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The zeros of q shift difference polynomials of meromorphic functions


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The zeros of


-shift difference polynomials of

meromorphic functions

Junfeng Xu


and Xiaobin Zhang


*Correspondence: xujunf@gmail.com

1Department of Mathematics, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong 529020, P.R. China

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


In this paper, we investigate the value distribution of difference polynomials

f(z)nf(qz+c) andfn(z) +a[f(qz+c) –f(z)] related to two well-known differential

polynomials, wheref(z) is a meromorphic function with finite logarithmic order. MSC: 30D35; 39B12

Keywords: difference equation; meromorphic function; logarithmic order; Nevanlinna theory; difference polynomials

1 Introduction

In this paper, we shall assume that the reader is familiar with the fundamental results and the standard notation of the Nevanlinna value distribution theory of meromorphic func-tions (see [, ]). The term ‘meromorphic function’ will mean meromorphic in the whole complex planeC. In addition, we will use notationsρ(f) to denote the order of growth of a meromorphic functionf(z),λ(f) to denote the exponents of convergence of the zero-sequence of a meromorphic functionf(z),λ(f) to denote the exponents of convergence of the sequence of distinct poles off(z).

The non-autonomous Schröderq-difference equation

f(qz) =Rz,f(z), (.)

where the right-hand side is rational in both arguments, has been widely studied during the last decades (see,e.g., [–]). There is a variety of methods which can be used to study the value distribution of meromorphic solutions of (.).

Recently, the Nevanlinna theory involving q-difference has been developed to study

q-difference equations andq-difference polynomials. Many papers have focused on com-plex difference, giving many difference analogues in value distribution theory of mero-morphic functions (see [–]).

Hayman [] posed the following famous conjecture.

Theorem A If f is a transcendental meromorphic function and n≥,then fnftakes every

finite nonzero value b∈Cinfinitely often.

This conjecture has been solved by Hayman [] forn≥, by Mues [] forn= , by Bergweiler and Eremenko [] forn= .

Hayman [] also proved the following famous result.


Theorem B If f(z)is a transcendental meromorphic function,n≥is an integer,and a

(= )is a constant,then f(z) –af(z)nassumes all finite values bCinfinitely often.

He also conjectured in [] that the same result holds forn=  and . However, Mues [] proved that the conjecture is not true by providing a counterexample and proved that

fafhas infinitely many zeros.

Liu and Qi proved two theorems which consideredq-shift difference polynomials (see []), which can be seen as difference versions of the above classical results.

Theorem C Let f be a zero-order transcendental meromorphic function and q be a

nonzero complex constant.Then,for n≥,fn(z)f(qz+c)assumes every nonzero value

b∈Cinfinitely often.

Theorem D Let f be a zero-order transcendental meromorphic function and a, q be

nonzero complex constants.Then,for n≥,fn(z) +a[f(qz+c) –f(z)]assumes every nonzero value b∈Cinfinitely often.

Remark  They also conjectured the numbersn≥ andn≥ can be reduced in

The-orems C and D. But they could not deal with it. In fact, Zhang and Korhonen [] also proved a result similar to Theorem C under the conditionn≥. Obviously, it is an inter-esting question to reduce the numbern. In this paper, our results give some answers in some sense.

2 Main results

In order to express our results, we need to introduce some definitions (see [, ]). A positive increasing functionS(r), defined forr> , is said to be offinite logarithmic orderλif

lim sup r→∞


log logr=λ. (.)

S(r) is said to be ofinfinite logarithmic orderif the limit superior above is infinite.

Definition  Iff(z) is a function meromorphic in the complex planeC, the logarithmic order off is the logarithmic order of its characteristic functionT(r,f).

It is clear that the logarithmic order of a non-constant rational function is , but there exist infinitely many transcendental entire functions of logarithmic order  from Theo-rem . []. Hence, the transcendental meromorphic function is of the logarithmic or-der≥.

Let f(z) be a meromorphic function of finite positive logarithmic order λ. A non-negative continuous functionλ(r) defined in (, +∞) is said to beproximate logarithmic orderofT(r,f), ifλ(r) satisfies the following three conditions:

()limr→+∞λ(r) =λ.

()λ(r) exists everywhere in (, +∞) except possibly in a countable set whereλ(r+) and

λ(r) exist. Moreover, if we use the one-sided derivativeλ(r+) orλ(r) instead ofλ(r) of

rin the exceptional set, then




() LetU(r,f) = (logr)λ(r), we haveT(r,f)U(r,f) for sufficiently largerand


U(r,f)= . (.)

