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Fixed points of condensing multivalued maps in topological vector spaces


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Received 27 October 2003 and in revised form 28 January 2004

With the aid of the simplicial approximation property, we show that every admissible multivalued map from a compact convex subset of a complete metric linear space into itself has a fixed point. From this fact we deduce the fixed point property of a closed convex set with respect to pseudocondensing admissible maps.

1. Introduction

The Schauder conjecture that every continuous single-valued map from a compact con-vex subset of a topological vector space into itself has a fixed point was stated in [12, Prob-lem 54]. In a recent year, Cauty [2] gave a positive answer to this question by a very com-plicated approximation factorization. Very recently, Dobrowolski [3] established Cauty’s proof in a more accessible form by using the fact that a compact convex set in a metric linear space has the simplicial approximation property.

The aim in this paper is to obtain multivalued versions of the Schauder fixed point the-orem in complete metric linear spaces. For this we consider three classes of multivalued maps; that is, admissible maps introduced by G ´orniewicz [4], pseudocondensing maps by Hahn [5], and countably condensing maps by V¨ath [15], respectively. These pseudo-condensing or countably pseudo-condensing maps are more general than pseudo-condensing maps.

The main result is that every compact convex set in a complete metric linear space has the fixed point property with respect to admissible maps. The proof is based on the sim-plicial approximation property and its equivalent version due to Kalton et al. [9], where the latter corresponds to admissibility of the involved set in the sense of Klee [10]; see also [11]. More generally, we apply the main result to prove that every pseudocondensing admissible map from a closed convex subset of a complete metric linear space into itself has a fixed point. Finally, we present a fixed point theorem for countably condensing ad-missible maps in Fr´echet spaces. Here, the fact that we restrict ourselves to countable sets is important in connection with differential and integral operators. The above results in-clude the well-known theorems of Schauder [14], Kakutani [8], Bohnenblust and Karlin [1], and Sadovskii [13].

Copyright©2004 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2004:2 (2004) 107–112


For a subsetK of a topological vector spaceE, the closure, the convex hull, and the closed convex hull ofK inEare denoted byK, coK, and coK, respectively. Byk(K) we denote the collection of all nonempty compact subsets ofK.

For topological spacesX andY, a multivalued mapF:XY is said to be upper semicontinuousonXif, for any open setV inY, the set{x∈X:Fx⊂V}is open inX.F is said to becompactif its rangeF(X) is contained in a compact subset ofY.

Definition 1.1. Given two topological spaces X and Y, an upper semicontinuous map

F:X→k(Y) is said to beadmissibleif there exist a topological spaceZand continuous functionsp:Z→Xandq:Z→Y with the following properties:

(1)∅ =q(p−1x)Fxfor eachxX;

(2)pis proper; that is, the inverse imagep−1(A) of any compact setAXis compact;

(3) for eachx∈X,p−1xis an acyclic subspace ofZ.

It is well known that an upper semicontinuous mapF:X→k(Y) with acyclic val-ues is admissible and the composition of two admissible maps is also admissible; see [4, Theorem III.2.7].

Throughout this paper we assume thatEis a topological vector space that is not neces-sarily locally convex.E=(E, · ) will be a metric linear space, where · is anF-norm onE. Hence we havex+y ≤ x+yandtx ≤ xfor allx,y∈Eandt∈[1, 1]. IfE=(E, · ) is a complete metric linear space, it is called anF-space. A locally convex

F-space is called aFr´echet space.

2. Admissible maps

With the aid of the simplicial approximation property, we extend Cauty’s fixed point theorem to admissible multivalued maps.

We introduce the simplicial approximation property due to Kalton et al. [9] which is a key tool of our main result.

Definition 2.1. A convex subsetC of a metric linear space (E, · ) has the simplicial approximation propertyif, for everyε >0, there exists a finite-dimensional compact con-vex setCε⊂Csuch that, ifSis any finite-dimensional simplex inC, then there exists a continuous maph:S→Cεwithh(x)−x< εfor allx∈S.

Dobrowolski recently obtained the following result; see [3, Lemma 2.2] and [3, Corol-lary 2.6].

Lemma2.2. Every compact convex set in a metric linear space has the simplicial approxi-mation property.

The following equivalent formulation of the simplicial approximation property is given in [9, Theorem 9.8].

