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Once students have completed the required courses, submitted the program plan (or


Academic year: 2021

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Once students have completed the required courses, submitted the program plan (or advancement to candidacy), maintained at least a 3.0 grade-point average, and met any

additional requirements, they are eligible to take the comprehensive examinations. Note that to complete the masters programs, students enrolled in the on-line masters program are not eligible for the Traditional Thesis MA option. Rather, students are only eligible for the Professional MA option (i.e., the comprehensive examinations). There are three required examinations for all students:

1) General criminal justice policy 2) Applied research

3) Research methods

For the four comprehensive examinations, students can select one of the two areas:

1) Law enforcement

2) Corrections

Each examination consists of one required question and another question from a set of three. The pool of possible questions for each examination is included in this discussion. The examinations are graded by two readers. An example of comprehensive grade form is included in this discussion. For every examination, the possible scores range from zero (0) to twelve (12); for students to pass an examination, they must earn a minimum of six (6) points. If a student fails the first examination, he or she can re-take the examination one more time. If a student fails the second examination, he or she is required to re-take the corresponding course for that particular course. Subsequently, he or she can take the exam one more time. If a student fails the third


examination, he or she will be dismissed from the program. The guidelines for the comprehensive examinations are included in this discussion.


Applied Research Methods:

California State University, San Bernardino Criminal Justice Department

Comprehensive Examination Required Questions Applied Research – Sample Question

This question is provided for study prior to the comprehensive examination. You are expected to be able to respond by citing appropriate references to the literature. Superficial answers will not receive high grades (i.e., you must provide greater depth than the evening news or the “person on the street.”

A county probation department has decided to implement a drug treatment program for adults incarcerated in jail. Prior to implementing this program the county has asked you to develop an evaluation research proposal to measure the effectiveness of this

program. In this proposal, you need to include the following information: * hypotheses to be tested

* sample and sampling method * method for data collection * analyses to test hypotheses


General Criminal Justice Policy:

California State University, San Bernardino Criminal Justice Department

Comprehensive Examination Required Questions

General Criminal Justice and Public Policy – Sample Question

These questions are provided for study prior to the comprehensive examination. You are expected to be able to respond by citing appropriate references to the literature. Superficial answers will not receive high grades (i.e., you must provide greater depth than the evening news or the “person on the street.”

1. In 1966 the Supreme Court of the United States rendered its historic decision in the case of Miranda v. Arizona. Perhaps no criminal procedure case so typified the so-called “Warren Court.” At the same time, Miranda is a classic example of the type of decision which many police officials contend make the job of policing exceedingly difficult. What practical effect has Miranda had upon the criminal prosecutions and law enforcement in America?

2. Traditionally, law enforcement has attempted to control crime through a general model of reactive complaint investigation, apprehension of offenders and criminal prosecution for violation of substantive criminal offenses. Discuss other means available to police and prosecutors for controlling undesirable behavior. Include only lawful means.

3. James Q. Wilson has written that theory is essentially irrelevant in providing solutions to the crime problem – “Ultimate causes cannot be the object of policy efforts, precisely because, being ultimate, they cannot be changed.” That is, since men commit more crimes than women, and adolescents more crimes than adults, policy decisions cannot affect them with respect to these respective statuses. What public policy approaches are then relevant to addressing crime within these and similar groups? For example, how can we impact on the drug problem without knowing the causes of drug abuse? Your response should address policy options that may work to reduce crime within these and other groups. Identify at least three types of criminal activity and provide approaches that have been shown to work, or which you believe could work based on relevant research. Be sure to indicate what you mean by “works.” That is, what goals and/or benefits are achieved and for whom?

4. For more than 60 years, there have been proponents of a bachelor’s degree for every practitioner in the entire criminal justice system. Defend or attack this


notion, documenting your position from the literature and contrasting it with specific authoritative positions on this issue.

5. Police agencies frequently argue that one major reason for increase in crime is under staffing of police agencies. Assume, for example, that a city such as San Diego could immediately increase the number of sworn personnel by 1,000 officers. Speculate the impact this increase would have on crime rates in that city. Support your answer drawing from research and literature in the field.

6. The concept of “career criminals” is of major importance to criminal justice. What is the origin of the career criminal concept and what is the evidence for the existence of career criminals? Identify any two criminal justice policies based on the career criminal concept, explain and critique them.

