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On statistical convergence and strong Cesàro convergence by moduli


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On statistical convergence and strong

Cesàro convergence by moduli

Fernando León-Saavedra


, M. del Carmen Listán-García


, Francisco Javier Pérez Fernández


and María

Pilar Romero de la Rosa




2Department of Mathematics,

University of Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


In this paper we will establish a result by Connor, Khan and Orhan (Analysis 8:47–63, 1988; Publ. Math. (Debr.) 76:77–88,2010) in the framework of the statistical

convergence and the strong Cesàro convergence defined by a modulus functionf. Namely, for every modulus functionf, we will prove that af-strongly Cesàro convergent sequence is alwaysf-statistically convergent and uniformly integrable. The converse of this result is not true even for bounded sequences. We will characterize analytically the modulus functionsffor which the converse is true. We will prove that these modulus functions are those for which the statistically convergent sequences aref-statistically convergent, that is, we show that Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result is sharp in this sense.

Keywords: Statistical convergence; Strong Cesàro convergence; Modulus function; Uniformly bounded sequence

1 Introduction

A sequence (xk) on a normed space (X, · ) is said to be strongly Cesàro convergent toL


lim n→∞

1 n



xkL= 0.

The strong Cesàro convergence for real numbers was introduced by Hardy–Littlewood [14] and Fekete [12] in connection with the convergence of Fourier series (see [35], for historical notes, and the most recent monograph [5]).

A sequence (xn) is statistically convergent toLif for anyε> 0 the subset{k:|xkL|<ε}

has density 1 on the natural numbers. The term statistical convergence was first presented by Fast [11] and Steinhaus [34] independently in the same year 1951. Actually, a root of the notion of statistical convergence can be detected in [36], where he used the term almost convergence which turned out to be equivalent to the concept of statistical convergence.

Both concepts were developed independently and surprisingly enough, both are related thanks to a result by Connor ([6]) which was sharpened by Khan and Orhan ([15]). Among other results, Khan and Orhan show that a sequence is strongly Cesàro convergent if and only if it is statistically convergent and uniformly integrable. In this circle of ideas, a sig-nificant number of deep and beautiful results have been obtained by Connor, Fridy, Khan,


Mursaleen, Orhan... and many others (see [2,9,13,26,27,31–33]). Moreover, the con-vergence methods are an active research area with important applications (see the recent

monograph by Mursaleen [24]). For instance, there are applications in many fields, such as approximation theory [3,10,22,23,25,28]. On the other hand, from the point of view

of infinite dimensional spaces, there are interesting results that characterize properties of

normed spaces by means of some convergence types (see for instance [8,16–18]). Let us recall thatf:R+R+is said to be a modulus function if it satisfies:

(1) f(x) = 0if and only ifx= 0.

(2) f(x+y)≤f(x) +f(y)for everyx,y∈R+.

(3) f is increasing.

(4) f is continuous from the right at0.

In [19,29,30] the authors extended the notion of strong Cesàro convergence with respect to a modulus function, and in [1] it was introduced the concept off-statistical convergence

in which underlies a new concept off-density of subsets of natural numbers (wheref is a

modulus function). A modulus functionf was used by Maddox ([20]) to obtain a repre-sentation of statistical convergence in terms of strong summability. Later, it was used by

Connor ([7]) to study the concepts of strong matrix summability with respect to a modu-lus. In this paper we will consider only unbounded modulus functions, since the bounded

case is reduced only to trivial examples.

In [4] the authors studied the relationship between the f-statistical convergence and

other Cesàro convergence types defined with respect to a modulusf. It has been observed that there is not enough structure to establish Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result in any

direc-tion. The aim of this paper is to establish, for thef-statistical convergence and a suitable

f-strong Cesàro convergence that will be introduced in Sect.2, equivalences analogous to those obtained in Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result.

The notion off-strong Cesàro convergence that we introduce is very handy to use, and it fits as a glove to thef-statistical convergence. In fact, we will prove that if a sequence

(xn) isf-strongly Cesàro convergent toLthen (xn) isf-statistically convergent toLand it

is uniformly integrable.

