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An iterative algorithm for fixed point problem and convex minimization problem with applications


Academic year: 2020

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An iterative algorithm for fixed point problem

and convex minimization problem with


Gang Cai


and Yekini Shehu



deltanougt2006@yahoo.com; yekini.shehu@unn.edu.ng

2Department of Mathematics,

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


In this paper we prove the strong convergence of an iterative sequence for finding a common element of the fixed points set of a strictly pseudocontractive mapping and the solution set of the constrained convex minimization problem for a convex and continuously Fréchet differentiable functional in a real Hilbert space. We apply our result to solving the split feasibility problem and the convexly constrained linear inverse problem involving the fixed point problem for a strictly pseudocontractive mapping in a real Hilbert space.

MSC: 47H06; 47H09; 47J05; 47J25

Keywords: convex minimization problem;k-strictly pseudo contractive mapping; strong convergence; Hilbert spaces

1 Introduction

LetHbe a real Hilbert space andCa nonempty, closed, and convex subset ofH. A mapping T:CCis said to benonexpansiveif

TxTyxy, ∀x,yC, (.)

andT:CCis said to bek-strictly pseudocontractive(see []) if for ≤k< ,

TxTy≤ xy+k(I–T)x– (I–T)y, ∀x,yC. (.)

It is well known that every nonexpansive mapping is strictly pseudocontractive. In a real Hilbert spaceH, we can show that (.) is equivalent to

Tx–Ty,xy ≤ xy– –k

 (I–T)x– (I–T)y

. (.)

A pointxCis called afixed point ofT ifTx=x. The set of fixed points ofT is de-noted byF(T). The iterative approximation of fixed points fork-strictly pseudocontrac-tive mappings has been studied extensively by many authors (see, for example, [–] and the references contained therein).


For any pointuH, there exists a unique pointPCuCsuch that

u–PCu ≤ uy, ∀y∈C.

PCis called themetric projectionofHontoC. We know thatPCis a nonexpansive mapping

ofHontoC. It is also well known thatPCsatisfies

xy,PCxPCyPCxPCy, (.)

for allx,yH. Furthermore,PCxis characterized by the propertiesPCxCand

x–PCx,PCxy ≥, (.)

for allyC.

Definition . A mappingT:HHis said to befirmly nonexpansiveif and only if T–I is nonexpansive, or equivalently

x–y,TxTy ≥ TxTy, ∀x,yH.

Alternatively,T is firmly nonexpansive if and only ifT can be expressed as

T= (I+S),

whereS:HHis nonexpansive. For example, the projections are firmly nonexpansive.

Definition . A mappingT:HHis said to be anaveraged mappingif and only if it can be written as the average of the identity mappingIand a nonexpansive mapping; that is,

T= ( –α)I+αS, (.)

whereα∈(, ) andS:HHis nonexpansive. More precisely, when (.) holds, we say thatTisα-averaged. Thus, firmly nonexpansive mappings (in particular, projections) are

-averaged mappings.

Definition . A nonlinear operatorT whose domainD(T)⊂Hand rangeR(T)⊂His said to be:

(a) monotoneif

x–y,TxTy ≥, ∀x,yD(T),

(b) β-strongly monotoneif there existsβ> such that


(c) ν-inverse strongly monotone(for short,ν-ism) if there existsν> such that

x–y,TxTy ≥νTx–Ty, ∀x,yD(T).

It can easily be seen that (i) ifTis nonexpansive, thenI–Tis monotone; (ii) the projection mappingPC is a -ism. The inverse strongly monotone (also referred to as co-coercive)

operators have been widely used to solve practical problems in various fields, for instance, in traffic assignment problems (see, for example, [, ] and the references therein).

Consider the following constrained convex minimization problem:

minimizef(x) :xC, (.)

wheref :C→Ris a real-valued convex function. We say that the minimization problem (.) is consistent if the minimization problem (.) has a solution. In the sequel, we shall denote the set of solutions of problem (.) by. Iff is (Fréchet) differentiable, then the gradient-projection method (for short, GPM) generates a sequence{xn}using the

follow-ing recursive formula:



, ∀n≥, (.)

or more generally,



, ∀n≥, (.)

where in both (.) and (.) the initial guessxis taken fromCarbitrarily, and the

param-eters,λorλn, are positive real numbers. The convergence of the algorithms (.) and (.)

depends on the behavior of the gradient∇f. As a matter of fact, it is known that if∇f is α-strongly monotone andL-Lipschitzian with constantsα,L> , then the operator

