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Resolution and characterization of intracytoplasmic forms of reverse transcriptase from Rauscher leukemia virus-producing cells.


Academic year: 2019

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Copyrighti 1978 AmericanSociety for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.









Transcriptase from Rauscher Leukemia




MemorialSloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York10021

Received forpublication 9 November 1977

Themicrosomalsupernatantfraction obtained from a murinecellline

chroni-cally infected with and producing Rauscher leukemiavirus (JLSV-10)was found tocontaintwoforms of RNA-directed DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase).

Thetwo enzyme forms, neither ofwhich is detectable in uninfected cells

(JLSV-9),wereinitiallypartiallypurified bypoly(C)-agarosechromatography, and their

separationwasachievedby phosphocellulose chromatography. Theenzymeform

elutingfirst fromphosphocellulose (0.3 MKCl),designated PCI, was found to be

identical in all parameters tested to that form isolated directly from purified

virions. The second enzymepeak, designated PC II, eluted from

phosphocellu-loseat0.5M KCI andwas notdetectable inpurified virions. The PC II enzyme

hasamolecular weight, determinedby velocitysedimentation, of approximately

109,000,ascomparedwith 70,000for the PC Ienzyme,andcouldnotbe further

dissociatedbyexposure tohighsaltornonionicdetergent. Mixing purifiedvirion

orPCI DNApolymerase with uninfected cells followed by fractionationdid not

produce the PCIIform, suggesting that it is neitheranartifactof purification nor

theresult of fortuitouscomplexingofreversetranscriptase with nornal cellular component(s). Both PCIandPCII enzymeforms appearedantigenically similar

tovirionDNApolymerase,demonstratedidentical divalent cationrequirements

forvarious template-primers, and were capableofcopying heteropolymeric

re-gions of rabbit globin mRNA. However, kinetic studies of heat inactivation

revealed that the PC II enzyme wasfarmore heat labile than the PC I form,

which appeared identical to the virion enzyme in this respect. Furthermore, whereas the PC I and virion-derived reverse transcriptase copied

poly(C)-(dG)12-18mostefficientlyat atemplate-to-primer molar nucleotide ratio of 25:1,

the PCII enzymepreferredaratio of5:1foroptimalratesofpoly(dG) synthesis.

Therefore, by these criteria, there appear to exist two intracellular fonms of

reversetranscriptaseinthe JLSV-10 Rauscher leukemiavirus-producingmurine

cell line.

RNA-directed DNA polymerase (reverse onthe





transcriptase)has been showntoberequiredfor cells chronically infected with retrovirus (1, 4,

the productive infection and transformation of 8). Such studiesareneededto



char-cellsbyavian retroviruses(17,31).Reversetran- acterize the form(s) of virion-related DNA

po-scriptase appears to be


for the initia- lymeraseinsuchcellsand also forthe





ofthe vir- mentof





ally transformed cell state (13, 29). Antibiotics human tumors, where retroviral involvement that inhibit the reverse transcriptase of has beensuggested (10).In thispaper,thepartial

Rauscher leukemia virus have been shown to purification and biochemical characterization of

preventtheleukemogenic activity of thatvirus twoforms ofreverse



cy-(34), suggestingthat this enzymeplaysadirect toplasm ofRauscher leukemia


role in the induction of murine leukemia by cellsaredescribed.

exogenous virus. Anumberofreportsare

avail-ablein theliteratureconcerningthepurification MATERIALS AND METHODS

andbiochemical characterizationofmammalian Reagents.Allradioactivedeoxyribonucleoside tri-retroviralDNApolymerase (6,11, 12, 14, 23,26, phosphateswerepurchasedfrom Amersham/Searle.

30,32). Littleinformation, however, isavailable Unlabeled triphosphatesand template-primerswere 1

on November 10, 2019 by guest




obtained from P-L Biochemicals. The molar ratio of volumes of ice-cold disruption buffer consisting of template to primer, unless otherwise indicated, was Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.8), 1 mM dithiothreitol, 1 1:1 in the case ofpoly(A) (dT)12-,8and 20:1 in the case mMMgCl2,and 15%glycerol.Disruption was carried ofpoly(C) *(dG)12.18.Activated DNA was prepared as out with 40 strokes of a loose-fitting Dounce homog-describedbyAposhianandKornberg (2).Rabbitglo- enizer. Nuclei were removed by a 1,000 x g centrifu-bin mRNA was purchased from Amersham/Searle gation step carried out at4°C, and the resultingpellet and annealed tooligo(dT)12inthemolar ratio of 20:1 was discarded. The 1,000 x gsupernatant was sub-in 0.05 M Tris-hydrochloride, pH 7.8 (20). Starter jected to a10,000xgcentrifugationat40Cfor20min cultures of the non-virus-producing, continuous, to removemitochondria. Thesupernatantfrom that mouse bone marrow-derived fibroblastcelliine JLSV- step was then spun in an SW41 rotor for 1 h at 100,000 9 (3), as well as one chronically infected with and xg. Thepelletfraction thus obtained was suspended

actively producing Rauscher leukemia virus (JLSV- in1ml ofpoly(C)-agarosecolumnequilibrationbuffer,

