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Academic year: 2021



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24 June 2021 Issue 246


Lyn Rowland and Helen Smith are the organisers—the night promises to be outstanding.



Warm up at our Country Markets this

Saturday morning with a cup of our delicious creamy Pumpkin Soup made on coconut milk and served with a crusty sourdough or grab a waffle with seasonal fruit from the hall's kitchen.


Jaclyn Lewis won the Sunshine Coast Toastmaster

of the year award last night.

A proud moment in recognition of achievements throughout the year.

Jaclyn is the Blackall Range Care Group Company Secretary. Congratulations Jaclyn



Postcard featuring the pink waterlily.

Fine leather book marks.

Fine leather waterlily ear rings.

Keep cup

La Botiga,



Are you new to the area? Want to meet other retirees? Looking for people with similar interests? Why not consider joining your local Probus Club.


The Probus Club of North Blackall Range Inc meets on the second Friday of the month from February to November at the Mapleton Bowls Club, 5 Post Office Road, Mapleton. Our meeting commences at 10am. Our next meeting is Friday 9th July

2021. Our Guest Speaker is John Northey from the Office of Fair Trading who will talk about scams and how to avoid them. We have a mystery tour planned for 15th July - Bus trip to a mystery destination for a Christmas in July lunch and tour of the area. You are welcome to come to an initial meeting as our

guest. Please contact the Secretary on 0407 586 309 or [email protected] for further information


From 1am Saturday 19 June 2021 you must complete a

travel declaration to enter Queensland from anywhere in

Australia or New Zealand. This includes Queensland

residents (border communities are exempt). More


Acacia suaveolens

Sweet scented wattle

draws it name from the small clumps of flowers that occur during winter and early spring. In its native habitat it is one of the earliest flowering of the wattles.

Currently in full flower across the Range. Image taken in a Mapleton garden.

It is common in the bushland surrounding Sydney and occurs from southern Queensland down the east coast into Tasmania. It also has populations on several off shore islands, the Grampians and in the border region of South Australia and Victoria. It inhabits coastal areas of low altitude ranging from

secondary dunes up to an altitude of 400m.

The phyllodes are without hairs (glabrous) and are usually covered in fine white powder (glaucous).

Like many other acacias it has a comparatively short life span with shrubs rarely living longer than 15 years. Frequently only 3 plus years. Look out for borers.

Flowering will usually occur 2 years after germination. The flowerheads are usually in groups of between 6 and 10. The flowerheads and seed pods provide a food source for a variety of birds and invertebrates.


A large compact shrub that grows to 3 metres high and 2 metres wide, making it great for informal hedging and screening. It has large two toned flowers of pink and beautifully contrasting dark burgundy, and they make good cut flowers. It has flushes of flowers throughout the year, as well as bronzed new foliage growth, and is a magnet to nectar eating birds and mammals. Drought tolerant and does well on a wide range of soil types. Performs best in a sunny spot with well drained soil, but can take light shade. Feed with a good native fertiliser in spring.

Flowers for 11 months of the year across the Range.

Another image from a garden in Mapleton.




The English language includes an interesting category of words and phrases called contronyms (also spelled contranyms, or referred to as autoantonyms) — terms that, depending on context, can have opposite or contradictory meanings. When you use these words, be sure the context clearly identifies which meaning is intended: Apology: A statement of contrition for an action, or a defense of one

Bill: A payment, or an invoice for payment Bolt: To secure, or to flee

Bound: Heading to a destination, or restrained from movement

Buckle: To connect, or to break or collapse Clip: To fasten, or detach, hit a person Consult: To offer advice, or to obtain it Cross: A shape, or mark out, or to bear

Custom: A common practice, or a special treatment

Discursive: Moving in an orderly fashion among topics, or proceeding aimlessly in a discussion

Dust: To add fine particles, or to remove them Fun things to think about …




The Mapleton Bowls Club is collecting bottles and cans with the refunds going to sponsor an event at the Club. There is a convenient collection point which is a wheelie bin placed at the foot of the entry stairs. This bin can be distinguished from others as it has a round hole in its roof where you can pop-in the recycle items.

QLD container refund scheme in the school car park. All proceeds go to the Mapleton State School P & C. All your donations would be gratefully received and will go towards resources for our school and students.

Mapleton Men’s Shed is also a receiving depot for recycling cans and bottles. These may be left in the sulo bins in front of the storage shed in Mapleton Forest Drive.

Please do not crush the cans you deposit for recycling.


 Telephone 5445 7182 for a booking in Mapleton or Monday morning from 8:30am to 12 Noon without an appointment at the Mapleton Community Library.

 Kureelpa and Dulong Hall 2 Jewett Road Kureelpa each Wednesday from 1 pm until 3 pm without appointment until further notice.

Community Service

ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH On the green, Montville Sunday Eucharist at 7:15am

Wednesday Morning Prayer 8.30am Wednesday Meditation with Maureen 9am

For general enquiries contact Carole Phillips at 5445 7839 Baptisms and weddings enquiries welcome!

Contact Rev’d Deb Bird 0457 519899

MalenyAnglicanParish.com.au or [email protected]

Montville Uniting Church

Services are held each Sunday at 8.15 am, except on the

5th Sunday of a month when a combined service is held at Maleny Uniting Church at 9.45pm. All welcome.

