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An Interval Matrix Based Generalized Newton Method for Linear Complementarity Problems


Academic year: 2020

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An Interval Matrix Based Generalized

Newton Method for Linear

Complementarity Problems

Hai-Shan Han, Lan-Ying

College of Mathematics, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao, China Email: haishanhan@sohu.com

Received 6 July 2015; accepted 9 August 2015; published 12 August 2015

Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).



The penalty equation of LCP is transformed into the absolute value equation, and then the exis-tence of solutions for the penalty equation is proved by the regularity of the interval matrix. We propose a generalized Newton method for solving the linear complementarity problem with the regular interval matrix based on the nonlinear penalized equation. Further, we prove that this method is convergent. Numerical experiments are presented to show that the generalized Newton method is effective.


Linear Complementarity Problem, Nonlinear Penalized Equation, Interval Matrix, Generalized Newton Method

1. Introduction

The linear complementarity problem, denoted by LCP M q




, is to find a vector n

xR such that




0, 0, 0


There exist several methods for solving LCP M q




, such as projection method, multi splitting method, inte-rior point method, and the nonsmooth Newton method, smoothing Newton method, homotopy method etc. See

[1]-[6] and its references.

In [7], it given a nonlinear penalized Equation (1.2) corresponding to linear complementarity problem (1.1). Find xλRn such that

[ ]



Mxλxλ + =q (1.2) where λ >1 is the penalized parameter, k>0,

[ ]

u +=max

{ }

u, 0 and yα =




T for any




1, 2, ,

n n

y= y yyR .

The nonlinear penalized problems (1.2) corresponding to the linear complementarity problem (1.1), which its research has achieved good results. In 1984, Glowinski [1] studied nonlinear penalized Equation (1.2) in Rn, and proved the convergence of penalized equation that matrix A was symmetric positive definite. In 2006, Wang et al. [8] presented a power penalty function approach to the linear complementarity problem arising from pricing American options. It is shown that the solution to the penalized equation converges to that of the linear complementarity problem with matrix is positive definite. In 2008, Yang [7] proved that solution to this pena-lized Equations (1.2) converged to that of the LCP at an exponential rate for a positive definite matrix case where the diagonal entries were positive and off-diagonal entries were not greater than zero. The same year, Wang and Huang [9] presented a penalty method for solving a complementarity problem involving a second- order nonlinear parabolic differential operator, and defined a nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) approximating the variational inequality using a power penalty term with a penalty constant λ>1, a power parameter k >0 and a smoothing parameter ε. And prove that the solution to the penalized PDE con-verges to that of the variational inequality in an appropriate norm at an arbitrary exponential rate of the form

1/ 1/2 ([ k (1 k)] )

O λ− +ε +λε . Under some assumptions, Li [10] [11] proved that the solution to this equation con-verges to that of the linear complementarity problem with A is a strict row diagonally dominant upper trian-gular P-matrix when the penalty parameter approaches to infinity and the convergence rate was also exponential. It is worth mentioning that the penalty technique has been widely used solving nonlinear programming, but it seems that there is a limited study for the LCP.

Although the studies solving for the linear complementarity problem based on the nonlinear penalized equa-tion have good results. But there is no method that is given for solving the nonlinear penalized equaequa-tion. Throughout the paper, we propose a generalized Newton method for solving the nonlinear penalized equation with under the suppose


M M, +λI


is regular. So the method can better to solve linear complementarity problem. We will show that the proposed method is convergent. Numerical experiments are also given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2. Preliminaries

Some words about our notation: I refers to the identity matrix, and ⋅ represents the 2-norm. For xRn, all vectors are column vectors, xT refers to the transpose of the x,

[ ]

x+ =max

{ }

x, 0 , that generalized Jaco-bian ∂

[ ]

x+ =D x

( )

, where D x

( )

denotes diagonal matrix, On the diagonal elements with component 1.0 or

[ ]


σ∈ corresponding to the component of x which is positive , negative or zero, respectively.

The definition of interval matrix arises from the linear interval equations [12], given two matrices A=

( )

Aij and A=

( )

Aij , an interval matrix AI =A A, =


A A: ≤ ≤A A


  , where AA refers to AijAij for each ,

i j. AI is called regular if each AAI is nonsingular.

