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Academic year: 2021



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The University of Verona was established fairly recently but its cultural background goes back in time. Since the 14th century lectures in Law, Medicine, Literature and Philosophy were held in the cultural circles of the town. Nowadays, with more than 700 professors and 700 administrative and technical staff members, the University educates more than 23.000 students.

In spite of its steady growth, the University of Verona still retains the atmosphere of a small campus where students and teachers can meet, learn and work in a mutual profitable exchange. The University devotes special attention to the city of Verona and its territory by implementing various forms of cooperation that increase the mutual potential for cultural and economic growth.

Almost 250 International cooperation agreements signed with EU and Non-EU Universities and the extensive participation to international exchange and research programmes involving students and scholars, show the international vocation of this University.

In the a.y. 2011/2012, almost 300 incoming students are spending their Erasmus period at the University of Verona, while almost 350 outgoing students are involved in European and extra-European exchange activities.

Every year international students from Australia, Brasil, Mexico, South Corea and U.S.A. spend their exchange study period at our University, while more than 1300 foreign students are currently enrolled as full-time students.

University locations

The University of Verona is located in various seats in town and, for some courses at the Faculties of Economics and Medicine and Surgery, in different locations outside Verona.

Faculty Course Seat

Direzione Aziendale (LM) Economia delle Imprese e dei Mercati Internazionali (LM)




Other Courses Verona (Polo Umanistico) Law

Giurisprudenza All courses Verona (Via Montanari)

Arts and Philosophy

Lettere e Filosofia All courses Verona (Polo Umanistico)

Foreign Languages and Literatures Lingue e Letterature Straniere

All courses Verona (Polo Umanistico)


Scienze della Formazione All courses Verona (Polo Umanistico) Mathematical Physical

and Natural Sciences Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali

All courses Verona

(Polo Scientifico – Borgo Roma)


Exercise and Sport Science

Scienze Motorie

All courses Verona

(Via Casorati) - Medicina e Chirurgia

- Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria - Logopedia

- Ostetricia

- Tecniche Audioprotesiche - Tecniche di Fisiopatologia e perfusione Cardiovascolare - Tecniche della prevenzione nell’ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro Other Specialised Degree Courses


(Polo Scientifico - Borgo Roma)

Fisioterapia* - Verona, Rovereto (TN), Vicenza

- Igiene Dentale

- Tecnica della Riabilitazione Psichiatrica

Ala (TN)

Infermieristica* Verona, Bolzano, Legnago (VR), Trento, Vicenza - Tecniche di Radiologia Medica,

per immagini e Radioterapia* - Tecniche della prevenzione nell’ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro (Interateneo)*

Verona, Ala (TN) Medicine and Surgery

Medicina e Chirurgia

Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico* Verona, Rovereto (TN) *Please Note: for students at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Medical Area Studies) there are different locations available. When sending their application, students can indicate their preferences the International Relations Office.

Language Requirements

Most courses at the University of Verona are in Italian Language.

Students wishing to attend courses at the Faculty of Humanities (Lettere e Filosofia) are requested to attach a B1 level Italian Language Competence certificate (or equivalent) to their Application Form.

Students wishing to attend courses at the Faculty of Economics (Economia) should contact the Faculty to check the different language requirements according to level of study (First Level – Laurea di Primo Livello; Second Level – Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale) and to the language (Italian or English).


Courses offered in a foreign language

Courses in English or in another a foreign language available for the a.y. 2012/2013 (Master and PhD Level) are listed at the following link:

http://www.univr.it (Relazioni Internazionali > Courses offered in a foreign language). Academic Calendar

The Academic year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th. Normally, the First

semester runs from the beginning of October to the beginning of January and the Second semester from the end of February to the end of May.

Assessments take place during the summer (until July) or winter (December-February) sessions, but also in autumn (September), depending on the Faculty.

Academic Calendar 2012/2013, lessons, holidays and assessments timetables will be

available in September on the web:

http://www.univr.it/ - Studenti > Orientamento allo Studio > Calendari lezioni e appelli d’esame

National holidays (no classes):

Christmas and Easter holidays, 1 November All Saints' Day, 8 December Immaculate Conception, 6 January Epiphany, 25 April National Anniversary, 1 May - May Day, 21 May S. Zeno (Verona Patron Saint’s Day), 2 June – Republic Day, 15 August Assumption Day.