T:=PC(I–λf) (.)

is a contraction; hence, the sequence{xn}defined by the algorithm (.) converges in norm

to the unique solution of the minimization problem (.). More generally, if the sequence {λn}is chosen to satisfy the property

 <lim infλn≤lim supλn<


L, (.)

then the sequence{xn}defined by the algorithm (.) converges in norm to the unique

minimizer of (.). However, if the gradient∇f fails to be strongly monotone, the op-eratorT defined by (.) would fail to be contractive; consequently, the sequence {xn}

generated by the algorithm (.) may fail to converge strongly (see [, Section ]). If∇f is Lipschitzian, then the algorithms (.) and (.) can still converge in the weak topology under certain conditions.


the behavior of the gradient of the objective function. If the gradient fails to be strongly monotone, then the strong convergence of the sequence generated by gradient-projection method may fail. Recently, Xu [] gave an alternative operator-oriented approach to al-gorithm (.); namely, an averaged mapping approach. He gave his averaged mapping ap-proach to the gradient-projection algorithm (.) and the relaxed gradient-projection al-gorithm. Moreover, he constructed a counterexample which shows that algorithm (.) does not converge in norm in an infinite-dimensional space, and he also presented two modifications of gradient-projection algorithms which are shown to have strong con-vergence. Further, he regularized the minimization problem (.) to devise an iterative scheme that generates a sequence converging in norm to the minimum-norm solution of (.) in the consistent case.

Very recently, motivated by the work of Xu [], Cenget al.[] proposed the following implicit iterative scheme:


sγVxλ+ (I–sμF)Tλxλ

and the following explicit iterative scheme:


snγVxn+ (I–sμF)Tnxn

for finding the approximate minimizer of a constrained convex minimization problem and prove that the sequences generated by their schemes converge strongly to a solution of the constrained convex minimization problem (see [] for more details). Such a solution is also a solution of a variational inequality defined over the set of fixed points of a nonex-pansive mapping.

Motivated by the aforementioned results, we introduce an iterative algorithm for find-ing a fixed point of a strictly pseudocontractive mappfind-ing which is also a solution to a con-strained convex minimization problem for a convex and continuously Fréchet differen-tiable functional in a real Hilbert space and prove strong convergence of the sequences generated by our scheme in a real Hilbert space. We apply our result to the split feasibil-ity problem and the convexly constrained linear inverse problem involving the fixed point problem for a strictly pseudocontractive mapping in a real Hilbert space.

We shall adopt the following notations in this paper: • xnxmeans thatxnxstrongly;

xnxmeans thatxnxweakly;

ww(xn) :={x:∃xnjx}is the weakw-limit set of the sequence{xn}∞n=.

2 Main results

We first state some known results which will be used in the sequel.

Lemma . Let H be a real Hilbert space.Then the following result holds:

x+y≤ x+ y,x+y, ∀x,yH.


Lemma .([]) Assume{an}is a sequence of nonnegative real numbers such that

an+≤( –γn)an+γnδn, n≥,

where{γn}is a sequence in(, )and{δn}is a sequence inRsuch that

(i) ∞n=γn=∞;

(ii) lim supn→∞δn≤or


Thenlimn→∞an= .

Following the method of proof Li and Yao [] and Maingé [], we now prove the fol-lowing theorem.

Theorem . Let C be a nonempty,closed,and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H. Suppose that the minimization problem(.)is consistent and letdenote its solution set. Assume that the gradient∇f is L-Lipschitzian with constant L> .Let T be a k-strictly pseudocontractive mapping of C into itself such that F(T)∩=∅.Let{tn}be a sequence in

(, ),{αn}a sequence in(, ( –k)( –tn))⊂(, ),and{λn}a sequence in(,L)satisfying

the following conditions: (i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infn→∞αn≤lim supn→∞αn<  –k;

(iv)  <lim infn→∞λn≤lim supn→∞λn<L.

Then the sequences{un}and{xn}generated for fixed uC by u,x∈C,


un+= ( –αn)xn+αnTxntn(xnu), n≥,


converge strongly to x∗∈F(T),where x∗:=PF(T)∩u.

Proof Inspired by the method of proof of [], it is well known thatx∗ ∈C solves the minimization problem (.) if and only ifx∗solves the fixed point equation


whereλ>  is any fixed positive number. For the sake of simplicity, we may assume that (due to condition (iv))

 <aλnb<

L, n≥,

whereaandbare constants. Furthermore, it is also well known from the proof of [] that the gradient∇f isL-ism, (I–λn∇f) is nonexpansive (see also []) and thatPC(I–λf) is


 -averaged for  <λ< 

L. Hence we find that, for eachn,PC(I–λn∇f) is


 -averaged.

