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Mann iteration process for monotone nonexpansive mappings


Academic year: 2020

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Mann iteration process for monotone

nonexpansive mappings

Buthinah Abdullatif Bin Dehaish


and Mohamed Amine Khamsi




1Department of Mathematics,

Faculty of Science For Girls, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21593, Saudi Arabia

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


Let (X, · ) be a Banach space. LetCbe a nonempty, bounded, closed, and convex subset ofXandT:CCbe a monotone nonexpansive mapping. In this paper, it is shown that a technique of Mann which is defined by

xn+1=tnT(xn) + (1 –tn)xn, n= 1, 2,. . .,

is fruitful in finding a fixed point of monotone nonexpansive mappings.

MSC: Primary 06F30; 46B20; 47E10

Keywords: fixed point; Mann iteration process; nonexpansive mapping; uniformly convex Banach space; uniformly Lipschitzian mapping

1 Introduction

Nonexpansive mappings are those mappings which have Lipschitz constant equal to one. Their investigation remains a popular area of research in various fields. In , Browder [] and Göhde [] independently proved that every nonexpansive self-mapping of a closed convex and bounded subset of a uniformly convex Banach space has a fixed point. This result was also obtained by Kirk [] under slightly weaker assumptions. Since then sev-eral fixed point theorems for nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces have been derived [–].

Recently a new direction has been developed when the Lipschitz condition is satisfied only for comparable elements in a partially ordered metric space. This direction was initi-ated by Ran and Reurings [] (see also []) who proved an analogue ofthe classical Banach contraction principle[] in partially ordered metric spaces. In both papers [, ], the moti-vation for this new direction is the problem of the existence of a solution which is positive. In other words, the classical approaches only deal with the existence of solutions, while here we ask whether a positive or negative solution exists. It is a natural question to ask since most of the classical metric spaces are endowed with a natural partial order.

When we relax the contraction condition to the case of the Lipschitz constant equal to , i.e., nonexpansive mapping, the completeness of the distance will not be enough as it was in the original case. We need some geometric assumptions to be added. But in general the Lipschitz condition on comparable elements is a weak assumption. In particular, we do not have the continuity property. Therefore, one has to be very careful when dealing with


such mappings. In this work we use the iterative methods [] to prove the existence of fixed points of such mappings.

For more on metric fixed point theory, the reader may consult the books [, ].

2 Basic definitions

Let (X, · ) be a Banach space endowed with a partial order≤. As usual we adopt the conventionxyif and only ifyx. Throughout, we assume that the order intervals are closed and convex. Recall that an order interval is any of the subsets

[a,→) ={xX;ax} or (←,a] ={xX;xa}

for anyaX. As a direct consequence of this, the subset

[a,b] ={x∈X;axb}= [a,→)∩(←,b]

is also closed and convex for anya,bX.

Next we give the definition of monotone mappings.

Definition . Let (X, · ,≤) be as above. LetC be a nonempty subset ofX. A map T:CXis said to be

(a) monotone ifT(x)≤T(y)wheneverxy;

(b) monotoneK-Lipschitzian,K∈R+, ifTis monotone and

T(x) –T(y)≤Kxy,

wheneverxy. IfK= , thenTis said to be a monotone nonexpansive mapping.

A pointxCis said to be a fixed point ofT ifT(x) =x. The set of fixed points ofT is denoted byFix(T).

Remark . It is not difficult to see that a monotone nonexpansive mapping may not be continuous. Therefore it is quite difficult to expect any nice behavior that will imply the existence of a fixed point.

Definition . Let (X, · ) be a Banach space. Define the modulus of uniform convexity

δX: (, ]→[, ] by

δX(ε) =inf

 –x+y

;x ≤,x ≤, andx–y ≥ε


Uniformly convex Banach spaces enjoy many nice geometric properties. The interested reader may consult the book [].

3 Iteration process for monotone nonexpansive mappings

Let (X, · ) be a Banach space.


sequence{xn}defined by

xn+=tnT(xn) + ( –tn)xn (.)

for anyn≥, where{tn} ⊂[, ].

The following technical lemma will be useful to prove the main result of this work.