10), were thegiftof Peter J.Gomatos of thisinstitute. and disruption buffer was added as previously de-Purified Rauscher leukemia virus and ahomogenous scribed forpurifiedRauscher leukemia virus(23). Pu-preparation ofEscherichia coli DNA polymerase I rification ofreverse transcriptase from this fraction

wereprovided byM. J.Modak of this institute. Puri- wasalsoaccomplishedaspreviouslydescribed(23)by

fied immunoglobulin G (IgG) preparations prepared using poly(C)-agarose affinity chromatography. The

frompreimmunized rabbit serum and fromantisera 100,000xgsupernatantfraction obtained from

JLSV-directedagainstpartiallypurifiedRauscherleukemia 9 or JLSV-10 cells was placed either directly onto

virus DNApolymerasewerethe kindgiftofCharles poly(C)-agaroseorafterthefollowingadditionswere

J. Sherr of the National Cancer Institute. DEAE- madetothat fraction: 0.05% (vol/vol)NonidetP-40, cellulose and phosphocellulose were obtained from 0.02%(wt/vol) sodiumdeoxycholate,and 0.04 MKCI. Whatman, Inc. Afterthe columnswerewashed with 10mil ofbuffer,

Preparationofpoly(C)-agarose.Poly(C)wasob- enzymewaseluted withalinear saltgradient(0to0.6

tained from P-L Biochemicals and was covalently M KCI)in wash buffer. Trasylol (Aprotinin), a

pro-coupledto agarosebeads (Sepharose 4B, Pharmacia tease inhibitor obtained fromMobay Chemical Co.,

Fine Chemicals, Inc.) througha modificationof the when usedwaspresent in the celldisruptionbufferat

original procedure (19).Cyanogenbromidewasadded aconcentration of 100U/ml. All columnswere run at

toSepharoseforactivation after firstbeingdissolved aflowrateof18ml/hat 4°C unlessotherwise

indi-inN,N-dimethylformamide (2ml ofsolvent for1g of cated. Fractions of 1-ml volumewerecollected.

BrCN).When thisprocedurerather than the addition Enzyme fractions that were obtained by elution

offinely dividedBrCN isused, the activationtime is from poly(C)-agarose weremade 0.5 M inKCI and

decreasedto 10min.All other stepsarethe same as passedthrough2-ml-bedvolumeDEAE-cellulose

col-previously described for coupling of poly(C)(19).After umns to remove any poly(C) that may have been

coupling,glycinewasadded to a final concentration of degraded during chromatography. The enzyme

frac-0.1 M tothepoly(C)-agarosesuspension,andstirring tions were thendiluted fivefold withpoly(C)-agarose wascontinued at4°Cfor2to4htoallow thecomplete column wash buffer andappliedto phosphocellulose substitution of activated groups thatmightbeleft on columns (0.9 by10cm) previously equilibrated with the agarose. Without suchblocking ofunsubstituted column wash buffercontaining0.1MKCI. Elution of

sites, someenzyme protein together with other pro- enzyme activity from phosphocellulose was

accom-teins may beinadvertentlycovalently coupledtothese plished (after columns were washedwith 10 ml of sitesduringthe course ofpurification, resultingin a buffer)with alinear saltgradient(0.1 M KCI to 0.8 M

loweringofyields. It isalso important to notethat KCI)inatotal volume of 60 ml. Peak enzyme fractions

during long periods of storage of poly(C)-agarose, wereusedimmediatelyorstored at0°Cinthe presence

traces of RNase may act to produce breaks in the of 100 ug ofbovineserum albumin monomer (Miles

polynucleotidestrands. Toremovefreepoly(C)from Laboratories, Inc.)per ml.

thematrix,columns should first be washed with 1M DNApolymerase assays.DNApolymerase

activ-KCI beforeequilibrationwith buffer.Poly(C)-agarose itywasassayedaspreviouslydescribed(23).Annealing columnswerepreparedwith1.5-to2-mlbedvolumes of varioustemplateandprimer combinations used in in Pasteurpipettesandequilibratedat4°C with buffer this study, both synthetic and natural in origin, was consisting of50 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.8), 1 carried out as described by Modak and Marcus (23).

mM dithiothreitol, and 10% (vol/vol) glycerol. We Molecular weight estimation. Sedimentation

haveshown thatpoly(C)-agaroseisaneffectiveaffin- coefficients were determined by centrifugation

ity matrix for the one-step purification of reverse through preformed 10 to 30%(vol/vol) linearglycerol

transcriptase from avian myeloblastosis virus (19) and gradienta in 0.05 MTris-hydrochloride buffer (pH 7.8) Rauscher leukemia virus(23) and for the partial pu- containing 1 mM dithiothreitol and 0.4 MKCI.DNA rification of murinemammary tumor virus DNA po- polymerase activity from peak poly(C)-agarose or lymerase (21). phosphocellulosecolumn fractions was diluted 1:1 in

Cell fractionation and enzyme purification. the same buffer used to prepare the glycerolgradients

CelLswere grown at 370C in plastic (Corning Glass and layered over5-ml gradients. Centrifugation was

