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A knowledge model for the development of a framework for hypnogram construction


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A knowledge model

for the development

of a framework for

hypnogram construction







Mosqueira-Rey, Vicente


Laboratory for Research and Development in Artificial Intelligence (LIDIA), Department of Computer Science, University of A Coruna, Spain

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Knowledge-based system,Hypnogram,CommonKADS

A b s t r a c t:

Wedescribeaproposalofaknowledgemodelforthedevelopmentofaframeworkforhypnogramcon-structionfromintelligentanalysisofpulmonologyand electrophysiologicalsignals.Throughoutthetwen-tiethcentury,afterthedevelopmentofelectroencephalography(EEG)byHansBerger,therehavebeen multiplestudieson humansleepanditsstructure.Polysomnography(PSG),asleepstudyfromseveral biophysiologicalvariables,givesusthehypnogram,agraphicrepresentationofthestagesof sleepasa functionoftime.Thisgraph,whenanalyzedinconjunctionwithotherphysiologicalparameters,suchas the heart rate or the amount of oxygen in arterial blood, has become a valuable diagnostic tool for differ- ent clinical problems that can occur during sleep and that often cause poor quality sleep. Currently, the gold standard for the detection of sleep events and for the correct classification of sleep stages are the rules published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), version 2.2. Based on the standards available to date, different studies on methods of automatic analysis of sleep and its stages have been de- veloped but because of the different development and validation procedures used in existing methods, a rigorous and useful comparative analysis of results and their ability to correctly classify sleep stages is not possible. In this sense, we propose an approach that ensures that sleep stage classification task is not af- fected by the method for extracting PSG features and events. This approach is based on the development of a knowledge-intensive base system (KBS) for classifying sleep stages and building the corresponding hypnogram. For this development we used the CommonKADS methodology, that has become a de facto standard for the development of KBSs. As a result, we present a new knowledge model that can be used for the subsequent development of an intelligent system for hypnogram construction that allows us to isolate the process of signal processing to identify sleep stages so that the hypnograms obtained become comparable, independently of the signal analysis techniques.

1. Introduction

Identification of thedifferent phasesthrough which the sleep ofapersonpassesis usefulinthediagnosis ofcertain sleep dis-orders,since some ofthese disorders occur during specific sleep stages.In the field of sleep disorders, polysomnography (PSG) is themaintechniqueforanalyzingapatient’sbiomedicalsignals— suchasbrain andheartactivity, eyeandmuscle movementsand respiratoryflow— plusanothertypeofsignalrepresentingcontext information.Consequently,identifyingsleepstagesisakeytaskin thecontextofsleepstudiesconductedbyPSG.Thistesthas,

how-* Corresponding author. Facultade de Informática, Universidade da Coruña Campus de Elviña, s/n, 15071, A Coruña, Spain. Fax: + 34 981 16 71 60.

E-mail addresses: angel.fleal@udc.es (Á. Fernández-Leal), mariano.cabrero@udce.s (M. Cabrero-Canosa), eduardo.mosqueira@udc.es (E. Mosqueira-Rey), vicente.moret@udc.es (V. Moret-Bonillo).

ever, some drawbacks:it is expensive, uncomfortable forthe pa-tientandresultsaredifficulttointerpret.

Tofacilitatetheanalysisofsleepstagesandtheirtemporal se-quencing,clinicianstypicallyuseagraphicalrepresentationofthe chronologyof differentsleepstages,namely, thehypnogram. The hypnogramisbuiltinthefirstquadrantofaCartesianplane,where theX-axis representstime andtheY-axis representssleepstages. The sequenceofsleepstagesisillustrated by aplotofhorizontal andverticallines,withthehorizontallinesindicatingtheduration ofaparticularsleepstageandtheverticallinesindicatingchanges in sleepstages.Fig. 1 showsan example ofa typical hypnogram

[1].The hypnogram,whenanalyzed withother physiologicalPSG parameters— suchastheheartrateortheamountofoxygenin ar-terialblood— hasbecomeavaluableclinicaltoolforphysiciansto diagnosea rangeofclinicalproblemsthat canoccur duringsleep andthatsometimesresultinpoorqualitysleep. Hypnogram


con-Fig. 1. Example of a hypnogram.

structionrequires handlingandanalyzinglarge amountsof infor-mation andknowledge; hence, automating this taskrequires the buildingofaknowledge-intensivesystem(KBS).

Whenwe buildknowledge-intensivebasesystems,itis appro-priate to usea comprehensiveknowledge modeling methodology thatshouldfacilitatedetailedanalysisandcomprehensivehandling of knowledge-intensive tasks and processes; it should also pro-videforknowledgeabstractionmechanismsthatallowsaspects re-latedtoimplementationtobeignored.Inthissense,wehave pro-posedtobuildKBSforhypnogramconstructionusingan appropri-atemethodology. Amongtheavailable methodologiesforbuilding KBSs, the CommonKADSmethodology wasselectedfor thiswork becauseitisacompletemethodologythathasbecomethedefacto

standardforthedevelopmentofKBSs.Usedextensivelyinawide range of domains, it covers project management, organizational analysis andsoftwareandknowledge engineeringaspects related to thedevelopmentoftheKBS,focusing, inparticular,on model-ing, reuseand risk management [2,3]. Its main advantageis that itprovides afullmodelofanapplication, notjusta modelofthe knowledgebase.

