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Academic year: 2020

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What is a queue?

• It is an ordered group of homogeneous items of elements.

• Queues have two ends:

▫ Elements are added at one end REAR

▫ Elements are removed from the other end FRONT • The element added first is also removed first


• Insertions are at the rear of the queue and removals are at the front of the queue

• Main queue operations:

▫ enqueue(object): inserts an element at the end of the queue


Queue Specification

• Definitions: (provided by the user)

▫ MAX_ITEMS: Max number of items that might be on

the queue

▫ ItemType: Data type of the items on the queue


– MakeEmpty

– Boolean IsEmpty – Boolean IsFull


Enqueue (ItemType newItem)

Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the


Preconditions: Queue has been initialized and is

not full.


Dequeue (ItemType& item)

Function: Removes front item from queue and

returns it in item.

Preconditions: Queue has been initialized and is

not empty.

Post-conditions: Front element has been


Implementation issues

Implement the queue as a circular structure. • How do we know if a queue is full or empty? • Initialization of front and rear.


• Auxiliary queue operations:

▫ object front(): returns the element at the front without removing it

▫ integer size(): returns the number of elements stored



Operation Output Q

enqueue(5) (5)

enqueue(3) (5, 3)

dequeue() 5 (3)

enqueue(7) (3, 7)

dequeue() 3 (7)

front() 7 (7)

dequeue() 7 ()

dequeue() “error” ()

isEmpty() true ()

enqueue(9) (9)

enqueue(7) (9, 7)

size() 2 (9, 7)

enqueue(3) (9, 7, 3)

enqueue(5) (9, 7, 3, 5)


Applications of Queues

• Direct applications

▫ Waiting lists, bureaucracy

▫ Access to shared resources (e.g., printer) ▫ Multiprogramming

• Indirect applications


Representation of Queues

• Represented in two ways:

One-way list

or Linear Arrays

Two pointers variables: FRONT, containing the location of the front element of the queue and REAR, containing the location of the rear element of the queue.


• Whenever an element is deleted from the queue, the value of FRONT is increased by 1; this can be implemented by the assignment


• Whenever an element is added to the queue, the value of REAR is increased by 1; this can be implemented by the assignment:


Circular Queue

• When a new item is inserted at the rear, the pointer to rear moves upwards.

• Similarly, when an item is deleted from the queue the front arrow moves downwards.


Circular Queue

• To solve this problem, queues implement wrapping around. Such queues are called Circular Queues.

• Both the front and the rear pointers wrap around to the beginning of the array.

• It is also called as “Ring buffer”.


• Generally it is assumed that array QUEUE is circular, i.e. QUEUE[1] comes after QUEUE[N].

• With this assumption, we insert ITEM into the queue by assigning ITEM to QUEUE[1].

• Instead of increasing REAR to N+1, we reset REAR to 1 and then assign


• Similarly if FRONT=N and an element of QUEUE is deleted, we reset FRONT=1 instead of increasing FRONT to N+1

• If queue contains only one element, i.e.


• And if that only element is deleted, then



1. [Queue already filled?]

if FRONT=1 and REAR=N or if FRONT=REAR+1, then:

Write: Overflow and Return. 2. [Find new value of REAR]

If FRONT:=NULL, then : [Queue initially empty] Set FRONT:=1 and REAR:=1

Else if REAR:=N, then Set REAR:=1

Else: Set REAR:=REAR+1.


3. Set QUEUE[REAR]:=ITEM [inserts new element]



1. [Queue already empty?]

if FRONT:=NULL, then:

Write: UNDERFLOW and Return. 2. Set ITEM:=QUEUE[FRONT]

3. [Find new value of FRONT]

If FRONT:=REAR, then : [Queue has only one element to start]

Set FRONT:=NULL and REAR:=NULL Else if FRONT:=N, then

Set FRONT:=1

Else: Set FRONT:=FRONT+1.


Linked Representation of QUEUE

Two pointer variables: FRONT and REAR.

INFO fields of the list hold the elements of the

queue and LINK field holds pointer to the neighboring elements in the queue.



1. [Available space?] if AVAIL=NULL, then write OVERFLOW and exit.

2. [Remove first node from AVAIL list]




4. If (FRONT=NULL) then FRONT=REAR=NEW [if Q is empty then ITEM is the first element in

the Q]

Else set LINK[REAR]:=NEW and REAR=NEW [Rear points to the new node appended to the



1. [Linked queue empty?] if (FRONT=NULL) then write: UNDERFLOW and EXIT.

2. Set TEMP:=FRONT [If linked queue is

nonempty, remember FRONT in a temporary variable TEMP].






• It is a double-ended queue.

• Items can be inserted and deleted from either ends.

• More versatile data structure than stack or queue.

There are two pointers: LEFT or RIGHT.

Two variations of a DEQUE: input restricted


Priority Queues

• More specialized data structure.

• Similar to Queue, having front and rear. • Items are removed from the front.

Items are ordered by key value or priority so that the item with the lowest key (or highest) is always at the front.


One-way list representation of Priority


• Each node contains three items of information: INFO, PRN(priority number) and link number (LINK)

• A node X precedes Y in the list (1) when X has higher priority than Y


[deletes and processes the first element

in a priority queue]


[saves the data in the first node.] 2. Delete first node from the list 3. Process ITEM.


[Adds an ITEM with priority number N

to a priority queue]

1. Traverse the one-way list until finding a node X whose priority number exceeds N. Insert ITEM in front of node X.


Array representation of a priority



[Algorithm deletes and processes the first element in a priority queue]

1. [Find the first non-empty queue.]

Find the smallest K such that FRONT[K]≠NULL. 2. Delete and process the FRONT element in row


[Algorithm adds an ITEM with priority number M to a priority queue]

1. Insert ITEM as the rear element in row M of Queue.


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