GPA or a major GPA below 2.0 then the student is considered under probation

LIU E-mails

LIU students should use their LIU e-mails in communicating with the instructors. Important announcements, assignments, and solutions will be sent to your LIU e-mail accounts.


Equivalent Lettering Grades


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