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Stability estimate and regularization for a radially symmetric inverse heat conduction problem


Academic year: 2020

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Stability estimate and regularization for a

radially symmetric inverse heat conduction


Wei Cheng



[email protected] College of Science, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, 450001, P.R. China


This paper investigates a radially symmetric inverse heat conduction problem, which determines the internal surface temperature distribution of the hollow sphere from measured data at the fixed location inside it. This is an inverse and ill-posed problem. A conditional stability estimate is given on its solution by using Hölder’s inequality. A wavelet regularization method is proposed to recover the stability of solution, and the technique is based on the dual least squares method and Shannon wavelet. A quite sharp error estimate between the approximate solution and the exact ones is obtained by choosing a suitable regularization parameter.

MSC: 65M30; 35R30; 35R25

Keywords: inverse heat conduction; ill-posed problems; stability estimate; regularization; error estimate

1 Introduction

A physical model considered here is a hollow sphere, andRandrdenote its external and

internal radius, respectively. Let the hollow sphere be adiabatic at its external surface, and a thermocouple is installed inside the hollow sphere at the radiusr=r, r<r<R, as

illustrated in Figure . Assuming a spherically symmetric temperature distribution of the model, the correspondingly mathematical model can be described as the following radially symmetric heat conduction problem:

ut=urr+ 

rur, r<r<R,t> ,

u(r, ) = , r≤rR,

u(r,t) =g(t), t≥,

ur(R,t) = , t≥,


whererdenotes the radial coordinate,g(t) is the temperature history at one fixed radius

r,r<r<R. We want to recover the temperature distributionu(r,·) (r≤r<r) based

on the measured data ofg(·). This is an inverse heat conduction problem.

The inverse heat conduction problem (IHCP) has numerous important applications in various sciences and engineering []. For example, determination of thermal fields at


Figure 1 Physical model.

faces without access, obtaining the force applied to a complex structure from knowledge of the response and transfer function which describes the system, or the diagnosis of a disease by computerized tomography []. In all cases, the boundary conditions of these problems are inaccessible to measurements or not known. Usually sensors are installed beneath the surface and the unknown boundary conditions of these problems are esti-mated.


inves-tigated the determination of spatially- and temperature- dependent thermal conductivity by a semi-discretization method. In this work, we will use a wavelet method to deal with IHCP (.) (r≤r<r) with variable coefficient and to obtain a quite sharp error estimate

between the approximate solution and the exact solution.

The wavelet method has become a powerful method for solving partial differential equa-tions (PDEs). And the method has been applied to direct problems as well as to various types of inverse problems such as the IHCP [], the Cauchy problem of Laplace equation [, ], the backward heat conduction problem [], the inverse source identification problems [, ] and the Cauchy problem for the modified Helmholtz equation [, ]. It is worth mentioning that Feng and Ning [] used a Meyer wavelet regularization method for solving numerical analytic continuation and presented the Hölder-type stability es-timates. In this paper, we solve the radially symmetric inverse heat conduction problem (.) in the interval [r,r) by determining the temperature distribution using a wavelet

dual least squares method generated by the family of Shannon wavelets.

When we deal with problem (.) inL(R) with respect to variablet, we extend all

func-tions of variabletappearing in the paper to be zero fort< . Since the measurement data ofg(t) contain noises, the solutions have to be sought from the data function(t)L(R),

which satisfy

gδ, (.)

where the constantδ>  denotes a bound on the measurement error, and · represents theL(R) norm. It is also assumed that there exists an a priori bound for functionu(r


u(r,·)HpE, p≥, (.)

whereu(r,·)Hpdenotes the norm in the Sobolev spaceHp(R) defined by u(r,·)Hp:=


 +ξpfˆ(ξ)

 .

Using the Fourier transform with respect to the variablet, problem (.) can be formulated in a frequency space as follows:

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

iξuˆ(r,ξ) =∂ruˆ(r,ξ)+r ∂uˆ(r,ξ)

∂r , r∈(r,R],ξ∈R, ˆ

u(r,ξ) =gˆ(ξ), ξ∈R,


ur(R,ξ) = , ξ∈R.


