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delayed cord clamping

Effects of Placental Transfusion by Delayed Cord Clamping or Umbilical Cord Milking versus Immediate Cord Clamping on Neonatal Outcomes in Very Low Birth Weight Neonates

Effects of Placental Transfusion by Delayed Cord Clamping or Umbilical Cord Milking versus Immediate Cord Clamping on Neonatal Outcomes in Very Low Birth Weight Neonates

... of delayed umbilical cord clamping (DCC) in all premature neonates as a means of placental transfusion because of its sig- nificant associated benefits ...by delayed cord ...


Measuring cardiac changes using electrical impedance during delayed cord clamping: a feasibility trial

Measuring cardiac changes using electrical impedance during delayed cord clamping: a feasibility trial

... ate cord clamping, since the aim of our study was to de- termine the infant’s physiological changes occurring during delayed cord ...center delayed cord clamping is ...


Assessment of effectiveness of delayed cord clamping and umbilical cord milking in early term and preterm infants

Assessment of effectiveness of delayed cord clamping and umbilical cord milking in early term and preterm infants

... Index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI) and cerebral blood flow velocities of middle cerebral artery (MCA) were measured at 24 to 48h of life. A recent meta-analysis of UCM including seven randomized clinical trials involving ...


Steps for implementing delayed cord clamping in a hospital setting

Steps for implementing delayed cord clamping in a hospital setting

... “delayedcord clamping may also contribute to hesitancy in adopting DCC, since this term is often associated with a negative con- notation of waiting, particularly in a society that values immediate ...


Transitional fetal hemodynamics and gas exchange in premature postpartum adaptation: immediate vs. delayed cord clamping

Transitional fetal hemodynamics and gas exchange in premature postpartum adaptation: immediate vs. delayed cord clamping

... immediate cord clamping (ICC) as its harmful effects for neonates are being documented in recent bodies of work [1, ...the cord is clamped before ventilation is established ...which delayed ...


A randomised control trial comparing the efficacy of cord milking over the delayed cord clamping on serum ferritin level in preterm neonates at 6 weeks of age

A randomised control trial comparing the efficacy of cord milking over the delayed cord clamping on serum ferritin level in preterm neonates at 6 weeks of age

... immediately clamping the umbilical cord will deprive the infant of a substantial portion of TBI at ...umbilical cord milking is an efficient placental transfusion strategy over delayed ...


A comparative study of early and delayed cord clamping in term deliveries

A comparative study of early and delayed cord clamping in term deliveries

... (early cord clamping) had patients where cord clamping was done within 30 seconds and in Group B (delayed cord clamping) cord was clamped after 60 ...


Comparison of delayed cord clamping and umbilical cord milking in late preterm and term Infants – An Open Label Randomised Control Trial.

Comparison of delayed cord clamping and umbilical cord milking in late preterm and term Infants – An Open Label Randomised Control Trial.



Early versus delayed cord clamping in small for gestational age infants and iron stores at 3 months of age - a randomized controlled trial

Early versus delayed cord clamping in small for gestational age infants and iron stores at 3 months of age - a randomized controlled trial

... and delayed cord clamping strategies in term infants has also shown similar results of lower incidence of iron deficiency in DCC group and similar hemoglobin in both the groups ...


Delayed cord clamping during elective cesarean deliveries: results of a pilot safety trial

Delayed cord clamping during elective cesarean deliveries: results of a pilot safety trial

... that cord clamping can be safely delayed for at least 120 s in elective CD without resulting in excess maternal blood loss and further suggest maternal blood loss may be decreased with the protocol ...


Effect of early versus delayed cord clamping in neonate on heart rate, breathing and oxygen saturation during first 10 minutes of birth - randomized clinical trial

Effect of early versus delayed cord clamping in neonate on heart rate, breathing and oxygen saturation during first 10 minutes of birth - randomized clinical trial

... The observational study in newborns by Smith et al. Two thousand fourteen also showed early clamping resulted in a higher heart rate [16]. Findings of Polglase et al. and Smith et al. was concurrent with our ...


Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 and 3.5 Years for Very Preterm Babies Enrolled in a Randomized Trial of Milking the Umbilical Cord versus Delayed Cord Clamping

Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 and 3.5 Years for Very Preterm Babies Enrolled in a Randomized Trial of Milking the Umbilical Cord versus Delayed Cord Clamping

... experience cord milking or delayed cord clamping at ...and delayed cord clamping followed infants up to seven months of age but the authors recommended that follow-up ...


A Study to assess the effect of delayed cord clamping on physiological parameters of full term babies born by Vaginal Delivery in a selected Hospital at Coimbatore

A Study to assess the effect of delayed cord clamping on physiological parameters of full term babies born by Vaginal Delivery in a selected Hospital at Coimbatore

... to cord clamping within the first 15 seconds (group 1), at 1 minute (group 2), or at 3 minutes (group 3) after ...that delayed cord clamping at birth increases neonatal mean venous ...


Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping at 30 Seconds and 1 Minute on Neonatal Hematocrit in Term Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Trial

<p>Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping at 30 Seconds and 1 Minute on Neonatal Hematocrit in Term Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Trial</p>

... immediate cord clamping (within 15 seconds after birth) with DCC (60 seconds after birth) in cesarean ...problematic. Delayed cord clamping time in vaginal delivery can vary between 30 ...


Association between oxidative stress and cord serum lipids in relation to delayed cord clamping in term neonates

Association between oxidative stress and cord serum lipids in relation to delayed cord clamping in term neonates

... Early cord clamping (ECC) group and delayed cord clamping (DCC) group based on computer-generated random ...umbilical cord was clamped within 30 s of fetus expulsion and in the ...


Delayed Cord Clamping Increased the Need for Phototherapy Treatment in Infants With AB0 Alloimmunization Born by Cesarean Section: A Retrospective Study

Delayed Cord Clamping Increased the Need for Phototherapy Treatment in Infants With AB0 Alloimmunization Born by Cesarean Section: A Retrospective Study

... DCC, Delayed Cord Clamping; dl, deciliter; ICC, Immediate Cord Clamping; IQR, InterQuartile Range; mg, milligrams; NS, Newborn Screening; SD, Standard ...


Implementing delayed cord clamping in premature infants

Implementing delayed cord clamping in premature infants

... 2 Delayed cord clamping performance and ...of delayed cord clamping for at least 60 s (blue line) is shown by quarterly performance in this control ...DCC, delayed ...


Haematocrit in

Haematocrit in <35 weeks preterm infants who received at least 60 seconds of delayed cord clamping: a retrospective observational study

... their cord clamped after a mean of 172 s compared with a control group who had their cord clamped after a mean of 28 s had higher haematocrit at 48 hours, as well as higher ferritin and evidence of better ...


The Effect of Umbilical Cord Milking Compared with Delayed Cord Clamping in Term Neonates: A Randomized Controlled Trial

<p>The Effect of Umbilical Cord Milking Compared with Delayed Cord Clamping in Term Neonates: A Randomized Controlled Trial</p>

... umbilical cord length less than 25 cm or cord abnormality (such as true knots or cord prolapse), multiple gestation, maternal Rh-negative blood group, positive anti-HIV, posi- tive HBsAg, and ...


Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping in Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping in Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization

... Gestational age and Hb at first IUT were comparable (Table 2). Antenatal management was similar during the periods with comparable delay between last IUT and birth, and same rate of MCA PSV ≥ 1.5 MoM before delivery. We ...


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