7. What are the issues on the current war on drugs? Explain the decriminalization/ legalization debate.

8. Some criminal justice writers have taken the position that criminal justice policies are not based in fact, but rather in belief. Take a position on this issue, either pro or con, and provide arguments and evidence to support your position. Citations to the appropriate literature are expected.

9. How is ideology related to the formation and implementation of criminal justice policy?

10. Gangs have been highly publicized over the past few years as one of today’s biggest criminal justice problems. Discuss the issue of gangs and relate your discussion to the development of criminal justice policy. You are explicitly

expected to discuss the following: (a) What are gangs, how are they defined? (b) Are today’s gangs different from the gangs of the past? ( c) What types of

criminal justice policies are demanded? (d) Provide examples of the types of policy you would propose. Use citations to the literature where pertinent. 11. The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a decision that restricts the use of the

appellate system by inmates. Discuss the following in regard to restricting

appeals by convicted criminals and inmates. (a) Why did this decision occur? (b) What does the evidence say about the prevalence of criminal and inmate

appeals? ( c) What impact will this decision have on the court workload? Use citations to the literature where pertinent.

12. Gun control is in the news with members of Congress arguing about a gun control bill. Explore the issues in gun control, focusing on the following: (a) Why is gun control an issue? (b) What types of gun control are there? ( c) What is the evidence of the effect of gun control on crime? (d) What Second Amendment issues exist? (e) What type of policy would you recommend? Use citations to the


literature where appropriate.

13. What are some of the reasons for increases in the prison and jail populations in the United States? What range of policy options are available with respect to the future use of correctional resources, be they punishment or rehabilitation, as we now know them? Compare and contrast these solutions with respect to their efficiency in providing for the public safety, ensuring some level of punishment for offenders, reducing criminal behavior, and reducing (or simply controlling) the costs of these options. Your analysis should include, but not be limited to: a) a clear statement of the problem, including some historical background

and an indication of the effectiveness of current policies,

b) the range of policy options available, inclusive of definitions of these options, the potential for implementing these options,

c) measures of efficiency and effectiveness of these options (i.e., the relationship between available research and these policy options), d) policy spillovers (unintended consequences),

e) policy impacts, and

f) measures of benefits/costs.

14. What steps need to be taken to deal effectively with the problem of crime in the United States? In answering this question you will need to define the problem, examine the extent of the problem and justify the solutions you propose (i.e., you will need to offer some type of evidence that the solutions you propose are viable, both in terms of feasibility of implementation and effectiveness).

15. Choose a major criminological theory and discuss the types of crime intervention programs that would be developed by criminal justice, social service, or

community action planners. Make sure that the programs you describe are consistent with that theory.

16. Discuss the relationship between theory, research, and criminal justice policy. Use current examples to support your position.

17. There is a discussion that alternatives to prison/jail incarceration should be

developed in order to save costs, increase efficiency, and foster reintegration into the community. In a presentation to judges describe and analyze the various alternatives available. Support your answers by references to the research literature.

18. The numbers of adult females in the U.S. prison system is increasing rapidly. What are the policy implications for that increase in the areas of personnel

deployment, security, inmate programs, and family issues? Give reasons for your answers.


19. The proportion of elderly in the United States is predicted to increase over the next few decades. What effect will this have on crime rates, types of crime, victimization? How much adaptation (if any) will be required by the criminal justice system?

20. Females are increasingly working as law enforcement, court, and correctional personnel within the criminal justice system. Utilizing research in this area describe and discuss the issues raised in the legal, political, and social arenas.


Research Methods:

California State University, San Bernardino Criminal Justice Department

Comprehensive Examination Required Questions Research Methods – Sample Question

These questions are provided for study prior to the comprehensive examination. You are expected to be able to respond by citing appropriate references to the literature. Superficial answers will not receive high grades (i.e., you must provide greater depth than the evening news or the “person on the street.”

1. Discuss five factors which can affect the return rate of a survey questionnaire. What can be done to diminish the effect of each factor.

2. Survey research is one of the more popular research designs of criminal justice. Explain what this design is, when it is best used, what problems arise, and its relationship to sampling.

