Improvement of Wu et al.’s Three-Factor User
Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Jihyeon Ryu1, Hakjun Lee2, Hyoungshick Kim3and Dongho Won3,*
1 Department of Platform Software, Sungkyunkwan University, Sungkyunkwan University, 2066 Seobu-ro,
Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea; [email protected];
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 2066 Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu,
Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea; [email protected];
3 Department of Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 2066 Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si,
Gyeonggi-do 16419, Korea; [email protected](H.K.); [email protected](D.W.);
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-31-290-7107
Version November 9, 2018 submitted to Preprints
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks are widely used in many applications such as environmental 1
monitoring, health care, smart grid and surveillance. Many security protocols have been proposed and 2
intensively studied due to the inherent nature of wireless networks. In particular, Wu et al. proposed 3
a promising authentication scheme which is sufficiently robust against various attacks. However, 4
according to our analysis, Wu et al.’s scheme has two serious security weaknesses against malicious 5
outsiders. First, their scheme can lead to user impersonation attacks. Second, user anonymity is not 6
preserved in their scheme. In this paper, we present these vulnerabilities of Wu et al.’s scheme in 7
detail. We also propose a new scheme by fixing such vulnerabilities and improving the performance 8
of the protocol. 9
Keywords:wireless sensor networks; user authentication; biometric; smart card 10
1. Introduction 11
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a distributed network of autonomous sensors that are 12
typically used to collect information about environmental or physical conditions. Wireless sensor 13
networks are applicable to a variety of applications such as environmental monitoring, health care, 14
smart grid and surveillance [1–4] because they can be easily deployed without a significant cost penalty. 15
In general, a WSN system consists of four entities: (1) user interface, (2) sensor node that measures 16
physical or environmental conditions, (3) gateway node that forwards the information received 17
from the sensor nodes to a central server, (4) central server that collects the information from the 18
sensor nodes and analyze it. Naturally, however, the security of WSN is critical because network 19
packets can be easily captured and modified in WSN due to the inherent characteristics of wireless 20
networks. Therefore, we need to provide security protocols in order to ensure security properties 21
such as confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity even when data packets on a WSN are captured and 22
modified in au unauthorized manner. 23
Recently, Wu et al. [1] proposed a promising user authentication scheme using elliptic curve
cryptography (ECC) [5,6] which was designed for WSN. In this paper, however, we found that Wu
et al.’s scheme [1] has two security flaws against outsider attackers. First, their scheme can lead to 26
user impersonation attacks. Second, user anonymity is not preserved because the user identity can 27
be revealed from an anonymous login request message. We will explain these in the reminder of this 28
paper. Our key contributions are summarized below: 29
• We discovered two security weaknesses in Wu et al.’s scheme [1] which was recently designed
for user authentication using ECC on WSN systems. We demonstrated that a malicious outsider 31
holding a smart card can extract the secret parameters from his/her smart card; the extracted 32
secret parameters can be used to perform impersonation attacks and reveal the identity of the 33
user from a login request message. 34
• We also proposed a novel three-factor user authentication scheme for WSN by extending Wu et
al.’s scheme [1]. The proposed authentication scheme not only accomplishes several important
security properties but also improves the performance of the protocol in time. 37
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section2summarizes the related work. Section 3
gives some preliminaries of the cryptographic primitives (i.e., ECC and fuzzy extractor) used in our 39
paper and explains the threat model and assumptions. Section4provides a review of Wu et al.’s
scheme [1]. Section5analyze the security weaknesses of their scheme. Section6presents a novel
three-factor user authentication scheme by fixing security issues in Wu et al.’s scheme. Section7and8
provide security and performance analysis results, respectively. We conclude in Section9. 43
2. Related work 44
Due to the inherent weakness of WSNs, many researchers have proposed security protocols to 45
achieve fundamental security goals of WSNs. As one of the pioneers in this area, Watro et al. [7]
proposed a security protocol using RSA for wireless sensor networks. To enhance the security of 47
the authentication procedure, Das [2] extended their protocol to a two-factor user authentication
protocol for WSNs where a user has to hold both of password and smartcard. Because their proposed 49
authentication scheme provides reasonable security properties, it had been widely used for WSNs as a 50
de-factor standard protocol [8–10]. However, He et al. [11] found that Das’s protocol is vulnerable to 51
several attacks such as insider attacks, impersonation attacks and lack of secure mutual authentication. 52
They also suggested an authentication scheme by fixing the discovered problems. However, Kumar et 53
al. [12] also discovered several security flaws such as information leakage, no session key agreement, 54
no mutual authentication, and lack of anonymity in Das’s protocol. 55
Recently, some researchers (e.g., [13]) have started to develop user authentication schemes for 56
WSNs using ECC which can provide the same security as RSA with a smaller key size. ECC is the most 57
