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On multiplicity of solutions to nonlinear partial difference equations with delay


Academic year: 2020

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On multiplicity of solutions to nonlinear

partial difference equations with delay

Yong Zhou


, Bashir Ahmad


, Yanyun Zhao


and Ahmed Alsaedi




2Nonlinear Analysis and Applied

Mathematics (NAAM) Research Group, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


In this paper, we present an existence criterion for multiple positive solutions of nonlinear neutral delay partial difference equations. Such equations can be regarded as a discrete analog of neutral delay partial differential equations. Our main result relies on fixed point index theory. An example is constructed to show the applicability of the obtained result.

MSC: 35R10; 39A11

Keywords: Partial difference equations; Multiple positive solutions; Fixed point index

1 Introduction

Partial difference equations constitute an important and interesting area of research in mathematics. For some classical results concerning the solvability of some classes of par-tial difference equations, see [1]. The qualitative analysis of parpar-tial difference equations has been studied later, especially in recent years; see [2, 3].

Many researchers recently investigated solvability and oscillation criteria for partial dif-ference equations with two variables. For some solvability results, we refer the reader to a series of papers [4–10] and the references therein, while some recent work on the oscilla-tion and nonoscillaoscilla-tion criteria for partial difference equaoscilla-tions can be found in the articles [11–18]. However, to the best of our knowledge, the topic of existence of multiple positive solutions for partial difference equations has yet to be addressed.

The goal of this paper is to discuss the multiplicity of positive solutions of nonlinear neutral partial difference equation with the aid of the fixed point index theory. Precisely, we consider the following neutral partial difference equation:


nrm(ym,ncm,nymk,nl) + (–1)h+r+1Pm,nf(ymσ,nτ) = 0, (1.1)


n=n0 and{cm,n}


n=n0 are nonnegative

se-quences;f(x) is a real-valued continuous function ofx.

Equation (1.1) can be considered as a discrete analog of neutral delay partial differential equations. Such equations appear frequently in random walk problems, molecular orbit structures, dynamical systems, economics, biology, population dynamics, and other fields. Finite difference methods applied to partial differential equations also give rise to an equa-tion of the form (1.1).


The forward differencesmandnare defined in the usual manner as

mym,n=ym+1,nym,n and nym,n=ym,n+1–ym,n.

The higher order forward differences for positive integersrandhare given by



r–1 m ym,n

, 0mym,n=ym,n,



h–1 n ym,n

, 0nym,n=ym,n.

In the sequel, we denote by N ={0, 1, . . .}the set of integers and by N+={1, 2, . . .}the

set of positive integers; N(a) ={a,a+ 1, . . .}, whereaN, N(a,b) ={a,a+ 1, . . . ,b}with a<b<∞anda,bN. Any one of these three sets will be denoted by N. FortR, we define the usual factorial expression (t)(m)=t(t– 1)· · ·(tm+ 1) with (t)0= 1.

The spacelm=m0,n=n0 is the set of double real sequences defined on the set of positive integer pairs, where any individual double sequence is bounded with respect to the usual supremum norm, that is,

y= sup



It is well known thatlm=m0,n=n0 is a Banach space under the supremum norm. Let



Then it is easy to see thatPis a cone. We define a partial order≤inlm=m0,n=n0as follows:

for anyx,ylm=m0,n=n0, xyyxP.

Definition 1 ([16]) A setof double sequences inlm=m0,n=n0 is uniformly Cauchy (or equi-Cauchy) if for everyε> 0, there exist positive integersm1andn1such that, for any



holds whenever (m,n)D, (m,n) ∈ D, where D =D1D2D3, D1 ={(m,n) | m>m1,n>n1},D2={(m,n)|m0≤mm1,n>n1},D3={(m,n)|m>m1,n0≤nn1}.

Definition 2 ([19]) An operatorA:DE is called ak-set-contraction (k≥0) if it is continuous, bounded and



Definition 3 LetKbe a retract of a Banach spaceX,Kan open set andf:Ka compact map such thatf(x)=xon∂. Ifr:XKis a retraction, thendeg(I–fr,r–1(),θ)

is defined, wheredegdenotes the Leray–Schauder degree, this number is called the fixed point index off overwith respect toK,i(f,,K) for short.