Regarding clinical knowledge on sleep, the gold standard for theconstruction ofhypnogram isthe AmericanAcademy ofSleep Medicine (AASM) guidelines forthe scoring of sleep and associ-atedevents[4](version2.2),includingstages,arousals,movement andrespiratoryandcardiacevents.Intheconstructionofthe pro-posedKBS,thetermsspecifictothedomainandthesleepstaging rulesproposed bytheAASMwere usedtoobtainacorrectly con-structedhypnogram.Theconstructedhypnogramwillimprovethe detectionofeventsanddiagnosesassociatedwithsleepdisorders andsowillundoubtedlyoptimizetimelytherapy.

The restof thispaperis structured asfollows: Section 2 pro-vides a historical overview of the literature on sleep structure andhypnograms. Section 3 presentsa summary of themost im-portant studies of the automatic classification of sleep stages.

Section4presentsCommonKADSasthemethodologicalframework used in this work. Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 describe implementa-tion of theconcept level of ourapproach according tothe Com-monKADSmethodology. Section9 presentsashortdiscussion. Fi-nally,Section10presentsasummaryofconclusions.

2. Historical background

In 1929 theGerman neurologist Hans Berger demonstrated— afterdevelopingelectroencephalography (EEG)— that the electri-calactivityofthebrainisdifferentforsleepingandawakepatients

[5] and identified certain patterns associated witheach of these two states, documenting and defining what are known as alpha wavesandbetawaves.Withtime,knowledgeregardingthe electri-calactivityofthebraingrewandnewpatternsofelectricalsignals forsleepandwakefulnesswereidentified,suchasthedeltawaves describedin1936by Walter[6]andthethetawavesdescribedin 1944byWalterandDovey[7].

In 1937 Loomis, Harveyand Hobart[8] determined that sleep is an active state with five distinct phases or stages labeled A– E. Fig. 2 shows an example of the hypnogram of Loomis, who

Fig. 2. An example of Loomis’ hypnogram.

suggested that it was necessary to take into account 2 charac-teristic patternsof brainsignals to correctlyidentify andclassify sleepphases,namely,sleepspindles(also knownassigmawaves)

[9]and K complexes[10].

Independently of Loomis, Liberson [11] documented, in 1944, vertexsharp waves (VSW), a particular pattern ofsleep that oc-cursearlyoninthenightattheendofsleeponsetandjustbefore theonsetofsleepspindlesandKcomplexes.

KleitmanandAserinsky[12]subsequentlydiscoveredrapideye movements(REM)and KleitmanandDement [13]discovered the recurringpatternofREMandnon-REM(NREM)sleep,withNREM sleepdividedinto4stagesnumbered1,2,3and4.Instages3and 4sleepbecomesdeeper.REM sleepappearstobeassociatedwith stages5and1.

This new classification of sleep stages introduced changes in the representation of hypnograms, giving them the fundamental formknowntoustoday.Fig.3showsan exampleoftheDement and Kleitman hypnogram, with sleep stages represented on the vertical axis (awake (A) andthe 4 stages) and time represented onthehorizontalaxis.The thickbars immediatelyabove theEEG linesindicateperiodsduringwhichREMisobserved.Longer verti-callinesindicatemajormovements(wholebodypositionchanges) andshorterlinesrepresentminormovements.Thearrowsindicate theendofoneEEGcycleandthebeginningofthenext.

Berger,Olley andOswald[14]andSchwartz [15]subsequently improved identification of the REM stage, describing sawtooth wavesandtheirtemporaryassociationwithseriesofREM.

However,inthe1950sthelackofstandardsforclassifyingand identifyingsleepphasesmadeit difficulttocompareresultsfrom sleep studies. In 1961, the International Federation of Electroen-cephalographyand ClinicalNeurophysiology Committee proposed unifyingthe terminology usedin sleepstudies [16] andin 1968, a committeeheaded by Rechtschaffenand Kales [17] established guidelines to standardize sleep stage classification — called the R&K paradigm— that included parameters, techniques andwave patternsobtained fromEEG, electro-oculography(EOG)and elec-tromyography(EMG).The guidelinesalsoindicated analyzingthis setofsignalsinepochsof20or30s.Thisapproach,byspecifying thefundamentalcharacteristicsofsleepstages,allowedforfurther standardizationofhypnograms.

Nonetheless, there were difficulties in implementing the R&K rules,especiallyincomputingtheclassificationofsleep,given cer-tainambiguities.Consequently,in2001theSleepComputing Com-mitteeof the Japanese Societyof SleepResearch (JSSR)[18] pro-posedadditionalcriteriaandcorrectionstotheR&Krulesaimedat improvingsleepstageclassificationandidentification.In2006the ScoringofPolysomnographicRecordingsTaskForceoftheGerman SleepSociety(DGSM)[19]conductedastudyaimedatrefiningthe identificationofimportantsignalsinEEGpatterns.

In 2007, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

[20] also carried out a study in order to establish more pre-cise definitions and more appropriate rules for the detection of sleepeventsandforthecorrectclassificationofsleepstages.Sleep stages were thus redefined as follows: (a) stage W (awake), (b) stage N1 (NREM1), (c)stage N2(NREM 2), (d)stage N3(NREM 3),and(e) stageR (REM).Note thatstage N3,representing slow-wavesleep(SWS),replacesthepreviousnomenclaturereferringto stages3and4.