Lemma . Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of a Banach space(X, · ).Let T :CC be a monotone mapping.Fix xC such that xT(x).Consider the Mann iteration sequence{xn}defined by(.).Then we have

xnxn+≤T(xn) (.)

for any n≥.Moreover,{xn}has at most one weak-cluster point.Hence if C is

weakly-compact,then{xn}is weakly convergent.

Proof We will prove (.) by induction. First note that ifc,cCare such thatcc, thencαc+ ( –α)ccholds for anyα∈[, ]. This is true because order intervals are convex. This allows us to focus only on the proof ofxnT(xn) for anyn≥. By

as-sumption, we havex≤T(x), so the inequality is true forn= . Assume thatxnT(xn)

forn≥. Then we have

xntnT(xn) + ( –tn)xnT(xn),

i.e.,xnxn+≤T(xn). SinceTis monotone, we getT(xn)≤T(xn+). By transitivity of the order, we getxn+≤T(xn+). By induction, our inequality (.) is true for anyn≥. Next we look at the weak-cluster points of{xn}. Letωandωbe two weak-cluster points. Then there exist two subsequences{(n)}and{(n)}of{xn}such that


n→∞(n)=ω and weak-nlim→∞(n)=ω.

Fixk≥. Since{xn}is monotone increasing and the order interval [xk,→) is closed and

convex, we conclude thatωi∈[xk,→) fori= , . Hence{xn} ⊂(←,ωi] fori= , , holds

which implies for the same reasonωj∈(←,ωi] fori,j= , . So we haveω=ω. Therefore {xn}has at most one weak-cluster point. Moreover, if we assume thatCis weakly compact,

we conclude that{xn}is weakly convergent.

Remark . Under the assumptions of Lemma ., if we assume thatT(x)≤x, we will show that

T(xn)≤xn+≤xn (.)

for anyn≥. Moreover, the conclusions on the weak-cluster points of{xn}hold.


associated to the Mann iteration process defined by (.). Then, for any ω∈ Fix(T),

limn→∞xnωexists provided xandωare comparable.

Proof Without loss of any generality, assume thatxω. Let us prove thatxnωfor

any n≥. SinceT is monotone, then we must haveT(x)≤T(ω) =ω. Since the order interval (←,ω] is convex, we conclude thatxω. Next we use the fact thatTis monotone to getT(x)≤T(ω) =ω. And again, because of the convexity of (←,ω], we getxω. By induction we will show thatxnωfor anyn≥, as claimed. SinceT is monotone

nonexpansive, we get

T(xn) –ω=T(xn) –T(ω)≤ xnω,

which implies

xn+–ωtnT(xn) –ω+ ( –tn)xnω

tnxnω+ ( –tn)xnω=xnω

for anyn≥. This means that{xnω}is a decreasing sequence, which implies that


In the general theory of nonexpansive mappings, the main property of the Mann iter-ative sequence is an approximate fixed point property. Recall that {xn} is called an

ap-proximate fixed point sequence of the mappingT iflimn→+∞xnT(xn)= . We have a

similar conclusion for monotone nonexpansive mappings if we assume thatXis uniformly convex.

Theorem . Let C be a nonempty,closed,convex and bounded subset of a Banach space (X,·).Let T:CC be a monotone nonexpansive mapping.Assume that X is uniformly convex,and there existω∈Fix(T)and x∈C such that xandωare comparable.Then we have


n→∞xnT(xn)= ,

where{xn}is the Mann iterative sequence generated by(.)which starts at x,with tn

[a,b]for some a> and b< .

Proof Letω∈Fix(T). Letx∈Cbe comparable toω. Using Lemma ., we conclude that

limn→∞xnωexists. SetR=limn→∞xnω. Without loss of any generality, we may

assumeR> . Moreover, we have

lim sup


T(xn) –ω=lim sup


T(xn) –T(ω)≤lim sup

n→∞ xn


sincexnandωare comparable, for anyn≥. On the other hand, we have


for anyn≥. LetU be a nontrivial ultrafilter overN. ThenlimUtn=t∈[a,b]. Hence


U xn+–ωtlimU T(xn) –ω+ ( –t)RR.

Sincet= , we getlimUT(xn) –ω=R. Consider the ultrapower (X)UofX(see []). Set


x= ({xn})U,y˜= ({T(xn)})Uandω˜= ({ω})U. Then we have

˜xω˜U=˜yω˜U=t˜x+ ( –t)y˜–ω˜U.

