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European Social Model

Between neoliberalism and nationalist populism: What role for the ‘European Social Model’ and social quality in post-Brexit Europe?

Between neoliberalism and nationalist populism: What role for the ‘European Social Model’ and social quality in post-Brexit Europe?

... the European social model is seen as a brake on the remorseless global ideology of ...residual social protection, and minimal, often means-tested support, as in Esping-Andersen's (1999) ...


Central and eastern european social model

Central and eastern european social model

... the social policies in the EU state members, greater number of unemployed persons, all these represent threats that demand reformation of the European social ...and social cohesion and the ...


Between neoliberalism and nationalist populism: what role for the 'European social model' and social quality in post-Brexit Europe?

Between neoliberalism and nationalist populism: what role for the 'European social model' and social quality in post-Brexit Europe?

... The European social model may have been more of a weak rhetorical device than a metatheory or specific policy ...the European social model, for example, from the social ...


The End of the European Social Model: Before It Began?

The End of the European Social Model: Before It Began?

... as social entities as well as bundles of assets and political bargaining between the interests groups of capital and labour was ...the European Community (as it then was) was identified with ...the ...


Capital, Labor, and the Prospects of the European Social Model in the East. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper, no. 58, 2004

Capital, Labor, and the Prospects of the European Social Model in the East. CES Central & Eastern Europe Working Paper, no. 58, 2004

... the European social model, how likely is it that the EU or its member states provide stronger support for a social Eastern Europe – financially or otherwise? Current evidence seems to indicate ...


The EMU Macroeconomic Policy Regime and the European Social Model. CES Working Paper, no.114, 2004

The EMU Macroeconomic Policy Regime and the European Social Model. CES Working Paper, no.114, 2004

... As we saw, the ECB ’s actions and statements suggest that it believes growth cannot be allowed to exceed the 2 - 2.5 percent long-term trend rate the ECB evidently regards as consistent with stable inflation, even if ...


The Lisbon process, re visited  A reality check of the European social model

The Lisbon process, re visited A reality check of the European social model

... At this point and in view of the results confirmed in Tausch, 2006 it seems appropriate to recall here that Galtung’s original 1969 essay that started the quantitative debate on dependency and development was all ...


The contribution of International Labour Law to the challenge of globalisation

The contribution of International Labour Law to the challenge of globalisation

... A 'European social model' was de- signed: consultation of works councils, negotiation with unions, and protec- tion of the incomes of the workers were generally accepted common elements [r] ...


Europeanizing social models?

Europeanizing social models?

... broad European political economy issues pertinent to social policy over attempting to distill the essence of national or European social model(s) and their evolution in the wake of ...


Europe's Crisis: Market competition instead of social bonds

Europe's Crisis: Market competition instead of social bonds

... of social rights. Far from undermining the European nation state, the (then) EEC consolidated it – this was the ‘European rescue of the nation state’ (Milward, ...and European states acquired ...


Forum Special 5 years of social policy

Forum Special 5 years of social policy

... Industrial Relations and Social Affairs • From the Single Act to Amsterdam: The Evolution of European Employment and Social Policy • The European Employment Strategy - Towards More and B[r] ...


Economic Rationality and Support for European Identity Providers

Economic Rationality and Support for European Identity Providers

... analyzing European identity determinants we consider similar factors to those addressed in assessing elements that determine support for EU inte- gration: economic costs and benefits, the importance of cognitive ...


Social Europe Supplement on New Technologies And Social Change Office Automation

Social Europe Supplement on New Technologies And Social Change Office Automation

... European Communities — Commission Social Europe Supplement on New technologies and social change — Office automation Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communit[r] ...


Industrial Relations in Europe 2006

Industrial Relations in Europe 2006

... The social partners in the railway sector carried out in 2004-2005 a project on the representation and bet- ter integration of women in the differ- ent professions of the ...


Conclusions of the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: the future of cohesion policy. Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. C

Conclusions of the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: the future of cohesion policy. Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2010) 642 final, 9 November 2010

... principles could be linked to, for example, transposition of specific EU legislation, the financing of strategic EU projects, or administrative, evaluation and institutional capacity. On this basis, specific binding ...


What the EC is doing to provide more jobs. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Information Note, NR (78) 22, 1 June 1978

What the EC is doing to provide more jobs. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) Information Note, NR (78) 22, 1 June 1978

... Extending Role of European Social Fund The most important Community instruments for structural development and the provision of stable employment remain the European Social Fund, the Eur[r] ...


Rebranding Capital Markets Union: A market finance action plan  CEPS ECMI Task Force, June 2019

Rebranding Capital Markets Union: A market finance action plan CEPS ECMI Task Force, June 2019

... While the policy debate around the creation and structure of a European safe asset continues, it would be perhaps better to take a more pragmatic approach towards such an initiative. For example, a good starting ...


Pervasiveness and efficacy in regulatory governance – neo liberalism as ideology and practice in European telecommunications reorganisation

Pervasiveness and efficacy in regulatory governance – neo liberalism as ideology and practice in European telecommunications reorganisation

... the social dimension of ...its social purpose as a communication tool became clearer and the goal of providing as many people as possible with the ability to access telecommunications was established as a ...


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