3. Discuss the concept of and methodological principles involved in evaluation research as these may be related to correctional agency planning, projects, or programs. Be specific about the design of an evaluation in such an agency and some of the positives and negatives of this type of research.

4. Discuss the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential (or sampling) statistics. Include in your answer an example that explains an appropriate use of each kind of statistical analysis.

5. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of experimental and survey research methods. Provide an example of a research project in which (1) experimental methods would be most advantageous to use and, (2) an example wherein survey research would be most advantageous to use.

6. As the police department’s research head, the chief has requested an evaluation plan for the activities of the organization for review and approval. He has

committed $80,000 to get the job done over a one year period. The department’s activities are organized to serve 18 geographical areas which are further broken down into a number of reporting districts within each area. Prepare a detailed outline as to the methodological steps and procedures you would take in order to evaluate the success of the Chief’s 10 point program. Pay careful attention to critical statistical concerns such as sampling design and appropriate sample size. Justify the steps and procedures you propose. Last, address the issue of whether the police department should carry out the actual research or sub-contract it to outsiders. If the latter, who specifically and why?


7. The juvenile gang problem is rampant in Los Angeles. The Sheriff has said it is not just drugs that are causing the problem, nor it is something that enforcement can really deal with, but that something else must be done. He has asked you to do some research that will help the Sheriff come up with some solutions to the problems of drugs and gangs in L.A. The media are already suggesting that “social programs” must receive more funding, but money is scarce. Moreover, the research will help them decide where to spend these scarce dollars most

effective. There is $80,000 available [confiscated drug money] to do the

research, which must be completed in one year. Answer the following questions: A. What research questions would you ask? Or, how would you frame the


B. How would you design your study in order to most effectively answer the questions in “A” above)?

Indicate where will you expect to find the answers to your questions. Indicate the types of data collection you would do and why you would use that method? 8. Explain what reliability and validity are as well as the relationship between them.

Discuss at least five threats to validity and explain how each threatens causal attribution.

9. What is causality? Compare the approaches taken to causality over the past two centuries.

10. Discuss, critique, and compare the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) as measures of criminality. Pay particular attention to the relationship between measurement and


Law Enforcement:

California State University, San Bernardino Criminal Justice Department

Comprehensive Examination Required Questions Law Enforcement – Sample Question

These questions are provided for study prior to the comprehensive examination. You are expected to be able to respond by citing appropriate references to the literature. Superficial answers will not receive high grades (i.e., you must provide greater depth than the evening news or the “person on the street.”

1. Assume you are chief of police of a major city. The most recent uniform crime reporting data has been released and shows that your city has seen a 6%

increase in the number of residential burglaries and a 3% increase in the number of robberies. On the other hand, murders have declined 10% and forcible rapes have declined 16%. The local press wants a comment from you concerning the crime figures. What do you tell them?

2. Discuss “progress in policing” from the viewpoint of organizational development and human resource development by referring to the following:

A) role of police;

B) police organization and management; C) police and the community;

D) police consolidation and coordination; and E) police research and experimentation.

3. List and discuss three “truisms” in policing which are not supported by research. 4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a civil service or merit system in a police department. Explain what the advantages/disadvantages are to the chief and the officers.

5. It has been suggested that the police will continue experimentation with new concepts and ideas for policing in the future. Be prepared to discuss this

experimentation in light of: a) managing patrol operations, b) managing criminal investigations, and c) managing information systems.

6. Define community policing and discuss the obstacles that exist in the adoption of community policing.


7. The application of administrative theories in police organizations may work or fail to work based on the kind of environment that prevails in the police agency at the time. Discuss the features and characteristics of a police environment conducive to the realization of a human relations approach to police management, and show how it should be different from one conducive to the realization of the bureaucratic approach.

8. One significant trend in criminal justice organization over the past decade has been increasing levels of employee dissatisfaction which has, in many cases, resulted in increasing activism and militancy of employee organizations. Many commentators hold that this has come about due to inappropriate management of human resources. Identify and discuss factors in the personnel process which may contribute to employee organization militancy and activism.

9. What are most police officers presently angry about and why? How could these causes of anger be alleviated from the patrol officers’ point of view?

10. Define planning and discuss its role in police departments. Explain the differences between tactical planning and strategic planning supporting your answer with ample examples.