efficient algorithm that satisfies forward secrecy and backward secrecy among the algorithms so far. 58
Xue et al. [14] particularly introduced a temporal-credential-based protocol to provide user anonymity. 59
However, Jiang et al. [15] demonstrated that Xue et al.’s scheme has four critical security flaws: (1) 60
identity guessing attacks, (2) on-line password guessing attacks by privileged insiders, and (3) off-line 61
password guessing attacks with a victim’s smartcard. Jiang et al. also suggested a new authentication 62
scheme to address their discovered issues. 63
More recently, Das [16] found that Jiang et al. [15]’s scheme has significant security issues such 64
as the vulnerabilities to insider and de-synchronization attacks and lack of formal security proof of 65
the proposed scheme. To address these issues, Das proposed several three-factor user authentication 66
schemes [16–18] by introducing a new factor of user biometrics. Again, Wu et al. [1] found that all the 67
Das’ schemes [16–18] are vulnerable to de-synchronization and off-line password guessing attacks. 68
Also, the protocols [17,18] are vulnerable to user impersonation and off-line password guessing attacks. 69
To fix such problems, Wu et al. [1] suggested a three-factor user authentication scheme using ECC for 70
WSNs. 71
In this paper, however, we found that Wu et al.’s scheme [1] is vulnerable to user impersonation 72
attacks and cannot provide user anonymity. We also propose a new three-factor user authentication 73
scheme to fix the discovered security flaws in Wu et al.’s scheme. In the following sections, we will 74
explain how the proposed scheme can solve the security problems of Wu et al.’s scheme. 75
3. Preliminaries 76
In this section, we introduce elliptic curves, fuzzy extractors, and threat models to be used in this 77
3.1. Elliptic curve cryptosystem 79
The Elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) is the most frequently used password system in modern passwords and has strong security characteristics. Miller [6] and Neal [5] create ECC in 1985 and 1987, respectively. ECC uses the following formula:
y2=x3+ax+b mod p a,b∈Fp (1)
The above equation is ECC on theFp. The following conditions must be met in order to ensure
4a3+27b26=0 mod p (2)
This is a formula that guarantees the non-singularity of an elliptic curve. When using this elliptic 80
curve, safety is ensured as follows : 81
1. Elliptic Curve Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem (ECCDHP):GivenxyP, it is impossible to find 82
xP,yP. 83
2. Elliptic Curve Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem (ECDDHP):GivenxP,yPit is impossible to find 84
xyP. 85
3. Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP):GivenP,xPit is impossible to findx. 86
We hypothesized thatPis the point onFp,xPis the result of calculatingPtimesx,yPis the result
of calculatingPtimesy, andxyPis the result of calculatingPtimesxy. 88
3.2. Fuzzy extractor 89
The user’s biometric information is very important information. In general, human biometric 90
recognition is perceived differently each time, and the fuzzy extractor plays a role in correcting it. 91
The fuzzy extractor can obtain a unique string using error tolerance. The fuzzy extractor is operated 92
through two procedures (Gen,Rep), demonstrated as [19,20] : 93
Gen(B)→ hα,βi (3)
Rep(B∗,β) =α (4)
Genis a function that biometricsBsends a factored out stringα∈ {0, 1}kand a coadjutant string
β∈ {0, 1}∗.Repis function thatGenis a probabilistic generation function for which the biometricsB
returns a factored out stringα∈ {0, 1}kand a coadjutant stringβ∈ {0, 1}∗, andRepis a function that
restoreβtoα, and any vectorBIO∗close toBIO[21].
3.3. Threat assumption 98
We introduce a threat model [8], and consider constructing the threat assumptions as follows: 99
1. The attackerAcan be a user, a gateway, or a sensor. Any registered user can act as an attacker. 100
2. A can intercept or eavesdrop on all communication messages in a public channel, thereby
capturing any message exchanged between a user and gateway or sensor. 102
3. Ahas the ability to modify, reroute, or delete the intercepted message. 103
4. Stored parameters can be extracted from smart cards using the side channel attack [22]. 104
5. An external attackerA(outsider) can also register, login and receive his/her smart card. 105
4. Review of Wu et al.’s scheme 106
In this section, We perform an analysis on Wu et al.’s scheme in order to scrutinize the security 107
weakness of their scheme in next section. Wu et al.’s scheme consists of four phases: registration phase, 108
login phase, authentication phase, and password change phase. In addition, it applies ECC such as 109
the [19] schemes. To begin with,GW NcreatesGonE(Fp)withPas a generator and large primen
as an order. After thatGW Npicks a private keyxunder two hash functionsh(·),h1(·)and security
lengthls. In their scheme, they assume that the length of all random numbers should abovels. Other
notations used in Wu et al.’s scheme are abridged in Table1. 113
Table 1.Notations used in this paper.
Notations Description
Ui Thei-th user
Sj,SIDj Aj-th sensor and its identity
IDi Ui’s identification
PWi Password ofUi
Bi Ui’s Biometric information summarized
A An evil-minded attacker
x Secret key ofGW N
ri Random number generated byUi
h(·),h1(·) One-way hash function
X||Y Concatenation operator
⊕ Bitwise XOR operator
E(Fp) A group of points on a finite fieldFpelliptic curve
P A point generator inFpwith a large prime ordern G A cyclic addition group underPas a generator
sku,sks The session key generated byUiandSjrespectively.
4.1. Registration Phase 114
Registration phase is divided in to two parts: user registration phase and registration phase. 115
4.1.1. User registration 116
1. The userUifirst decides his/her identificationIDiand passwordPWi. With a random numberri,
imprintsBiover a device for biometrics collection, and calculatesGen(Bi) = (Ri,Pbi),DIDi =h
(IDikri)andHPWi =h(PWi kri kRi). He/she then requests the registration message{IDi,
DIDi}to the gateway nodeGW Nover a secure channel.