Lemma 1: Assume that interval matrix


M M, +λI


is regular. Then for diagonal matrix D x

( )

λ and real number λ >1, MD x

( )

λ is nonsingular.






By the assumptions, we have MD x

( )

λ is nonsingular. □ Lemma 2: Let x y, ∈Rn. Then

[ ] [ ]

x +y+xy

Definition 1 [1]: A matrix MRn n× is said to be a P-matrix if all its principal minors are positive.

Lemma 3 [1]: A matrix MRn n× is a P-matrix if and only if the LCP q M




has a unique solution for all vectors qRn.

3. Generalized Newton Method

In this section, we will propose that a new generalized Newton method based on the nonlinear penalized equa-tion for solving the linear complementarity problem. Because when k>1, penalty term of the nonlinear pena-lized equation (1.2) is none Lipschitz continuously, hence we only discusses a case that k=1. So from nonli-near penalized equation (1.2), we have that

[ ]

Mxλxλ +=q (3.1) These case penalty problems for the continuous Variational Inequality and the linear complementarity prob-lems are discussed in [2] [13].

Let us note

( )

[ ]

, 1

f xλ =Mxλxλ +q λ> (3.2) Thus, nonlinear penalized equation (3.1) is equivalent to the equation f x

( )

λ =0.

A generalized Jacobian ∂f x

( )

λ of f x

( )

λ is given by

( )

( )

f xλ M λD xλ

∂ = +

where D x

( )

λ = ∂

[ ]

xλ + is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are equal 1,0 or a real number σ∈

[ ]

0,1 depending on whether the corresponding component of xλ is positive, negative, or zero. The generalized Newton method for finding a solution of the equation f x

( )

λ =0 consists of the following iteration:

( )

( )(




i i i i

f xλ + ∂f xλ xλ+ −xλ = (3.3)


( )

i i1

( )

i i

( )


f xλ xλ+ f xλ xλ f xλ

∂ = ∂ −

( )

( )

( )


i i i i i i

k k k

i i i

k k

M D x x M D x x Mx x q

D x x x q

λ λ λ λ λ λ

λ λ λ

λ λ λ

λ λ




 

 +  = +  − +   

     

 

= −   +

Since D x

( )

λi xiλ =   xiλ +, consequently

( )

i i1


M λ D xλ xλ+ q

 +  =

  (3.4) Proposition 1 Mxλ

[ ]

xλ +=q equivalent to 0≤ ⊥z Az+ ≥b 0, where



1 1

, ,

z=Mxλ−q A= MI MbM q

Proof: Since 2 , 0

0, 0

x x

x x


λ λ

λ λ


≥ 

+ =  <

 , then

[ ]



1 2


[ ]




1 1


2 2 2

Mxλxλ +− =q Mxλxλ +xλ − =q MI x λxλ − =q

 


2MI x


λxλ −2q=0 By [14], its equivalent to





0≤ 2MI xλ−λxλ−2q⊥ 2MI xλxλ−2q≥0



0≤Mxλ− ⊥q MI xλ− ≥q 0 (3.5) Let z=Mxλ−q then


MI x


λ− =q








− =q


MI M z


−1 +λM q−1 . □

Proposition 2 Mxλ+λ

[ ]

xλ +=q has a unique solution if and only if the interval matrix


M M, +λI


is regular.

Proof: Since M M, +λI


M M, +λI


, by theorem 1.2 of [12], if


M M, +λI


is regular, then




MI M− is P-matrix, which implies that the LCP has a unique solution for any qRn [1], from the re- lation between the (3.1) and the LCP (3.5), we can easily deduce that the (3.1) is uniquely solvable for any


qR . □ Algorithm 3

Step 1: Choose an arbitrary initial point 0

0 n

xλR , ε >0 and given λ >0 1, µ>1, σ∈

[ ]

0,1 , let k: 0= ;

Step 2: for the λk, computer 1 k


xλ+ by solving

( )


k k

i i


M λ D xλ xλ+ b

 +  =

  (3.6) Step 3: If 1

k k

i i

xλ+ −xλ <ε, let k

i k

x =xλ go to step 4. Otherwise, i= +i 1 go to step 2.