Fig. 3. Example of the Dement and Kleitman hypnogram. Table 1

Sleep stage classification according to Loomis, Dement and Kleitman, Rechtschaffen and Kales (R&K) and AASM-2015 and the corresponding EEG activity.

Loomis Dement and Kleitman R&K AASM-2015 EEG activity

Stage W Stage W Beta, Alpha

Movement time (MT)

Stages A and B Stage 1 Stage 1 (S1) Stage N1 Alpha, Theta, Vertex sharp waves

Stage C Stage 2 Stage 2 (S2) Stage N2 Theta, Spindles, K complexes

Stages D and E Stage 3 Stage 3 (S3) Stage N3 Theta, Delta

Stage 4 Stage 4 (S4)

Stage 1 + REM (after the first stage 1) Stage REM Stage R Theta, Alfa, Sawtooth waves

Fig. 4. Example of a hypnogram reflecting the AASM-2015 standard.

To identifyandclassifysleep stages,30s intervalsareused in suchawaythatastageisassignedtoeachinterval.Iftwoormore stagesco-occurinthesameinterval,theintervalisassignedtothe stage oflonger duration. Table 1 showscorrespondence between theLoomis,DementandKleitman,R&KandAASMsleepstage clas-sificationsandcharacteristicEEGactivityateachstage[1].

In 2012,2014 and2015the AASMpublishedversions2.0[21], 2.1 [22] and 2.2 [4], respectively, of the 2007 criteria. The lat-estrevision — which introduced stage T (transitional), analogous tothe previously used‘indeterminate sleep’ terminologyin sleep stagingfor infants — is currently the gold standard for identify-ingandclassifyingsleepstagesandforconstructinghypnograms.

Fig. 4 showsan example of a hypnogram builtaccording to the AASM-2015standard.

3. Automatic sleep staging

The adventof computers in the second half ofthe twentieth centuryandthe rapidincrease intheir capabilitiesled tothe re-alizationofnumerousstudiesonmethodsofautomaticanalysisof sleepanditsstages.Thetwomainaspectsoftheimplemented ap-proachesare [23]: (a)mostoftheworkperformedsignal charac-teristicextraction by frequency analysisand frequencyover time usingdiscretewavelettransform(DWT),Huang Hilberttransform (HHT), and fast Fourier transform (FFT) [24–27], and (b) differ-entparametricandnon-parametricmethodshavebeenappliedin theclassificationofsleepeventsandstages,includingrandom for-estclassifiers, artificialneural networks(ANN), fuzzy logic, near-estneighbor,lineardiscriminantanalysis(LDA),supportvector ma-chines(SVM)andkernellogisticregression(KLR)[28–36].

Moreover, theresultsofa numberofstudiesindicatethat cor-rectidentificationofcharacteristicsignalpatterns(especiallysleep spindles[37],Kcomplexes[38,39],VSWandsawtoothwaves)and

ofeventssuch asarousals(abrupt shiftsinEEGfrequencyduring sleep[40])iscriticalforcorrectclassificationofsleepstages.

Asaresultofthesecircumstances,thedifferentrecording con-ditionsandvalidation proceduresused inexisting methodsmean that a rigorous andusefulcomparative analysis ofresults andof theirabilitytocorrectlyclassifysleepstagesisnotpossible.

Consequently,we proposeanapproach thatensures thatsleep stageclassificationisnotaffectedbythemethodforextractingPSG features andevents, based on the development of an intelligent moduleforclassifyingsleepstagesandbuildingthecorresponding hypnogram.Thismoduleisintegratedwithina largerPSGsystem (eitherina sleepunitoroutpatientclinic)that detectsand iden-tifies characteristic signal patterns to be passed to the classifier module.Asmentioned,weusetheCommonKADSmethodologyto ensure adequate representation of the sleep macrostructure. The inclusionofthisintelligentsleepclassifiermoduleinanintegrated systemresultsinaperfectlyautonomousproductpotentiallyready forcommercialization.

4. Methodological framework: CommonKADS

CommonKADSisacompletemethodologyforthedevelopment of KBSs that covers project management, organizational analysis andsoftwareandknowledgeengineeringaspectsrelatedtothe de-velopment ofthe KBS,focusing, inparticular, on modeling,reuse andriskmanagement.

CommonKADS can be viewed as a structured grouping of knowledge that reflects all the necessary aspects for the KBS to succeed within the organizational context in which the system will be deployed. To reflect these aspects, CommonKADS offers sixmodels:organization,tasks,agents,knowledge,communication anddesign.Allthemodelsareinterrelatedandcanbeconstructed usingspecial CommonKADSformsprovided fortheir preparation.


Fig. 5. Concept level model relationship with other models in the CommonKADS methodology.

The models reflect three levels specifying three differentsystem aspects,asillustratedinFig.5:

(1) The context level respondstothe question‘why develop a KBS’ andincludesthe organization,taskandagentmodels. Theinstitutioninwhichtheprojectisdevelopedisstudied anddescribed(inourcase, eitherasleepunitoran outpa-tientclinic).AlsoanalyzediswhyaKBSisbeingdeveloped, itscostsandbenefitsanditsimpact.