2. After the registration request message from theUiis received,GW NcomputesB10 =h(DIDi kx)
wherexisGW N’s secret key, prepares a smart card forUicontainingh(·),h1(·),P, and collects
IDiin database. The next thing is thatGW Nsends the smart card withB10 to theUisecurely.
3. When receiving the smart card withB10 from the GW N,UicomputesB1 = B01 ⊕ HPWiand
B2=h(IDi kRikPWi) ⊕ riwith storingB1,B2,PandPbiinto the smart card.
4.1.2. Sensor registration 126
1. GW N determines an identitySIDjfor new sensor nodeSj, computes hash functioncj = h
(SIDjkx), and sends{SIDj,cj}toSj.
2. SjstoresP,SIDjandcj, and enters the WSN.
4.2. Login Phase 130
1. UientersIDi,PWiandBi0. And then, the smart card computesRep(Bi0,Pbi) =Ri,ri =B2 ⊕ h
(IDi kRikPWi),HPWi=h(PWikri kRi)andDIDi =h(IDikri).
2. The smart card produces random numbersrinew,eiandα∈[1,n−1], and selects a special sensor
SIDj. Then, The smart card calculateDIDnewi =h(IDikrinew),C1=B1 ⊕ HPWi ⊕ ei,C2=αP,
C3=h(ei) ⊕ DIDnewi ,Zi =IDi ⊕ h(ei kDIDi)andC4=h(IDikei kDIDi kDIDinewkC2k
SIDj). The valueC4is used to certify the integrity of the identities and the new data generated
by the user side as well as to authenticate the source of the messageM1.
3. Uisends the login request messagesM1={C1,C2,C3,C4,Zi,DIDi,SIDj}toGW N.
4.3. Authentication Phase 139
1. Being arrived the login request messagesM1from the userUi,GW Nfirst computesei=C1 ⊕ h
(DIDi k x),DIDinew = C3 ⊕ h(ei)andIDi = Zi⊕h (ei k DIDi), and verify the legitimacy
of IDi andC4 ?
= h (IDi k ei k DIDi k DIDnewi k C2 k SIDj). GW N terminates the session
if either verification is failed. If three failures continuously occur in a certain time span as 143
defined,Ui’s account will be frozen; otherwise,GW Ncalculatescj =h(SIDj kx)andC5=h
(cjkDIDjkSIDjkC2)and sendsM2={C2,C5,DIDi}to the sensor nodeSj. The valueC5is
used to accredit the integrity of the strings containingcj, and the data can be used for the sensor
Sjto acquire the correct data for calculating the session key. This is also done for verification of
the source ofM2.
2. Sjchecks the validity ofC5,C5=? h(cj k DIDi kSIDj kC2)with its identitySIDj. If this step
is failed,Sjwill terminate the session. Otherwise,Sjthen choosesβ∈[1,n−1]and calculates
C6=βP,sks =βC2,C7=h1(C2kC6ksks kDIDi kSIDj)andC8=h(DIDikSIDj kcj). The
main functionality ofC7is used for checking the integrity of the session key andC6, which is
needed byUito compute the session key. BothC7andC8are also used to validate the source of
M3. In the end,SjsendsM3={C6,C7,C8}toGW N.
3. GW N checks C8 =? h (DIDi k SIDj k cj). If validation phase is failed, GW N terminates
the session; otherwise, GW N computesC9 = h (DIDnewi k x)⊕h (DIDi k ei) andC10 = h
(IDi kSIDjkDIDikDIDinewkei kC9). The valueC10is to check the validation of the source’s
messageM4. Eventually,GW Nsends the messageM4={C6,C7,C9,C10}toUi.
4. UichecksC10 =? h(IDi kSIDj kDIDi kDIDnewi kei kC9). Uithen computes the session key
sku =αC6, and checksC7 =? h1(C2 kC6 ksku kDIDi kSIDj).Uiterminates the session ifUi
fails verification phase. Otherwise,UicomputesHPWinew=h(PWi krnewi kRi),Bnew1 =C9 ⊕ h
(DIDi k ei) ⊕ HPWinewandB2new = h(IDi k Ri k PWi) ⊕ rinew, and replaces(B1, B2)with
1 ,B2new)in each smart card separately.
4.4. Password and Biometrics Change Phase 164
1. Same as the step 1 in the Login phase. 165
2. The smart card produces random numbersrnewi andei, calculatesDIDnewi ,C1,C3,ZiandC11 =h
(IDikei kDIDikDIDinew), and sendsM5={C1,C3,Zi,C11,DIDi}with a password change
request toGW N. The valueC11is similar toC4which is to confirm the integrity of the identities
as well as to verify the source ofM5.
3. GW N obtains ei, IDi and DIDinew as in step 1 of the authentication phase, and checks IDi
and C11 =? h (IDi k ei k DIDi k DIDinew). If verification stage is failed, GW N terminates
the session; otherwise, GW N computesC9 = h(DIDnewi k x) ⊕ h(DIDi k ei)andC12 = h
(IDi kDIDi kDIDnewi kei kC9)and sendsM6 ={C9,C12}and a grant toUi. HereC12 is to
verify the source ofM6.
