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Complete Asymptotic and Bifurcation Analysis for a Difference Equation with Piecewise Constant Control


Academic year: 2020

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Research Article

Complete Asymptotic and Bifurcation

Analysis for a Difference Equation with

Piecewise Constant Control

Chengmin Hou,


Lili Han,


and Sui Sun Cheng

2 1Department of Mathematics, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002, China

2Department of Mathematics, Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30043, Taiwan, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Chengmin Hou,houchengmin@yahoo.com.cn Received 2 June 2010; Revised 8 September 2010; Accepted 14 November 2010

Academic Editor: Ondˇrej Doˇsl ´y

Copyrightq2010 Chengmin Hou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We consider a difference equation involving three parameters and a piecewise constant control function with an additional positive thresholdλ. Treating the threshold as a bifurcation parameter that varies between 0 and∞, we work out a complete asymptotic and bifurcation analysis. Among other things, we show that all solutions either tend to a limit 1-cycle or to a limit 2-cycle and, we find the exact regions of attraction for these cycles depending on the size of the threshold. In particular, we show that when the threshold is either small or large, there is only one corresponding limit 1-cycle which is globally attractive. It is hoped that the results obtained here will be useful in understanding interacting network models involving piecewise constant control functions.

1. Introduction

LetN{0,1,2, . . .}. In1, Ge et al. obtained a complete asymptotic and bifurcation analysis of the following difference equation:

xnaxn−2bfλxn−1, nN, 1.1

wherea∈0,1,b∈0,∞, and:RRis a nonlinear signal filtering control function of the form

fλx ⎧ ⎨ ⎩

1, x∈0, λ,

0, x∈−∞,0∪λ,, 1.2


By adding a positive constantcto the right hand side of1.1, we obtain the following equation:

xnaxn−2bfλxn−1 c, nN. 1.3

Sinceccan be an arbitrary small positive number, 1.1may be regarded as a limiting case of 1.3. Therefore, it would appear that the qualitative behavior of 1.3will “degenerate into” that of 1.1 when c tends to 0. However, it is our intention to derive a complete asymptotic and bifurcation analysis for our new equation and show that, among other things, our expectation is not quite true and perhaps such discrepancy is due to the nonlinear nature of our model at hand.

Indeed, we are dealing with a dynamical system with piecewise constant nonlinear-lities see e.g.,2–6, and the usual linear and continuity arguments cannot be applied to our1.3. Fortunately, we are able to achieve our goal by means of completely elementary considerations.

To this end, we first recall a few concepts. Note that given x−2, x−1R, we may compute from 1.3 the numbers x0, x1, x2, . . . in a unique manner. The corresponding sequence{xn}∞n−2is called the solution of1.1determined by or originated from the initial vectorx−2, x−1.

Recall also that a positive integerηis a period of the sequence{wn}∞ ifwηn wn for allnαand thatτ is the least or prime period of {wn}∞ if τ is the least among all periods of {wn}∞. The sequence {wn}∞ is said to be τ-periodic if τ is its least period. The sequencew {wn}∞ is said to be asymptotically periodic if there exist real numbers

w0, w1, . . . , wω−1, whereωis a positive integer, such that


n→ ∞wωniw

i, i0,1, . . . , ω1. 1.4

In case {w0, w1, . . . , wω−1, w0, w1, . . . , wω−1, . . .} is an ω-periodic sequence, we say

thatw is an asymptoticallyω-periodic sequence tending to the limitω-cycleThis term is introduced since the underlying concept is similar to that of the limit cycle in the theory of ordinary differential equations. w0, w1, . . . , wω−1. In particular, an asymptotically

1-periodic sequence is a convergent sequence and conversely.

Suppose thatSis the set of all solutions of1.1that tend to the limit cycleQ. Then, the set

x−2, x−1∈R2| {xn}∞n−2∈S



Equation1.3is related to several linear recurrence and functional inequality relations of the form

x2kax2k−2d, kN, 1.6

x2k1ax2k−1d, kN, 1.7

x2kax2k−2d, kN, 1.8

x2k1≥ax2k−1d, kN, 1.9

wherea∈0,1andd >0. Therefore, the following facts will be needed, which can easily be established by induction.

iIf{xn}∞n−2is a sequence which satisfies1.6, then

x2kak1x−2 d


1−a , kN. 1.10

iiIf{xn}∞n−2is a sequence which satisfies1.7, then



1−a , kN. 1.11

iiiIf{xn}∞n−2is a sequence which satisfies1.8, then



1−a , kN. 1.12

ivIf{xn}∞n−2is a sequence which satisfies1.9, then



1−a , kN. 1.13

We will discuss solutions{xn}∞n−2 of1.3originated from differentx−2andx−1inR. For this reason, we letB00 and