Works) orglassrollerbottles in Eagle minimal essen- carried out in anSW50.1 rotor at 48,000 rpm for 16 h tial medium (5) supplemented with 10% fetal calf at4°C.Fractions were thencollectedfrom the bottom serum.Cellswereharvested inmid-logphase by scrap- of the tube and assayed for DNA polymerase activity ing and washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline. with poly(A) (dT)1218. Parallel gradients were run

Thecells(5 g[wetweight]) were then suspended in 5 with E. coli DNA polymerase I and purified

on November 10, 2019 by guest



derived Rauscher leukemia virus DNA polymeraseas 9 cells contained no poly(rCm)

(dG)12.18-di-molecular weight markers. The marker gradientswere rected synthesizing activity and were not

frac-assayedaspreviouslydescribed (19, 23). tionated


(data not


The relative Inhibition of DNA polymeraseactivitybyIgG recoveries of DNA polymerase activity from addition.Enzymefractions (10









00Cfor1h in atotal reaction volume of 35


contain-ing 85 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.8), 100 mMKCI, 1. 1.7 mM dithiothreitol, 0.85 mM MnCl2, 0.085%

(vol/vol) Triton X-100, and the desired quantity of 5 immune or preimmuneIgG. Poly(A) *(dT)1218(0.5 ug) 40 _ A

and 5,uM[3H]dTTP (4,000 cpm/pmol) were added in





volume after preincubation, and polymerization I

was initiated by placing the reaction mixtures in a v 20 0.4

370Cbathfor 60 min. Thequantitationofincorporated 10-


[3H]dTMP was carried out as described above for ____

DNApolymerase assays. x


Purification of virion and microsomal 2 8

membrane pellet reverse transcriptase. Y?

Figure1shows theelutionprofilesof virion and e Y 6_ -0.6

JLSV-10 microsomal membrane pellet fraction , 0.5

DNA polymerase from poly(C)-agarose col- i 4 -0.4 T

umna. The template-primer poly(rCm).


- 0.4

is,whichhas been reported specificforthe de- -> 0.3

tectionof reversetranscriptase activity (4),was 2 0.2

included in assays of column eluate fractions V


from the cellular preparations. The

poly(A) *(dT)12.18-utilizingactivitycoeluted with 4 8 12 16 20 24 2 32 36 40



activity from the 12 number

cytoplasmic pelletfraction at the same salt



centration (0.24 M KCl) as did virion reverse FIG. 1. Elution from poly(C)-agarose columns of

transcrnptase. No terinal deoxynucleotidyl DNApolymeraseactivities from(A)


leuke-transferase activity was observed. F urther tud- mia




the microsomalmembrane


ies (see below) revealed that the microsomal fraction derived fromprepared and columns


were runcell& Fractionsas described inwere

pellet DNA polymerase fromJLSV-10 cellspur-


text.Portions(20 fd)fromeach



as-ified in thismannerpossessed propertiesidenti- sayed forpoly(A)


(0)orpoly(rCm) calto those of the virion enzyme. Pellets pre-


(0) or terminal

deoxynuclkotid-paredin a similar fashionfrom uninfectedJLSV- yltransferaseactivity(A)asdescribedinthe text. TABLE 1. Recovery ofpoly(A)*(dT)12i18andpoly(rCm) (dG)121s-directedDNAsyntheticactivityfromviral

and cellular sourcesafterpoly(C)-agarosechromatographya

Unitsof enzymeactivity'(x10-3)in:

Enzymesource Crude fractions Poly(C)-agarosecol- Poly(C)-agarosecol- Activityrecovered in

umnwash fractions umneluate fractions eluatefractions(%)


Rauscher leukemia virus 160 10.1 15 0.9 115 7.5 72 75

(100Ag of viral protein)

JLSV-10 microsomal pellet 124 8.1 20.4 0.8 96 6.04 69 74

JLSV-10 microsomal super- 26.7 1.05 13.6 0.15 9.1 0.71 34 71


JLSV-9 microsomal super- 6.0 NDC 5.6 ND 1.2 ND 20


aApproximately5g(wetweight)ofeitherJLSV-9orJLSV-10celLswasharvested andprocessedas


inthe text, and the various fractionswerechromatographedonpoly(C)-agarose. Assaysfor DNAsynthetic activity directedbypoly(A)-(dT)12-1s (expressedasdTMPunits)orpoly(rCm)-(dG)12-18 (expressedasdGMP

unitsWcontained0.5mMMnCI2and50mMKCI,in additiontothe standardcomponentsdescribed in thetext. bOneunit ofactivityisdefinedasthat amountof enzymeincorporating1pmolof tritiated substrate into

acid-insolublematerialduring30 min of incubationat370C.

cND, Not detectable(<0.05pmolofdGMPincorporatedper


portionunder assayconditions).

on November 10, 2019 by guest




ResolutionofDNApolymerase activities phosphocellulose chromatograms of

poly(rC)-inJLSV-10high-speed cytoplasmic super- agarosecolumnpeaks corresponding to fractions

natant.Cellsweredisruptedasdescribed above 8to 12inclusive and15 to 19inclusive in Fig. 2A and in as gentleamanneras possible to avoid are shown in Fig. 3A and B, respectively. The

thepossibledisruption of enzyme complexes by secondarypeak of activity from poly(C)-agarose

detergent treatment(4). Nuclei were not used in (fractions 8 to 12) was resolved in this manner thefractionation procedure, since the supposed into two distinct peaks of roughly equivalent site of action andsynthesisof viral DNApolym- activity eluting from phosphocellulose at 0.3 M erase is thecytoplasm (12). In contrast to the and 0.5 M KCl. The primary peak of activity sharp, single-peak elution profiles shown for from poly(C)-agarose (fractions 15 to 19, Fig.