Lemma2.3. IfKis an infinite-dimensional compact convex set in anF-space(E, · ), then the following statements are equivalent:


(2)ifε >0, there exist a simplexSinKand a continuous maph:K→Ssuch thath(x)

x< εfor allx∈K.

Now we can give a multivalued version of Cauty’s fixed point theorem [2]. The proof is based on the simplicial approximation property, where we follow the basic line of the proof in [7, Satz 4.2.5].

Theorem2.4. LetKbe a nonempty compact convex set in anF-space(E, · ). Then any admissible mapF:K→k(K)has a fixed point.

Proof. Suppose thatF:K→k(K) is an admissible map. SinceKis a compact convex set and coF(K)⊂K, it follows that the setC:=coF(K) is compact and convex. ByLemma 2.2,Chas the simplicial approximation property. Letε >0 be given.Lemma 2.3implies that there exist a simplexSinCand a continuous map:C→Ssuch that(x)−x< ε for allx∈C.

The composition ofF and,hε◦F|S:S→k(S), is an admissible compact map onS. Notice that every admissible compact multivalued map with compact values defined on an acyclic absolute neighborhood retract has a fixed point; see [4]. Since the simplexSis an acyclic absolute retract, there exists a pointofSsuch thatxε∈(hε◦F). Then there is a pointyε∈Fxε(⊂C) such that

xε=hεyε, hεyε−yε< ε. (2.1)

By the compactness ofCwe may assume, without loss of generality, that the net () converges to some pointx inC. Hence it follows that the net () also converges tox. SinceFis an upper semicontinuous multivalued map with compact values and soFhas a closed graph, we conclude thatx∈Fx. This completes the proof.

3. Condensing maps

Using a fixed point theorem for admissible maps given inSection 2, we prove that the fixed point property holds for pseudocondensing or countably condensing admissible maps.

In order to generalize the concept of condensing maps in a reasonable way, we need a

c-measure of noncompactness introduced by Hahn [5,6].

Definition 3.1. LetEbe a topological vector space,Ka nonempty closed convex subset of

E, andᏹa collection of nonempty subsets ofKwith the property that, for anyM∈ᏹ, the sets coM,M,M∪ {x0}(x0∈K), and every subset ofM belong toᏹ. Letcbe a real

number withc≥1. A functionψ:ᏹ[0,) is said to be ac-measure of noncompactness onKprovided that the following conditions hold for anyM∈ᏹ:


(2) ifx0∈K, thenψ(M∪ {x0})(M);

(3) ifN⊂M, thenψ(N)≤ψ(M); (4)ψ(coM)≤cψ(M).


Definition 3.2. Let K be a closed convex subset of a topological vector space E,Y a nonempty subset ofK, andψac-measure of noncompactness onK. An upper semicon-tinuous mapF:Y→k(K) is said to bepseudocondensingonY provided that, ifXis any subset ofY such thatψ(X)≤cψ(F(X)), thenF(X) is relatively compact. In particular, if

c=1,Fis calledcondensing.

In [5] it is shown that the Kuratowski function is ac-measure of noncompactness on a subset of a paranormed space under certain conditions. An example of a pseudocon-densing map in the nonlocally convex topological vector spaceS(0, 1) is given in [6].

First we give the following fundamental property of a pseudocondensing map.

Lemma3.3. LetKbe a closed convex subset of a topological vector spaceE,Y a nonempty subset ofK, andψac-measure of noncompactness onK. IfF:Y→k(K)is a pseudocondens-ing map, then there exists a closed convex subsetCofKwithC∩Y= ∅such thatF(C∩Y) is a relatively compact subset ofC.

Proof. Choose a pointx0∈Y and let


. (3.1)

ThenΣ is nonempty becauseK∈Σ. Set C:=A∈ΣA andC1:=co(F(C∩Y)∪ {x0}).

SinceC∈Σ, we haveC1⊂Cand soF(C1∩Y)⊂F(C∩Y)⊂C1, thereforeC1Σ. Hence

it follows from definition ofCthatC=co(F(C∩Y)∪ {x0}). Sinceψis ac-measure of

noncompactness onK, we have


=cψF(C∩Y). (3.2)

SinceFis pseudocondensing,F(C∩Y) is a relatively compact subset ofC. This completes

the proof.

Now we can prove a fixed point theorem for pseudocondensing admissible maps in


Theorem3.4. LetKbe a nonempty closed convex set in anF-spaceEandψa regularc -measure of noncompactness onK. Then any pseudocondensing admissible mapF:K→k(K) has a fixed point.