Therefore, we can write

PC(I–λn∇f) =

 –λnL


 +λnL


whereSnis nonexpansive andγn=+λnL∈[a,b]⊂(, ), wherea=+aLandb=+bL<

. Then we can rewrite (.) as

xn= ( –γn)un+γnSnun,

un+= ( –αn)xn+αnTxntn(xnu), n≥.


For anyx∗∈F(T), noticing thatSnx∗=x∗, we have

xnx∗=( –γn)




unx∗ (.)


un+–x∗=( –αntn)






≤( –αntn)



Txnx∗+tnux∗. (.)

But from (.) and (.), we obtain

( –αntn)




= ( –αntn)xnx


+ ( –αntn)αnTxnx∗,xnx

≤( –αntn)xnx



+ ( –αntn)αn


– –k

 xnTxn

= ( –tn)xnx∗+

n– ( –k)( –αntn)αn


= ( –tn)xnx∗+αn

αn– ( –tn)( –k)


≤( –tn)xnx

, (.)

which implies

( –αntn)



Txnx∗≤( –tn)xnx∗. (.)

Therefore, it follows from (.), (.), and (.) that

un+–x∗≤( –tn)xnx∗+tnux

≤( –tn)unx∗+tnux

≤maxunx∗,ux∗. (.)

By induction, we have


Hence,{un}is bounded and so is{xn}. Now, using (.), we have


Txx∗,Txx∗≤ xx∗,xTx+ xx∗,Txx∗+kxTx ⇒ Txx∗,Txxxx∗,xTx+kxTx

⇒ Tx–x,Txx+ xx∗,Txxxx∗,xTx+kxTx

⇒ ( –k)xTx≤xx∗,xTx. (.)

Therefore, by (.) and Lemma ., we obtain

xn+–x∗≤un+–x∗=( –αn)xn+αnTxntn(xnu) –x


αn(xnTxn) –tn(xnu)


αn(xnTxn)– tnxnu,un+–x

=xnx∗– αnxnTxn,xnx


– tnxnu,un+–x

xnx∗–αn( –k)xnTxn+αnxnTxn

– tnxnu,un+–x



( –k) –αn


– tnxnu,un+–x



( –k) –αn


– tnxnu,un+–x

. (.)

Since{xn}and{un}are bounded,∃M>  such that –xnu,un+–x∗ ≤Mfor alln≥.



( –k) –αn

xnTxn≤tnM. (.)

Now we divide the rest of the proof into two cases. Case.

Assume that{xnx∗}is monotonically decreasing sequence. Then{xnx∗}is

con-vergent and obviously

xn+–x∗–xnx∗→, n→ ∞. (.)

This together with (.) and the condition thattn→ implies that


From (.) and (.), we obtain (noting that (I–λn∇f) is nonexpansive)





x∗ ≤ unλnf(un)











unx ∗


–(unxn) –λn

f(un) –∇f

x∗ =

unx ∗


–unxn+ λnunxn,∇f(un) –∇f


λn∇f(un) –∇f

x∗. Therefore,



unxn+ λnunxn,∇f(un) –∇f


λnf(un) –∇f

x∗. (.)

Also, from (.) and (.), we obtain




x∗ =unx

– λnunx∗,∇f(un) –∇f

x∗+λn∇f(un) –∇f

x∗ ≤unx


Lf(un) –∇f

x∗+λnf(un) –∇f





∇f(un) –∇f

x∗ ≤xn––x∗+tn–ux∗–λn


f(un) –∇f

x∗ =xn––x


xn––xux∗+tn–ux∗ 



f(un) –∇f


This implies that for someM∗> , we have



f(un) –∇f



f(un) –∇f

x∗ ≤xn––x∗–xnx∗+tn–M


+tn–M∗. (.)

Using condition (i), condition (iv), and (.) in (.), we obtain


n→∞∇f(un) –∇f


Using (.) in (.), we have

unxn≤unx∗–xnx∗+ λnunxn,∇f(un) –∇f


λnf(un) –∇f

x∗ ≤xn––x∗+tn–ux


+ λnunxn,∇f(un) –∇f

x∗–λn∇f(un) –∇f

x∗ =xn––x


+ tn–uxxn––x∗+tn–ux∗ 

+ λnunxn,∇f(un) –∇f

x∗–λn∇f(un) –∇f

x∗ ≤xn––x


+ tn–uxxn––x∗+tn–ux∗ 

+ λnunxn,∇f(un) –∇f

x∗. (.)