DNApolymerasefromRauscher leukemia virus 2A)elutedfromphosphocellulose as one major

and the JLSV-10 microsomal pellet


(Fig. peak of activity at 0.3 M KCl (Fig. 3B), as did

1),elutionprofiles showing twopeaksof DNA the poly(C)-agarose peak reverse-transcriptase

polymerase activitywerereproduciblyobtained activityderived from either Rauscher leukemia

fromcytoplasmichigh-speedsupernatant chro- virus orJLSV-10 microsomal membranepellet

matographedonpoly(C)-agarose (Fig. 2A). The (data notshown). Therefore, the high-speed

cy-additionofdetergent(seeabove)toapproximate toplasmicsupernatantfrom Rauscher leukemia

conditionsused forchromatographyofdisrupted virus-producing cells appeared to contain two virions did notsignificantly alter the observed chromatographically separable forms of reverse elution profile. The primary peak of transcriptase, whereas the virion and

micro-poly(A)*(dT)12 18- andpoly(rCm)*(dG)12.18-uti- somalpelletfractionsappearedtocontain only

lizingactivityelutedat0.24 MKCI(asdoes the oneform of the enzyme. To determine whether

virion enzyme), whereas the secondary peak the two peaks of activity resolved by phospho-elutedat0.12 to 0.15MKCl. Chromatography cellulose chromatography were due to

artifac-ofJLSV-9 cytoplasmic high-speedsupernatant tual complexing of the virion enzyme with a

on poly(C)-agarose yielded the elution profile solublecytoplasmicconstituent, virion or

micro-shown inFig.2B. Smallamounts (seeTable1) somal pellet-derived enzyme was mixed with



wereseen virus-freeJLSV-9 cellhomogenates,whichwere

toelute from 0.1 Mto0.22 MKCl,representing then fractionated in a manner identical to that

5 to10% of theactivityobserved in the JLSV-10 describedabove.Onlyonepeakof

reverse-tran-column eluates. No




18activity scriptase activity, eluting at 0.3 M KCI, was

wasobservedinJLSV-9column eluate fractions. resolved by phosphocellulose chromatography

The twopeaksofreverse-transcriptase activity in thismanner(datanotshown),suggesting that

obtainedfromvirus-producingcellswerepooled the0.5MKCIpeak activityfromJLSV-10cells

separately andfurther

analyzed by chromatog-

was indeedaform restricted tocellsproducing

raphy on


after passage virus. Further biochemical analysis of the two

through DEAE-cellulose to remove


forms ofreversetranscriptase, designated PC I

traces of poly(C) (see above). Representative (0.3 M


and PC II(0.5MKCl)

correspond-A B

50 C

0 6

40- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16v

eo 30- 120 -0Q6

(J (~~~~~~~~~~1



0-8 16 24 32 8 16 2 2


FIG. 2. Elutionfrompoly(C)-agarose columns of DNApolymeraseactivityfrom high-speedmicrosomal

supernatantpreparationsderivedfrom (A)JLSV-1O cells and (B) JLSV-9 cells. High-speed cytoplasmic supernatantfractionswereprepared as described in the text.Portions(20


fromeach eluatefractionwere

assayed forpoly(A)J (dT)12.IS(0)-andpoly(rCm) (dG)1218(0)-utilizingactivity.

on November 10, 2019 by guest








E -0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.8




0. CL4

VO 2


4 8 12 1610 24 28 23640 44 48 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48



FIG. 3. Chromatography of JLSV-10high-speedsupenatantpoly(rC)-agarosepooledeluatefractions8 to 12(A)and15to19(B) (seeFig. 2A)onphosphocellulose. Thepooled eluate fractionswereprocessedthrough

DEAE-cellulosecolumnsbefore phosphocelulose chromatography(see text). Phosphocellulosecolumneluate


(2O-pdportions) upereassayedforpoIY(A)-(dT)12 8 (0)-andpoly(rCm)*(dG)1218 (0)-directedDNA synthesi8.

ing to their order of elution fromphosphocellu- ,


was carried out to detect


differ- 18 +

encesin theirproperties. i

Analysis by




16-molecularweights ofthe PCIandPC II forms ; 14

ofreverse transcriptase derived from the high- X 12

speed cytoplasmic supernatant fraction of °4

JLSV-10 cells were determined bysedimenta-

-tionthroughlinear 10 to30% (vol/vol) glycerol 8

-gradients in the presence of 0.4 MKCI(Fig.4).

