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banking sector development

Ethiopian Banking Sector Development

Ethiopian Banking Sector Development

... Developed financial system in addition to its size and efficiency, it differs from other by its composition. Developed financial system consists of financial intermediaries and financial market for primary and secondary ...


Simulating Banking Sector Development in the GCC States

Simulating Banking Sector Development in the GCC States

... the banking sector depth determinant models put forward by Al-Moulani and Alexiou ...which banking sector depth contributes the most to long-term economic ...the banking sector ...


Sources of banking sector development: Case of Pakistan

Sources of banking sector development: Case of Pakistan

... From the empirical results, it is concluded that gross fixed capital formation, interest rate, remittances, trade deficit, and con- sumer price index have a long-run relationship with domestic cred- it to the private ...


Remmittances, Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Fiji

Remmittances, Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Fiji

... and banking sector development in ...financial sector compared to Tonga and ...of banking sector compared to non banking sector in the Fiji’s financial system, it ...


The Casual Nexus of Banking Sector Development and Poverty Reduction

The Casual Nexus of Banking Sector Development and Poverty Reduction

... between banking sector development and poverty reduction in the case of ...Bangladesh’ banking sector ...financial sector development in the long ...


The Impact of Banking Sector Development on Capital Structure of Non-financial Sector Firms in Pakistan

The Impact of Banking Sector Development on Capital Structure of Non-financial Sector Firms in Pakistan

... between banking sector development and capital structure ...(2004) banking sector development envisioned its impacts on capital ...or development of banking ...


Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Palestine; 1995 2014

Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Palestine; 1995 2014

... by banking efficiency too. Meanwhile banking efficiency granger cause GDP per capita a situation denotes the reality that credit lending inflows to private sector goes to personal consumption rather ...


Determinants of banking sector development in emerging economies: panel estimation

Determinants of banking sector development in emerging economies: panel estimation

... on banking sector development remains inconclusive in ...on banking sector development through improving individuals' financial positions as a result they will demand less ...


Essays on banking sector development and economic growth in developing economies.

Essays on banking sector development and economic growth in developing economies.

... market development on aggregate economic growth of India where they use M3 over GDP as the main proxy for financial ...financial development and regional economic growth in ...f banking regulations ...


Banking Sector Development and Household Saving in Emerging Eastern Europe

Banking Sector Development and Household Saving in Emerging Eastern Europe

... This paper will extend the existing literature on saving in Emerging European countries in several directions. First, the paper provides a deeper analysis of the impact of banking sector development ...


Banking sector development and economic growth: evidence from Zimbabwe

Banking sector development and economic growth: evidence from Zimbabwe

... of banking sector development and economic growth in Zimbabwe is investi- ...of banking development in a stunted economic growth ...financial sector went through years of ...


Banking Sector Development And Capital Formation In  Nigeria: A Multivariate Analysis

Banking Sector Development And Capital Formation In Nigeria: A Multivariate Analysis

... of banking sector development on Nigerian capital ...various banking sector reforms affect Nigerian capital ...that banking sector development have significant ...




... between Banking Sector Development and economic growth in Nigeria using analytical econometric ...to Banking Sector Development, thereby promoting economic growth in Nigeria both ...


Measuring banking sector development

Measuring banking sector development

... the banking sector, among others, comprise market-based measures of the prob- ability of default of banks in a country, and data on the quality and performance of corporate sector and household ...


Bank Efficiency and Banking Sector Development: the Case of Italy

Bank Efficiency and Banking Sector Development: the Case of Italy

... Moreover, after finding evidence of variable returns to scale as mentioned above, they tried to identify some factors influencing the efficiency scores. Sim- ilarly to what they did for geographical localization, they ...


Banking Sector Development in Ghana for the Period 1989 to 2010

Banking Sector Development in Ghana for the Period 1989 to 2010

... the development of the banking sector in Ghana over the past 22 ...the banking sector by analysing the following financial deepening indicators: ratio of bank asset to GDP, ratio of ...


Banking sector (under?) development in Central and Eastern Europe

Banking sector (under?) development in Central and Eastern Europe

... market development. We present a closer look at the development of capital markets in CEE in absolute measures and relative to banking sector development in order to see whether these ...


Development of non-banking sector in EU and Bulgaria

Development of non-banking sector in EU and Bulgaria

... non-banking sector in Bulgaria follows the trends in Western ...non-banking sector in Bulgaria is distinguished by specifics arising from carried out reforms and due to the effects of global ...


Banking Sector and the Development of SMEs in Osun State

Banking Sector and the Development of SMEs in Osun State

... the development of entrepreneurs cannot be overemphasized and the role they play in economic development and how they are financed through both formal and informal ...The development experience of ...


The Development of the Hungarian Banking Sector Prior to Basel II

The Development of the Hungarian Banking Sector Prior to Basel II

... Obviously, there is a wide range of reasons why foreign banks enter the markets. Legislation must consider and prepare for the danger of the entrances, such as a high probability of foreign influence over capital flows ...


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