11. Police agencies frequently argue that one major reason for increase in crime is understaffing of police agencies. Assume, for example, that a city such as San Diego could immediately increase the number of sworn personnel by 1,000 officers. Speculate the impact this increase would have on crime rates in that city. Support your answer drawing from research and literature in the field.

12. Identify and discuss factors which contribute to job stress in the law enforcement occupation, including potential means of alleviating these.

13. In most police departments, the first line supervisor holds the rank of sergeant. In what ways are the police sergeants problems and supervisory tools similar to a first line supervisor in a typical bureaucracy (e.g., military or fire department)? In what ways are they different?

14. Discuss empirical research on law enforcement in recent years, citing important studies and their contribution to our knowledge base.

15. You are to assume that you are the public information officer for a major

metropolitan police agency. Your chief has asked you to prepare a statement for the press concerning the difficulties involved in recruiting, selecting, and training qualified police officers. Present your statement.


16. Discuss the concept of intra-organizational conflict. In your discussion consider whether such conflict is good and/or bad for the organization. If so, how so? Also, include in your discussion specific examples of different types of

intra-organizational conflict including line-staff conflicts and conflicts linked to an organization’s formal and informal structure. Also, identify the various settlement points for conflict in an organization’s setting and what types of problems are best dealt with at different points. Justify your answers.

17. Outline a short policy statement regarding high-speed chases in a metropolitan city. State what arguments you would use to justify such a policy to a) the police officer in the field, and b) the general public.

18. What are the arguments for and against police unionization?

19. It has been suggested that the “doctrine of minimum force” must be employed if there is to be any hope of positive police-community relationships. Relate this to police-involved use of deadly force incidents and policy ramifications.

20. What do you perceive as the most critical problems that local law enforcement agencies face in adopting new strategies or alternative methods of dealing with traditional police practices? Identify these problems and how they may be alleviated.

21. Some states have large expanses of rural areas even though the population is largely urban. For instance, there are 254 counties in Texas and, of those, probably over 200 cold be classified as rural. These areas generally depend on sheriff’s departments and small town police departments for law enforcement services. Discuss the essential managerial, economic, and political differences in policing rural populations versus urban populations.

22. James Q. Wilson argues that the binding parameters of “civil rights” might require “stretching” in order to prevent an increase in the number of “broken windows” in a community (e.g., the reduction of “disorder”). Take a position on this issue and defend that position.



California State University, San Bernardino Criminal Justice Department

Comprehensive Examination Required Questions Corrections – Sample Question

These questions are provided for study prior to the comprehensive examination. You are expected to be able to respond by citing appropriate references to the literature. Superficial answers will not receive high grades (i.e., you must provide greater depth than the evening news or the “person on the street.”

1. What are the major goals of punishment? Explain their philosophical premises. What principles of punishment would you favor? Why? Explain your position. 2. State, federal, and local correctional systems in the United States are

experiencing unprecedented growth, having almost tripled in population in the past 20 years. Jail populations are growing and costs for new prison space have assumed staggering proportions, in some cases almost bankrupting small

jurisdictions. Citizens, however, demand solutions that will provide for the

maximum public protection at minimal cost. Programs of rehabilitation have been debated along with solutions that rely on better social programs, although some programs are often viewed with some skepticism. Others feel that more useful punishments can be devised, such as restorative justice approaches.

What are some of the reasons for these increases in the prison and jail

populations in the United States? What range of policy options are available with respect to the future use of correctional resources, be they punishment or

rehabilitation, as we now know them? Compare and contrast these solutions with respect to their efficiency in providing for the public safety, ensuring some level of punishment for offenders, reducing criminal behavior, and reducing (or simply controlling) the costs of these options. Your analysis should include, but not be limited to:

A) a clear statement of the problem, including some historical background and an indication of the effectiveness of current policies,

B) the range of policy options available, inclusive of definitions of these options, the potential for implementing these options,

C) measures of efficiency and effectiveness of these options (i.e., the relationship between available research and these policy options), D) policy spillovers [unintended consequences]

E) policy impacts, and


3. What do you know about “intermediate punishments?” What are their functions? In what kind of cases would you apply this kind of punishment?