By using (.) in (.), we see that




un= lim

n→∞xnun= .

Suppose thatpww(un) and{unj} is a subsequence of{un}such thatunj p. Observe

that sincelimn→∞xnun= , we also havexnj p. Using Lemma . and (.), we


We next prove thatp. We may assume thatλnjλ; then we have  <λ<

L. Set

S:=PC(I–λf); thenSis nonexpansive. Then we get



≤(I–λ∇f)unj– (I–λnjf)unj+PC(I–λnj∇f)unjunj


It then follows from Lemma . thatpF(S). ButF(S) =, therefore, we havep. Hence,pF(T)∩.

Settingyn= ( –αn)xn+αnTxn,n≥, then from (.) we have


It then follows that

un+= ( –tn)yntn(xnynu)

= ( –tn)yntnαn(xnTxn) +tnu. (.)





– αnxnTxn,xnx




( –k) –αn



. (.)

By (.) and applying Lemma . to (.), we have

xn+–x∗ 

un+–x∗ 

=( –tn)


tnαn(xnTxn) –tn

x∗–u ≤( –tn)ynx

– tnαn(xnTxn) +


= ( –tn)ynx

– tnαnxnTxn,un+–x

– tnx∗–u,un+–x

≤( –tn)xnx∗– tnαnxnTxn,un+–x

– tnx∗–u,un+–x

≤( –tn)xnx



– x∗–u,un+–x



We observe thatlim supn→∞{–x∗–u,un+–x∗} ≤–x∗–u,px∗ ≤ (sincex∗=

PF(T)∩u) and αnxnTxn,un+–x∗ →. Therefore by Lemma .,xnx∗ → and

consequentlyunx∗ →. That is,xnx∗,n→ ∞.


Assume that{xnx∗}is not monotonically decreasing sequence. Setn=xnx∗

and letτ:N→Nbe a mapping for allnn(for somenlarge enough) defined by

τ(n) :=max{k∈N:kn,k<k+}.

Clearly,τ is a non-decreasing sequence such thatτ(n)→ ∞asn→ ∞and

τ(n)+–τ(n)≥, ∀n≥n.

After a similar conclusion from (.), it is easy to see that



ατ(n)[( –k) –ατ(n)]→

, n→ ∞.


xτ(n)–Txτ(n) →, n→ ∞.

By a similar argument as above in Case , we conclude immediately that




(n)= lim

n→∞xτ(n)–(n)= .

Since{uτ(n)}is bounded, there exists a subsequence of{uτ(n)}, still denoted by{uτ(n)}which

converges weakly to pC. Observe that since limn→∞xτ(n)–(n)= , we also have

(n)p. Using Lemma . and the fact thatxτ(n)–Txτ(n) →,n→ ∞, we havep


note from (.) that, for allnn(noting that ≤τ(n)+–τ(n),∀n≥n),

≤(n)+–x∗ 

(n)–x∗ 



– x∗–u,uτ(n)+–x




which implies


– x∗–u,uτ(n)+–x


nn. (.)

Since{(n)+}converges weakly topasτ(n)→ ∞and(n)–Txτ(n) → asτ(n)→ ∞,

we deduce from (.) (noting thatx∗=PF(T)∩u) that

lim sup


(n)–x∗ 


which implies that



= .



n→∞τ(n)=nlim→∞τ(n)+= .

Furthermore, ifnnandn=τ(n), it follows from the definition ofτ(n) thatτ(n) <n. It

is easy to see thatτ(n)≤τ(n)+. On the other hand, sincejj+ forτ(n) + ≤jn.

Therefore we obtain, for allnn,


Hence limn= , that is, {xn} converges strongly to x∗. Furthermore, {un} converges

strongly tox∗. This completes the proof.

Corollary . Let C be a nonempty,closed,and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H. Suppose that the minimization problem(.)is consistent and letdenote its solution set. Assume that the gradient∇f is L-Lipschitzian with constant L> .Let{tn}be a sequence

in(, )and{λn}a sequence in(,L)satisfy the following conditions:

(i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infλn≤lim supλn<L.

Then the sequence{xn}generated for fixed uC by x∈C,

xn+=tnu+ ( –tn)PC


, n≥, (.)


Proof TakingT=Iin Theorem ., we obtain the desired conclusion.