Step4: If xk+1−xk <ε and Mxk− <q ε , terminate, x=xk is solution of LCP. Otherwise let


k k

λ+ =µλ , 1 0

k k

xλ+ =x let k:= +k 1, go to 2.

4. The Convergence of the Algorithm

We will show that the sequence

{ }


k i

i xλ

= generated by the generalized Newton iteration (3.6) converges to an

accumulation point xk associated with λk. First, we establish boundness of the sequence

{ }

k i

xλ for any

0 k

λ > generated by the Newton iterates (3.6) and hence the existence of accumulation point at each genera-lized Newton iteration.

Theorem 3: Suppose that the interval matrix


M M, +λkI


is regular. Then, the sequence

{ }

k i

xλ generated by Algorithm 3 is bounded. Consequently, there exits an accumulation points xk such that

( )

k k k

M λ D x x b

 +  =

  .

Proof: Suppose that sequence

{ }

xiλk is unbounded, Thus, there exists an infinite nonzero subsequence

{ }


{ }

k k

i i

xλxλ such that

{ }

j ,

( )

j and

[ ]


k k

i i

xλ → ∞ D xλ =DD∈ I

where D is main diagonal element of diagonal matrix which is 1, 0,σ∈

[ ]

0,1 .

We know subsequence j k j k







 

 

 

 

 

is bounded. Hence, exists convergence subsequence and assume that




j k

j j

k k


k i i

x b A D x x λ λ λ λ +  =

Letting j→ ∞ yields


MkD x 


=0, x =1.

Since MkD∈


M M, +λkI


and the interval matrix


M M, +λkI


is regular, we know that





MD − is exists and hence x=0, contradicting to the fact that x =1. Consequently, the sequence

{ }



xλ is bounded and there exists an accumulation point xk of

{ }

k i

xλ such that

( )




k k k

x = MD xb □ Under a somewhat restrictive assumption we can establish finite termination of the generalized Newton itera-tion at a penalized equaitera-tion soluitera-tion as follows.

Theorem 4: Suppose that the interval matrix


M M, +λkI


is regular and


( )


1 1 2 k i k k M λ D xλ


+ < holds

for all sufficiently large λk, then the generalized Newton iteration (3.6) linearly converges from any starting point 0


xλ to a solution xk of the nonlinear penalized equation (3.1).

Proof: Suppose that xk is a solution of nonlinear penalized equation. By the lemma 1, MkD x

( )

λk is nonsingular. To simply notation, let D=D x

( )

k ,

( )


i i

D =D xλ and since


MkD x

( )



xk =b,

( )


k k

i i


M λ D xλ xλ+ b

 +  =

  have Dxk =

[ ]

xk +, k k i i i

D xλ =  xλ +, hence




[ ]




[ ]



[ ]





[ ]







1 1 1




k k k

k k k

k k k

k k k

i i i i i

k k k k k k

i i i i

k k

i i i i

k k k k k

i i i i i

k k k k k k

M x x D x b Dx b D x x

D x x x x

x x D x x x x

x x D x x D x x

λ λ λ

λ λ λ

λ λ λ

λ λ λ

λ λ λ


λ λ

λ λ λ

+ + + + + + + + + + + + − = − + + − = − − = − − + −   = − − − − + −   = − − − − − −







[ ]




k k k

i i i i i

k k k k k k

M λ D xλ+ x λ xλ x + λ D x xλ


 

+ − = − − − −



) (





[ ]





k k k

i i i i i

k k k k k k

xλ+ x M λ D − λ xλ x + λ D xλ x


 

− = + − − + −



( )


1 1 2 k

i k

k M λ D xλ


+ < and by the lemma 2, we have












) (


1 1 1 2 2 k k k k

i i i

k k k k

i i i

k k k k

x x M D x x

M D x x x x

λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ − + − − ≤ + −

= ⋅ + − < −


Letting i→ ∞ and taking limits in both sides of the last inequality above, we have





1 1 k k i k i k x x x x λ λ + < −

So the iteration (3.6) linearly converges to a solution xk of nonlinear penalized equation (3.1). □ In here, we will focus on the convergence of Algorithm 3.