The fixed point indexi(f,,K) has the following properties:

(i) Normalization: for every constant mapf mappinginto,i(f,,K) = 1. (ii) Additivity: for every pair of disjoint open subsets1,2ofsuch thatf has no

fixed points on\(1∪2),

i(f,,K) =i(A,1,K) +i(f,2,K),

wherei(f,n,K) =i(f|n,n,K)forn= 1, 2.

(iii) Homotopy invariance: for every compact interval[a,b]⊂Rand every compact maph: [a,b]×Ksuch thath(λ,x)=xfor(λ,x)∈[a,b]×∂,i(h(λ,·),,K)is well defined and independent ofλ∈[a,b].

Now we state some well-known lemmas which will be used in the next section.

Lemma 1([16] (Discrete Arzela–Ascoli’s theorem)) A bounded,uniformly Cauchy subset of lm=m0,n=n0 is relatively compact.

Lemma 2([19]) Let P be a cone in a real Banach space X andbe a nonempty bounded open convex subset of P.Suppose that T:P is a strict set contraction operator and T()⊂,wheredenotes the closure ofin P.Then the fixed point index i(T,,P) = 1.

2 Main result

Theorem 1 Assume that

(R1) there exists a constantcsuch that0≤cm,nc< 1,mN(m0),nN(n0);

(R2) for anymN(m0),nN(n0),Pm,n> 0,xf(x) > 0(x= 0)with

lim x→0+


x = 0, x→lim+∞

f(x) x = 0;

(R3) forδ1=max{k,σ},δ2=min{k,σ},η1=max{l,τ},η2=min{l,τ},there exist positive

integersm1,n1satisfyingm1–δ1∈N(m0)andn1–η1∈N(n0)such that

0 <c0




(i+r– 1)(r–1)(j+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,j< +∞;

(R4) there exist constantsc1andu0> 0such thatf(x)≥c1u0forxu0,and furthermore

there exist positive integersb1,b2satisfyingb1>m1,b2>n1such that

c1c2> 1,





i=b1 b2+η2


(i–b1+r– 1)(r–1)(j–b2+h– 1)(h–1)


Then Eq. (1.1)has at least two positive solutionsxandysatisfying the relation:

contraction operator inP.

(i)T1is a contraction operator onP.


<c sup (m,n)∈N(m0)×N(n0)


=cxy. (2.1)

From (R1), we know thatc< 1, thereforeT1is a contraction operator.

(ii)T2is completely continuous.

From (R3) and the continuity off, it follows thatT2:PPis continuous. Thus we

just need to establish thatT2is a compact operator inP. For any bounded subsetQP,

without loss of generality, we may assumeQ={xP| xr}. Now it suffices to show thatT2Qis relatively compact.

According tolimx→+∞f(xx)= 0, we know that there exists anr > 0 such that

0 <f(x)≤1 –c 4c0

x, xr .


0 <f(x)≤1 –c 4c0

x+M, xR+, (2.2)

whereM=max0xr f(x). Let


r,r ,4c0M 1 –c

. (2.3)

Define [α,β] ={xP|αxβ}, whereα= (0, 0, . . .), β= (r,r, . . .). Obviously,Q⊂ [α,β]. From (R1), (R3), (2.2) and (2.3), for anyx∈[α,β], we haveT2xα and, when





(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,jf(xiσ,jτ)



(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,j

1 –c 4c0

xiσ,jτ +M



(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,j

1 –c 4c0


≤1 –c

4 r+c0M

≤1 –c

2 r


This means thatT2x<β; in particular,T2β<β. Hence,T2: [α,β]→[α,β], which implies

thatT2[α,β] is bounded.

Next we show thatT2[α,β] is uniformly Cauchy. For any givenε> 0, by the condition

(R3), there exist sufficiently large positive integersm2∈N(m1),n2∈N(n1) such that



(i+r– 1)(r–1)(j+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,j< ε 4

1 –c 4c0




By the condition (R3), we have

Similarly, there exists ann3≥n2such that



relatively compact. ThusT2is a compact operator inP. HenceT2is completely continuous

inP. ThenT=T1+T2:PPis a strict set contraction operator.

Next, from condition (R2), there exist positive constants 0 <r1<u0<r2such that


Then1,2and3are nonempty bounded open convex subsets ofPsuch that

1⊂2, 3⊂2, 1∩3=Ø,


xP| xr1

, 2=

xP| xr3



xPxr3, inf mN(a1,b1) nN(a2,b2)



Letl= 1, 2, 3. For anyx={xm,n},y={ym,n} ∈lP, from (2.1), we have


wherec< 1, thusT1:lPis a contraction operator.