Remark . Corollary . improves on Corollary . of Xu [] in the sense that the con-ditions∞n=|tn+–tn|<∞and

n=|γn+–γn|<∞assumed in Xu [] are dispensed

with in our Corollary ..

Corollary . Let C be a nonempty,closed,and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H.

Let T:CC be a k- strictly pseudocontractive mapping such that F(T)=∅.Let{tn}be a

sequence in(, )and{αn}a sequence in(, ( –k)( –tn))⊂(, )satisfying the following


(i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infn→∞αn≤lim supn→∞αn<  –k.

Then the sequence{xn}generated for fixed uC by x∈C,

xn+=tnu+ ( –tnαn)xn+αnTxn, n≥,

strongly converges to a fixed point xof T,where x∗:=PF(T)u.

Proof Takingf ≡ in Theorem ., we obtain the desired conclusion.

Remark . Corollary . complements Theorem . of Li and Yao [].

We next apply the result in Theorem . to approximate the common fixed point of a finite family of strictly pseudocontractive mappings, which is also a solution to minimiza-tion problem (.) in real Hilbert spaces.

Theorem . Let C be a nonempty,closed,and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H.

Suppose that the minimization problem(.)is consistent and letdenote its solution set. Assume that the gradient∇f is L-Lipschitzian with constant L> .For each i= , , . . . ,N, let Ti:CC be a ki-strictly pseudocontractive mapping such that


i=F(Ti)∩ =∅.

Assume that{δi}Ni=is a finite sequence of positive numbers such that


i=δi= .Let{tn}be

a sequence in(, ),{αn}a sequence in(, ( –k)( –tn))⊂(, ),k:=max{ki:i= , , . . . ,N},

and{λn}a sequence in(,L)satisfying the following conditions:

(i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infn→∞αn≤lim supn→∞αn<  –k;

(iv)  <lim infn→∞λn≤lim supn→∞λn<L.

Then the sequences{un}and{xn}generated for fixed uC by u∈C,


un+= ( –αn)xn+αn


i=δiTixntn(xnu), n≥,


converge strongly to x∗∈Ni=F(Ti)∩,where x∗:=PN


Proof DefineA:=Ni=δiTi. Then, by the results in [, ],Ais ak-strictly

pseudocontrac-tive mapping andF(A) =Ni=F(Ti). We can rewrite the scheme (.) as


un+= ( –αn)xn+αnAxntn(xnu), n≥.

Now, Theorem . guarantees that{xn}and{un} converge strongly to a common fixed

point of the family{Ti}Ni=, which is also a solution to minimization problem (.).

3 Applications

In this section, we give an application of Theorem . to the split feasibility problem and the convexly constrained linear inverse problem.

3.1 Split feasibility problem

The split feasibility problem (SFP, for short) was introduced by Censor and Elfving []. The SFP problem has gained much attention of several authors due to its applications to image reconstruction, signal processing, and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (see [–]).

This SFP can be mathematically formulated as the problem of finding a pointxwith the property

xC and BxQ, (.)

where CandQare nonempty, closed, and convex subsets of Hilbert space H andH,

respectively, andB:H→His a bounded linear operator.

Clearly,x∗ is a solution to the split feasibility problem (.) if and only ifx∗∈Cand Bx∗–PQBx∗= . The proximity functionf is defined by

f(x) = 



and we consider the constrained convex minimization problem


xCf(x) =minxC


. (.)

Thenx∗solves the split feasibility problem (.) if and only ifx∗solves the minimization problem (.). In [], theCQalgorithm was introduced to solve the SFP,



xn, n≥, (.)

where  <λ< B andB∗is the adjoint ofB. It was proved that the sequence generated

by (.) converges weakly to a solution of the SFP.

We propose the following algorithm to obtain a strong convergence iterative sequence to solve the SFP and the fixed point problem for ak-strictly pseudocontractive mappingT. For any givenuC, let the sequences{xn}and{un}be generated iteratively byu∈C,


un+= ( –αn)xn+αnTxntn(xnu), n≥,


where{tn},{αn} ⊂(, ),{αn}a sequence in (, ( –k)( –tn))⊂(, ), and{λn}a sequence

in (, 

B) satisfying the following conditions:

(i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infn→∞αn≤lim supn→∞αn<  –k;

(iv)  <lim infn→∞λn≤lim supn→∞λn<B.

We obtain the following convergence result for solving split feasibility problem (.) and the fixed point problem for a k-strictly pseudocontractive mapping by applying Theo-rem ..