Proof. LetF:K→k(K) be a pseudocondensing admissible map. ByLemma 3.3, there ex-ists a nonempty closed convex subsetBofKsuch thatF(B) is a relatively compact subset ofB. Note thatC:=coF(B) is compact andC⊂B. In fact, sinceψ is regular andc≥1, it follows fromψ(coF(B))≤cψ(F(B)) thatψ(coF(B))=0 which implies that coF(B) is precompact. Hence the closed setCis obviously compact in the complete metric spaceE. The restriction ofF to the compact convex setC,G:=F|C:C→k(C), is an admissible map.Theorem 2.4implies thatGhas a fixed point. We conclude thatFhas a fixed point.

This completes the proof.


Proof. For any subsetX of K, sinceF(K) is relatively compact,F(X) is also relatively compact. This means that every compact mapFis pseudocondensing. NowTheorem 3.4

is applicable.

Remark 3.6. The more concrete case of a pseudocondensing mapF:K→k(K) with con-vex values which has a fixed point can be found in [6, Theorem 3], where K= {x∈

S(0, 1) :|x(t)| ≤1/2 for allt∈[0, 1]}is a subset of theF-spaceS(0, 1) andψis the Kura-towski function onK.

We present another fixed point theorem for condensing admissible maps in Fr´echet spaces which includes that of Sadovskii [13].

Theorem3.7. LetKbe a nonempty closed convex set in a Fr´echet spaceEandψa measure of noncompactness onK. Then any condensing admissible mapF:K→k(K)has a fixed point.

Proof. LetF:K→k(K) be a condensing admissible map. ApplyingLemma 3.3withc=1, there exists a nonempty closed convex subsetBofK such thatF(B) is a relatively com-pact subset ofB. HenceC:=coF(B) is compact, noting that the closed convex hull of a compact set in a Fr´echet space is compact. The restrictionG:=F|C:C→k(C) is an ad-missible map.Theorem 2.4implies thatGhas a fixed point and so doesF. This completes

the proof.

Corollary3.8 (Sadovskii [13]). IfK is a nonempty closed, bounded, and convex subset of a Banach spaceE, andψis the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness onE, then every condensing single-valued map f :K→Khas a fixed point.

Next we introduce a concept of a countably condensing map due to V¨ath [15] which is more general than that of a condensing map. The fact that we restrict ourselves to countable sets in the definition is important in connection with differential and integral operators.

Definition 3.9. Let K be a closed convex subset of a topological vector space E,Y a nonempty subset ofK, andψa measure of noncompactness onK. An upper semicontin-uous mapF:Y→k(K) is said to becountably condensingonY provided that ifXis any countable subset ofY such thatψ(X)≤ψ(F(X)), thenXis relatively compact.

The following result of V¨ath says that the theory of countably condensing maps re-duces to that of compact maps; see [15, Corollary 2.1] or [16, Corollary 3.1].

Lemma3.10. LetKbe a closed convex subset of a Fr´echet spaceEandYa nonempty closed subset ofK. IfF:Y→k(K)is a countably condensing map, then there exists a closed convex setCinKsuch thatF(C∩Y)is a subset ofCandcoF(C∩Y)is compact.

Finally, we present the following fixed point theorem for countably condensing admis-sible maps in Fr´echet spaces.


Proof. LetF:K→k(K) be a countably condensing admissible map. Then by Lemma 3.10, there exists a closed convex subsetBofKsuch thatF(B) is a subset ofBand coF(B) is a compact subset ofK. The mapG:=F|B:B→k(B) is a compact admissible map. ApplyingCorollary 3.5,Ghas a fixed point which is also a fixed point ofF. This completes

the proof.

Corollary 3.12. IfK is a nonempty closed convex set in a Fr´echet spaceE, then every countably condensing single-valued map f :K→Khas a fixed point.

Remark 3.13. In addition, ifψis a regular measure of noncompactness on a closed convex setK in a Fr´echet space E, then an upper semicontinuous mapF:K→k(K) is count-ably condensing if and only if F(X) is relatively compact for any countable subsetX ofK such thatψ(X)≤ψ(F(X)). In this situation,Theorem 3.7is a particular form of Theorem 3.11.


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In-Sook Kim: Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea


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