(2) The concept level responds to the question ‘what is the nature andthestructure ofknowledgeandcommunication involved in the task’. What the system should do is de-termined, without indicating how it should do this. The completeconceptualmodelingprocessincludesthe develop-mentoftheknowledgeandcommunicationmodels.In Com-monKADS theknowledge modelspecifies — without refer-ringtotheimplementationdetails— thestructureofthe in-formation and the knowledge required for the application. Thecommunicationmodelspecifiesrequirementsrelatedto interactionbetweentheKBSandtheothersoftware compo-nents. The input is knowledge previously identified in the viabilitystudyimplementedbytheorganization modeland theoutputistheinputtothedesignmodel.

(3) The artifact level responds to the question ‘how should knowledgebeimplementedinacomputersystemandwhat isthearchitectureoftheKBS’.Atthislevel,technicalaspects ofimplementation,comprisingthedesignmodel,arecentral. Wedescribe theconceptlevel,sinceatthislevelthestructure oftheinformationandknowledgerequiredbytheKBSisspecified withoutreferencetoimplementationdetails,meaningthatthe de-signcanbeimplementedinanydevelopmentenvironment.

Thus, oncethecontextforthehypnogram isdefined,the con-ceptual framework forcompleting hypnogramconstruction is de-scribed. The process of constructing knowledge models includes threemainstages:identification,specificationandrefinement.

5. Knowledge model: identification stage

Thegoalistoexamineandcollectavailableknowledge compo-nentsandadaptthemsothattheycanbereusedlater.Thisprocess includes twoactivities:the search forsourcesofinformation and thelistingofpossiblecomponentsofknowledgetobereused.

The knowledge-intensive task (and its related information) is implemented after the context model. In our case, the task that willfocusthedevelopmentoftheknowledgemodelis‘hypnogram construction’.

Afteranalyzingtheinformationassociatedwiththehypnogram constructiontask,weidentifiedthenext termsspecific tothe do-main,asfollows:

•Sleep : a physiological state associated with inaction and suspension of the senses and of all voluntary movement.

•Hypnogram : a graphical representation of the chronology of different sleep stages. •Sleep stages : Stage W (Wakefulness) Stage NREM ◦ Stage N1 (NREM 1) ◦ Stage N2 (NREM 2) ◦ Stage N3 (NREM 3) Stage R (REM)

Stage T (Transitional – only in infants)

General sleep stage scoring strategy:

Score sleep stages in 30 s sequential epochs commencing at the start of the study.

Assign a stage to each epoch.

If two or more stages co-occur during a single epoch, assign the stage reflecting most of the epoch.

Score in accordance with the following definitions for EEG frequencies: ◦ Slow wave activity: frequency of 0.5 - 2.0 Hz and minimum amplitude of 75 μV peak to peak in frontal derivations ◦ Delta waves are 0 - 3 .99 Hz

◦ Theta waves are 4 - 7 .99 Hz ◦ Alpha waves are 8 - 13 Hz ◦ Beta waves are greater than 13 Hz

Sleep onset: The start of the first epoch scored as any stage other than stage W. In most subjects this will usually be the first epoch of stage N1.

Scoring arousals: Score arousal during sleep stages NI, N2, N3, or R if there is an abrupt shift of EEG frequency including alpha, theta and/or frequencies greater than 16 Hz (but not spindles) that lasts at least 3 s, with at least 10 s of stable sleep preceding the change. Scoring of arousal during REM requires a concurrent increase in submental EMG lasting at least 1 s.

Taxonomy of characteristic signal patterns. Fig. 6 shows a classification of the main signal patterns used in the construction of hypnograms. 6. Knowledge model: knowledge specification stage

This stage is developed in three phases. First a suitable task templateisselected.Second,aninitialspecificationoftheschema of the knowledge domain is carried out (independently of the problemto besolved).Finally,the knowledgemodelspecification iscompleted.

6.1. Tasktemplateselection

This refers to an attempt to reuse one of the templates de-scribedintheCommonKADSlibraries.Therearetwomaintypesof tasks(and templates):analytic andsynthetic,andforthe charac-teristicsofthetaskathandsyntheticismoreadequate,andamong the several templates of this type, the configuration template is chosen,adaptingittoourrestrictions.

Thepurposeoftheconfigurationtemplateistofinda combina-tionof components that meets therequirements andrestrictions


Fig. 6. Taxonomy of characteristic signal patterns .

Fig. 7. Annotated inference diagram for the hypnogram construction task. Annotations provide translations of knowledge dynamic roles (rectangles with brown background) and inferences (rectangles with green background) to specific examples of the domain. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

imposed.Thefollowingareselectedfromthesetofinferencesthat makeupthistemplate:

A specify inference that establishes the requirements for the substructureswhichcomposeeachstructure.

Aproposeinference thatidentifiestypesofsubstructureinthe correspondingmajorstructure(extension).

A verify inference that verifies that the requirements for each proposed substructure are met and, if so, chosen is themostappropriate substructuresamongthosewithpositive values.

A select inference that isusually a simple selection of one of theoptionsgeneratedbythepreviousfunction.

Amodifyinferencethataddstheproposedstructuretothecase study.

Afterthestudy,anannotatedtemplatewasdevelopedtoverify that templateselection wascorrect. Thus,specific examples were assigned to the dynamic roles to check if the assignments were forcedordifficulttounderstand.Weconcludedthatthetemplates weresuitable,ahypothesisthatwasfurthercheckedinthe knowl-edgemodelingphase.

