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Functional Geometry


Academic year: 2020

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Abstract. AnalgebraofpicturesisdescribedthatissuÆcientlypowerfultodenote



howasuitablychosenalgebraic specication canbebothaclear descriptionanda

practicalimplementationmethod.It alsoallows usto addresssome ofthe criteria




1. Background

In1982, when theoriginal version ofthispaper (6)waswritten,

com-puters, computer science and functional programming were all a lot

less powerful than they are today. The idea that one could write an

algebraic description, embed it in a functional program, and execute

it directly was not new. But it was not then considered a practical


ofhowpracticalitcan beto simplywritedenotationsof what isto be

constructed, rather than to write algorithmic descriptions of how to

performthe construction.

A picture is an example of a complexobject that can be described

intermsofitsparts.Yetapictureneedsto berenderedonaprinteror

ascreenbyadevicethatexpectsto begiven asequenceofcommands.


havingan applicationgenerate the commandsautomatically from the

simpler, denotational description. Others have shown that it can be


asmusic(7),animation(3,8,11) anddocuments(9). Othershavealso


4).It is appropriatenowto drawsome general conclusionsfrom those


Figure1. Thepicturesf, rot(f), flip(f) and rot(flip(f))

Figure2. above(f,f), beside(f,f), above(beside(f,f),f) and rot45(f)

paper (6) in order to understand this one, but for comparison that

earlierpaperis availableat theURLgiven inthereferences.

2. Basic Operations

The operations we will use to build pictures will be dened precisely

inSection5. Here we willdene them informally.The algebra we will

usewill allowus to place these pictures next to each other in frames.

The frames on which the pictures are based will be used to position



clearwhenwestudy theEscherwoodcutinthenext section.

Consider thefour picturesshown in Figure1. The leftmost picture

is the outline of a letter. It is located within a frame, but we do not


of the picture. If we say that f denotes the leftmost picture, then we

denote by rot(f) the same picture rotated anticlockwise through a

right angle.Consequently,rot(rot(f))woulddenote thatthepicture

rotatedthroughafull180 degrees. When picturesarerotated, we will

always rotate them ina standard,anticlockwise direction.

We denote by flip(f) the picture f ipped through its vertical

centre axis. Figure 1 demonstrates the use of rot and flip. The

ab-stractionwhichwe have used,theobjectthat we arereferring to asa

picture,hascontent made up of some smaller graphicalobjects (here,

justlinesegments).Theposition,sizeand orientationofthepicture is


Figure3. SquareLimittodepth3

descriptionofpictures of thesort shown here very much simpler than

they might otherwise be. The frame in which a picture is placed will

be referredto asits locatingbox.

So far we have only used the ability to rotate and ip pictures


abilityto lay these pictures next to each other in order to form more


respectively place pictures adjacent to each other vertically and

hori-zontally. Theseconstructions areshown inFigure 2. Theconstruction

above(p,q)is the picture that has pin the upperhalf of its locating

box and q in the lower half. Similarly,the construction beside(p,q)

isthepicturethathaspinthelefthalfofitslocatingboxand qinthe

right half.

The rightmost picture in Figure 2 shows the most elaborate of the

operationswe willneed. Thepicturerot45(f)is shownsuperimposed


pictureaboutitscentre, througharight angle,rot45rotatesa picture


Figure4. Thebasicsh

reduces the picture is size by p

2 , so that the diameter of its original

locating box lies along the top edge of the rotated picture's locating


to theEscherpicture we aregoing to construct.

One nal operation over(p,q) overlays one picture p directly on

topof the other picture q, so that theboxes on which they arebased

arecollocated. We willsee examplesof thatinthe nextsection.

3. The Escher Woodcut - Square Limit


3.Theoriginal isof coursemore elaborate intermsof its shadingand

various other artistic properties. The structureis all that interests us

here.Eachshinthepicturehasthesame basicshape,reorientedand

resizedinsucha waythatit neatlyinterlockswithits neighbours.


compared with his others and presents a signicant challenge. It was

chosen because the book in which it is reproduced (10) also contains

some of Escher's early drafts and sketches for it, and in particular a

geometricpresentationof thetessellation he wasplanningto use.