We can get a formal solution for problem (.), refer to [],


u(r,ξ) = (r/r)ϕ(r,ξ)e(rr)

gˆ(ξ), r[r

,R),ξ∈R, (.)


ϕ(r,ξ) = ( √


According to Lemma . in [], functionϕ(r,ξ) satisfies

c≤ϕ(r,ξ)≤c, r∈[r,r),ξ∈R, (.)

wherecandcare positive constants. Due to|(r/r)ϕ(r,ξ)e(rr)

|increases rapidly with

exponential order as|ξ| → ∞, the Fourier transform of the exact datag(t) must decay rapidly at high frequencies forr>r. But such a decay is not likely to occur in(t). So, a

small measurement error in the given data(t) in high frequency components can com-pletely destroy the solution of problem (.) forr∈[r,r).

For problem (.), we define an operatorAr:u(r,·) −→g(·) in the spaceX=L(R). Then problem (.) can be rewritten as

Aru(r,t) =g(t), ∀u(r,·)∈X,r≤r<r. (.)

According to expression (.), there holds

Aru(r,ξ) =gˆ(ξ) = (r/r)e(rr)

ϕ–(r,ξ)uˆ(r,ξ), r[r

,r). (.)

Then we have Aru(r,ξ) :=Aruˆ(r,ξ) and a multiplication operator Ar:L(R) −→L(R) given by

Aruˆ(r,ξ) = (r/r)e(rr)

ϕ–(r,ξ)uˆ(r,ξ). (.)

Therefore, we have the following lemma.

Lemma . If Ar is the adjoint of Ar,then Ar corresponds to the following problem:

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

∂U∂t =∂rU +r∂U∂r, r<rR,t≥,

U(r, ) = , r≤rR,

U(r,t) =g(t), t≥,

Ur(R,t) = , t≥,



Ar= (r/r)e(rr)

ϕ–(r,ξ). (.)

Proof Using the following relations and expression (.)






where·,·denotes the inner product, we can obtain the adjoint operatorAr ofArin the frequency domain


= (r/r)e(rr)


Applying the Fourier transform with respect to the variablet, we can rewrite problem (.) in the following form (in the frequency space):

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

iξUˆ(r,ξ) =∂rUˆ(r,ξ)+r ∂Uˆ(r,ξ)

∂r , r∈(r,R],ξ∈R, ˆ

U(r,ξ) =gˆ(ξ), ξ∈R,

| ˆUr(R,ξ)|= , ξ∈R.


Taking the conjugate operator for problem (.), we know thatUˆ(r,ξ) =uˆ(r,ξ). So, com-bining with (.), we get


U(r,ξ) =uˆ(r,ξ) = (r/r)e(rr)

ϕ(r,ξ)gˆ(ξ) (.)



g(ξ) = (r/r)e(rr)

ϕ–(r,ξ)Uˆ(r,ξ) =A

rUˆ(r,ξ) =ArU. (.)

The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section , using Hölder’s inequality, we prove the conditional stability for IHCP (.) in the interval [r,r). The relevant properties of

Shannon wavelets are summarized in Section . The last section presents error estimates via wavelet dual least squares method approximation.

2 A conditional stability estimate

In this section, we give a conditional stability in the following theorem.

Theorem . Let u(r,t)be the exact solution of problem(.)given by(.)and the a priori bound(.)hold.Then,for a fixed r∈(r,r),we have the following estimate:


r–r r–r(r/r)


r–ru(r,·) r–r r–rg


r–r, (.)

where cand care constants given by(.).

Proof Using Parseval’s formula, expression (.) and Hölder’s inequality, we have

u(r,·)=uˆ(r,·)= ∞




= ∞




r–r e(rr)√gˆ(ξ)r–r

r–rgˆ(ξ)r–r r–rdξ




r–r e(rr)√gˆ(ξ)

r–r r–r ∞


gˆ(ξ) r–r





(r–r) r–r (r




u(r,ξ) 



(r–r) r–r



(r/r)ϕ(r,ξ) 


(r–r) r–ruˆ(r


(r–r) r–rg


From inequalities (.), we get


(r–r) r–r ≤(r

/r)c 


(r–r) r–r.