4. Ui checksC12 =? h (IDi k DIDi k DIDinew k ei k C9). If two values are not equal, thenUi
terminates this session; otherwise, Ui inputs a new password PWinew and a new biometric
information Bnewi . Next thing is that the smart card computes Gen (Bnewi ) = (Rnewi , Pbinew), 177
HPWinew2=h(PWinewkrnewi kRnewi ),B1new2=C9 ⊕ h(DIDikei) ⊕ HPWinew2andBnew2 2=h
(IDi kRnewi kPWinew) ⊕ rnewi . Finally,Uisubstitutes(B1new2,B2new2,Pbinew2)for(B1,B2,Pbi)in the
smart card respectively. 180
5. Cryptanalysis of Wu et al.’s scheme 181
We show that Wu et al.’s scheme [1] possesses certain some security vulnerabilities in this section. 182
5.1. Extract critical information 184
1. An attackerAwho is a legitimate user and he/she can own his/her smart card. Smart card can
be extracted the value{B1A,B2A,P,PbA}. 186
2. A can thus obtainh (DIDA k x) = B1A ⊕ HPWA, and use this variable for other attacks,
because this value is an critical value that be used on the user identification in theGW N. 188
5.2. No user anonymity 189
AttackerAcan extract the identity ofUifrom the login request messageMiofUi. Assume thatA
eavesdrops on the login request messageM1={C1,C2,C3,C4,Zi,DIDi,SIDj}ofUi. We also assume
that attackerAhash(DIDA kx)through 5.1. Extract Critical Information. The details are as follows. 192
1. AttackerAfirst generates random numbersrnewA ,eA, andαA ∈[1,n−1], and selects a special
sensorSIDj.C1A=B1A ⊕ HPWA ⊕ eA,C2A=αAP,C3A=h(eA) ⊕ DIDi,ZA =IDA ⊕ h 194
(eA kDIDA)andC4A =h(IDA keA kDIDA kDIDi kC2AkSIDj).
2. Aforwards the login request messageM1A = {C1A,C2A,C3A,C4A,ZA,DIDA,SIDj}to the
gateway nodeGW N.
3. After receiving the login request message fromA,GW NcomputeseA=C1A ⊕ h(DIDAkx), 198
DIDi =C3A ⊕ h(eA)andIDA =ZA ⊕ h(eA k DIDA), and checks the validity ofIDAand 199
C4A =? h(IDAkeAkDIDAkDIDikC2A kSIDj).GW Nthen computescj=h(SIDjkx)and
C5A =h(cjkDIDjkSIDj kC2A)and sendsM2A ={C2A,C5A,DIDA}toSj.
4. Sj checksC5A =? h(cj k DIDA kSIDj kC2A)with its identitySIDj. If this does not hold,Sj
terminates the session.Sjthen selectsβA ∈[1,n−1]and computesC6A=βAP,sks =βAC2A, 203
C7A = h1 (C2A k C6A k sks k DIDA k SIDj)and C8A = h (DIDA k SIDj k cj). Sj sends
M3A ={C6A,C7A,C8A}toGW N. 205
5. GW N testsC8A =? h(DIDA kSIDj kcj). If this does not hold,GW Nterminates the session;
otherwise,GW NcalculatesC9A =h(DIDikx) ⊕ h(DIDA keA)andC10A =h(IDA kSIDjk
DIDAkDIDi keA kC9A). FinallyGW Nsends the messageM4A ={C6A,C7A,C9A,C10A}to 208
attackerA. 209
6. A calculates h (DIDi k x) = h (DIDA k eA) ⊕ C9A. Now A can computeei = C1 ⊕ h
(DIDikx). Eventually,Acan findIDi=h(ei kDIDi) ⊕ Zi.
This result shows that Wu et al.’s scheme does not ensure user anonymity. 212
5.3. User impersonation attack 213
An attacker A can impersonate any user through the identity of others and his/her own
information. We assume the casualty is Ui. We also assume that attackerA has h (DIDA k x)
through 5.1. Extract Critical Information. The detailed method is as follows. 216
1. AttackerAselectsIDiwho is the target of the user impersonation attack.
2. Aselects random numbersrnewA ,eA, andαA ∈[1,n−1]and selects a particular sensorSIDj. And
A =h(IDA krAnew),C1A =B1A ⊕ HPWA ⊕ eA,C2A =αAP,C3A =h 219
(eA) ⊕ DIDAnew,ZA = IDi ⊕ h (eA k DIDA)andC4A = h (IDi k eA k DIDA k DIDAnew k 220
C2A kSIDj).C4A is to check the new data produced on the user side and the integrity of the 221
identities as well as to verify the source ofM1A. 222
3. Aforwards the login request messageM1A ={C1A,C2A,C3A,C4A,ZA,DIDA,SIDj}toGW N.
4. After obtaining the message from theA,GW NcalculateseA =C1A ⊕ h(DIDAkx),DIDnewA = 224
C3A ⊕ h(eA)andIDi =ZA ⊕ h(eA kDIDA), and checks the availability ofIDiand checks
C4A =? h (IDi k eA k DIDA k DIDnewA k C2A k SIDj). GW N continues to proceed with
the scheme without detection. Unfortunately, the GW N mistakenly believes that he/she is
communicating with the legitimate patientUi.
Resultingly, the attackerAwill be successfully confirmed asGW Nby userUi. Hence, the user
impersonation attack is successful. 230
In the next section, we discuss Wu et al.’s scheme to overcome the weakness of the scheme. Our 231
scheme stores several variables in the database to prevent the vulnerability of Wu et al. 232
6. Proposed scheme 233
We propose a new three-factor user authentication scheme for wireless sensor networks in this 234
section. We use three participants : the userUi, the gateway nodeGW Nand the sensor nodeSj. The
gateway nodeGW Ncreates master keysx. The userUiand the sensor nodeSjcomputes on elliptic
curve groupFp.