( )



1 1

2 k

i k

k M λ D xλ


+ < holds, then Algorithm 3 linearly converges from any starting point 0 0

xλ to a

solu-tion *

x of the LCP M q





Proof: Since M is P-Matrix, then the LCP M q




has a unique solution, let the solution denote *

x , by the assumptions of the theorem, the generalized Newton iteration (3.6) linearly converges to a solution xk of the nonlinear penalized equation (3.1).

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

* * *

k k k k k k k k k k k

i i i i i i i i

xλ+x = xλ+xλ+ +xλ+xλ +xλxxλ+xλ+ + xλ+xλ + xλx

let i→ ∞, then

1 1

* *

k k k k

xλ+xxλ+xλ + xλx

we have 1 *


lim k 1



x x

x x


λ +


− ≤

− □

5. Numerical Experiments

In this section, we give some numerical results in order to show the practical performance of Algorithm 2.1. Numerical results were obtained by using Matlab R2007 (b) on a 1G RAM, 1.86 Ghz Intel Core 2 processor. Throughout the computational experiments, the parameters were set as ε =1.0e−8, λ =0 10, µ=2.

Example 1: The matrix A of linear complementarity problem LCP A b




of as follows (This example appear in the Geiger and Kanzow [15], Jiang and Qi [16], YONG Long-quan, DENG Fang-an, CHEN Tao [17]):




4 1 0 0 0

1 4 1 0 0

0 1 4 0 0

, 1, 1, , 1, 1

0 0 0 4 1

0 0 0 1 4

A b

 

 

 − 

=  = − − − −

 

 

 

  

     

 

The computational results are shown in Table 1. This x0 is initial point, k is number of inner iterations, the outer iteration number is m, x* is iteration results.

Example 2: The matrix A of linear complementarity problem LCP A b




of as follows (This example appear in the Geiger and Kanzow [15], Jiang and Qi [16], YONG Long-quan, DENG Fang-an, CHEN Tao [17]):




1 2

diag , ,1 , 1, 1, 1, ,1, 1 ,

A b

n n

 

= = − − − −

   

The computational results are shown in Table 2. This 0

x is initial point, k is number of inner iterations, the outer iteration number is m, *


x is iteration results.

Table 1. Result from example 1.

n 0

x k m * ( )T

1, 2, , n

x = x xx

6 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)T 3 2 (−0.3659, 0.4634, 0.4878, 0.4878, 0.4634, 0.3659− − − − − )T

6 (−2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2− − − )T 3 2 (−0.3659, 0.4634, 0.4878, 0.4878, 0.4634, 0.3659− − − − − )T

7 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)T 3 2 (−0.3659, 0.4639, 0.4896, 0.4948, 0.4896, 0.4639, 0.3660− − − − − − )T


Table 2. Result from example 2.

n 0

x k m * ( )T

1, 2, , n

x = x xx 6 (1, 1,1, 1,1, 1− − −)T 3 2 (− − − −6, 3, 2, 1.5, 1.2, 1− −)T

6 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)T 3 2 (− − − −6, 3, 2, 1.5, 1.2, 1− −)T

8 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)T 3 2 (− − −8, 4, 2.67, 2, 1.6, 1.34, 1.14, 1− − − − −)T

8 (1, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1, 1− − − −)T 3 2 (− − −8, 4, 2.67, 2, 1.6, 1.34, 1.14, 1− − − − −)T

16 (1, 1,1, 1,− − ,1, 1− )T 3 2 (−16, 8, 5.3, 4, 3.2, 2.67, 2.28, 2, 1.78, 1.6, 1.45, 1.34, 1.23, 1.14, 1.06, 1− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − )T

16 (0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, 0)T 3 2 (−16, 8, 5.3, 4, 3.2, 2.67, 2.28, 2, 1.78, 1.6, 1.45, 1.34, 1.23, 1.14, 1.06, 1− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − )T


This work supported by the Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia in China (2011MS0114)


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Table 1. Result from example 1.
Table 2. Result from example 2.


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