InFig.7,theinferencesappliedtoourspecificdomainare iden-tifiedanddescribed.

6.2. Initialspecifications

Thiscategoryrepresentstherelevantknowledgeofobject mod-elingintheapplicationdomainandindependentlyoftheproblem tobesolved.


Fig. 8. UML diagram corresponding to the knowledge schema.

For thepurposes of thisspecification, thiscategory is divided intotwo parts: thedomainschemeandthe knowledgebase.The first part includes the general terminology used to describe the knowledgeoftheparticulardomain,whilethesecondextendsthe firstpartwithspecificfactsofthisdomain.

CommonKADSprovides threebasic constructorstospecifythe domain schemas: (a) concepts, (b) relationshipsand (c) typesof rules.

6.2.1. Concepts

Concepts(orclassesofconcepts)areusedtodefinecollections ofobjectswhichhavesimilarcharacteristics.Thedefinitionof con-cept bearssomesimilaritytotheobjectclassesreferred toin ap-proachessuchastheobject-orientedapproach.However,themain differenceisthat,inthiscontext,nofunctionalinformation (meth-ods oroperations)isincluded inthedescriptions ofthedifferent items.

One of the salient features of the knowledge model in Com-monKADSistheabilitytospecifygeneralizationandspecialization relationships between concepts. This specialization/generalization relationshipallowsustorepresentataxonomythatgroupsdomain concepts. Moreover,all theseconceptshaveto beconsistent with thetermsusedinthedomain.

We identified the following concepts. A patient will undergo several PSGs to diagnose sleep-related problems. Each PSG is a compositeofEEG,ECG,EOGandEMGsignalsandgenerallyrefers toeighthoursofsleep.ThePSGisdividedinto30sintervalscalled epochs andcan thusbeviewedasbeingcomposedofepochs.An analysisofPSGsignalsenablesrepresentativeeventsfordiagnosis tobeidentified(forexample,K-complexes,sleepspindles,etc.),so

the PSG can also be viewed asbeing composed of events. Addi-tionally,sinceaneventmaylastmorethan30s,itmayappearin morethanoneepoch.

The analysis of the different events that occur in the epochs determinesthesleepstage towhicheach epochbelongsandthus establishessleepstagesandtheirsequence.SoitfollowsthataPSG isalsoacompositeofsleepstages.

6.2.2. Relationships

Oncethe concepts have been identified we describe the rela-tionshipsthatexistsbetweenthem.

We have seen that a PSG is a composite of signals, events, epochsandsleepstages.One ormoresignalscan be usedto de-tectoneormorerelevanteventsfortheconstructionofthe hypno-gram.

Severaleventsmayoccurin asingleepochandan eventmay occuroveroneormoreepochs.

Oneormoreepochs maybelong toaparticularstage ofsleep, andthere maybe multipleoccurrencesofthesametypeofstage duringsleep.

6.2.3. Typesofrules

In order to define the different types of rules in a domain schema,we need to representa precedent and a consequent, in which we indicate the concepts for whose instances logical ex-pressionsmust be defined. In ourcasewe considered sleep stag-ing rules(asper AASM-2105)which determinethe sleepstage to which each epoch belongs to depending on the events in each epoch.


Fig.8depictstheUMLdiagramoftheframework proposedfor hypnogramconstruction.


Tocompletethemodel,a‘middle-out’approachisused[3] be-causethesystem adapts well tothe inference diagram described above.Thisisbecausewestartwiththeinferencediagramforthe selectedtemplateandthen completethetaskknowledge,domain knowledge and inferential knowledge that makes the translation betweentheinferenceanddomainroles.

6.3.1. Taskknowledge

As discussedintheprevious paragraph,duetothecomplexity ofthetaskof“constructionofthehypnogram”,itwassearchedfor a template appropriate forit. The hierarchicalbreakdown ofthe subtaskcanbeseeninFig.9.

The description using the CommonKDAS conceptual modeling language(CML)ofthetaskofthehypnogramconstructionandits methodisasfollows:

TASK Construction_of_the_hypnogram

GOAL: “Construct the hypnogram from events labeled symbolically in the PSG”


INPUT : case-description: “Case. In principle: sleep study (PSG events)” OUTPUT : design: “Hypnogram”

END TASK Construction_of_the_hypnogram TASK-METHOD Set_the_hypnogram

REALIZES : sleep events analysis DESCOMPOSITION : TASKS : Identify_and_instantiate_sleep_stages ROLES : INTERMEDIATE : CONTROL-STRUCTURE : WHILE

HAS-SOLUTION identify_and_instantiate_sleep_stages (case - > design) DO

case: = design END WHILE

END TASK-METHOD Set_the_hypnogram TASK Identify_and_instantiate_sleep_stages

GOAL: “Set the sleep stage corresponding to each epoch” ROLES :

INPUT : case-description: “Case. In principle: sleep study (PSG events)” OUTPUT : design: “Hypnogram”

END TASK Identify_and_instantiate_sleep_stages TASK-METHOD Set_sleep_stages

REALIZES : specify, propose, verify, select, modify DECOMPOSITION :

INFERENCES : specify, propose, verify, select, modify ROLES :


epoch : “each of the 30 s intervals in which the PSG is temporarily divided”

requirements : “conditions that must be met by an epoch to be considered part of a particular sleep stage”

extension : “set of possible sleep states that may constitute an epoch” truth-value : “Boolean that indicates compliance with conditions of belongingness to every possible sleep stage of an epoch” action : “stage of each epoch”

CONTROL-STRUCTURE : epoch: = epoch ADD case FOR EACH epoch DO

specify (epoch - > requirements) propose (requirements - > extension) FOR EACH extension DO

verify (extension - > truth-value) IF truth-value THEN

select (action + truth-value - > action) END FOR EACH

modify (epoch + action- > design) END FOR EACH

case: = design

END TASK-METHOD Set_sleep_stages

Fig. 9. Hierarchical breakdown of the hypnogram construction task (task structure).