However, the converse of the above result, is not always true, even for bounded se-quences. Thus, the following questions arises:

For which modulus functionsfit is possible to obtain the converse of Connor–Khan–

Orhan’s result. That is, for which modulus functions do we find that all uniformly integrable andf-statistically convergent sequences aref-strongly Cesàro convergent?

We answer the above question by characterizing analytically such modulus functions,

which will be calledcompatible modulus functions. And surprisingly, we can show that such compatible modulus functions are those for which all statistically convergent

se-quences aref-statistically convergent, that is, in some sense Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result is quite sharp. The paper concludes with a brief section devoted to related issues,


2 Preliminary results

LetXbe a normed space. A sequence (xn)⊂Xis said to be uniformly integrable if

lim c→∞supn

1 n


k=1 xk≥c

xk= 0.

If a sequence (xn) is uniformly integrable then (xnL) is also uniformly integrable for

everyLX. If we considerL1μ[0, 1] whereμis the Lebesgue measure, a sequence (xn) is

uniformly integrable if and only if the set of simple functions

gn(s) = n


xk+1χ[k n,k+1n )(s)

is uniformly integrable in L1

μ[0, 1] (hereχA(·) denotes the characteristic function ofA).

This measure theoretic approach was used by Khan and Orhan in [15], providing an an-swer to a problem posed by Connor [7] in theA-statistical-convergence setting and to another open question posed by Miller ([21]).

Next we definef-strong Cesàro convergence:

Definition 2.1 Let f be a modulus function. A sequence (xn) is said to be f-strongly

Cesàro convergent toLif

lim n→∞


f(n) = 0.

Let us observe that iff is bounded, then the constant sequencexn=Lis the only

se-quence which isf-strongly Cesàro convergent toL. Indeed, if for somek,xkL=c> 0



f∞ ≤


f(n) ,

which gives the desired result.

In [1], by means of a new concept of density of a subset ofN, it is defined the following non-matrix concept of convergence.

Definition 2.2 A sequence (xn) is said to bef-statistically convergent toLif for every

ε> 0.

lim n→∞


f(n) = 0.

Analogously, if f is bounded, the only sequences (xn) that converge f-statistically are

the constant sequences. Thus, in what follows we will suppose thatf is an unbounded modulus function.

Let us observe that iff is a modulus function, for allx∈R+andmNwe havef(x m)≥ 1

mf(x). Indeed,f(x) =f( 1

mmx)≤mf( x

m). As a consequence, it was pointed out in [1] that

ifxnisf-statistically convergent toL, then (xn) is statistically convergent toL. A similar


Proposition 2.3 Let f be a modulus function.If(xn)is f -strongly Cesàro convergent to L,

then(xn)is strongly Cesàro convergent to L.

Proof Indeed, for allp≥1, there existsn0, such that


f(n) ≤ 1 p

for allnn0. That is,







n p

and sincef is increasing, we have




n p

for allnn0, that is, (xn) is strongly Cesàro convergent toL.

However, the converse of the above statement is not true, as it is shown in the following example.

Example2.4 Let us consider the modulus functionf(x) =log(x+ 1) and the sequence (xk)

defined as:


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, k=n2,

0, k=n2.

Then (xk) is strongly Cesàro convergent to 0, indeed

lim n→∞




n n = 0.

However, (xn) is notf-strongly Cesàro convergent to 0:

lim n→∞

log(nk=12 xk) log(n2) =

1 2.

Definition 2.5 A modulus functionf is said to be compatible if for anyε> 0 there exist ε> 0 andn0(ε)∈Nsuch that f(nε


f(n) <εfor allnn0.