Rauscher leukemia virus reverse transcriptase j 6 (70,000 daltons), purified by a single passage 4

-throughpoly(C)-agarose (23), and E. coli DNA 2

polymerase I (109,000 daltons) were used as

molecular weight markers. The PC I form of

reverse transcriptase (derivedfrommicrosomal B 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

pellet or supematant) cosedimented with the Fraction number T

virion-derived enzyme, indicating asedimenta-


4. Glycerol gradient analysis of


in-tion coefficientof4.2S corresponding to a mo- traceUularforms of reversetranscriptase.

Phospho-lecular weight of 70,000. The PC II enzyme ceUulose peakPC I(0) or PC II (A)fractions (150

consitently sedimented faster than the PC I id) werediluted 1:1 with 0.5M This-hydrochloride

form,at 5.5 to5.68, conrespondingto amolecular buffer, pH 7.8, containing 0.4 MKCI and I nM

weightof 109,000. The sedimentation patterns dithiothreitoland thenlayered on 10to 30% glycerol

were not alteredbythe useofNonidetP-40 at


prepared with thesame buffer.

Centrifu-0.2%(vol/vol)inaddition to 04 MKCI (datanot




out for 16h





shown. *Parallelgradients conaining

poly(C)-agarose-puri-shown). .




viru DNA polymerase


Template-primerutilization. Since the PC andE. coliDNA polymerase I (arrow indicates peak

I andPC II activities differed in apparent mo- fractionposition) were also runasmolecular


lecularweight, their respective abilitiestoutilize markers. FractionscoUectedfromthebottom of the

various template-primers (synthetic and natu-


tubes were assayedfor DNApolymerase

ral)weretested andcomparedwiththose of the activitywithpoly(A)*(d-)-2-Ie


enzyme (23). Theresults of this

studyare shownin Table2. Both forms ofre- formswereableto copyheteropolymericregions

versetransciptasewereabletoutilize thesame ofrabbitglobin mRNA into DNA, thereby

con-spectrum of


as has beenpre- firmingtheiridentityas truereverse

tanscrip-viouslydescribed for the Rauscher leukemia vi- tases.Optimal divalent cation concentrationsfor

rusenzyme(23), withnosignificantdifferences theuseofthevarioustemplate-primersfor both

observedbetween the PCIand PCI forms. It PCIand PC I enzymes werealso foundtobe

should be noted that both the PC I and PC II identical to those previously reported for the

on November 10, 2019 by guest




TABLE 2. Utilizationofvarioustemplate-primersby PC I andPC IIJLSV-lO DNApolymerasesand Rauscher leukemia virus reverse transcrptase"

Substrate incorporationby:

Template-primer Divalent cation substrate PClen- PCIlen- Virion-de-substateP Ien PC I en-rived

en-zyme zyme zyme Synthetic

Poly(A) *(dT)1218 Mn2+ TTP 10.1 9.2 26

Poly(dA) (dT)1218 Mn2+ TTP <0.02 <0.02 <0.02

Poly(C) (dG)1218 Mg2+ dGTP 1.5 0.8 3.1

Poly(rCm) (dG)12-18 Mn2+ dGTP 0.8 0.7 1.0

Poly(dC) (dG)1218 Mg2+ dGTP 6.1 5.2 20.2


Activated calfthymus DNA Mg2+ dGTP 0.3 0.28 1.55

Globin mRNA+(dT)12 Mn2+ dGTP 0.15 0.13 0.21

GlobinmRNA+(dT)12 Mn2+-dATP and dCTP dGTP <0.01 <0.01 <0.01



orMn2+ dGTP <0.01 <0.01 <0.01



conditions and standard components used in reaction mixturesaregiveninthetext.In additionto

standardcomponentsandtemplate-primers,0.5mMMnCl2or2mMMgCl2was used whereverindicated,and

100 mMKCIwaspresent in all reactions.Approximately 5ngof RauscherleukemiavirusDNApolymerase enzymewasusedperreaction.Peakphosphocellulosefractions


portions)ofPC I and PC IIenzymeswere

usedforeach reaction.Synthetictemplate-primer-directed reactionswereincubatedat37°Cfor30min.For

globin-mRNA-directedreactions,assaymixturesweredoubled insize,andthe incubation timewasincreasedto


Rauscher leukemia virus DNApolymerase (23).


ratio of





We have


reported that Pi, at low differences between thetwointracellularforms concentrations(<10mM),effectivelyandselec- ofreverse

transcriptase (Fig.

5). The PC I

en-tively inhibits mammalian type C viral DNA zyme and the virion-derived reverse

transcrip-polymerases (23). The PCI, PCII, and virion- tasepreferred a template-to-primer ratio of 25:1, derivedreverse-transcriptase activitieswerein- whereas under identical conditions the PC II hibited80 to90%bytheaddition of2mMPito enzyme showed a marked preference for the reaction mixtures and to an equivalent degree 5:1ratio. Thisdifferencein therateof utiization

by 10mMN-ethylmaleimide (datanotshown). also serves to





These results serve to identify the phosphate of the PC I and PC II enzymes to

sensitivity ofthe PC I and PC II enzymes and







also suggest that these reverse transcriptase 20:1template-to-primerratiowasused.

preparationsare notcontaminated with signifi- ApparentKmvalueswere also determined for

cantquantitiesof DNApolymerasesfOory,the substrate DNA precursors for thePC I,PC II,

formerbeingrelativelyresistanttoinhibitionby andvirion-derivedforms ofreversetranscriptase