The above functionU(r,f) is called alogarithmic-type functionofT(r,f). Iff(z) is a mero-morphic function of finite positive logarithmic orderλ, thenT(r,f) hasproximate loga-rithmic orderλ(r).

Letf(z) be a meromorphic function, for eacha∈C=C∪ {∞}, ana-point off(z) means a root of the equationf(z) =a. Let{zj(a)}be the sequence ofa-points off(z) withrj(a)≤

rj+(a), whererj(a) =|zj(a)|.The logarithmic exponent of convergence of a-points of f(z) is

a numberρlog(a) which is defined by

ρlog(a) =inf

μμ> , j

/logrj(a)μ< +∞

. (.)

This quantity plays an important role in measuring the value distribution ofa-points of


Throughout this paper, we denotethe logarithmic orderofn(r,f =a) byλlog(a), where

n(r,f =a) is the number of roots of the equationf(z) =ain|z| ≤r. It is well known that if a meromorphic functionf(z) is of finite order, then the order ofn(r,f =a) equals the exponent of convergence ofa-points off(z). The corresponding result for meromorphic functions of finite logarithmic order also holds. That is, iff(z) is a non-constant meromor-phic function and of finite logarithmic order, then for eacha∈C, the logarithmic order

ofn(r,f =a) equals the logarithmic exponent of convergence ofa-points off(z).

Although for any given meromorphic function f(z) with finite positive order and for any a∈C, the counting functionsN(r,f =a) andn(r,f =a) both have the same order, the situation is different for functions of finite logarithmic order. That is, iff(z) is a non-constant meromorphic function inC, for eacha∈C,N(r,f =a) is of logarithmic order λlog(a) +  whereλlog(a) is the logarithmic order ofn(r,f =a).

Theorem . If f(z)is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic order

λ,with the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles less thanλ– and q,c are nonzero complex constants,then for n≥,fn(z)f(qz+c)assumes every value bCinfinitely often.

Remark  The following examples show that the hypothesis the logarithmic exponent of

convergence of polesλlog(∞) is less thanλ–  is sharp.

Example  Letf(z) = ∞j=( –qjz)–,  <|p|< . Thenf(qz) = ( –z)f(z). Butfn(z)f(qz) have only one zero. We know (see [, ])

T(r,f) =N(r,f) =O(logr).

Thus,λ= , and the logarithmic exponent of convergence of polesλlog(∞) is equal to

λ–  = . Hence, the condition the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles is less


Example  Letf(z) = ∞j=( –z/qj)–,|p|> . Thenf(qz) = f(z)

–qz andfn(z)f(qz) = f(z)n+

–qz have no zeros. Note thatT(r,f) =N(r,f) =O((logr)) (see [–]), thenλ= , and the logarithmic exponent of convergence of polesλlog(∞) is equal toλ–  = . Hence, our

condition the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles is less thanλ–  cannot be omitted.

Remark  We note that the authors claimedbis nonzero in Theorem C. Butbcan be

zero in Theorem ..

Theorem . If f(z)is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic order

λ,with the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles less thanλ– ,and a,q are nonzero complex constants,then for n≥,fn(z) +a[f(qz+c) –f(z)]assumes every value bC

infinitely often.

Remark  The authors also claimedbis nonzero in Theorem D. In fact,bcan take the

zeros in Theorem D from their proof.

In the following, we consider the difference polynomials similar to Theorem . and Theorem . in [].

Theorem . If f(z)is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic order

λ,with the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles less thanλ– ,and a,q are nonzero constants,then for n≥,fn(z) –af(qz+c)assumes every value bCinfinitely often.

3 Proof of Theorem 2.1

We need the following lemmas for the proof of Theorem ..

For a transcendental meromorphic functionf(z),T(r,f) is usually dominated by three integrated counting functions. However, whenf(z) is of finite logarithmic order,T(r,f) can be dominated by two integrated counting functions as the following shows.

Lemma .([]) If f(z)is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic orderλ,then for any two distinct extended complex values a and b,we have

T(r,f)≤N(r,f =a) +N(r,f =b) +oU(r,f), (.)

where U(r,f) = (logr)λ(r) is a logarithmic-type function of T(r,f).Furthermore,if T(r,f)

has a finite lower logarithmic order

μ=lim inf r→+∞


log logr , (.)

withλμ< ,then

T(r,f)≤N(r,f =a) +N(r,f =b) +oT(r,f). (.)

Lemma . If f(z)is a non-constant zero-order meromorphic function and q∈C\{},then

Tr,f(qz)= +o()Tr,f(z) (.)


Lemma .([]) Let f(z)be a meromorphic function of finite orderρ,and let c∈C\{}.