Example2.6 The functionsf(x) =xp+xq, 0 <p,q1,f(x) =xp+log(x+ 1),f(x) =x+ x x+1

are modulus functions which are compatible. Andf(x) =log(x+1),f(x) =W(x) whereWis theW-Lambert function restricted toR+(that is, the inverse ofxex) are modulus functions

which are not compatible. Indeed, let us show thatf(x) =x+log(x+ 1) is compatible.

lim n→∞

f() f(n) =n→∞lim

+log(1 +) n+log(n+ 1) =ε


On the other hand iff(x) =log(x+ 1), since

lim n→∞

log(1 +)

log(1 +n) = 1

we find thatf(x) =log(x+ 1) is not compatible.

Proposition 2.7 Let f be a compatible modulus function.If(xn)is statistically convergent

to L then(xn)is f -statistically convergent to L.

Proof Let us fixε> 0 arbitrarily small. Sincef is compatible, there existε> 0 andn0(ε)

such that ifnn0then

f() f(n) <ε.

Letc> 0 and let us fixε> 0. Since (xn) is statistically convergent toLthen there exists

m0(ε) (sinceεdepends onεwe find thatm0depends actually onε) such that ifnm0 #kn:xkL>c


Sincef is increasing we have


f(n) ≤ f()

f(n) <ε,

for alln≥max{m0,n0}, which gives the desired result.

Forf-strong Cesàro convergence, we obtain a similar result.

Proposition 2.8 Let f be a compatible modulus function.Then,if(xn)is strongly Cesàro

convergent to L then(xn)is f -strongly Cesàro convergent to L.

Proof Let us suppose that (xn) is strongly Cesàro convergent toL. Then for anyε> 0 there

existsnn0such that n



and sincef is increasing, then








f(n) ≤ f()



Proposition 2.9 Let f be a modulus function.

(1) If all statistically convergent sequences aref-statistically convergent,thenf must be compatible.

(2) If all strongly Cesàro convergent sequences aref-strongly Cesàro convergent,thenf must be compatible.

Proof Let (xn) be a sequence which is statistically convergent toLbut notf-statistically

convergent toL. There existε0> 0, a constantc> 0 and a subsequence (nk) such that

0 <cf(#{ink:xiL>ε0}) f(nk)


On the other hand, sincexnLstatistically, for allε> 0 there existsn0(ε) such that #in:xiL>ε0


for allnn0(ε). And sincef is increasing



In particular for allnkn0(ε)

0 <cf(#{ink:xiL>ε0}) f(nk) ≤



that is, the modulusf is not compatible. Hence, we have proved (1).

The proof of (2) follows by a similar argument and is left to the reader.

3 Main results

Let us recall Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result.

Theorem 3.1(Connor–Khan–Orhan [6,15]) A sequence is strongly Cesàro convergent to L if and only if it is statistically convergent to L and uniformly integrable.

This result connects two concepts that were introduced historically in different times and by different authors. Sometimes, it is easier to verify that a sequence is strongly con-vergent than to verify that it is statistically concon-vergent. Conversely, if our sequence is uni-formly integrable, we do not know if it has limit and we want to check that the sequence is strongly Cesàro convergent, it is usually simpler to check that the sequence is statis-tically Cauchy. This great advantage so useful pushes us to know what happens in the f-statistical-convergence setting.

Theorem 3.2 Let(xn)be a sequence,then if(xn)is f -strongly Cesàro convergent to L then

(xn)is f -statistically convergent to L and(xn)is uniformly integrable.

Proof In order to prove that (xn) isf-statistically convergent toL, it is sufficient to show

that, for allm∈N,

lim n→∞



Indeed, letε> 0 and let us considermsuch that m+11 ≤εm1. Then we get




1 m+ 1


therefore, sincef is increasing

lim n→∞


f(n) ≤n→∞lim

f(#{kn:xkL>m+11 })


thus taking limits onnwe obtain what we desired. Therefore, letm∈N, and let us show Eq. (1). We have







k=1 xk–L≥m1





k=1 xk–L≥m1

1 m

≥ 1



k=1 xk–L≥m1



= 1 mf


kn:xL> 1 m

. (4)

Since (xn) isf-strongly Cesàro convergent toL, we have

lim n→∞


f(n) = 0,

therefore dividing Eq. (2) byf(n), and taking the limit asn→ ∞we obtain for eachm∈N

lim n→∞


f(n) = 0,

which implies that (xn) isf-statistically convergent toL.