Intheoriginal1982 paperIchoseto startbuildingthepicturefrom

smallerparts, rather thanfrom a wholesh. The reasons for thiswill

be discussed in Section 4. It seems clear that Escher did not do this,

again forreasons I will discussin that Section. Rather, he designed a

single sh with the necessary interlocking features that establish the


wethinkaboutstructuringcomputations and how wedesignsoftware.

Theselessonswillbe returnedto inSection 6.


boxwhosecorners have beenindicatedwithchevrons (notpart of the



us-ingover(fish, rot(rot(fish))).This construction exemplies one


Figure5. Thebasicsh,twice

Figure6. Thebasicsh,threetimes.Thetilet.


experimentingwithdierentcurvesinorderto achievetheappearance

that he wanted. What I have done is to read o his coordinatesfrom

thehanddrawnprototypes publishedin(10).

More remarkably, three sh t together in a triangle, as in Figure

6.Theconstruction forthispictureis

t = over(fish, over(fish2, fish3))


fish2 = flip(rot45(fish))

fish3 = rot(rot(rot(fish2)))

Herewe seethat fish2,whichis at thetopofthepicture,is obtained


andthen ippingit throughits verticalcentre axisusingflip. Recall



aright angle,obtainedhere bymaking three anticlockwiserotations.


Figure8. quartet(u,u,u,u)

Figure9. v = cycle(rot(t))

In fact theconstruction in Figure6 gives ustherst of two square

tilesthat we willuseto construct thenal picture.We callthistilet.



u = over(over(fish2, rot(fish2)),

over(rot(rot(fish2)), rot(rot(rot(fish2))))

Basically, we take the 45 degree rotated sh from earlier (that has

convenientlyreducedinsizeby p

2)and overlayfourcopiesof it. This

new interlocking is a third constraint on the design of the basic sh

by Escher. In fact, the constraints that we have depicted in Figures

5,6 and 7 inducelower level constraints upon the line segments that

constitute the outline of the sh. In section 4 we will show how the

outline of the sh is the same three-section line segment reproduced


We begin to see how these tiles t together in Figure 8, which is


construc-tioninFigure 8uses a utilityfunctionthat wedene asfollows

quartet(p,q,r,s) = above(beside(p,q),beside(r,s))


Figure10. quartet(v,v,v,v)

cycle(p) = quartet(p, rot(p),

rot(rot(p)), rot(rot(rot(p))))


construction thatbeginsto look a bit like Escher's eventual woodcut,

havinganarrangementofshthat includesresizingand reorientation.

Itdoesn't,however, quitedemonstrate alltheconstraintsinuse. That


ina positionto begin buildingthe nalpicture. Theremainder of the



The constructions we are about to make were obtainedbydetailed

inspectionof Escher's originalpicture. Theyare not theonlypossible



Firstweconstruct a component thatis goingto appearon theside

of the nal picture. Figs. 11 and 12 show the rst two levels of this

constructionside1 andside2.These constructionsaredened by

side1 = quartet(blank,blank,rot(t),t)

side2 = quartet(side1,side1,rot(t),t)

andassuchare specic instancesofthe generalconstruction

side[n] = quartet(side[n-1],side[n-1],rot(t),t)

whereside[0] = blank.

If we areusinga lazylanguage,wecan simplywrite


Figure11. side1 = quartet(blank,blank,rot(t),t)

Figure12. side2 = quartet(side1,side1,rot(t),t)



ofthisobjectthatarelargeenoughto bevisibleontheoutputdevice.

The second construction we needis showninFigs. 13 and 14.Here

we have the partswhich willcomprisethe cornersof thenal picture,

to depths1 and 2respectively.Theyaredened by

corner1 = quartet(blank,blank,blank,u)

corner2 = quartet(corner1,side1,rot(side1),u)

Careful inspection of these two gures will conrm that this is

in-deedtheir description.Indeed, it wasthese precise descriptionswhich

generatedthepicturesasthey appearhere.

These two equationsarespecic instancesof theequation

corner[n] = quartet(corner[n-1],side,rot(side),u)


alazylanguagewouldallowusto write

corner = quartet(corner,side,rot(side),u)




Figure13. corner1 = quartet(blank,blank,blank,u)

Figure14. corner2 = quartet(corner1,side1,rot(si de1) ,u)

nonet(p, q, r,

s, t, u,

v, w, x) =





Theadditionalparameters arenumbers,mand nsay,and the

subpic-turesare arrangedin theratio m:n. The function nonetlays outits

ninearguments inthree rowsof three.