Sincet∈(, ) andXis uniformly convex, then (X)Uis strictly convex, which impliesx˜=y˜, i.e.,limn,UxnT(xn)= . SinceUwas an arbitrary nontrivial ultrafilter, we conclude that

limn→∞xnT(xn)= , which completes the proof of Theorem ..

The conclusion of Theorem . is strongly dependent on the assumption that a fixed point ofT which is comparable tox exists. In fact, we may relax such assumption and obtain a similar conclusion. First we will need the following technical lemma.

Lemma . Let C be a nonempty convex subset of a Banach space(X, · ).Let T:CC be a monotone nonexpansive mapping.Let x∈C be such that xand T(x)are comparable. Let{xn}be the Mann iterative sequence defined by(.)such that{tn} ⊂[, ).Then,for any

i,n≥,we have

( +



ts)xiT(xi)≤T(xi+n) –xi




( –ts)–T(xi) –xiT(xi+n) –xi+n.

Proof Without loss of any generality, we may assumex≤T(x). In this case, we havexn

xn+≤T(xn)≤T(xn+) for anyn≥. In particular, we haveT(xn+) –T(xn) ≤ xn+–xn

for anyn≥. Moreover, from the definition of{xn}we havexn+–xn=tnxnT(xn)

for anyn≥. Therefore all the assumptions of Proposition  of [] are satisfied, which

implies the conclusion of Lemma ..

Using this lemma, we have a similar conclusion to Theorem . with less stringent as-sumptions. This result is similar to the one found in [].

Theorem . Let C be a nonempty,closed,convex and bounded subset of a Banach space (X, · ).Let T:CC be a monotone nonexpansive mapping.Let xC be such that x and T(x)are comparable.Let{xn}be the Mann iterative sequence defined by(.)such

that{tn} ⊂[a,b],with a> and b< .Then we havelimn→+∞xnT(xn)= .

Proof First note that the sequence{xnT(xn)}is decreasing. Indeed, we have

xn+–T(xn+)=( –tn)xn+tnT(xn) –T(xn+)

=( –tn) xnT(xn)


≤( –tn)xnT(xn)+T(xn) –T(xn+) ≤( –tn)xnT(xn)+xnxn+

= ( –tn)xnT(xn)+tnxnT(xn)


for anyn≥. Setlimn→+∞xnT(xn)=R. If we leti→+∞in the inequality obtained

in Lemma ., we get

( +na)Rδ(C)

for anyn≥, where we used the facts

( +na)≤ +



ts, and T(xi+n) –xiδ(C),

withδ(C) =sup{xy;x,yC}< +∞. Hence


( +na), n≥.

Clearly this will implyR= ,i.e.,limn→+∞xnT(xn)= .

Before we state the main fixed point result of this work, let us recall the definition of the weak-Opial condition.

Definition .[] Let (X, · ) be a Banach space. We will say thatXsatisfies the weak-Opial condition if for any sequence{yn}which converges weakly toy, we have

lim inf

n→∞ yny<lim infn→∞ ynz

for anyzXsuch thaty=z.

Theorem . Let(X, · )be a Banach space which satisfies the weak-Opial condition. Let C be a nonempty weakly compact convex subset of X.Let T:CC be a monotone nonexpansive mapping.Assume that there exists xC such that xand T(x)are compa-rable.Let{xn}be the Mann iterative sequence defined by(.)such that{tn} ⊂[a,b],with

a> and b< .Then{xn}is weakly convergent to x which is a fixed point of T,i.e.,T(x) =x.

Moreover,x and xare comparable.

Proof Without loss of any generality, we may assume thatx≤T(x). Lemma . implies that {xn} is weakly convergent to somexCwith xnandxcomparable for anyn≥.

Assume to the contrary thatT(x)=x. Since the assumptions of Theorem . are satis-fied, then we must havelimn→+∞xnT(xn)= . Using the definition of the weak Opial

condition, we get

lim inf


This is a contradiction. HenceT(x) =x,i.e.,xis a fixed point ofT. As we sawxandxare comparable, which completes the proof of Theorem ..

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the manuscript.

Author details

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science For Girls, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21593, Saudi Arabia. 2Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968, USA.3Department of

Mathematics & Statistics, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia.


This work was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks technical and financial support of DSR.

Received: 9 April 2015 Accepted: 1 September 2015 References

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