Then, forjN,


aj1 <0. 1.15





1−a, 1.16

we see that limj→ ∞Bj−∞and

−∞,0 ∞


Bk1, Bk. 1.17

Similarly, letC00 and

aCj1cCj, jN. 1.18



aj1 <0, jN,




1−a, jN,


Since limj→ ∞Cj−∞, we see further that

−∞,0 ∞


Ck1, Ck. 1.20

Note that1.3is equivalent to the following two dimensional dynamical system

un, vn

vn−1, aun−1bfλvn−1 0, c, nN, 1.21

by means of the identification xn−1, xn un, vn for n −1,0,1, . . .. Therefore, our subsequent results can be interpreted in terms of the dynamics of plane vector sequences defined by1.21.

In particular, the following result states that a solution {un, vn}∞n−1 of 1.21with

u−1, v−1∈−∞,02will have one of its terms in−∞,0×0, c.

Lemma 1.1. Let{xn}∞n−2be a solution of 1.3. Ifx−2, x−1∈−∞,02, then there isn0Nsuch


Proof. Suppose to the contrary thatxp≤0 for allp≥ −2. Then, by1.3,

In the following discussions, we will allow the bifurcation parameterλto vary from 0 to∞. Indeed, we will consider five cases:i0 < λ < c/1−a,iiλ c/1−a,iii c/1−a< λ <bc/1−a,ivλ bc/1−a, andvλ >bc/1−aand show that each solution of1.1tend to the limit cycles

Furthermore, in each case, we find the exact regions of attraction of the limit cycles. Then we describe our results in terms of our phase plane model1.21and compare them with what we have obtained for the phase plane model of1.1.

We remark that since we need to find the exact regions of attraction, we need to consider initial vectorsx−2, x−1belonging toup to 9different parts of the plane. Therefore the following derivations will seem to be repetitive. Fortunately, the principles behind our derivations are quite similar, and therefore some of the repetitive arguments can be simplified.


Clearly, there is nothing to prove ifx−2, x−1∈Ω1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Ω2. Thenx−2, x−1∈Bk1, Bk×0, λfor somekN. Ifx−2B1, B0bc/a,0, then by1.3,

0< x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2bcbc < λ. 3.4

That is,x−1, x0∈Ω1. Ifx−2 ∈Bk1, Bkfor somek >0, then

BkaBk1bc < x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2bcaBkbcBk−1,

0< x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1c < λ. 3.5

Hence,x0, x1Bk, Bk−1×0, λ. By induction, we see thatx2k−2, x2k−1∈B1, B0×0, λ and hence,x2k−1, x2k∈Ω1.

Supposex−2, x−1∈Ω3. Then by1.3, 0< x0ax−2bfx−1cax−2caλc < λ. Hence,x−1, x0∈Ω2

Suppose that x−2, x−1 ∈ Ω4. Then by Lemma 1.1, there is n0N such that

xn0−1, xn0∈−∞,0×0, c⊂Ω2.

Suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Ω5. Thenx−2, x−1∈−∞, CkDk, Dk1for somekN. Ifx−2, x−1∈−∞, C1×D0, D1 −∞,c/a×λ,λc/a, then in view of1.3,

x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2c≤0,

0< x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1cλ.


Hence,x0, x1∈Ω2. Ifx−2, x−1∈−∞, CkDk, Dk1for somek >0, then by1.3,

x0 ax−2bfx−1 cax−2caCk1cCk,

Dk−1 aDkc < x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1caDk1cDk.


Hence,x0, x1∈−∞, Ck×Dk−1, Dk, and by induction,x2k−2, x2k−1∈−∞, C1×D0, D1. Thusx2k, x2k1∈−∞,0×0, λ⊂Ω2.

Supposex−2, x−1∈Ω6. Thenx−2, x−1Dk, Dk1×−∞, Ck1for somekN. As in the previous case, we may show by similar arguments thatx2k, x2k1∈Ω3.

Therefore, in the last four cases, we may apply the first two cases to conclude our proof. The proof is complete.

Theorem B

Suppose thatλ bc/1−a. Then, every solution of1.3withx−2, x−1 ∈Φtends to


Proof. Indeed, in view of Lemma 3.1, we may assume without loss of generality that 0 < x−2, x−1λ. Then, the same arguments in the proof of Theorem A holds so that limn→ ∞xn


Lemma 3.2. Suppose thatλ bc/1−a. Let{xn}∞n−2 be a solution of 1.3. Ifx−2, x−1R2\Φ, then there ismNsuch that0< x

mλandxm1> λ.