6.3.2. Domainknowledge:sleepstagingrules

ThealgorithmforscoringsleepstagesisrepresentedinFig.10a. Foreach epoch,the domainknowledge determines, ifpossiblein view ofavailable evidence, themostprobablesleepstage. A sec-ondexecutionofthealgorithmdeterminessleepstagesfor unclas-sifiedepochsbetweenepochsclassifieddefinitivelyassleepstages. In thereasoning process,definitive sleepstages act asinferential contexts.Thefinalresultisthehypnogram,thatis,agraphical rep-resentationofallthesesleepstages.

The selection process of the most probable sleep stage, tak-ingintoaccounttheavailableevidence,followsthestrategy repre-sentedinFig.10b.Eventhough differentsleepstagesinitially are candidatesforapplyingdomainknowledge,afuzzyreasoning pro-cessultimatelyselectsthedefinitivesleepstage.

Domainknowledge intheschemaisessentiallyrepresentedas fourtypesofproductionrules thatreflecttheAASM-2015scoring guidelines:(a)ageneralscoringrule;(b)adefinitiveorstart-stage scoringrule;(c)acontinuationstage scoringrule;and(d)a tran-sitionorend-stagescoringrule:

Generalscoring rule: Arulethat definesa generalcriterionfor scoringepochs,dependingonwhetherthepatient isan adult, childorinfant.

Exampleforanadultpatient:Assignastagetoeachepoch(30s section of PSG recording) from the studyoutset. If two or morestagesco-occurinasingleepoch,assignthestage re-flectingmostoftheepoch.

Definitive-stagescoringrule: Arulethat clearlydetermines the stageofanepoch.

Exampleforan adultpatient: Assigndefinitive stageRifthere is low amplitude mixed frequency EEG activity without K com-plexesorsleepspindlesAND lowchinEMG toneformostofthe epochconcurrent withREMAND REMatanypositionwithin the epoch.TheCMLspecificationisasfollows:


Q.name=“Lowamplitudemixedfrequency” AND Q.duration>0AND

R.name=“Kcomplex” AND R.amount=0AND

S.name=“Sleepspindle” AND S.amount=0AND

T.name=“ChinEMGmuscletone” AND T.level=“low” AND


Fig. 10. a) Flow diagram of the general strategy for scoring sleep stages. b) Flow diagram of the fuzzy strategy for a given epoch (EP) determining its definitive sleep stage.

U.name=“Eyemovementstype” AND U.REM=True



•Continuation-stagescoringrule:Arulethatestablishescriteria forscoringastagecontiguoustoorprecedingadefinitivestage.

Exampleforanadultpatient:IntheabsenceofREM,score seg-ments preceding or contiguousto an epoch ofdefinitive stage R as stage R if there is low amplitudemixed frequencyEEG activ-itywithoutKcomplexesorsleepspindles, thereislowchinEMG tone,thereisnointerveningarousalandthereisnoSEMfollowing anarousalorstageW.TheCMLspecificationisasfollows:

VARQ,R,S,T,U,V:facts B.stage=RAND (B.epoch=A.epoch-1OR B.epoch=A.epoch+1)AND

Q.name=“Lowamplitudemixedfrequency” AND Q.duration>0AND

R.name=“Kcomplex” AND R.amount=0AND

S.name=“Sleepspindle” AND S.amount=0AND

T.name=“ChinEMGmuscletone” AND T.level=“low” AND

T.duration>15sAND U.name=“Arousal” AND U.duration=0AND

V.name=“Eyemovementtype” AND V.SEM=False



End-stage scoring rule: A rule that determines the end of a definitivestage.

Example for an adult patient: If an arousal in the previous epoch¡ interruptsstageN2sleep,scoresubsequentsegmentsofthe recording asstage N1if thereis low amplitudemixedfrequency EEGactivitywithoutKcomplexes orsleepspindles, untilthereis evidenceforanothersleepstage.

•Transition-stagescoringrule:Arulethatdeterminestheendof adefinitivestageandthestartofscoringforadifferentstage.

Examplefor an adult patient: A transitionto stage N1 exists ifthe previous epoch isscored as stage R andan arousal occurs followedbylowamplitudemixedfrequencyEEGandSEM.

6.3.3. Inferentialknowledge

Inthissection we describe howthe staticstructures are used toimplement reasoningprocesses. Themain elementsthat spec-ifyknowledge aboutinferencesare: (a) inferences,(b)knowledge roles,and(c)transferfunctions.Inferences,whicharethelink be-tweenthetasks/methodsandthedomainschema,areperfectly de-finedonthebasisofinputs,outputsandstaticknowledge,sothere isnoneedtospecifyinternalcontrol.Foreachrole usedinan in-ference,amappingwithanobjectofthedomainexists(Fig.11).