The proposed scheme composed as follows : registration phase, login phase, authentication phase, 238
and password/biometrics change phase. 239
6.1. Registration phase 240
In this phase, a userUichooses an identityIDi, imprints biometric templateBiat the sensor, then
performs the following steps: 242
6.1.1. User registration phase 243
1. UiselectsIDiandPWi. imprintsBivia a device for biometrics collection and computesGen(Bi)
=(Ri,Pbi) andHPWi=h(IDi kPWikRi). Then he/she sendsIDitoGW Nsecretly.
2. GW Ngenerates a random numberriand computesGIDi=h(IDi kri).
3. GW NcomputesG0i =h(GIDi kx), prepares a smart card forUicontainingh(.),h1(.),P,GIDi
and the fuzzy extractor. 248
4. GW NstoresIDiandGIDiin its database and shares it withUi. By storingIDiandGIDiin the
database, Wu et al. [1]’s problems arising from existingDIDican be solved.
5. UicomputesG1=G10 ⊕ HPWi,G2= h(IDi kRi kPWi) ⊕ GIDiandG3=h(IDi kGIDi).
{G1,G2,G3,h(.),h1(.)P}are stored in the smart card.
6.1.2. Sensor registration phase 253
1. GW N selects an identitySIDjfor each new sensorSj, computescj = h(SIDj kx) and sends
{SIDj,cj} toSj.
2. SjstoresP,SIDjandcjand joins the WSN.
Figure1illustrates the registration phase of the proposed scheme. 257
6.2. Login phase 258
1. Ui inputs IDi,PWi andBi0. The smart card executesRep(B0i, Pbi) = Ri andGIDi = G2 ⊕ h
(IDi kRikPWi).Uichecksh(IDi kGIDi)=? G3. This allowsUito verify whether it has come in
correctly. 261
2. Uigeneratesei andα. Ui computesHPWi = h(IDi k PWi k Ri),MU1 = G1 ⊕ HPWi ⊕ ei,
MU2=αPandMU3=h(IDi keikGIDikMU2kSIDj).
3. Uisends the messageM1={MU1,MU2,MU3,GIDi,SIDj} toGW N.
Figure2illustrates the login and authentication phase of the proposed scheme. 265
6.3. Authentication phase 266
1. GW N finds IDi by usingGIDi from the database and computesei = MU1 ⊕ h (GIDi k x).
GW Nchecks the validity ofMU3=? h(IDi kei kGIDi kMU2kSIDj). If it fails, the session will
be terminated. Otherwise,GW Ncomputescj=h(SIDjkx) andMG1=h(cj kGIDi kSIDjk
MU2). When the operation has finished,GW Nsends the messageM2={MU2,MG1,GIDi}to
iGW node
i, P W
smart card
Select ID
i, P W
i) = (
i, P
i)Generate r
i, GID
iare stored in database
, h
, P, G
′1, GID
Figure 1.Registration phase of the proposed scheme.
2. Sj checks MG1 =? h(cj k GIDi k SIDj k MU2) with its identitySIDj. If it is wrong,Sj will
stop the session. Otherwise, Sj selectsβ ∈ [1, n−1] and computes MS1 = βP, session key
sks =βMU2,MS2=h1(MU2k MS1 ksks kGIDikSIDj) andMS3=h(GIDi kSIDj kcj). it
sends messageM3={MS1,MS2,MS3}when all operations have finished.
3. GW NchecksMS3=? h(GIDi kSIDjkcj). If it is wrong, the session will be stopped. Otherwise,
GW N generatesrnewi and calculates GIDnewi = h (IDi k rnewi ), MG2 = h (GIDnewi k x) ⊕h
(GIDi kei), MG3= h(IDi kSIDj kGIDi k GIDnewi kei k MG2) andMG4= h(ei)⊕GIDinew.
FinallyGW Nsends the messageM4={MS1,MS2,MG2,MG3,MG4}toUi.
4. UicomputesGIDnewi =MG4 ⊕ h(ei) and checksMG3=? h(IDikSIDj kGIDi kGIDinewkeik
MG2). If not, the session will be stopped.Uicomputessku=αMS1=αβPand checksMS2=? h1
(MU2kMS1ksku kGIDi kSIDj). If it is wrong,Uiwill stop the session.
5. UicomputesG1new= MG2 ⊕ h(GIDikei)⊕HPWi,G2new=G2 ⊕GIDi ⊕ GIDnewi andG3new=h
(IDi k GIDnewi ). Finally,Ui substitutes (G1new,G2new,G3new) for (G1,G2,G3) in the smart card
respectively. 285
6.4. Password and biometrics change phase 286
1. Uiinputs IDi, PWi andBi0. The smart card executesRep (Bi0, Pbi) = Ri andGIDi = G2 ⊕ h
(IDi kRikPWi).Uichecksh(IDi kGIDi)
=G3. This allowsUito verify whether it has come in
correctly. 289
2. Uiis asked to input a new passwordPWinewand a new biometric informationBnewi . The following
data are computed: Gen(Binew) =(Rnewi ,Pbinew),HPWinew2 =h(IDi kPWinew kRnewi ),G1new2 =
G1 ⊕HPWi ⊕HPWinew2,G2new2=G2 ⊕ h(IDi kRikPWi) ⊕ h(IDi kRi kPWinew2). Finally,
Uisubstitutes (Gnew1 2,Gnew2 2,Pbinew) for (G1,G2,Pbi) in the smart card respectively.