Proof. We break upR2\Φinto five dierent partsΓ

1 0, λ×λ,∞,Γ2 λ,∞×0, λ,

Γ3 λ,∞×λ,∞,Γ4∞k0{Ck1, Ck×Dk,∞}, andΓ5∞k0{Dk,∞×Ck1, Ck}. Clearly, there is nothing to prove ifx−2, x−1∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Γ2. Then, by1.3,x0ax−2bfx−1cax−2bc > aλbcλ. Hence,x−1, x0∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Γ3. Ifxk> λfor allk ≥ −2, then, by1.3,xn axnc fornN. In view of1.10and1.11,

λ≤ lim

k→ ∞x2kklim→ ∞x2k1 c 1−a <


1−aλ, 3.8

which is a contradiction. Thus there isμNsuch thatx−2, . . . , xμ−1∈λ,∞and∈0, λ. Hence,xμ, xμ1∈Γ1.

Next suppose thatx−2, x−1 ∈ Γ4. Then, x−2, x−1Ck1, Ck×Dk,∞for some

kN. Ifx−2, x−1C1, C0×D0,∞ −c/a,λ,∞, then by1.3,

0< x0 ax−2bfx−1 cax−2cc < λ,

x1 ax−1bfx0 cax−1bc > aλbcλ. 3.9

Hence,x0, x1∈Γ1. Ifx−2, x−1Ck1, Ck×Dk,∞for somek >0, then

CkaCk1c < x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2caCkcCk−1,

x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1caDkcDk−1,


we see that x0, x1Ck, Ck−1 × Dk−1,∞. By induction, we may further see that

x2k−2, x2k−1∈C1, C0×D0,∞. Hence,x2k, x2k1∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1 ∈ Γ5. Thenx−2, x−1 ∈ Dk,∞×Ck1,Ckfor some

kN. By arguments similar to the previous case, we may then, show thatx2k1, x2k2∈Γ1. The proof is complete.

Theorem C

Suppose thatλ bc/1−a. Then, any solution{xn}∞n−2withx−2, x−1R2\Φtends to the limit 2-cyclec/1−a,bc/1−a.

Proof. In view ofLemma 3.2, we may assume without loss of generality that 0< x−2≤λand x−1> λ. Then, by1.3,

0< x0 ax−2bfx−1 cax−2caλc < λ,


and by inductionx2k∈0, λandx2k1∈λ,∞for allk≥0. Hence, by1.3,x2kax2k−2c andx2k1ax2k−1bcforkN. In view of1.10and1.11, limk→ ∞x2kc/1−aand limk→ ∞x2k1 bc/1−a. The proof is complete.

4. The Case Where




< λ <






In this section, we supposec/1−a< λ <bc/1−a. Then,aλc < λ < aλbc.

Lemma 4.1. Suppose thatc/1−a< λ <bc/1−a. Let{xn}∞n−2be a solution of1.3. Then,

there ism∈ {−2,−1,0, . . .}such that0< xmλandxm1> λ.

Proof. We break up the plane into seven different parts:Γ1 0, λ×λ,∞,Γ2 λ,∞×

0, λ,Γ3 0, λ2,Γ4 λ,∞2,Γ5 −∞,0×0,∞,Γ6 0,∞×−∞,0, andΓ7


Clearly there is nothing to prove ifx−2, x−1∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Γ2. Then, by1.3,x0ax−2bfx−1cax−2bc > aλbc > λ, and hencex−1, x0∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Γ3. Ifxk∈0, λfor allk≥ −2, then by1.3,xnaxn−2

bcfornN, which leads us toλ≥limk→ ∞x2klimk→ ∞x2k1 bc/1−a> λ, which is a contradiction. Hence, there isμNsuch thatx−2, x−1, . . . , xμ−1∈0, λandλ,∞. Therefore,−1, xμ∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈ Γ4. Ifxkλ,∞for allk ≥ −2, then, by1.3,xn

axn−2cfornN, which leads us to the contradictionλ ≤ limk→ ∞x2k limk→ ∞x2k1 c/1−a< λ. Thus there isμNsuch thatx−2, x−1, . . . , xμ−1 ∈λ,∞and ∈0, λ. Then

−1, xμ∈Γ2and hence,xμ, xμ1∈Γ1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1 ∈ Γ5. Then, by1.3and induction, it is easily seen that x2k−1>0 for allk≥0. Ifx2k≤0 for allk≥0, then by1.3,

x2kax2k−2bfx2k−1 cax2k−2c, kN. 4.1

In view of1.12, 0 ≥ limk→ ∞x2kc/1−a > 0, which is a contradiction. Hence, there is

n0Nsuch thatx2n0−1, x2n0∈0,

2 Γ


Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Γ6. Then,x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2c >0. Hence,

x−1, x0∈−∞,0×0,∞ Γ5.