Forknowledge aboutinferences thelowest level of functional decompositionisdescribed,witheachinferencefullydescribedby means of a declarative specification of inputs and outputs (dy-namicroles).Theinternalprocess isconsideredtobe ablackbox andsoisnotofinterestinmodelingtheknowledge.

Themethodsforthehypnogramconstructionsub-task(identify andinstantiate sleep stages) are decomposedinto the five func-tions(inferences)describedinSection6.1andonthebasisofthese inferencesthedesignismodified.

7. Knowledge model: knowledge refinement stage

Thisactivityhas twodistinct phases: (a)knowledge basesare expanded, and (b) validation is performed by means of a walk-through.

7.1. Knowledgemodelvalidation

Belowtheprocessfortemporalcorrelationofthesymbolic in-formationis described.Foreach step,the inferencesinvolvedare indicatedandtheprocessisbrieflyillustratedusingexamples.

STEP 1 : The PSG recording isintroduced into the system. For example,instancesof alpharhythm (posteriordominantrhythm), eye blinks, reading eye movements and rapid eye movements (REM) events that occur during epoch 1 are introduced into the KBS.

STEP 2: The conditions that must be satisfied for an epoch (basedoneventsthatoccurinsideit) tobeconsideredas belong-ingtoaparticularsleepstagearespecified(specify).Forexample, weconsiderthesetwoconditions:


Fig. 11. Mapping of the inference diagram for the hypnogram construction task.

Condition1:Scoreepochs asstage Wwhenmorethan50% of the epoch contains:eye blinks (0 0.5–2Hz), rapideye move-ments associated with normal or high chin muscle tone, or readingeyemovements

Condition 2: In individualswho generate alpha rhythm, score stageNlifthealpharhythmisattenuatedandreplacedbylow amplitude, mixed-frequency activityformore than50% ofthe epoch.

STEP 3 :Proposedtoeachepocharethesleepstagesitmay be-long to (propose). For example,analysis of the events that occur duringepoch1wouldindicatethatthesemaybelongtophaseW orphaseN1.

STEP 4 :Verifiedforeachepochisthatmembershipconditions aresatisfiedateverypossiblesleepstageitmaybelongto(verify). Forexample, theconditionsofmembership ofepoch1to phases WandN1areverified,asspecifiedabove.

STEP 5 : An epoch is assigned to a stage taking into account possiblestagesitmaybelong to (select).Forexample, ifit is de-terminedthat epoch1corresponds to phaseW,then STEP 4and STEP5arerepeateduntilallthepossiblesleepstagesare consid-eredandonlythenisSTEP6launched.

STEP 6 : The sleep stages, defined from those established for eachepoch,are representedinthehypnogram(modify). Withthe establishmentofthesleepstagestowhicheachepochbelongs, ad-jacentepochs belongingto the same stage are grouped together andthecorrespondingsleepstagesareinstantiated.

7.2. Knowledgebasecompletion

Knowledge base implementation was completed through a knowledge acquisition process in accordance with the proposed model,withdetailedinformationabouttherules neededfor rea-soningandsystemdevelopment.

8. Communication model

Thismodel,whichliketheknowledgemodel,isindependentof theimplementation,describestheinformationobjecttransactions tobeperformedbytheagentswho collaborateinperformingthe tasks.Itsaimisthedetailedspecificationofprocessesthattransfer information/knowledge betweenthe different agents of KBS, i.e., thismodeldetails whichinformation istransmittedandbetween whichagents.Italsoactsasahigher-levelcontroloverthe execu-tionofatask.

The communication model is divided into three components. Thefirstcomponentisthecommunicationsplan,whichdescribes the entire dialogue betweentwo agents. The second component isthetransaction— thebasicatomicelementofthe communica-tion model.Transactions take placebetweentwo tasksheets im-plemented by differentagents.The third componentis the infor-mation exchangespecificationthat describes(shouldthisbe nec-essary)theinternalstructureofamessage.

Fromthedecompositionofsystemprocessesitcanbeobserved that leaf tasks are asfollows: (1) perform PSG, (2) analyze


pul-Fig. 12. Dialogue diagram for the communications plan.

monology signals,(3) analyze electrophysiological signals, (4) la-belpulmonologyeventssymbolically,(5)labelelectrophysiological events symbolically, and(6) construct the hypnogram. Described for each of these tasks are objects in input and output and the agents involved and information exchanges between agents for each of the tasks and/or transfer functions are analyzed. Fig. 12


Once the design knowledge model has been completed, the next step (according to CommonKADS methodology) is the con-struction of the design model. The design model will be con-structed accordingtothemethodofsignal analysisanddetection andclassification of signal patternsto be considered, sothat the finalsystemenablesabetterupdatetochangesinrulesof hypno-gramconstructionormethodsofsignalanalysis.

9. Discussion

Thehypnogramismainlyusedasaqualitativemethodfor indi-catingthedurationofeachsleepstage andthenumberof transi-tions betweenstages.Whenanalyzedinconjunctionwithrecords ofcertainphysiologicalprocessesimportantquantitativemeasures ofsleepqualityareobtained.

Twobasicprocessesunderpintheconstructionofahypnogram: (1) events indicated by PSG signals are correctly identified and classified,and(2)onthebasisofthedetectedevents,thepatient’s differentsleepstagesareidentified.