Then,for eachε> ,one has

Tr,f(z+c)=T(r,f) +Orρ–+ε+O(logr). (.)

From the proof of Theorem . in [], we know iff(z) is of zero order, then (.) can be written into

Tr,f(z+c)=T(r,f) +O(logr). (.)

From Lemma . and (.), we can obtain

Lemma . If f(z)is a non-constant zero-order meromorphic function and q∈C\{},then

Tr,f(qz+c)= +o()Tr,f(z)+O(logr) (.)

on a set of lower logarithmic density.

Remark  Iff(z) is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic orderλ, then (.) can be rewritten into

Tr,f(qz+c)= +o()Tr,f(z). (.)

Lemma .([]) Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function,n be a positive integer.

P(f) =anfn+an–fn–+· · ·+af where aiis a meromorphic function satisfying T(r,ai) =

S(r,f) (i= , , . . . ,n).Then

Tr,P(f)=nT(r,f) +S(r,f).

Lemma . If f(z)is a non-constant zero-order meromorphic function and q∈C\{},then

Nr,f(qz+c)= +o()Nr,f(z)+O(logr) (.)

on a set of lower logarithmic density.

From the proofs of Theorem . [] and Theorem . [], we can obtain the lemma easily. Iff(z) is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic orderλ, then (.) can be rewritten into

Nr,f(qz+c)= +o()Nr,f(z). (.)

Lemma .([, ]) Let f(z)be a non-constant meromorphic function of zero order,and let q,c∈C\{}.Then






Lemma . If f(z)is a transcendental meromorphic function of finite logarithmic orderλ

and c∈C\{},and n≥is an integer,set G(z) =fn(z)f(qz+c),then T(r,G) =O(T(r,f)).

Proof We can rewriteG(z) in the form

G(z) =f(z)n+f(qz+c)

f(z) . (.)

For eachε> , by Lemma . and (.), we get that

m(r,G)≤(n+ )m(r,f) +m



= (n+ )m(r,f) +oT(r,f). (.)

From Lemma ., we have

N(r,G)≤nN(r,f) +Nr,f(qz+c)≤n+  +o()N(r,f). (.)

By (.) and (.), we have

T(r,G)≤OT(r,f). (.)

By Lemma . and (.), we have


r, G(z)


T(r,G) +Tr,f(qz+c)

=Tr,G(z)+ +o()Tr,f(z). (.)

Thus, from (.) we have

n–  –o()T(r,f)≤T(r,G). (.)

That is,T(r,f)≤O(T(r,G)) fromn≥.

Thus, (.) and (.) give thatT(r,G) =O(T(r,f)).

Proof of Theorem. DenoteG(z) =f(z)nf(qz+c). We claim thatG(z) is transcendental ifn≥.

Suppose that G(z) is a rational function R(z). Thenf(z)n=R(z)/f(qz+c). Therefore, by Lemma . and (.),nT(r,f(z)) =T(r,f(z)n) =T(r,R(z)/f(qz+c))≤T(r,f(qz+c)) +

O(logr) = ( +o())T(r,f(z)), which contradictsn≥. Hence, the claim holds.

By Lemma ., Lemmas .-., Lemma ., and (.), we have



= +o()Tr,f(z)+T(r,G)

= +o()Tr,f(z)+N(r,G) +N

r, 



≤ +o()Tr,f(z)+n+  +o()Nr,f(z)

Note that for the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles less thanλ– , we have

lim sup

This contradicts the fact thatT(r,f) has logarithmic orderλ. Hence,


This completes the proof of Theorem ..

4 Proof of Theorems 2.2 and 2.3


which implies that

We claim thatϕ(z) is transcendental. Suppose thatϕ(z) is rational, it contradicts (.) if

n≥. The claim holds.

Note that for the logarithmic exponent of convergence of poles less thanλ– , we have

lim sup

for sufficiently larger. Hence, by (.) we have

lim sup r→∞



This contradicts the fact thatT(r,f) has logarithmic orderλ. Hence,

This completes the proof of Theorem ..

The proof of Theorem . is similar to the proof of Theorem ., we omit it here.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

All authors drafted the manuscript, read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details

1Department of Mathematics, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong 529020, P.R. China.2Department of Mathematics, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, 300300, P.R. China.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11126327, 11171184), the Science Research Foundation of CAUC, China (No. 2011QD10X), NSF of Guangdong Province (No. S2011010000735), STP of Jiangmen, China (No. [2011]133) and The Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Guangdong, China (No. 2012LYM_0126).

Received: 28 May 2012 Accepted: 6 November 2012 Published: 22 November 2012 References

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