Then there holds


(r–r) r–r(r/r)


r–ru(r,·) (r–r)

r–rg(r–rr–r) .

The conclusion of Theorem . is proved.

Remark . Ifu(r,t) andu(r,t) are the solutions of problem (.) with the exact data g(t) andg(t), respectively, then for a fixedr∈(r,r), there holds

u(r,·) –u(r,·)≤Cu(r,·) –u(r,·)

r–r r–rg

(·) –g(·)


r–r, (.)

where C=c(c)



r–r. It is obvious that ifg(·) –g(·), thenu(r,·) –


In the next section, the relevant properties of Shannon wavelets are summarized.

3 The Shannon wavelets

Suppose thatφandψare the Shannon scaling and wavelet functions whose Fourier trans-forms are given by

ˆ φ(ξ) =

⎧ ⎨ ⎩

, |ξ| ≤π,

, otherwise, (.)


ˆ ψ(ξ) =

⎧ ⎨ ⎩

e, π≤ |ξ| ≤π,

, otherwise. (.)

Letφj,k(t) := 


φ(jtk),ψj,k(t) :=  j


l≥, the index set


I={j,k}:j,k∈Z⊂Z, ˜


{j,k}:j= –, , . . . ,J– ;k∈Z⊂Z.

Then the subspacesVJ can be defined

VJ=span{λ}λ∈˜IJ (.)

and an orthogonal projectionPJ:L(R) −→VJ:




We have, for anyk∈Z,

supp(ψˆj,k) =

ξ:πj≤ |ξ| ≤πj+, (.)

supp(φˆj,k) =

ξ:|ξ| ≤πj. (.)

Expression (.) shows thatPJ can be considered as a low pass filter.

4 Regularization and error estimates

In this section, the wavelet dual least squares method will be described and error estimates be given by Theorems .-..

4.1 Dual least squares method

We now introduce the dual least squares method for approximation of the solutions of problem (.). For the operator equationAu=g, a general projection method is generated by two subspace families {Vj}and{Yj} ofX. Then the approximate solutionujVj is defined to be the solution of the following problem:

Auj,y=g,y, ∀yYj. (.)

IfVjR(A∗) and subspacesYjare chosen in such a way that


then there is a special case of projection method known as the dual least squares method. Suppose that{ψλ}λ∈˜Ij is an orthogonal basis ofVjandis the solution of the equation

A=kλψλ, = . (.)

Then we can obtain the approximate solution


λ∈˜Ij g,

ψλ. (.)

According to (.), we easily concludeuJ=PJu. In order to give an error estimate for the regularized solution, we need a sequence of subspacesYjapproximating the spaceXand contained in the range ofA∗. FromAYj=Vj, the subspacesYjare spanned bywλ,λ∈ ˜IJ, where

A=λ and =–, =

=kλwλ. (.)

We know thatis a solution of the following problem (see Lemma .):

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

∂U∂t =U

∂r +r∂U∂r, r<rR,t≥, U(r, ) = , r≤rR,

U(r,t) =j,k(t), t≥,

Ur(R,t) = , t≥.


Becausesuppψˆj,k is compact, the solution exists for anyt∈(,∞). Analogously, the so-lution of the adjoint equation is unique. So, for givenλ,wλcan be uniquely determined according to (.). From (.), there holds




(rr)√ϕ(r,ξ)ˆλ(ξ), λ={j,k}, (.)

combining with (.), we have





λˆλ(ξ), λ={j,k}. (.)

Thus we have the approximate solution for noisy datagiven by

PJuδ(r,t) =uδJ =






λ. (.)

4.2 Error estimates

We estimate firstly the errorsPJuPJuδanduPJuby Theorems . and ., respec-tively.

Theorem .(Stability) Let PJu(r,t)given by(.)and PJuδ(r,t)given by(.)be the

reg-ularized approximate solutions to u(r,t)for the data g and gδ,respectively.If the measured

data gδ(t)satisfy condition(.),then for any fixed r[r

,r),we have


πJδ. (.)