UserUi GW node Sensor nodeSj
hIDi, P Wi,smart cardi hxi hh(SIDj||x)i
Inserts smart card
InputsIDi, P Wi,and biometricBi∗ R∗
i=Rep(Bi∗, Pi), GIDi=G2⊕h(IDi||Ri||P Wi) h(IDi||GIDi)=?G3
Generate ei, α
HP Wi=h(IDi||P Wi||Ri) M U1=G1⊕HP Wi⊕ei M U2=αP
M U3=h(IDi||ei||GIDi||M U2||SIDj)
ei=M U1⊕h(GIDi||x) M U3=?h(IDi||ei||GIDi||M U2||SIDj)
cj=h(SIDj||x) M G1=h(cj||GIDi||SIDj||M U2)
M G1=? h(cj||GIDi||SIDj||M U2) Generate β M S1=βP sks=βM U2=αβP M S2=h1(M U2||M S1||sks||GIDi||SIDj) M S3=h(GIDi||SIDj||cj)
M S3=? h(GIDi||SIDj||cj) Generate rnew
i GIDnew
i =h(IDi||rnewi ) M G2=h(GIDnewi ||x)⊕h(GIDi||ei) M G3=h(IDi||SIDj||GIDi||GIDinew||ei||M G2)
M G4=h(ei)⊕GIDnewi GIDnew
i stores in database
i =M G4⊕h(ei)
M G3=?h(IDi||SIDj||GIDi||GIDnewi ||ei||M G2) sku=αM S1=αβP
M S2=?h1(M U2||M S1||sku||GIDi||SIDj) Gnew
1 =M G2⊕h(GIDi||ei)⊕HP Wi Gnew
2 =G2⊕GIDi⊕GIDinew Gnew
3 =h(IDi||GIDinew)
Replace(G1, G2, G3)with(Gnew1 , Gnew2 , Gnew3 ) Accepts RM
hM U1, M U2, M U3, GIDi, SIDji
hM U2, M G1, GIDii
hM S1, M S2, M S3i
hM S1, M S2, M G2, M G3, M G4i
7. Security analysis of the proposed scheme 294
7.1. Formal security analysis 295
The formal security analysis uses an automated analysis tool called ProVerif. ProVerif is an 296
automated tool for analyzing cryptographic protocols that was developed by Bruno Blanchet. Digital 297
signatures, hash functions, signature proofs, etc. are suitable for analyzing an authentication protocol. 298
Recently, many researchers [1,4?] have verified the authentication in the user authentication protocol 299
using ProVerif. The formal security analysis shows the results of verifying and analyzing the security 300
of the proposed scheme using ProVerif. 301
We use three channels. We provide the illustration of Table2.chais the channel in the registration 302
phase and is used when the userUi andGW N exchange IDi in the registration phase. chcis the
channel used by userUiandGW N to exchange messages in the login phase andchbis used when
theGW Nand Sensor nodeSjexchange messages in the login phase. Five initial variables were used:
Ri,IDi,IDg,SIDj, andPWi. IDi andPWi are the personal information made by the userUiwhen
registering.Riis a random string made up of the user’s biometric information. IDgis the identity of
the gateway andSIDjis the unique string of the sensor nodeSj. xis defined as a secret key. Pis a
generator for creating a session key, which is the initial value used in ECC. The concatenate function 309
and thexorfunction, including the multiplication in ECC and the hash functionhandh1, are defined
for the events that indicate the start and end of each. 311
Table3shows the registration phase of the userUiand the process of the login and authentication
phase. Table4demonstrates the registration phase and the login and authentication phase of theGW N. 313
Table5displays the authentication phase of the sensor nodeSj. Table6shows the query against the
attack with the prover- sive, and Table7shows the result for Table6. 315
When the code that makes up the scheme is executed, ProVerif prints the following results: 316
1. RESULT inj-event(EVENT) ==> inj-event(EVENT) is true. 317
2. RESULT inj-event(EVENT) ==> inj-event(EVENT) is false. 318
3. RESULT (QUERY) is true. 319
4. RESULT (QUERY) is false. 320
The first code means that the event has been verified and the authentication has been successful, 321
while the second code means that the event has not been verified. The third code means that the query 322
was proven and the attack was not successful. When the fourth code is displayed, the query is false 323
meaning that an attack is possible and the attack induction and tracking thus displayed. 324
The ProVerif result of the proposed scheme is shown to be accurate for all events by simulating 325
the result as shown in the figure. Therefore, the proposed scheme is safe from virtual attacker A and 326
the virtual attack has been successfully terminated. 327
7.2. Informal security analysis 328
7.2.1. Privileged insider attack 329
The only value that the user sends in the registration center is theIDi. However, their IDiis
used after hashing with other values at every subsequent step. It can not be used because it is used as 331
hashed with values that are not exposed to the outside such asPWiorRi,GIDi,GIDinew,ei,MU2and
SIDj,MG2, and these values are not exposed. Therefore, it is safe from a privileged insider attack.
7.2.2. Outsider attack 334
Ui’s smart cards includeh(.),h1(.),P,GIDi, and fuzzy extractors. Information such as session
key orIDi, which can be a critical value, or information such as a user’s password are all hashed, or
Table 2.Define values and functions
(*—-channels—-*) free cha:channel [private]. free chb:channel.
free chc:channel.