4. The development of the penitentiary and the modern prison is seen as a major milestone in penology. Analyze this development in an historical perspective. 5. Analyze the organizational nature of prisons as total institutions. Focus on the

structural impact of total institutions on the inmates, staff, prison subculture, etc. 6. What are the major issues in the privatization of corrections? Analyze them in

detail. What is your opinion of this approach and why do you hold that position? 7. What were the major impacts of the progressive era on punishment and


8. Reform and change in corrections in the United States has been driven in large part by the federal courts. Changes have been mandated for law enforcement and correctional systems at all levels since the mid-1960s, and even lower courts have become involved in decisions intended to improve their operations. Discuss the following:

A) What kinds of benefits and problems have these court-mandated changes presented for the correctional systems in the United States?

B) To what extent have these changes increased the liability of public officials in dealing with correctional populations?

C) Have these decisions increased or decreased the overall efficiency of the correctional systems?

D) Are there other, more efficient methods for creating change in the correctional systems? What are these and how would they be implemented?

9. It has been argued that rehabilitation of criminal offenders is dead. Argue this issue, either pro or con, and document your position citing appropriate sources. 10. Describe inmate and correctional officer subcultures and the theoretical

perspectives that support them. Discuss how the two may interact and the impact this may have on the correctional environment.

11. Electronic monitoring, or surveillance, has become a “fashionable” approach to community supervision of offenders. What are the issues involved in this

approach? What are the variations of the technique? What is the evidence of effectiveness?


Comp Instructions:

California State University, San Bernardino Department of Criminal Justice


Additional Required Courses:

CJUS 999 Comprehensive Examination (0 units)

Comprehensive Examination:

Comprehensive examinations are examinations taken over the range of course work and readings necessary to exhibit mastery of the subject matter of criminal justice. The examinations are NOT course-specific, nor are they derived from singular sources. Questions on the examinations are designed to elicit thoughtful responses that indicate a comprehension of issues, policy orientations, and research in the field.

Students desiring to take the comprehensive examinations during any term must notify the graduate coordinator no later than the first week of the term in which the

examinations are to be taken. Students will set up an examination schedule with the graduate coordinator.

Students are required to pass four comprehensive examinations. Three examinations are required: (1) General Criminal Justice and Public Policy, (2) Research Methods, and (3) Applied Research. For the fourth comprehensive examination, students can decide to take either the (a) Law Enforcement, or (b) Corrections examination. Each

examination will be a 24 hour “take-home” exam. Each examination will have two categories of questions: one mandatory question which MUST be answered, and three questions, ONE of which must be answered. For the Applied Research examination, there is only ONE mandatory question.

The student is responsible to ensure that these examinations are typed, following the APA citation format.

Examinations will be graded by two faculty with expertise in that particular area. For each question, grades will be assigned as follows:

0 Fail

1 Low Pass (weak answer) 2 Pass (adequate answer) 3 High Pass (superior answer)


The grades assigned by both graders to each question will be summed. In order to pass a section, the summed total must be equal to, or higher than, a grade of six (6). The maximum possible summed total is twelve (12). For the Applied Research examination, the student’s grade is multiplied by two (2). Examinations failed must be retaken. Students are allowed only one re-take for each comprehensive examination. Helpful suggestions for taking the Comprehensive Examinations:

1. Answer all questions FULLY. If any portion of a question is not answered, graders will b required to note that you have not completely answered the question. Similarly, a cursory response to any one portion of a question tends to suggest superficiality.

2. Answers will be graded on logic, knowledge of the subject matter,

organization of the answer and critical reasoning ability. Write concisely, logically, and to the point. Superficial answers will not receive high grades. 3. Use references to the literature where appropriate, but do not cite for the

sole purpose of impressing the graders. Answers without appropriate referencing suggest that the writer has only a cursory knowledge of the literature in the area. Remember, part of a graduate education is not only knowing the literature, but also the context in which it was produced. 4. Consider outlining your answer prior to writing it. An outline usually will

assist you in organizing your thoughts and may result in a more coherent answer.


Comp Grading Form

Criminal Justice Department

California State University, San Bernardino


Research Methods Applied Research

Speciality Area: QUESTION: Mandatory

Optional Question No.: GRADING SYSTEM:

3 HIGH PASS (superior answer)

2 PASS (adequate answer)

1 LOW PASS (weak answer)


GRADE: [total points for both questions]

COMMENTS (please explain any problems or points you thought were notable):

Signature Date


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