Notice that any bounded subsetDoflis also a bounded subset ofP. Thus it follows

from the above conclusion thatT2Dis relatively compact. AlsoT2:lPis continuous.

In consequence, we deduce thatT2:lPis completely continuous. Thus,T=T1+T2:

lP(l= 1, 2, 3) is a strict set contraction operator.

Next we show thatT()⊂.

(i) Forx1, when (m,n)N(m1)×N(n1), we get





(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,jf(xiσ,jτ).

From (2.7), we have




(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,j 1 –c




1 –c 4c0




(ii) Forx2, from (2.8), we also have




(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,j

1 –c 4c0



1 –c 4c0



1 –c 4 r3+

1 –c 4 r3



(iii) For any x3, we have Tx <r3 and infmN(a1,b1) nN(a2,b2)

xm,n>u0. For any (m,n)

N(a1,b1)×N(a2,b2), from condition (R4), we have




(i–m+r– 1)(r–1)(jn+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,jf(xiσ,jτ)



(i–b1+r– 1)(r–1)(j–b2+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,jf(xiσ,jτ)


i=b1 b2+η2


(i–b1+r– 1)(r–1)(j–b2+h– 1)(h–1)

(r– 1)!(h– 1)! Pi,jf(xiσ,jτ)



Thus, for anyx3, we have

inf mN(a1,b1) nN(a2,b2)


HenceT(3)⊂3. From (i), (ii), (iii) and Lemma 2, we obtain

i(T,l,P) = 1, l= 1, 2, 3.



=i(T,2,P) –i(T,1,P) –i(T,3,P) = –1.

Thus,Thas fixed pointsx∗andy∗such thatx∗∈2/(1∪3),y∗∈3, and

inf mN(a1,b1) nN(a2,b2)

xm,n<u0< inf mN(a1,b1) nN(a2,b2)


It is easy to prove that the fixed points ofT are exactly the positive solutions of Eq. (1.1).

The proof is complete.

Example2.1 Consider a nonlinear partial difference equation given by



1 4xm–1,n–2

+ a




m–2,n–3ln(1 +xm–2,n–3) = 0, (2.9)

where (m,n)N(0)×N(0) anda> 1 is a constant.

Let us fixc=12 so thatcm,n=14<c< 1. Thus (R1) is satisfied. Also we have

δ1=max{1, 2}= 2, δ2=min{1, 2}= 1,

η1=max{2, 3}= 3, η2=min{2, 3}= 2,





It is easy to see thatxf(x) > 0 (x= 0) and

Thus, Eq. (2.9) satisfies the condition (R2).

Letm1= 2,n1= 3. Then we consider a series of positive terms

According to the D’Alembert comparison test, the series of positive terms (2.10) and (2.11) are convergent and consequently, we get

0 <c0

Thus the condition (R3) is satisfied.


= a





(i– 4)a–i



(j– 5)(j– 6)

2 a


= a



a–5+ 2a–6a–7+ 3a–8+ 6a–9

> a




= 1


Clearlyc1c2> 1, which shows that the condition (R4) is satisfied. Consequently, the

con-clusion of Theorem 1 is applied and hence Eq. (2.9) has at least two positive solutionsx∗ andy∗such that

inf mN(2,5) nN(3,7)

xm,n< 1 < inf mN(2,5) nN(3,7)


3 Conclusions

In the past years, the qualitative theory of partial difference equations has been developed by means of different tools such as comparison principle, Schauder type fixed point the-orem, Banach’s contraction principle, method of upper and lower solutions, the method of positive operators, etc. However, the issue of existence of multiple positive solutions for neutral delay partial difference equations has yet to be addressed. Here we have in-vestigated this topic with the aid of the fixed point index theory and obtained a criterion ensuring the existence of multiple positive solutions to Eq. (1.1). Thus the present work opens a new avenue in the field of partial difference equations and contributes significantly to the existing literature on the subject.


The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their valuable comments.


The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11671339).

Availability of data and materials Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

Each of the authors, YZ, BA, YYZ and AA contributed equally to each part of this work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author details

1Faculty of Mathematics and Computational Science, Xiangtan University, Hunan, P.R. China.2Nonlinear Analysis and

Applied Mathematics (NAAM) Research Group, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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Received: 21 November 2017 Accepted: 30 May 2018


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