Proof Due to (.), (.) and (.), for any fixedr∈[r,r), there holds

PJu(r,·) –PJuδ(r,·)=


g,y λ





g,yˆ λ

ˆ λ






(rr)√ϕ(r,ξ)k λˆλ

ˆ λ

≤ sup






g,ˆ λ

ˆ λ

≤ sup



ϕ(r,ξ)·Pˆ J



combining with inequality (.) and condition (.),

PJu(r,·) –PJuδ(r,·)≤(cr/r) sup





Theorem .(Convergence) If u(r,t)is the solution of problem(.)satisfying the a priori

condition(.),then for any fixed r∈[r,r),we have

u(r,·) –PJu(r,·)≤(c/c)


πJE. (.)

Proof According to (.), we get

u(r,·) = λ



PJu(r,·) =




By using Parseval’s relation and (.), (.), (.), there holds

u(r,·) –PJu(r,·)

=uˆ(r,·) –PJu(r,·)=


ˆu,ˆλ ˆλ


ˆu,ˆλ ˆλ



ˆu,ˆλ ˆλ

= λ∈˜IjJ+



λ ˆ λ =



i(·)uˆ(r ,·),ˆλ

ˆ λ

≤ sup


rϕ(r,ξ) (r,ξ)



 + (·)p/uˆ(r,·),ˆλ ˆ


≤ sup



|ξ|/E(c /c)


We have proved estimate (.).

Theorem . Let u(r,t)be the exact solution of(.)and PJuδgiven by(.)be the

regu-larized approximate solution to u(r,t).If the measured data gδ(t)satisfies condition(.)

and the a priori condition(.)is valid when we select



r–r ln E δ lnE δ


, (.)

then for any fixed r∈[r,r),we have

u(r,·) –PJuδ(r,·)


r–r r–rδ

r–r r–r




C+o() forδ→, (.)


Proof From Theorem . , Theorem . and the choice rule (.) ofJ, we can get

u(r,·) –PJuδ(r,·)



πJE+ (cr/r)e(rr) √








–p–p E




–pr–r r–r

+ (cr/r)δ





–pr–r r–r


r–r r–rδ

r–r r–r



–p(–r–rr–r) c







Note that

lnE δ


lnE δ

lnEδ – pln(lnEδ)→ forδ→.

We have obtained estimate (.).

Remark .

(i) Ifp= andr<r<r, estimate (.) becomes

u(r,·) –PJuδ(r,·)≤

(c/c) + (cr/r)


r–r r–rδ


r–r, (.)

which is a Hölder stability estimate.

(ii) Ifp> , estimate (.) is a logarithmical-Hölder stability estimate, especially at

r=r, it becomes

u(r,·) –(r,·)≤E


δ –p

C+o()→ forδ→, (.)

which is a logarithmical stability estimate.

5 Conclusion

In this paper the radially symmetric inverse heat conduction problem is considered. A con-ditional stability result is established by utilizing the a priori bound. We obtain a regular-ized solution by a wavelet dual least squares method and the error estimate of logarithmic Hölder type between the approximate solution and the exact ones by choosing a suitable regularization parameter.


IHCP, inverse heat conduction problem.

Competing interests

The author declares that she has no competing interests.

Author’s contributions



The author would like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions on this work. The project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of China (11561045), the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province of China (132300410231).

Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Received: 30 November 2016 Accepted: 4 April 2017


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Figure 1 Physical model.


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Following sham surgery (Figure 3A), hypoxia (B) and TAI (C,G), the area of the corpus callosum remained unchanged at 1, 7 and 14 days; however TAI rats demonstrated a

With all these (potential) advantages of publishing in preprint, we would summarize this publication format as a possible a posteriori legitimization of the publication, being

In this paper we introduce the notions of fuzzy regular Po ternarysubsemigroup, fuzzy completely regularPo ternary subsemigroup,fuzzy Intra regular Po

Bu kapsamda araştırma soruları şu şekilde oluşturulmuştur: “KOBİ’ler sosyal medyayı bir pazarlama aracı olarak görmekte midir?”, “KOBİ’lerin büyüklük,

The success of the viola and jones approach is presented by the dependence on simple rectangular Haar- like features, integral image for efficient feature computation,