N-ethylmaleimide (33)andthe latterbeingstim- with thesetwo



ulated rather than inhibitedbythe addition of ofreversetranscriptase yieldedanapparentKm Pitoreaction mixtures (16, 23). value for dTTP and dGTP of 20 ,uM. This value

In adetailed studyof thecatalytic properties did not change, regardless of the

template-to-of theRauscher leukemia virus DNApolymer- primer nucleotide ratio that was used. Apparent

ase,we have shownthatchangingthetemplate- Kmvaluesfor thesetwotemplate-primers for


to-primer nucleotide ratio can significantly af- threeforms ofreversetranscriptase were

iden-fect the rate of substrate polymerization (23). ticalat0.5 to0.7jug/ml.The pH optima for PC

The effect ofchanging the template-to-primer I, PC II, andthe virion-derived or microsomal

ratio on the rate of DNAsynthesis by PCI,PC pellet-derived reverse transcriptase were

deter-II,orthe Rauscherleukemiavirus-derived DNA mined by using Tris-hydrochloride buffers of polymerase wasdetermined, using afixed con- varying pH in the reaction mixture. For centration of


or poly(C)soo and an- poly(A).


synthesis, pH 7.8 to

nealing various amounts ofappropriate DNA 8.1 was the range found


for enzyme

oligomersasprimers (30).All three forms of the activity from all four sources. Therefore, al-enzymepreferredanequimolarratio ofpoly(A) thoughapparent kinetic constants for PC I and



nucleotides (datanotshown) for opti- PC II reverse transcriptase are identical with

mal rates of synthesis. Determination of the respect to substrateand template-primer

on November 10, 2019 by guest




|1. 003' ,' \' z 2



.E l 60 4 8 l 6 2 42



o20_ _ ~~~~~~~~~~FIG.6. Inhibition of PCI1(O)and PCII1(0)

intra-C cellular JLSV-10 reverse transcriptase and JLSV-9





by IgG directed against

X I I l I


leukemia virus DNA polymerase. Enzyme

10 20 3 0 5 niiinsuiswr are out as described in

theextTheJLS-9 DAplymeaseactivityused Ratioottemplate to primer in this study was that derived frompoly(C)-agarose FIG. 5. Effect ofvarioustemplate-to-primernolar columneluatefractions (see Fig. 2) corresponding to

nucleotide ratiosofpoly(C) (dG)12.18 on theactivity differentareas of the elutionprofile, whichall gave

reversetranscrwptaseand Rauscher leukemia virus- (as picomoles offH]dTMP incorporated per hour) derived (0) reverse transcrptase. Poly(C) and~ were: PC I, 18; PC II, 13; JLSV-9 DNA polymerase,

(dO)12.18 were annealed in thedesiredratios as de- 4

scribed in the text. Enzyme activity inallcases was

KCI. Values corresponding to lOO'% activity in this DNAsynthesis by enzoymai acivtedluting8at


(aspicomoles of



DAsnhssb nyai ciiyeuiga

per 30min)Jwere:PC Ipolymerase,2.5;-PClpolym- various salt concentrations after

chromatogra-erase, 2.0; Rauscherleukemia virus DNApolymnerase, phy of uninfected JLSV-9 extracts on

poly(C)-12.5. agarose (Fig. 2B) is also shown (Fig. 6). No

significantinhibitionof the normal cellular DNA

ties, as well as to pH optima, these enzymes may polymerase activity was observed. These results

bedistinguiishedby the template-to-primer nu- suggest that there are no significant antigenic

cleotide ratio forpoly(C)* (dG)1218requiredfor differences between the intracellular forms of

optimal rates of poly(dG) synthesis. reversetranscriptasethat wereresolvedby

phos-Susceptibility to IgG inhibition. The stud- phocellulose chromatography.

ies described above on the catalytic properties Enzyme stability and heat inactivation.

Of the PC I and PC II enzymes derived from Enzymefractions that were obtained by

phos-JLSV-10 Rauscher leukemia virus-producing phocellulose chromatography were either used

cells suggested that they were two forms of immediately or stored at000 after the addition

virion-coded reverse transcriptase. The immu- of bovineserumalbumin monomer (Miles

Lab-nological relatedness of the intracellular forms oratories, Inc.) to a final concentration of 100

of reverse transcriptase was tested by examining ,ug/ml. Long-term storage of PC I and PC II

the susceptibility of PC I and PC II toinhibition enzymefractionswas notattempted.During the

by IgG purified from rabbit antiserum directed course of the above studies, it was noted that,

againstpartiallypurifiedRauscherleukemiavi- even with the addition ofexogenous proteins,

rus DNApolymerase. The IgGpreparationthat


activity declined at000more rapidly than

was used has been shown to be capable of de- did PC I activity. To determine whether this

tecting differences in mammalian type C viral decline in activity was intrinsic to a particular

DNA polymerases from various sources (28). enzymeform, the PC I and PC II enzyme

frac-The results of this study are shown in Fig. 6. tions, as well as poly(C)-agarose-purified

The ability of increasing quantities of anti- Rauscher leukemia virus DNA polymerase, were