Study plan (Learning Agreement)

International Exchange students coming to the University of Verona should bring with them a Learning Agreement duly signed by the home institutional co-ordinators. The Learning

Agreement is a document provided by Home Institution reporting the proposed study plan at

Host Institution.

In order to choose courses and to fill in the Learning Agreement, International Exchange students should contact the teacher coordinating the exchange with each partner University at the University of Verona (Academic Coordinator - See the list available online: International Faculty Coordinators):

- Erasmus students should refer to the professor coordinating the exchange with their Home University;

- International Exchange students (non-Erasmus) should refer to the Faculty Coordinators for International Exchange Programmes (Delegato di Facoltà per l’Internazionalizzazione) and to the Vice-Rector for International Relations.

After having arranged their study plan together with the Coordinator, students should ask for signatures in the section “Receiving Institution” to the Faculty Coordinator for International Exchange Programmes (Delegato di Facoltà per l’Internazionalizzazione) and to the Vice-Rector for International Relations, with the assistance of the International Relations Office.

Please note: for students at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Medical Area Studies) this

procedure is different. Please ask for support to the International Relations Office (e-mail:


To have access to information on the Courses and Modules offered please visit the web site

http://www.univr.it (Studying > Online Course Catalogue ).

For further details on course programmes please refer to the web pages of each Faculty

(http://www.univr.it/- Facoltà).

Please note: Exchange students CANNOT have access to “Postgraduate Master Courses”

(“Master Universitari” - 1st or 2nd Level) unless they follow the enrolment procedures and pay the relative fees.

Enrolment and exam sessions

After sending their complete application form (see paragraph 1.1) International Exchange students are registered at the university and will be provided with their Student ID Card (“tessera di immatricolazione”) reporting also the registration number (“numero di matricola”) and a password.

By means of their “username” and “password” students can enrol for assessments and exams. For any technical enquiry please refer to the computer assistant of each Faculty

(http://www.univr.it/ Studenti > Servizi online > Iscrizione Esami > Supporto Studenti per

iscrizione esami).

For further information please see the “Exam registration and request for Transcript of Records” available online:

http://www.univr.it (http://www.univr.it/ Studenti >International Relations > International

Students > Exchange Students).

Language Courses at CLA

The University Language Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - CLA) provides all the Faculties with language-teaching services in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Italian as a foreign language, allowing students to achieve the A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 European levels (Italian only A2, B1, B2, C1).

CENTRO LINGUISTICO DI ATENEO (CLA) Viale dell’Università, 4 – 37129 Verona Web: http://fermi.univr.it/cla/

Opening times:

- Students Office open from Monday to Friday 10.30 -13.00, 15-16.30 Tel. +39 045 8028704 - Fax +39 045 8028705

E-mail: [email protected]

- PC Laboratories open from Monday to Friday 8.00-17.45 Tel. +39 045 8028155 - Fax +39 045 8028705

E-mail: [email protected]

- Testing Office open from Monday to Thursday 9.00 – 12.00 Tel. +39 045 8028128 - Fax +39 045 8028705



The University has two main libraries (Biblioteca A. Frinzi and Biblioteca E. Meneghetti), and other libraries in each Department.

For information about online catalogues, opening times and services offered by the different libraries please refer to: http://www.univr.it (Biblioteche).

Biblioteca centralizzata “A. Frinzi”

The library is well supplied with volumes and other equipment (CD ROMs with data banks and bio-bibliographies, microfilms and microcards).

Services provided

⎯ Newspaper library: It owns more than 4700 magazines and newspapers that can be

consulted on the spot thanks to its 104 seats. Ph. +39 045 8028541

September to July opening times: 8:15-19:45 (Monday to Friday) 8:15-13:45 (Saturdays)

⎯ Reading rooms: One is located on the ground floor and offers 80 seats and 10 computer

places to search for books in the University’s online catalogue. Another is located on the second floor and offers about 300 seats and contains a collection of books that can be consulted, such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, bibliographies.

⎯ Loan service: this service allows to borrow or consult the books that are not placed on the public shelves.

⎯ Interlibrary loan: loan and reproduction (photocopies, microfilms) of books that are owned

by other Italian or foreign libraries. With the assistance of the personnel of the library it is possible to use the internet and to search the online catalogues of Italian and foreign libraries, and to access to the information services of universities around the world.

⎯ Data banks and micrographies: data banks, electronic magazines and micrographies. It is

possible to work on bibliographic search. Biblioteca centrale “E. Meneghetti”

Housed in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Istituti Biologici), it is well provided with books, but also magazines, CD-roms etc..