Withregardtosignalidentificationandclassification,itis nec-essary that the recordingof signalsand thecorresponding inter-pretation mechanisms be as reliable possible and in accordance with the AASM guidelines. So, much work has recently focused on correctidentificationof relevantevents(suchasarousals)and signal patterns (especiallyof sleep spindles, Kcomplexes, vertex sharp waves and sawtooth waves), resulting in improvements to automatic sleep analysis and hyponogram construction methods. Developing KBSsusingthe proposed approach eases the compar-ison between methods and the analysis of the effectiveness of the proposedimprovements thanks toconceptual modeling. Con-ceptual modeling via the knowledge andcommunication models means that high-level KBS design can be isolated from KBS im-plementation. The methodology also provides a project manage-mentandplanningframeworktodefineaspirallifecycleof devel-opment.

Regarding the existingimplementations forautomatic analysis of sleep and its stages, the developed knowledge model is eas-ilyappliedto thosemethodsthat usesignalcharacteristic

extrac-tionbyfrequencyanalysisandfrequencyovertime.Thisisbecause theseparationbetweensignalprocessingandthetreatmentofthe eventsobtainedfrom that processingispart ofthe requirements of the proposed model. However, AASM rules cannot be directly appliedinsome methodsthatuseparametricandnon-parametric classification of sleep events and stages,such as artificialneural networks. Inthese cases,it wouldbe necessaryto feedthe neu-ralnetwork withcasesdiagnosedby expertsstrictly applyingthe AASMrules.

Another contribution of our work comes from the idea of knowledgereuse.CommonKADSdefinestemplatesthatconstitutes predefinedreusableknowledge models that haveproven towork inthe past.In ourcase, we have chosen the “configuration tem-plate” inordertobuild theinference diagramforthe hypnogram construction task. However, CommonKADS templates tend to be very generaland usually you haveto adapt them to the charac-teristicsofyourspecifictask.Forexample,wehaveadaptedonlya partoftheconfigurationtemplatetoourtaskofbuildinga hypno-grambasedonseveralsignalsthatwedivideinepochsandclassify eachepochintoacategory(inthiscasesleepstages).

Our solution was detailed in this paper by an inference dia-gram that includes knowledge dynamicroles andinferencesthat were annotatedto explain its correspondence inour specific do-main.Webelievethatthissolutioncanbeappliedtoothersimilar problemsbuildingwhatiscalled“patternsofknowledge-intensive tasks” thatwill help designersreuse successful designs by basing newdesignsonpriorexperience.

Thanksto thework presented,we haveobtainedaknowledge model forthe developmentof a framework for hypnogram con-structionthat hastheadvantageofisolating theprocessofsignal processingfromthesleepstagesidentification.Thus,thevalidation ofthesystemsdevelopedusingourKBScanbehomogenized,with theresultthathypnograms andtheir resultsbecomecomparable, independentlyof the PSG signal analysistechniques. In this con-text,theCommonKADSmethodologyisapowerfultoolfor knowl-edgeacquisitionandKBSdevelopment.

A possible disadvantage of the proposed knowledge model is theincreasedcomplexityofthe systemsthatare builtusingitas a base.However, thisis compensatedby theadvantagesthat are obtainedfromitsapplication.

Ontheotherhand,implementingrulespublishedbytheAASM involvestreatmentofsignalsusingadivision oftherecordsat in-tervals,continuingthemethodologyestablishedbytheR&K rules. Thisdivisionlimitstheabilitytorecordandanalyzeeventslasting lessthan30s, andignores thefact thatthe evolutionofthe


bio-150 Á. Fernández-Leal et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 118 (2017) 140–151

logicalprocesses occurringcontinuously,which impliesa smooth transitionbetweensleepstages[1].Toovercomethelimitationsof asystembasedontime intervals, severalmethodshavebeen de-velopedrecently. Forexample,Alvarez-Estevez etal. developeda methodfortheautomatic analysisofthe macrostructureofsleep continuously[33].Thismethodisbasedontheuseoffuzzy infer-encetoavoidcategoricalclassifications,andpermitsthe represen-tationofsmoothtransitionsofsleepthroughtheirdifferentstages. Theresultsofthismethodsuggestthedesirabilityofadvancingin thestudyofmechanismsdealingwithsleepsignalsasa continu-ousrecord.

10. Conclusions

Thisapproachhastwomajorfeaturescomparedtoother meth-ods: (1)different KBS results can be compared because PSG sig-nalprocessing andsignal processingtechniques are independent, and(2)thehypnogramconstruction processis structuredinsuch awaythatitcanbeeasilyadaptedtofuturechangesinsleepstage identificationandclassificationguidelinesindependentlyofthe de-velopmentenvironment.

Theinclusionofthisintelligentsleepclassifiermoduleinan in-tegratedsystemresultsinaperfectlyautonomousproduct, poten-tiallyreadyforcommercialization.

Futuredirectionsoftheresearchinclude:(1)theapplicationof aproposed KBStobuild a hypnogramusingdifferentmethodsto analyzePSG signals,and(2)thecomparison ofresultsaswell as the application of the proposed method in clinical surroundings andthedetection ofsleepdisorders or thediagnosisof the syn-dromeofsleepapnoea.

Conflict of interest



This work has been supported by Xunta de Galicia, Spain (excellence groups program GRC2014/035) and by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (research project TIN2013-40686-P,MINECO,co-fundedbyFEDER).


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