On the other hand, since (xn) isf-strongly Cesàro convergent toL then by applying

Proposition2.3and Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result, we find that (xn) is uniformly

inte-grable as we desired.

Let us denote byc0(X) the sequences onX which are convergent to 0, and1(X) the

sequences (xn)⊆Xsuch that

nxn<∞. From the theorem above we deduce that if

(xn)⊆X, and

(1) for everyf modulus(xn)isf-strongly Cesáro convergent toL


(2) for everyf modulus(xn)isf-statistically convergent toL.

Moreover in [1] it was proved that the statement (2) is equivalent to (xnL)∈c0(X), i.e.,

the sequence converges to zero. Analogously we have the following.

Theorem 3.3 A sequence(xn)⊆X satisfies(1)if and only if the sequence(xnL)belongs


Proof It is trivial to see that ifn∈NxnL< +∞then for everyf modulus (xn) isf

-strongly Cesáro convergent toL.

Conversely, let us suppose that for every f modulus the sequence (xn) is f-strongly

Cesáro convergent toLbut (xnL) /∈1(X).

We consider the set of natural numbersAdefined by







(wherexmeans the greatest integer smaller thanx) it is clear thatAis infinite, so using Lemma 3.4 in [1] there existsgan unbounded modulus such that

lim n→∞

g(#{iA:in}) g(n) = 1,

but this is a contradiction.

Theorem 3.4 Let us suppose that f is a compatible modulus function and(xn)is a

uni-formly integrable sequence. Then if(xn)is f -statistically convergent to L then (xn)is f

-strongly Cesàro convergent to L.Moreover,if f is a modulus such that all uniformly inte-grable and f -statistically convergent sequences(xn)are f -strongly Cesàro convergent,then

the modulus f must be compatible.

Proof Let (xn) be a bounded sequence such that (xn) isf-statistically convergent toLand

uniformly integrable.

Let us considerε> 0. Sincef is compatible there existsε> 0 such that

f() f(n) <


3 (5)

for allnn0(ε).

Now, since (xn) is uniformly integrable, there exists a natural numberM> 0 large enough

satisfyingM1 <εand for alln∈N

1 n


k=1 xk–L≥M

xkL<ε. (6)

And since (xn) isf-statistically convergent toL, there exists a natural number, which we

abusively denote byn0(ε), such that for allnn0(ε)

1 f(n)f


< ε

3M. (7)



f(n) ≤ 1 f(n)f


k=1 M>xk–L≥ε



+ 1 f(n)f


k=1 xk–L≥M


+ 1 f(n)f


k=1 xk–L<ε


. (8)

Sincef is increasing, according to (7) we find that for allnn0(ε) the first term of (8) is

1 f(n)f


k=1 M>xk–L≥ε



} ·M)


M 1 f(n)f


<M ε 3M=


3. (9)

On the other hand, let us estimate the second summand of the inequality (8). Using that f is increasing and by applying firstly the inequality (6) and later inequality (5) we have for nn0(ε)

1 f(n)f


k=1 xk–L≥M


= 1 f(n)f

n1 n n k=1 xk–L≥M


≤ 1



3. (10)

Finally, for the third summand in (8) by applying inequality (5) we obtain ifnn0(ε)

1 f(n)f


k=1 xk–L≤ε


≤ 1


n1 M


3. (11)

Thus, by using inequalities (9), (10), and (11) into inequality (8) we obtain ifnn0(ε)


f(n) ≤ε,

that is, (xn) isf-strongly Cesàro convergent toLas we desired.

Now, let us suppose that there exists a uniformly integrable sequence (xn) which isf

-statistically convergent toLand (xn) is notf-strongly Cesàro convergent toL. We want to

show that in such a casef is not compatible.