Rauscher leukemia virusDNApolymeraseIgG heated for various periods of time at4500in the

to inhibit PC I and PC II enzyme forms is absence of


substrate, or



and equivalent to that de- lent cation (30). The enzymefractionswere then

termned withvirion-derived enzyme (data not cooled in an ice bath and tested for the loss of

shown). In addition to this study, the abilityof ability to direct DNA synthesis with

on November 10, 2019 by guest




poly(rCm) (dG)1218as template-primer. There- identical to that found in the virion orin the sults of this study are shown in Fig. 7. The microsomal membranepellet fraction.

virion-purified reverse transcriptase and the in- DISCUSSION

tracellular PC I peak enzyme fraction



underidenticalconditions, identical rates of heat Thisreport has described the presence of two inactivation. The PC II enzyme was far more forms ofRauscher leukemia virus DNA polym-sensitive to heatinactivation thanwasthe PCI erase in avirus-producingcell line.Fractionation enzyme or virion-derived polymerase. The ap- of the cytoplasmrevealed that the


of proximate To.5 (one-half thermal inactivation reverse-transcriptase activity (>85%) in JLSV-time) for the PC I enzyme andRauscherleuke- 10 cells is found in the microsomal membrane mia virus-derived enzyme at this temperature, pellet fraction and that it is identical to the and measured with the template-primer, is 65


form of the enzyme in such parameters as

man, whereas the T.6 for the PC II form Of molecular weight, optimal conditions for tem-reverse transcriptase is 11 mi. From this as well


utilization, and heat inactivation as the other data described above, the PC I


The high-speed cytoplasmic

superna-intracellular form of reverse transcriptase I tant fraction was found to contain only 10 to 20% of the total reverse-transcriptase activity,

100 andapproximately 20% of this soluble enzyme

90 activity was present in a form that differed from

the virion enzyme. The two forms that were

70 \ - t found in this fraction differ in their



70 _ elutionfromphosphocellulose columns. The PC

60 \ _ I



first from


ap-pears identicaltothevirion-derived enzyme in

so _ those


thatwe havedescribed

previ-ously (23). The PC II enzyme form appears

40 higher in molecular weight (109,000 as opposed

to70,000[Fig.3]) than the PC I form, prefers a lowertemplate-to-primer ratio for optimal

copy-; \ming ofpoly(C) templates (Fig. 4), and is more


30 \ _ thermolabilethan PC I



Both the PCI

and PC II forms ofreverse


how-ever, appearantigenically similar in the degree

to which they are inhibited by IgG directed

20 _ agat the

partially purified

virion enzyme



Although the quantity of PC II appears low compared with that of the PC Iformintotal cell fractions, it appears to be ofsignificant quantity since the majority of viral DNA polymerase

activityobserved is mostlikely due to the



, ,



, ence


the microsomal membrane



20 30












at cles. Because no treatment of cytoplasm was

FIG. 7. Kinetics ofheat inactivation of PCI(0) undertaken other than fractionation by

differ-andPCH(A) JLSV-10


DNApolymer- ential centrifugation, the soluble enzyme frac-asesandRauscherleukemia virus reverse transcrip- tion should reflect the status of

reverse-tran-tase (0) at


Thepurified DNApolymerasesin scnptase formspriortopackaging in viral cores. buffer containing 0.05 MTris-hydrochloride, pH7.8, Processing ofthe uninfected cell line (JLSV-9) ImMdithiothreitol, 0.5MKCI, 10%glycerol, and 100 in anidentical manner produced no detectable pg of bovineserumalbumin monomer per ml, in 25- quantity ofreverse-transcriptaseactivity, as


portions, wereplaced in a45C waterbathfor termined by the ability of a DNA polymerase to

increasing period'softime,after which thete were copy themodified template poly(rCm)



cooled in anice bath.Ice-cold reaction mixtures were Experiments in which purified viral or

mi-then added to the enzyme fractions, and crosomal J n whic



tran-poly(rCm) (dG)128-directed synthesis wasinitiated crosomal JLSV-lO pellet-derived reverse

tran-byplacing the tubes in a 37°C water bath. Thepercent scriptase was mixed withJLSV-9 cells, which activity remaining was calculated byusing as con- werethen processedtodetect thepossible

for-trolsenzymefractions that had not been exposedto mation of PC II, yielded negative results (only

heat. the PC Iformwas observed). Therefore, PC II

on November 10, 2019 by guest



does not appear to arise from the fortuitous gent on the PC II intracellular form of reverse complexing of viral DNA polymerase with a transcriptase also failed to resolve high- and low-normal cellularcomponent or as a minor polym- molecular-weight components. Therefore, the erase ofuninfected cells. Theseexperiments also PC II enzyme


that we have


does demonstrate for the first time the ability of not appear similar to the enzyme complex re-poly(C)-agarose to select for reverse transcrip- ported earlier.