Theorem . Let C and Q be nonempty,closed,and convex subset of real Hilbert space Hand H,respectively,and B:H→Hbe a bounded linear operator.Let f(x) =Bx

PQBxand let=arg minxCf(x).Let T be a k-strictly pseudocontractive mapping of C

into itself such that F(T)∩=∅.Let the sequences{xn}and{un}be generated by(.),

where{tn},{αn} ⊂(, ),and{λn}in(,B)satisfying the conditions(i)-(iv)above.Then

the sequences{xn}and{un}converge strongly to a solution xof the split feasibility problem

(.)which is also a fixed point of a k-strictly pseudocontractive mapping T where x∗:= PF(T)∩u.

Proof Using the definition of the proximity functionf, we have

f(x) =B∗(I–PQ)Bx, (.)

and∇f is Lipschitz continuous, that is,

∇f(x) –∇f(y)≤Lxy, (.)


Then we obtain


and∇f is Lipschitzian with Lipschitz constantL:=B. Then the iterative scheme (.) is equivalent to


un+= ( –αn)xn+αnTxntn(xnu), n≥,


where{tn},{αn} ⊂(, ),{αn}a sequence in (, ( –k)( –tn))⊂(, ), and{λn}a sequence

in (,L) satisfying the following conditions: (i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infn→∞αn≤lim supn→∞αn<  –k;

(iv)  <lim infλn≤lim supλn<L.


3.2 Convexly constrained linear inverse problem

Consider the convexly constrained linear inverse problem (cf.[])


xC, (.)

whereH andHare real Hilbert spaces andA:H→H is a bounded linear mapping

andbH. To solve (.), we consider the following convexly constrained minimization



xCf(x) :=minxC


. (.)

In general, every solution to (.) is a solution to (.). However, a solution to (.) may not necessarily satisfy (.). Moreover, if a solution of (.) is nonempty then it follows from Lemma . of [] that


It is well known that the projected Landweber method (see []) given by


xn+=PC[xnλA∗(Axnb)], n≥,

whereA∗is the adjoint ofAand  <λ< αwithα=A, converges weakly to a solution of

(.). In what follows, we present an algorithm with strong convergence for solving (.) and the fixed point problem for strictly pseudocontractive mapping.

Corollary . Let C be a nonempty,closed,and convex subset of a real Hilbert space H.

Suppose that the convexly constrained linear inverse problem(.)is consistent and let denote its solution set.Let T be a k-strictly pseudocontractive mapping of C into itself such that F(T)∩=∅.Let{tn}be a sequence in(, ),{αn}a sequence in(, (–k)(–tn))⊂(, ),

and{λn}a sequence in(,A)satisfying the following conditions:

(i) limn→∞tn= ;

(ii) ∞n=tn=∞;

(iii)  <lim infn→∞αn≤lim supn→∞αn<  –k;

(iv)  <lim infn→∞λn≤lim supn→∞λn<A.

Then the sequences{un}and{xn}generated for fixed uC by u∈C,


un+= ( –αn)xn+αnTxntn(xnu), n≥,

converge strongly to x∗∈F(T),where x∗:=PF(T)∩u.

Proof Letfbe defined by (.). Then from [] we have∇f(x) =A∗(Ax–b),xHwhich

isL-Lipschitzian with constantL=A. Thus, by Theorem . we obtain the required


Remark . The convergence rate of the projection gradient method is at best linear. The linear convergence is attained with Polyak’s stepsize and for an objective function with a sharp set of minima. The linear convergence rate is not the best known rate. There are methods with a superlinear (quadratic) rate such as the Newton method and the inte-rior point method, which uses Newton’s directions. These methods, however, requiref to be twice differentiable among other conditions. The potential drawback of the projec-tion gradient method is that it can be very slow when the gradient direcprojec-tions are almost perpendicular to the directions pointing toward the optimal set, corresponding to




In this case, the method may exhibit zig-zag behavior, depending on the initial iteratex.

To overcome a possibly slow convergence of the gradient-projection method, the gradient is often scaled. In this case, the method takes the form




wherenis a diagonal matrix with positive entries on its diagonal,i.e., [n]ii>  for all

i= , . . . ,mand alln. For more details, see [, pp.-].

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details

1College of Mathematics Science, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, 401331, China.2Department of

Mathematics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.


This work was supported by the NSF of China (No. 11401063) and Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (cstc2014jcyjA00016).

Received: 9 September 2014 Accepted: 22 December 2014 References

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