Finally, suppose thatx−2, x−1 ∈ Γ7. Then, byLemma 1.1, there isn0Nsuch that

xn0−1, xn0∈−∞,0×0, c⊂Γ5.

Therefore, in the last three cases, we may apply the conclusions in the first four cases to conclude our proof. The proof is complete.

Theorem D

Suppose thatc/1−a< λ <bc/1−a. Then any solution{xn}∞n−2of1.3tends to the limit 2-cyclec/1−a,bc/1−a.


5. The Case Where





In this section, we assume thatλc/1−a. Thenλaλc.

Lemma 5.1. Suppose thatλ c/1−a. Let{xn}∞n−2 be a solution of 1.3. Ifx−2, x−1R2\

λ,∞2, Then, there ism∈ {−2,−1,0, . . .}such that0< xmλandxm1> λ.

Proof. We break up the setR2\λ,2into eight dierent parts:Ω

1 0, λ×λ,∞,Ω2

0, λ2,Ω3 λ,∞×0, λ,Ω4 −∞,0×0, λ,Ω5 −∞,λ,∞,Ω6 0, λ×−∞,0,

Ω7 λ,∞×−∞,0, andΩ8 −∞,02.

Clearly, there is nothing to prove ifx−2, x−1∈Ω1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1 ∈ Ω2. Ifxk ∈ 0, λ for allk ≥ −2, then by1.3,xn

axn−2bcfornN. In view of1.10and1.11, we obtain the contradiction.

λ≥ lim

k→ ∞x2kklim→ ∞x2k1 bc

1−a > λ. 5.1

Hence, there isn0such that 0< x−2, x−1, . . . , xn0−1≤λandxn0 ∈λ,∞. Thusxn0−1, xn0∈Ω1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Ω3. Then, by1.3,x0ax−2bfx−1cax−2bc > aλbc > λ. Hence,x−1, x0∈Ω1.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1 ∈Ω4. Then,x−2, x−1 ∈∞k0Bk1, Bk×0, λfor some

kN. Ifx−2∈B1, B0bc/a,0, then

x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2bc >0. 5.2

Hence,x−1, x0∈0, λ×0,∞ Ω1∪Ω2. Ifx−2 ∈Bk1, Bkfor somek >0, then

BkaBk1bc < x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2bcaBkbcBk−1,

0< x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1caλc < λ, 5.3

we see thatx0, x1Bk, Bk−1×0, λ. By induction, we see thatx2k−2, x2k−1 ∈B1, B0×

0, λ. Hence,x2k−1, x2k∈0, λ×0,∞ Ω1∪Ω2.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Ω5. Thenx−2, x−1∈∞k0Ck1, Ck×λ,∞for some

kN. Ifx−2∈C1, C0c/a,0, then

0< x0 ax−2bfx−1 cax−2cc < λ,

x1 ax−1bfx0 cax−1bc > aλbc > λ. 5.4

Hence,x0, x1∈Ω1. Ifx−2Ck1, Ckfor somek >0, then

CkaCk1c < x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2caCkcCk−1,

x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1c > aλcλ,



Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Ω6. Then, by1.3, 0< x0ax−2bfx−1cax−2cλ. Hence,x−1, x0∈−∞,0×0, λ Ω4.

Next, suppose thatx−2, x−1∈Ω7. Then,x0ax−2bfx−1cax−2c > aλcλ, and hence,x−1, x0∈−∞,λ,∞ Ω5.

Finally suppose x−2, x−1 ∈ Ω8. Then, by Lemma 1.1, there is n0N such that

xn0−1, xn0∈−∞,0×0, c⊂Ω4.

Therefore, in the fourth, sixth, seventh, and the eigth cases, we may use the conclusions in the other cases to conclude our proof. The proof is complete.

Theorem E

Suppose thatλc/1−a. Then, any solution{xn}∞n−2withx−2, x−1R2\λ,∞2tends to the limit 2-cyclec/1−a,bc/1−a.

Proof. Indeed, in view of Lemma 5.1, we may assume without loss of generality that

x−2, x−1 ∈ 0, λ×λ,∞. Then the same arguments in the proof of Theorem C shows that limk→ ∞x2kc/1−aand limk→ ∞x2k1 bc/1−a.

Theorem F

Suppose thatλ c/1−a. Then, any solution{xn}∞n−2 of1.3withx−2, x−1 ∈ λ,∞2 tends toc/1−a.