Using these constructions we can build a simple version of Square

Limit, shown in Figure 15. This takes the detail down to level 2 and


squarelimit2 =

nonet(corner2, side2, rot(rot(rot(corner2))),




Figure15. SquareLimittodepth2,squarelimit2


Figure17. Theoriginaltiles, p;q;r;s,makinganapproximationoftilet


arearranged. Infact, thispicturewasdrawn withthe same equations

assquarelimit2,butwiththeshsimply replacedbya triangle.

Thenalpictureissimilar,itjustusesone morelevelofdetail.It is


squarelimit =

nonet(corner, side, rot(rot(rot(corner))),



4. Other Descriptions

Inthe 1982 version of thispaper, rather thanstart with a wholesh,

fourbasic square tiles similar to those shown in Figure 17 were used.

Thetilesp, q, r, sareshowninanarragementwhichapproximately

makes up thetilet (seeFigure 6). The onlydierenceis that thesh

arenotwhole.If we also deneu=cycle(rot(q)),whereqis thetop,

right tile inFigure 17,we can nowconstruct an approximation to the

nalpicture by usingthis tand thisu, in theequations which dene


The new,squarestartingtiles p, q, r, swork because thebitsof




asit appears in (10). However, there were other reasons for choosing

these tiles, rather than a whole sh, as a starting point. Principally,



picture could be calculated using 16-bit xed point numbers. It also

avoids theproblemof anylineintheoutputbeingdrawn twice, which



Figure18. Thefouridenticalsegmentswhichcomprisetheoutlineofabasicsh


he was experimenting with the shape of the sh, his design was of a

shwhich had the necessary properties for tilingthe plane. The four

originaltilesshowninFigure 17had no part inhisthinking.

In fact,the designoftheshcan be analysedmoreclosely thanwe

have sofar attempted. Figure 18 shows thebasic shagain,

superim-posed with four copies of a linesegment which shows how its outline

ismade up.Alsosuperimposeduponthe shisa triangleto show the

path which these four line segments follow. Along the bottom of this


aright angle,up theleft handsideof thepicture,thusmaking up the

entire left-handsideof the sh. Thesegment is repeated again,twice,

to make up the right-hand side of the sh. These two repetitions are


andreducedby p

2 .Infact,ifsisthesegmentalongthebottomofthe

pictureinFigure 18,thenthe entireoutline is generatedby


over(s, over(rot45(flip(rot(s))),


Thislittlebit of geometry explainswhythe shest together asthey


It also explains whythere is amysterious triangleappearinginthe

pictures throughout this paper, from Figure 5 onwards. The triangle


disguiseitsomewhat,twoshortlineshave beenplacedunderthewing.

Thesecan beseen mostclearlyin Figures5and 6, and have probably

worried the observant reader. When thepictures are composed, these

shortlines appearto makeup extensions to thewingsof othersh, or

as something (water?) in between them. In constructing the original

woodcut, Escher used a little artistic licence and incorporated these



Figure19. Thebasisvectors

notalltheshinthewoodcuthaveidenticaloutlines.Infactthere are



This is a third problem which could be avoided by starting with

the tiles in Figure 17. The triangles, which are shown in Figure 17,

were actuallyeliminatedfrom these tiles inthe 1982 paperand hence

from the nal picture. Notwithstanding this visual improvement, the

construction given in this paper is to be preferred, not least because

theoriginalintention of theartist was probablyto tilethe plane with

asingle sh.

5. ImplementationIssues

Thekey conceptual idea behind FunctionalGeometry is that we have

abstracted completely from size and absolute location. Each picture

is described in terms of subpictures and their relative locations. The

implementation, on rendering the picture, must work out from this

description, the exact size and the exact location of each part of the



deneapictureasa functionwhichtakes threearguments,each being

two-spacevectorsandreturnsasetofgraphicalobjectsto berendered




nottheonlyone we couldhavemade,butitdoesmaketheoperations

wemustdenevery easy. Forexample

over(p;q)(a;b;c) = p(a;b;c)[q(a;b;c)

denes the fact that over(p;q) is the picture which includes all the

objects ofp withall theobjects of q.