(*—-constants—-*) free Ri:bitstring [private]. free IDi:bitstring [private]. free IDg:bitstring.
free SIDj:bitstring.
free PWi:bitstring [private].
(*—-secret key—-*) free x:bitstring [private].
(*—-shared key—-*) free P:bitstring [private].
fun concat(bitstring, bitstring) : bitstring. fun xor(bitstring, bitstring) : bitstring. fun h(bitstring) : bitstring.
fun h1(bitstring) : bitstring.
fun mult(bitstring, bitstring) : bitstring.
equation forall a:bitstring, b:bitstring; mult(a,b) = mult(b,a). equation forall a:bitstring, b:bitstring; xor(xor(a, b), b) = a.
event beginUi(bitstring). event endUi(bitstring). event beginGWN(bitstring). event endGWN(bitstring). event beginSj(bitstring). event endSj(bitstring).
kept in the database, andIDiinformation can not be extracted becauseIDiare not used directly in the
protocol. 339
7.2.3. Off-line ID guessing attack 340
PWiandIDiare not used directly in this phase. They are used through hashing by concatenating
them with other variables, so IDi andPWi can not be directly obtained from public information.
Therefore,IDiandPWican not be obtained using login request messagesMU1,MU2,MU3,GIDi, and
SIDj. SinceIDiandGIDiare combined and stored in the database, it is impossible to extract theIDi
from the protocol. 345
7.2.4. On-line ID guessing attack 346
IDiandPWiare not directly used in the phase so the attacker can not guess theIDis or passwords
of others. It is impossible to retrieve a user’sIDiin the protocol because theIDs andGIDs are stored
in the database, andIDiis found by searching the database.
Table 3.Uiprotocol
(*—-Ui process—-*) let Ui =
let HPWi = h(concat(concat(IDi, PWi), Ri)) in out(cha,(IDi));
in(cha,(XGIDi:bitstring)); let G1’ = h(concat(XGIDi, x)) in let G1 = xor(G1’, HPWi) in
let G2 = xor(h(concat(concat(IDi, Ri), PWi)), XGIDi) in let G3 = h(concat(IDi, XGIDi)) in
event beginUi(IDi); new ei:bitstring; new alpha:bitstring;
let GIDi = xor(G2, h(concat(concat(IDi, Ri), PWi))) in if h(concat(IDi, XGIDi)) = G3 then
let HPWi = h(concat(concat(IDi, PWi), Ri)) in let MU1 = xor(xor(G1, HPWi), ei) in
let MU2 = mult(alpha, P) in
let MU3 = h(concat(concat(IDi, ei), concat(concat(XGIDi, MU2), SIDj))) in out(chc,(MU1, MU2, MU3, GIDi, SIDj));
in(chc,(XXMS1:bitstring, XXMS2:bitstring,
XMG2:bitstring, XMG3:bitstring, XMG4:bitstring)); let GIDinew = xor(XMG4, h(ei)) in
if XMG3 = h(concat(concat(IDi, SIDj),
concat(concat(GIDi, GIDinew), concat(ei, XMG2)))) then let sku = mult(alpha, XXMS1) in
if XXMS2 = h1(concat(concat(MU2, XXMS1), concat(concat(sku, GIDi), SIDj))) then
let G1new = xor(XMG2, xor(h(concat(GIDi, ei)), HPWi)) in let G2new = xor(G2, xor(GIDi, GIDinew)) in
let G1 = G1new in let G2 = G2new in event endUi(IDi).
7.2.5. Session key disclosure attack 350
The session key should be computed asβorαwhen knowingαPorβPwithαβP. Neitherβnorα
are not known to the user or the sensor node, so it is impossible to know the session key unless it is a 352
user or a sensor node. 353
7.2.6. User impersonation attack 354
After theIDiis found in the database using theGID,ei = MU1+h(GIDi||x)is calculated in
order to compare theMU3andh(IDi||ei||GIDi||MU2||SIDj). One can never be accepted as a specific 356
user without knowing theIDandGIDpair. Therefore, a User Impersonation Attack is impossible.
7.2.7. Server impersonation attack 358
The server is identified in MS3=h (GIDi||SIDj||cj). cj = h (SIDj||x)andx is the secret key.
Therefore, it is necessary to know thecj calculated by the secret key other than theGIDi and the
SIDjincluded in the message in order to authenticate the server andcjis not used alone andMG1=
Table 4.GW Nprotocol
(*—-GWN process—-*) let GWN =
in(cha, (XIDi:bitstring)); new ri:bitstring;
let GIDi = h(concat(XIDi, ri)) in let G1’ = h(concat(GIDi, x)) in out(cha, (GIDi));
in(chc, (XMU1:bitstring, XMU2:bitstring, XMU3:bitstring, XGIDi:bitstring, XSIDj:bitstring)); event beginGWN(IDg);
let ei = xor(XMU1,h(concat(XGIDi, x))) in if XMU3 = h(concat(concat(XIDi, ei), concat(concat(XGIDi, XMU2), XSIDj))) then let cj = h(concat(XSIDj, x)) in
let MG1 = h(concat(concat(cj, XGIDi), concat(XSIDj, XMU2))) in out(chb, (XMU2, MG1, XGIDi));
in(chb, (XMS1:bitstring, XMS2:bitstring, XMS3:bitstring));
if XMS3 = h(concat(concat(XGIDi, XSIDj), cj)) then new rinew:bitstring;
let GIDinew = h(concat(XIDi, rinew)) in
let MG2 = xor(h(concat(GIDinew, x)), h(concat(XGIDi, ei))) in
let MG3 = h(concat(concat(XIDi, XSIDj), concat(concat(XGIDi, GIDinew), concat(ei, MG2)))) in let MG4 = xor(h(ei), GIDinew) in
out(chc, (XMS1, XMS2, MG2, MG3, MG4)); event endGWN(IDg).