Biblioteca centralizzata “A. Frinzi” Via S. Francesco, 20 37129 VERONA Ph. 045 8028600– Fax 045 8028461 – E-mail: [email protected]

Open space for studying: everyday 8:15-23:45


Services provided

⎯ Reading room: it has 296 seats and the access is public.

⎯ Loan service: this service allows to borrow or consult the books that are not placed on the public shelves.

⎯ Interlibrary loan: loan and reproduction (photocopies, microfilms) of books that are owned

by other Italian or foreign libraries.

⎯ Bibliographic search: the library offers for free a service of bibliographic search by a

specialised staff.

⎯ Multimedia room: it offers internet access through 16 computers; it is also possible for

students and researchers to consult online data banks, online magazines and use didactic cd-roms. 6 computers are also available in the reading room and 4 additional computers for OPAC consulting only (On-line Public Access Catalogue).


Once enrolled you will be given a registration number through which you will be able to access to the PC labs situated in each Faculty.

For further information report to the person in charge for the PC lab of your Faculty. PC labs

Faculty of Law

Opening times: Monday to Thursday 9-13.30 / 14.30-18; Friday 9-13 For further information: Ph.+39 045 8028845

Faculty of Economics

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9-17.30 For further information: Ph.+39 045 8028511

Biblioteca centrale “E. Meneghetti” Strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona

Ph. +39 045 8027115 - Fax +39 045 8027119

E-mail: [email protected] http://meneghetti.univr.it/ Opening Times: Mon – Fri 8.15-19.45 - Sat: 8.15-13.00

Aug and Holidays: Mon – Fri 8.15-13.45 (closed on Saturdays). Study Room (badge access only – please ask to the library): Mon – Fri 19.50 – 23.30

Saturday: 13-20 - Sunday: 9-20 Aug and Holidays: Closed


Faculties of Arts and Philosophy - Foreign Languages and Literatures

1. Macintosh lab (Polo Zanotto, Viale dell’Università ) - Monday to Friday 8.30-18.00 2. PC lab (Polo Zanotto, Viale dell’Università 4) - Monday to Friday 8.30-18.00

3. PC lab; T9 (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Via S. Francesco 22) -Monday to Thursday 8.30-18; Friday 8.30-14:30.

Opening times may vary because of courses. For further information: Ph. +39 045 8028153

Faculty of Education

PC labs (Palazzo Zorzi)

Opening times: Monday to Thursday 9.00-18.00; Friday 9.00-15.00. For further information: Ph. +39 045 8028081

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

1. PC lab (Istituti Biologici) 2. PC lab (Piastra Odontoiatrica) Opening times: Monday to Friday 14-18

Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences

1. PC lab Alfa 2. PC lab Delta 3. PC lab Gamma

Opening times: Monday to Friday 8-19

For further information: Ph. +39 045 8027931

Faculty of Exercise and Sport Science

Palazzo Ex Isef

Opening times: Tuesday to Thursday 10-17 For further information: Ph. +39 045 8425123

ESU Verona (for all students)

Via dell’Artigliere 9

Opening times: Monday to Thursday 8-18; Friday: 8-15 For further information: Ph. +39 045 8052844


- ESU Verona Aula studio, via Campofiore, 19

Opening Times: 8-18 Monday to Thursday – Friday 8-13. July and August: closed

- Aula studio, via S. Vitale, 5



The centre helps disabled students to deal with the University structures, supporting their integration in the University life. Some of the services offered are:

- Sign language for the deaf, which allows deaf students to attend lectures with the help of

professional assistants

- Transcription in Braille or electronic format

- Specialised tutorial help for those disabled students who may encounter difficulties in


- Retrieval and organization of didactic material for the students that cannot attend lectures - Free transport service

- Assistance during lessons, exams, lunch, and free time

- Help in finding and filling in forms for enrolment, scholarship, canteen card and other


- Listen and Help desk: an help desk run by an expert, who assists disabled students during

their university career.

- Documentation service: it promotes the activity of research and information through a

documentation centre containing specialised works on handicap and magazines. The centre also organises meetings with people who work in the field of handicap.

SERVICE CENTRE FOR THE DISABLED c/o Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

Via San Francesco, 22

Ph. +39 045 8028786-593 - Fax: +39 045 8028786 E-mail: [email protected]


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