Allthebasicoperationscan bedened inthisway.


rot45(p)(a;b;c) = p(a+(b+c)=2;(b+c)=2;(c b)=2)

which givesa precise semanticsto the operationswe have usedin the

earlier part of this paper. For completeness we dene the remaining

twooperations, whichshouldbe obvious



above(m;n;p;q)(a;b;c) =


The denitioninterms ofsets of graphicalobjects isn't quitewhat


each basic graphicalobject (here, just line segments) as we construct

it and rely upon the fact that it doesn't matter if we draw the same

objecttwicebecause therenderingenginewilltake care ofthat.

In fact, we want to be ableto draw these pictureseven ifthesetof

graphical objects that they denote is innite. So the implementation

willneedto implement some rulesuch as p(a;b;c) =fg, ifjb+cj<,

whereissome dimension consideredtoosmallto draw.

Ofcourse,wehaven't denedhowbasicpictures(suchastheshin

Figure4) shouldbe created.In theimplementationusedto create the

pictures in this paper, the sh is made up of about 30 bezier curves



isnotnecessaryto be concernedwiththeorder inwhichthegraphical

objects arerendered.

6. General Considerations

The basicidea exempliedin thispaper is simple. Denotations of

ob-jects areeasier to understand thanalgorithmic descriptions of how to

buildthose objects. Here we have used a graphicalobject, the Square

Limitpicture,and shown that a certain decompositionof it is botha

cleardescriptionof itsstructure and suÆcient informationto actually

drivethe devicethat draws thepicture.

Theconsequenceofthinkingintermsofwhat objectsdenoteisthat


rot(beside(p;q)) = above(rot(q);rot(p))

flip(beside(p;q)) = beside(flip(q);flip(p))

There are many more rules of this sort. It seems there is a positive

correlation between the simplicity of the rules and the quality of the


The operations dened above and about which we have produced


to the construction of many pictures. Not so generic is the operation

rot45, which is almost certainly specic to the construction behind

Square Limit. The rot45 operation is not as simple as its name

sug-gestsnorasanyof theother, more generic,operations. Infact itdoes


ratherthanaboutitscentre. Theconsequenceofthisisthatitdoesn't


rot45(rot45(p)) 6= rot(p)

a more complex rule, which approximates what we might have




This indicatesthat two rot45s actually move thepicture p out of the


thepictureby p

2 , theircombination actuallyhalvesthe sizeofp.

This analysis suggests that rot45 is not the kind of operation we

would include in a general algebraic language for geometry. Rather,

we would dene more fundamental operations for scaling, rotation

and translation and allow the user to dene rot45 for this specic


Others have developed the applicationof these ideasto more

com-plex pictures (1, 2, 4). In particular, Chailloux and Cousineau (2),


Limit, based on considerably more complex transformations than are


Algebraicstructures,alongthese lines,havebeendevelopedfor



as Kay (9) explains. The general considerations which algebraic


wheretheapplication domainisfairlyuniform.

7. Conclusions



partic-ular,wehaveviewed picturesashierarchicalcompositionsofgraphical

objects and shown how some simple operations can together give an

algebrapowerfulenough to bothdescribe what a picture denotesand

to drivean application whichcan drawthatpicture.

Thisideaisnotnew.Itwaspublishedin1982,buteven thenitwas

basedoncontemporaryviewsofwhatwasgoodpractice indeclarative

systems. Since that time, the idea has been applied to many more

complex domains and, as time has progressed, does seem to be one

whichhascome to be applicableona more practicalscale.

Whether MauritsEscherwouldapproveofthedeconstructionofhis

elegant picture is,sadly,something we can onlywonder about.

8. Acknowledgements

I am grateful to many people who have commented on earlier drafts

of this paper and made useful suggestions. These have done much to

improve thepresentation. These helpfulpeople include OlivierDanvy,

Matthew James Henderson, Jerzy Karczmarczuk, Julia Lawall,

Hen-ningKorsholmRohde andPeng Fei Xue.Manythanks.


commandsdirectly. The Java was written in a functional style (using

static methods) so that the denitions which were executed were

ex-actlyas they appearin thepaper, withthe addition of theoccasional



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