Table 5.Sjprotocol
(*—-Sj process—-*) let Sj =
in(chb, (XXMU2:bitstring, XMG1:bitstring, XXGIDi:bitstring)); event beginSj(SIDj);
let scj = h(concat(SIDj, x)) in
if XMG1 = h(concat(concat(scj, XXGIDi), concat(SIDj, XXMU2))) then new beta:bitstring;
let MS1 = mult(beta, P) in let sks = mult(beta, XXMU2) in
let MS2 = h1(concat(concat(XXMU2, MS1), concat(concat(sks, XXGIDi), SIDj))) in let MS3 = h(concat(concat(XXGIDi, SIDj), scj)) in
out(chb, (MS1, MS2, MS3)); event endSj(SIDj).
h(cj||GIDi||SIDj||MU2),MS3=h(GIDi||SIDj||cj)and other values. In addition, the valuexin the
destinationcj=h(SIDj||x)can not be determined because it is always used by hashing withSIDj.
Table 6.Queries
query attacker(P).
query id:bitstring; inj-event(endUi(id)) ==> inj-event(beginUi(id)). query id:bitstring; inj-event(endGWN(id)) ==> inj-event(beginGWN(id)). query id:bitstring; inj-event(endSj(id)) ==> inj-event(beginSj(id)).
Table 7.Output of queries
RESULT inj-event(endSj(id)) ==> inj-event(beginSj(id) is true.
RESULT inj-event(endGWN(id_12209)) ==> inj-event(beginGWN(id_12209) is true. RESULT inj-event(endUi(id_25655)) ==> inj-event(beginUi(id_25655) is true. RESULT not attacker(P[]) is true.
Table 8.Performance comparison
Features Wu et al. [1] Park et al. [3] Park et al. [?] Ours
Defence of privileged insider attack O O O O
Defence of outsider attack X X X O
Defence of off-line ID guessing attack O O O O
Defence of on-line ID guessing attack X X X O
Defence of session key disclosure attack O O O O
Defence of user impersonation attack X X O O
Defence of server impersonation attack O X O O
User anonymity X O X O
Forward secrecy and backward secrecy O O O O
7.2.8. User anonymity 364
In the login process, the user givesMU1,MU2,MU3,GIDi, andSIDjto theGW N. In this case,
GIDi=G2+h(IDi||Ri||PWi) is continuously changed by the random numberRi. SinceIDiis used by
hashing, one cannot guessIDithroughMU1,MU2,MU3,GIDi, andSIDj.
7.2.9. Forward secrecy and backward secrecy 368
Because of the nature of ECCDH, we can not findαPandβPthroughαβPwe can not findαβP
throughαPandβP, and we can not findαthroughPandαP.
8. Performance analysis of the proposed scheme 371
Four symbols in total are used to analyze performance. Tm is the time of the multiplicative
operation used in ECC. This takes the most time in our scheme.TRepassumes that it is equal toTm,
the time to check for a match when recognizing the user’s biometricBi∗.Tsmeans time in symmetric
encryption or decryption. Finally,Thmeans the time it takes to use the hash function. These are listed
in Table9. 376
Table 9.Notations of time symbol
Symbol Meaning Time (ms)
Tm time of multiplication in Field 7.3529 [23]
TRep time ofRep =Tm[24]
Ts time of symmetric encryption or decryption 0.1303 [23]
Th time of hash operation 0.0004 [23]
The proposed scheme produced the best results in time among all the three factor user 377
authentication schemes using ECC (see Table10).
Table 10.Performance comparison
Wu et al. [1] Park et al. [3] Park et al. [?] Ours
UserUi 10Th+ 1TRep+ 2Tm 6Th+ 1TRep+ 2Tm 10Th+ 1TRep+ 2Tm 8Th+ 1TRep+ 2Tm
GW N 10Th 7Th+ 2Te 11Th 10Th
Sensor nodeSj 2Th+ 2Tm 6Th+ 2Tm+ 1Te 4Th+ 2Tm 3Th+ 2Tm
Total costs 22Th+ 4Tm+ 1TRep 19Th+ 4Tm+ 3Te+ 1TRep 25Th+ 4Tm+ 1TRep 21Th+ 4Tm+ 1TRep
Total costs (ms) 36.7733 37.163 36.7745 36.7729
9. Conclusions 379
Many user authentication schemes have been proposed for Wireless sensor networks, but they 380
have serious security flaws, respectively. Recently, Wu et al. also proposed a three factor user 381
authentication scheme which is looking promising. However, we discovered vulnerabilities in the 382
configuration of their scheme and proposed a new scheme to address the discovered issues. Moreover, 383
the security and performance of the proposed scheme are significantly better than the existing user 384
authentication schemes. 385
Conflicts of Interest:The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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