tase in cytoplasmic preparations of virus-pro- The PC II enzyme form that we have de-ducing cells and to discriminate against cellular scribed appears similar in molecular weight to

polymerase. Such discrimination may be ob- anintracellular form of RD-114 virus DNA

po-served in the disproportionate loss of lymerase described by Gerwin et al. in infected

poly(A) (dT)128-directed DNA synthesis as cells (8). Although the high- and

low-molecular-compared with poly(rCm)-(dG)12.s-directed weight forms of the intracellular RD-114 virus

synthesis (specific forreverse transcriptase) in enzymes appeared identical with respect to

di-the JLSV-10 soluble cellular fraction poly(C)- valent cationoptima and apparent kinetic con-agarose column flow through (Table 1). The stants for substrates and template-primers,

identification of PC I and PC HIas"true" reverse other biochemical parameters, including the

transcriptases was made on the basis of their abilitytodirect naturalRNA-directed synthesis,

abilitytocopyheteropolymeric regions of rabbit were nottested (8). The increasedthermolability globin mRNA (Table 2) as well as on their of the PC II Rauscher leukemia virus intracel-responsetospecificantibodies (Fig.6). lular enzyme form, along with the increase in The existence of multiple forms of reverse apparent molecular weight, suggests an

altera-transcriptase withdiffering properties in intra- tion in structure as compared with the

virion-cellular particles obtained from cells infected derived form of reversetranscriptase. The

find-with gibbon ape leukemia virus has been re- ing that the PC II enzyme formcopiespoly(rC)

portedbyGillespieetal. (11). However, the two optimallyat atemplate-to-primer ratio different

forms studied by this group appeared to arise from that which is optimal for the virion enzyme via monomer-dimer interconversion mediated alsosuggests apossiblestructural difference

be-by salt and/or detergent concentrations. tweenthe twoenzymes. It istemptingto

spec-Rauscher leukemia virus DNApolymerasehas ulate, asothers have (8), that the

high-molecu-also beenreportedtoexistas aseries of aggre- lar-weight form serves as a precursor to the gate forms(26),althoughwehave shownthat in virion-packagedform inasystem similarto


the presence of0.4MKCInosignificant degree of the/Bsubunit of avian retroviral reverse

tran-ofaggregationis observed(23). Bandyopadhyay scriptase(9). Our findings (i) that the PC II form

fractionatedand characterized the DNApolym- wasobservedonlyin soluble rather than

partic-erasesfrom JLSV-9(3)and JLSV-10(4)cellsby ulate fractions and (ii) thatmixing experiments

using classical purification procedures. He ob- failed togenerate the PC II form frompurified

servedauniqueDNApolymerasewithamolec- polymerase and uninfected cell components

ularweightof110,000in thecytoplasmofJLSV- would seem to lend support to that concept.

10cells,whichappearedtorepresentacomplex However,additionalpossibilitiesthat thePCII

formnedbetween allcytoplasmicviralpolymerase enzyme form(i)represents the DNApolymerase

and a 35,000-dalton cellular DNA polymerase. of a variant strain ofRauscher leukemia virus

Thecomplexcouldbeseparated by detergentor presentinsmall amounts or (ii) isproduced


phospholipasetreatmentandwasalsoobserved a related endogenous viral genome present in

by the author to be present in purified viral JLSV-9 cells that is activatedduring viral

infec-preparations. Attempts inourlaboratoryto re- tioncannot,atpresent, becompletelyruledout.

producetheseresultsby followingtheidentical Futurestudiesontheenzyme formPCIIwill

fractionationprocedurewereunsuccessful. How- concentrate onthequestionof whether it indeed

ever, it was found that the ammonium sulfate representsanenzymatically active intennediate

fractionationstep resulted in enrichment for the in thecleavage of the polyproteinprecursor to

PCI(virion) enzymeformn byprecipitatingpar- DNA


(15) or a noncovalently but



Furthermore, sedimen- tightlylinkedprotein-enzyme


tation velocity profiles of Rauscher leukemia


virus reverse transcriptase from crude or puri- I thank Mukund J. Modak for helpful discussions and fiedenzymefractions,in thepresenceorabsence purified Rauscherleukemia virusand E.coliDNApolymerase ofdetergent, wereconsistentlyfree ofanysuch IandCharles J. Sherr foranti-reverse-tanscriptaseIgG.The 35,000-dalton polymerase activity (23)whenas- continuedinterestandencouragement of Nurul H. Sarkaris

sayedunderconditions reportedoptimalfor its appreciated.for experttechnical assistance.Thanksarealsoexpressed to Steven W.Smith

detection (4). Sedimentation velocity analysis Thisstudy wassupportedby Public Health Servicegrants

performed in thepresenceor absence of deter- CA-08748and CA-18369from the National CancerInstitute.

on November 10, 2019 by guest



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FIG. 1.miaDNA Elution from poly(C)-agarose columns of polymerase activities from (A) Rauscherleuke- virions and (B) the microsomal membranepeUet
FIG.assayed forpoly(A)J(dT)12.IS (0)- andpoly(rCm)(dG)1218 (0)-utilizing high-speedsupernatant itl)supernatant 2
FIG. 3.DEAE-cellulose12fiactions (A) Chromatography ofJLSV-10 high-speed supenatantpoly(rC)-agarose pooled eluate fractions 8 to and 15 to 19 (B) (see Fig
TABLE 2. Utilization of various template-primers by PC I and PC II JLSV-lO DNA polymerases andRauscher leukemia virus reverse transcrptase"


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