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ambient assisted living

Internet of Ambience: An IoT Based Context Aware Monitoring Strategy for Ambient Assisted Living

Internet of Ambience: An IoT Based Context Aware Monitoring Strategy for Ambient Assisted Living

... of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems is sent to the ...surrounding ambient conditions, device status, ...in Ambient Assisted ...


Video Based Technology for Ambient Assisted Living: A review of the literature

Video Based Technology for Ambient Assisted Living: A review of the literature

... Ambient assisted living (AAL) has the ambitious goal of improving the quality of life and maintaining indepen- dence of older and vulnerable people through the use of ...


Flexible context aware interface for ambient assisted living

Flexible context aware interface for ambient assisted living

... of assisted living systems that aim to provide efficient and effective assistance and support to older people in their own ...An Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solution provides a ...


Localino T-shirt: The Real-time Indoor Localization in Ambient Assisted Living Applications

Localino T-shirt: The Real-time Indoor Localization in Ambient Assisted Living Applications

... A smart T-shirt for real-time indoor localization is presented in this paper. The smart T-shirt comprises a Localino tag for indoor localization, as well as a power bank and a solar charger for power supply and charging ...


Requirements and metrics for location and tracking for ambient assisted living

Requirements and metrics for location and tracking for ambient assisted living

... of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and, as a result, they reduce the viability of adopting AAL services as an alternative for continuous healthcare ...


Automated parametrical antenna modelling for ambient assisted living applications

Automated parametrical antenna modelling for ambient assisted living applications

... For an energy-efficient and secure wireless medical data transmission in future Mobile Ambient Assisted Living (MAS) devices, novel antenna concepts in the near field re- gion need to be ...


Human Action Recognition and Monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living Environments

Human Action Recognition and Monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living Environments

... of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) offer a feasible response, allowing the creation of human-centric smart environments that are sensitive, adaptive and responsive to the needs, habits and behaviours ...


Speech and Gesture Interaction in an Ambient Assisted Living Lab

Speech and Gesture Interaction in an Ambient Assisted Living Lab

... Important empirical data were collected through the user study, which encouraged further developments on our multimodal interactive system for Ambient Assisted Living environments... Mul[r] ...


An Ambient Assisted Living Technology Platform for Informal Carers of the Elderly - iCarer

An Ambient Assisted Living Technology Platform for Informal Carers of the Elderly - iCarer

... an ambient assisted living platform has been ...daily living using unobtrusive sensors within the home, and allows the carers to record their own wellbeing ...


2 The Use Case of Ambient Assisted Living utilizing the UniversAAL Project.

2 The Use Case of Ambient Assisted Living utilizing the UniversAAL Project.

... This position statement argues the case for using the domain of Ambient Assisted Living for requirements gathering for, and large scale experimentation of, the Future Internet Core Platform. We ...


Guide for Applicants Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme Call 6

Guide for Applicants Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme Call 6

... The handling of ethical issues in the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme is dependent on the national rules of the involved partners in a project that is to be funded. In some countries, ...


Ambient Assisted Living technologie bij mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking

Ambient Assisted Living technologie bij mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking

... Pagina | 9 van leven, zelfstandigheid, deelnemen in de maatschappij en het langer doorwerken te bevorderen en de kosten van zorg te verlagen (Ambient Assisted Living Association, 2012). Gebruikers ...


Acceptance of ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies among older Australians : a review of barriers in user experience

Acceptance of ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies among older Australians : a review of barriers in user experience

... world. Ambient assisted living (AAL) technologies are mainly built to help older people and disabled people to live ...of ambient intelligence which refers to “electronic environments that are ...


Ambient Assisted Living: A Research on Human Activity Recognition and Vital Health Sign Monitoring using Deep Learning Approaches

Ambient Assisted Living: A Research on Human Activity Recognition and Vital Health Sign Monitoring using Deep Learning Approaches

... localization, ambient assisted living, industry manufacturing ...the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is the Human Activity Recognition (HAR) of the aged seniors within their ...


Contributions of ambient assisted living for health and quality of life in the elderly and care services - a qualitative analysis from the experts’ perspective of care service professionals

Contributions of ambient assisted living for health and quality of life in the elderly and care services - a qualitative analysis from the experts’ perspective of care service professionals

... funding the healthcare systems. One of the major chal- lenges in geriatric care is the maintenance of independency and prevention of institutionalization [2]. To address this one approach is to give elderly the ...


Ubiquitous Computing at its best: Serious exercise games for older adults in ambient assisted living environments – a technology acceptance perspective

Ubiquitous Computing at its best: Serious exercise games for older adults in ambient assisted living environments – a technology acceptance perspective

... and ambient assisted living are slowly becoming reality: Smart homes that connect and orchestrate various devices inside a home and personal drones in the form of robot vacuum cleaners facilitate the ...


Ethical Assessment in the Design of Ambient Assisted Living

Ethical Assessment in the Design of Ambient Assisted Living

... Abstract. This paper tackles on ethical issues that are relevant when designing new technological service systems for the assisted living. In this paper we present our preliminary ethical guidelines that ...


Better Health and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

Better Health and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

... Internet chats using voice or video, providing a chance to share holiday pictures or play games together, are a new version of families or friends not living together being able to share live experiences. In order  ...


Assessing the impact of smart home and ambient assisted living technology on the dementia care value network and business model

Assessing the impact of smart home and ambient assisted living technology on the dementia care value network and business model

... of instruments in daily activities (IADL), and robots assisting with enhanced activities of daily living (EADL). ADL tasks include activities for self-maintenance such as eating and tak- ing care of hygiene. ...


A Radar-Based Smart Sensor for Unobtrusive Elderly Monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living Applications

A Radar-Based Smart Sensor for Unobtrusive Elderly Monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living Applications

... Keywords: fall detection; vital signs monitoring; ultra-wideband radar; micro-Doppler 32.. 33.[r] ...


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