Proof. By1.3,

x0ax−2bfx−1 cax−2c > λ,

x1ax−1bfx0 cax−1c > λ,


and by induction,xk > λfor allk ≥ −2. Hence,xn axn−2cfornN, which leads us to limn→ ∞xnc/1−a. The proof is complete.

6. The Case Where


< λ < c/



In this section, we suppose that 0< λ < c/1−a. Then 0< λ < aλc.

Lemma 6.1. Suppose that0 < λ < c/1−a. Let{xn}∞n−2 be a solution of 1.3. Then there is m∈ {−2,−1,0, . . .}such thatxm, xm1> λ.

Proof. Ifxkλfor allk ≥ −2, then by1.3,xkaxk−2cfor allkN. In view of1.12 and1.13, this is impossible, and hence, there must exist am0such thatxm0 ∈λ,∞. Then

xm02 ≥ axm0 c > aλc > λ. By induction, we see that the subsequence{xm02k}lies in λ,∞, and hencexm02k1 axm02k−1cfor allkN. In view of1.11, limk→∞xm02k1

c/1−a> λ. The proof is complete.

Theorem G


Proof. Indeed, in view of Lemma 6.1, we may assume without loss of generality that x−2, x−1 > λ. Then the same arguments in the proof of Theorem F shows that limk→ ∞x2k limk→ ∞x2k1c/1−a.

7. Phase Plane Interpretation and Comparison Remarks

We first recall that1.1and1.3are equivalent to

un, vn

vn−1, aun−1bfλvn−1, nN, 7.1

un, vn

vn−1, aun−1bfλvn−1 0, c, n∈N, 7.2

respectively, by means of the identificationxn−1, xn un, vnforn−1,0,1, . . .

Then, Theorem G states that when 0< λ < c/1−a, all solutions{un, vn}∞n−1of7.2 tends to the pointc/1−a, c/1−a, or equivalently, all solutions of7.2are “attracted” to the limit 1-cyclec/1−a, c/1−a, or equivalently, the limit 1-cyclec/1−a, c/1−a is a global attractor. For the sake of convenience, let us set

p c

1−a, q bc

1−a. 7.3

Then the above statements can be restated as follows.

iIf 0< λ < p, then the limit 1-cyclep, pattracts all solutions of7.2.

Similarly, we may restate the other Theorems A–G obtained previously as follows.

iiIfλp, then the limit 1-cyclep, pattracts all solutions of7.2originated from

p,∞2, and the limit 2-cyclep, q,q, pattracts all other solutions of7.2.

iiiIfp < λ < q, then the limit 2-cyclep, q,q, pattracts all solutions of7.2.

ivIfλq, then the limit 1-cycleq, qattracts all solutions of7.2originated from

Φ see3.3, and the limit 2-cyclep, q,q, pattracts all other solutions.

vIfλ > q, then the limit 1-cycleq, qattracts all solutions of7.2.

For comparison purposes, let us now recall the asymptotic results in1. Let us set

r b

1−a. 7.4

viIf 0 < λ < r, then the limit 1-cycle0,0attracts all solutions of7.1originated from−∞,02, and the limit 2-cycler,0,0, rattracts all other solutions.

viiIfλ r, then the limit 1-cycle0,0attracts all solutions of7.1originated from

−∞,02; the limit 2-cycler,0,0, rattracts all solutions of7.1originated from


viiiIfλ > r, then the limit 1-cycle0,0attracts all solutions of7.1originated from

−∞,02; and the limit 1-cycle attracts all other solutions.

In view of these statements, we see that for a small positiveλ, all solutions of7.2tend to a unique “lower” state vector, and for largeλ, to another unique “higher” state vector. On the other hand, for a small positive λ, there are always solutions of 7.1 which tend to a limit 2-cycle, and solutions which tend to the limit 1-cycle0,0, and for a largeλ, there are solutions of7.1which tend to the limit 1-cycle0,0and solutions to the limit 1-cycle

r, r. These observations show that it is probably not appropriate to call1.1the limiting case of1.3!

Finally, we mention that network models such as the following

xn axnαbfλ



yn rynβsfτxn−1 t


can be used to describe competing dynamics and it is hoped that our techniques, and results here will be useful in these studies.


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3 Z. Yuan, L. Huang, and Y. Chen, “Convergence and periodicity of solutions for a discrete-time network model of two neurons,”Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 35, no. 9-10, pp. 941–950, 2002.

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Pre-Vocational Education in Jordan: Implications for Teacher Preparation and In-Service Training.. Munim

In our earlier work we found that trainees tended to criticise lecturers for their lack of care in dealing with disaffected students, but that when they encountered difficult