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and Turnover Intention

The Effects of Burnout on Task Performance and Turnover Intention of New Generation of Skilled Workers

The Effects of Burnout on Task Performance and Turnover Intention of New Generation of Skilled Workers

... and turnover intention of skilled ...their turnover intention, which was one of the reasons for the shortage of skilled workers and labor ...


The relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention among physicians from urban state owned medical institutions in Hubei, China: a cross sectional study

The relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention among physicians from urban state owned medical institutions in Hubei, China: a cross sectional study

... on turnover intention, comparisons were made among groups from the three urban areas with different devel- opment levels and urban state-owned medical institu- tions with different grades by one-way ANOVA ...


Study on the Impact of Non -Financial Rewards on Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation (with Special Reference to the Hotel Industry of Sri Lanka)

Study on the Impact of Non -Financial Rewards on Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation (with Special Reference to the Hotel Industry of Sri Lanka)

... on turnover intention for operational level employees in the hotel ...and Turnover Intention of the ...the intention of operational level employee turnover in the hotel industry, ...


Emotional Labor Strategy of Hotel Frontline Employees: The Antecedents and Consequences

Emotional Labor Strategy of Hotel Frontline Employees: The Antecedents and Consequences

... and turnover intention as consequences of emotional labor, discuss what effects emotional labor strategy for hotel frontline employees make on the two va- ...




... A non-probability purposive and random method of sampling so as to give all individuals within the population equal chance to be chosen. Professional educators of higher Educational institutions in Bangalore constitute ...


Linking transformational leadership to turnover intention in the public sector: The influences of engagement, affective commitment and psychological climate

Linking transformational leadership to turnover intention in the public sector: The influences of engagement, affective commitment and psychological climate

... voluntary turnover intention (r = ...on turnover intention ( = ...and turnover intention (standardized indirect effect = ...and turnover intention (standardized ...


Empirical Research on Relationship of Caddies’ Reward Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention

Empirical Research on Relationship of Caddies’ Reward Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention

... on turnover intention (H2, H3), and affective commitment and continual commit- ment can predict turnover ...and turnover intention ...with turnover intention; ...


What about us? Measuring the work life balance of people who do not have children

What about us? Measuring the work life balance of people who do not have children

... and turnover intention for those with and without children and by a negative relationship between organisational identity and turnover ...less intention to leave that ...


Work life conflict and its impact on Turnover intention of Employees: The Mediation Role of Job satisfaction

Work life conflict and its impact on Turnover intention of Employees: The Mediation Role of Job satisfaction

... employee turnover has become a critical problem for this ...and turnover intention and the mediation role of job ...and turnover intention and it is partially mediated by the job ...


Which Characters of Knowledge Based  Employees Have Higher Turnover Intension in Chinese Culture Industry?

Which Characters of Knowledge Based Employees Have Higher Turnover Intension in Chinese Culture Industry?

... and turnover intention of knowledge ...and turnover intention are nega- tively correlated are teachers in universities and colleges as well as staff in science and technology ...the ...


Nurses Perception towards Determinants of Turnover in Psychiatric and General Hospital, Makkah Province

Nurses Perception towards Determinants of Turnover in Psychiatric and General Hospital, Makkah Province

... the turnover intention of nurses and the intervening role of ...nurses’ turnover intentions usually follow from psychological responses to negative as- pects at work (Takase, ...and turnover ...


The crowding out effect of the extrinsic motivation: An empirical study on the turnover intention of members of the youth social organization

The crowding out effect of the extrinsic motivation: An empirical study on the turnover intention of members of the youth social organization

... According to the theory of social identification, people seek for and attach to some group out of potential requirement of self-satisfaction. They have the similar quality and preference with the internal members (Gagné ...


The Moderation Effects of Perceptions of Organizational Politics on the Relationship between Work Stress and Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study about Civilian in Skeleton Government of China

The Moderation Effects of Perceptions of Organizational Politics on the Relationship between Work Stress and Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study about Civilian in Skeleton Government of China

... The prediction and understanding of employee turn- over has been studied from many different perspectives. Most of the past studies have focused on single direct antecedents and examined their roles in the context of ...


Relationships of work characteristics to job satisfaction, turnover intention, and burnout among doctors in the district public private mixed health system of Bangladesh

Relationships of work characteristics to job satisfaction, turnover intention, and burnout among doctors in the district public private mixed health system of Bangladesh

... Within limitations the health system of Bangladesh has recognizable achievements; for example, reduction in the infant mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio [3]. Doctors ’ are among the key internal clients of the ...


Factors related to health related quality of life among Chinese psychiatrists: occupational stress and psychological capital

Factors related to health related quality of life among Chinese psychiatrists: occupational stress and psychological capital

... combating employee’s occupational stress and turnover, burnout and depression. As regards health care workers, high PsyCap increases constructive emotions, reduces destructive emotions and eventually increase ...


Turnover Intention Among Categories Of Staff In The Hotel Industry In Ghana: A Case Of Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis

Turnover Intention Among Categories Of Staff In The Hotel Industry In Ghana: A Case Of Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis

... One of the major factors that are frequently cited to influence turnover intention is levels of income of employees (Ali, n.d.; Lee, Huang & Zhao, n.d.; Arthur, 2015). Therefore, the study went on to ...


Factors of Influencing Turnover Intention among Nursing Home Staff in Malaysia

Factors of Influencing Turnover Intention among Nursing Home Staff in Malaysia

... the turnover intention among nursing home ...the turnover intention in nurses working in a hospital, but as far as the authors' concern, there are limited resources regarding the factors ...


Assesment person organization fit and its effect on turnover intention of acadamic professionals in Ethiopia: evidence from Hawassa Auniversity

Assesment person organization fit and its effect on turnover intention of acadamic professionals in Ethiopia: evidence from Hawassa Auniversity

... fit (Locke, 1976). Ethiopia, as of now, is one of the fast growing countries in the world. The past two decades, in this regard has witnessed the emergence of quite a large number of public and private higher ...


Factors Affecting Workers Turnover Intention In Manufacturing Sector At Melaka

Factors Affecting Workers Turnover Intention In Manufacturing Sector At Melaka

... predicting turnover desire which along these lines makes it a not too bad marker of genuine ...fide turnover have a strong positive relationship with the desire to ...genuine turnover and ...


Determinants of Turnover Intention in the Private Universities in Malaysia: A Conceptual Paper

Determinants of Turnover Intention in the Private Universities in Malaysia: A Conceptual Paper

... to turnover intention, studies have shown that high staff turnover is regularly the outcome of a poor working environment ( Hinkin, & Tracey, 2000) , and that relationships with management team ...


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