Letε> 0, we wish to prove that there existc> 0 and an increasing subsequence{nk}

such thatcf(n)

f(nk), for allk.

Since (xn) is uniformly integrable, givenε> 0 there exist integersM> 0 andn0(ε) large

enough such that

1 n


i=1 xi–L≥M


for allnn0(ε). Therefore

1 f(n)f


i=1 xi–L≥M



f(n) , (12)

for allnn0(ε). On the other hand, since (xn) isf-statistically convergent toL, there

exists an integer which we denote abusively byn0(ε) such that

1 f(n)f





≤ 1




Mf(#{kn:xkL>ε}) f(n)

<ε (13)

for allnn0(ε).

Therefore, by using inequalities (12) and (13) we have shown that, for everyε> 0 and ε> 0, there exist integersM> 0 andn0(ε) such that for allnn0we have

1 f(n)f


i=1 xi–L≥ε



2 + f()

f(n) (14)

for allnn0(ε).

Now, let us observe that if (xn) does not convergef-strongly Cesàro toL, there exist a

subsequencenkandc> 0 such thatchnk for allk. Thus, for allε> 0 andε

> 0 there

existsn1(ε) > 0 such that ifnkn1(ε) we have

c<hnk= f((nk



≤ 1




i=1 xi–L≥ε


+ 1 f(nk)



i=1 xi–L<ε


<ε+2f(nkε) f(nk)


Since the first term,ε> 0, of the above inequality is arbitrarily small, there exists a subse-quence ofnksuch that 0 <c2ff(n(nkkε)) as we desired.

Remark3.5 Let us observe that uniform integrability in Theorem3.4is necessary. Set nj=j2and let us define


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

0, k=j2for allj,

j2, k=j2for somej.

The sequence (xk) is not uniformly integrable, it is statistically convergent to 0, and it is


Remark3.6 Let us observe that the first part of Theorem 3.4can be obtained directly by using several results. Namely, the converse of Proposition2.7, Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result and Proposition2.8. Indeed, if (xn) isf-statistically convergent, then (xn) is

statis-tically convergent. By Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result, since (xn) is uniformly bounded, we

find that (xn) is strongly Cesàro convergent. And finally, sincef is a compatible modulus,

we find that (xn) isf-strongly Cesàro convergent.

4 Concluding remarks and open questions

Given a modulus functionf, ifA⊂N, thef-density ofA;df(A) is defined by

df(A) =n→∞lim

f(#{kn:kA}) f(n)

whenever this limit exists. Whenf(x) =xthen we have the usual density of natural num-bers. It is well known that ifdf(A) = 0 thend(A) = 0; the converse in general is not true.

Using Proposition2.7we can get the following result.

Corollary 4.1 If f is an unbounded modulus,the following conditions are equivalent: (1) For every(xn)⊂XandxX,if(xn)is statistically convergent toxthen it is also

f-statistically convergent to the samex. (2) For everyA⊂N,ifd(A) = 0thendf(A) = 0.

(3) f is compatible.

While the usual density works well with complements, that is,d(N\A) = 1 –d(A), how-ever, this property fails forf-density. The importance of this property is that it allows us to define statistically convergence by looking at the complement. For this reason, it will be interesting to characterize the modulus functionf for which the following property is satisfied: For anyAN ifdf(N\A) = 1 thendf(A) = 0. As was pointed out in [1] if

f(x) =log(1 +x) then the last property is not satisfied. Is it possible to find a counterexam-ple for a compatible module function?


The authors are supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under PGC2018-101514-B-100, by Junta de Andalucía FQM-257 and Plan Propio de la Universidad de Cádiz.


All authors are supported by Junta de Andalucía FQM-257 and Plan Propio de la Universidad de Cádiz. F. León-Saavedra, M.C. ListánGarcía and F.J. Pérez Fernández are supported by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades -Agencia Estatal de Investigación PGC2018-101514-B-100.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

The authors contributed equally and significantly in writing this paper. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details

1Department of Mathematics, University of Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.2Department of Mathematics, University of

Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain.

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