On a 5th Sunday a combined service is held at Maleny Uniting Church at 9.45. Contact: Rev. Liena Hoffman 0490421874. The church is open as a Reflection Gallery every day from at least 10 am till 3 pm.


Mapleton Rural Fire Brigade

Monthly Training: 5:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of Month Monthly Meeting: 5:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of Month First Officer (all operational matters): 0499 778 06 Fire Warden (fire permits, safety checks): 0499 778806 Secretary (new members, administration): 0499 883019 Website: https://www.facebook.com/mapletonruralfirebrigade/ E-Mail: [email protected]


Date Claims

25 June Dinner at Mapleton Bow ls Club 6pm orders taken. 25 June—11 July Art exhibition, St Mary’s Hall.

26 June Mapleton Country Markets Saturday from 8am - 12noon. 11 July Tw ilight Bow ls, Mapleton Bow ls Club—everyone welcome. 24 July Mapleton Country Markets Saturday 8am - 12noon. 28 August Mapleton Country Markets Saturday 8am - 12noon 11 September Mapleton Community Library: A Night at the Opera. 25 September Mapleton Country Markets Saturday 8am - 12noon. 10 October Book Fair and mini market—Mapleton Community Library. 16 October Community Day – celebrating 35years, Kindy.

20 October Lions Welcome to the Hinterland Dinner.

23 October Mapleton Country Markets Saturday 8am - 12noon. 27 November Mapleton Country Markets Saturday 8am-12noon.

The opinions expressed within articles in this publication are not necessary those of the editor.


Friendship Morning Tea - Thursday 29 July 10am

Verandah Room, Maleny Community Centre.

Devonshire Morning Tea/Coffee - $10 per person.

Maleny Hospital Auxiliary invites members, friends and

anyone interested to this informal gathering. Why not

invite friends or someone new to the area ?

Bookings at Rosetta Books (cash only) or Phone 5435

2134 and make a direct deposit.


Maleny Hospital Auxiliary's Springtime Affair

Thursday 16 September at 10am

Maleny Community Centre.

High tea and Fashion Parade from 3 local


Online bookings available shortly or email

[email protected]


You can drop off your clips at the Mapleton Community Library or Mapleton Bowls Club.

G. Dobson




The Mapleton RSL sub-branch has been working with Sunshine Coast Council to upgrade the Memorial Park. The approach to the cenotaph is slightly sloping and difficult for some residents to approach and lay wreaths, and in addition the cenotaph only acknowledges WWI and WWII residents.

The upgrade will include a flat concreted area to the front of the cenotaph and low sandstone walls and have brass plaques commemorating peace keeping and other deployments post WWII. Works will commence in the Park in the next 2-3 weeks with the intent of having stage 1 finished by Veterans Day on 18 August and all works completed by Remembrance Day in November.

Anyone with any questions can call Matt Dykes sub-branch President on 0427263595.

Below is page two—the full document is on the Mapleton community web site:


FIVE drawers for the Jack Pot on Friday night—you must be there to win.


Queensland Garden Expo

Queensland Garden Expo is a ‘must see’ in 2021 for green thumbs and

novice gardeners alike. Held at the Sunshine Coast Showgrounds from 9th to 11th July, this three day expo is Queensland’s premier gardening event attracting 40,000 + visitors from all over Australia and New Zealand. Some of Australia’s leading gardening experts take part in three days of lectures, demonstrations and workshops.

See plants, plants and more plants with over 55 nurseries

represented and more than 360 exhibitors. There is a full

programme of free lectures and demonstrations on eight “live” stages every day covering a vast array of gardening topics. Head to the The Cook’s Garden stage for some great tips on growing your own produce and turning it into delicious gourmet meals. The ‘Giant Kitchen Garden’

features a fully planted sustainable garden constructed onsite, be

sure to head there to learn how to start your own veggie patch. Get free help with gardening problems and plant identification from the onsite Plant Clinic and be inspired by the fantastic arrangements in the Floral

Design Competitions.


Procedures for Pop Up management

Pop up is supported by Mapleton and District Community Association

and the Mapleton Community Library

The Pop Up is edited, published and distributed by volunteers. Decisions made by the supporting committee of community members are final. There will be not discussion or correspondence on matters pertaining

to the Pop Up Community News.

 All articles for the Pop Up Community News are to be sent to [email protected]

 Articles can be emailed at any time. Please include contact name and contact details.

 If it is important to have an article included in a specific edition, forward article as early as possible. Generally the cut off time for publication is 12 noon Tuesday each week but as this is a fully volunteer publication inclusion is not guaranteed.

 All articles are to be sent digitally unless otherwise pre-arranged.  Pop up is published weekly but open to review at any time.  Currently Thursday night for distribution is the target time.  No lost animals, political, religious, personal opinions or missing

person notification will be published.

 Negative or derogatory comments will not be published.

 Advertising fee is $50. This provides the advertiser with an annual appearance on the mapletonqueensland.com web site and four editions of the Pop Up.

Email [email protected] requesting guidelines. Anyone wishing to receive the Pop Up, send your email address to

[email protected]

Anyone wishing to cease receiving the Pop Up, send your email to [email protected]

Keep informed through the web and social media



Remember if you wish to receive the


Email [email protected]

Current circulation over 3,890



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