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fixed exchange rate

Trade Liberalization with a Fixed Exchange Rate

Trade Liberalization with a Fixed Exchange Rate

... From the perspective of relative price changes, and contrary to what may be required in the long run, liberalizing trade with a fixed exchange rate is likely to initially translate into a reduction ...


Bretton Woods Fixed Exchange Rate System versus Floating Exchange Rate System

Bretton Woods Fixed Exchange Rate System versus Floating Exchange Rate System

... chose fixed exchange rates in order to escape from inflation and a positive feature for countries which intend to have more control over their national ...the fixed exchange rate regime ...


Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime

Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime

... of exchange rate, Paoli (2009) discussed the welfare effect of monetary policy with consumption home ...a fixed peg or managed float regime, Bajo-Rubio and Diaz-Roldan (2016) presented a novel ...


The Thai Currency Crisis: Fracture in a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime

The Thai Currency Crisis: Fracture in a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime

... how exchange rates function in the international economy. The exchange rate of a currency with respect to another is simply the price of one currency denominated in ...of exchange can either ...


Monetary policy in oil exporting countries with fixed exchange rate and open capital account: expectations matter

Monetary policy in oil exporting countries with fixed exchange rate and open capital account: expectations matter

... 3 Therefore, a consistent analytical framework for UAE economy should at least consider the exchange rate regime fixity, the capital account openness and the oil prices importance. This paper suggests a ...


Volatility of a Seemingly Fixed Exchange Rate

Volatility of a Seemingly Fixed Exchange Rate

... of exchange rates and their distribution. Knowledge of the exchange rates’ behavior has important implications on the decisions made in the international financial ...the exchange rates of the ...


Do Fixers Perform Worse than Non Fixers during Global Recessions and Recoveries?

Do Fixers Perform Worse than Non Fixers during Global Recessions and Recoveries?

... different exchange rate regimes experience significantly different growth rates during global recessions and recoveries? To address this question, I amend the previous specification to incorporate the ...


Choice of exchange rate regimes for African countries: Fixed or Flexible Exchange rate regimes?

Choice of exchange rate regimes for African countries: Fixed or Flexible Exchange rate regimes?

... appropriate exchange rate regime for any given developing economy is likely to depend on its degree of exposure to international capital and the level to which its domestic financial sector has matured, ...


Does Monetary Policy Matter For Trade?

Does Monetary Policy Matter For Trade?

... the exchange rate will be close to constant over a period of time in the ...a fixed exchange rate and the bilateral trade between a base country and a country that peg to it expands by ...


Real Output and Prices Adjustments Under Different Exchange Rate Regimes

Real Output and Prices Adjustments Under Different Exchange Rate Regimes

... real exchange rate) in the European transition economies during the pre-crisis ...negative exchange rate shock was followed by the industrial production (IP) increase in all ten European ...


Exchange Rate Management and Economic Growth: An FMOLS Approach

Exchange Rate Management and Economic Growth: An FMOLS Approach

... Exchange rate instability is menacing economic growth in ...examine exchange rate fluctuation during the different exchange rate regime, its impact on economic growth rate ...


Modelling Currency Crises in Nigeria: An Application of Logit Model

Modelling Currency Crises in Nigeria: An Application of Logit Model

... Nigeria, exchange rate policies are implemented by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and consistently targeted at avoiding substantial misalignments as well as achieving a realistic Naira exchange ...


Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... The exchange rate measures the value of one country currency in terms of other ...the exchange rate system being followed. Under a fixed exchange rate system, this value ...


Revisiting exchange rate puzzles

Revisiting exchange rate puzzles

... six exchange rate puzzles focusing on countries within the euro area, regions in China and Canada, and Hong Kong SAR vis-à-vis the United ...rigidly fixed exchange rate regime, while ...


The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes for EU Accession Countries

The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes for EU Accession Countries

... the exchange rate policy of the candidate countries, current practices will be ...a fixed exchange rate regime with an anchor to the SDR, Hungary, an inflation targeting system close to ...


Optimal choice of an exchange rate regime: a critical literature review

Optimal choice of an exchange rate regime: a critical literature review

... a fixed parity with the french franc throughout its ...the fixed exchange rate ...nominal exchange rate as an instrument of ...of exchange rate regimes.By ...


On the evolution of credibility and flexible exchange rate target zones

On the evolution of credibility and flexible exchange rate target zones

... the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS has been characterised by periodic recourse to what have in e!ect been target zones for exchange rates, although at times obviously with such narrow band widths ...


Comparative Analyses Of Exchange Rate Regimes And Nigeria’s Economic Growth (1970 – 2016): A Structural Break Analysis

Comparative Analyses Of Exchange Rate Regimes And Nigeria’s Economic Growth (1970 – 2016): A Structural Break Analysis

... of exchange rate regimes and the impact on the Nigerian economy for the period 1970 to ...Two exchange rate regimes have been adopted by the CBN from 1970 till date namely: Fixed and ...




... Standard, fixed exchange rate, floating exchange rate, managed float, pegged exchange rate, Dollar nominated exchange rate and freely convertible currency; ...


Renminbi as Number two in East Asia

Renminbi as Number two in East Asia

... China’s fixed exchange rate system, which makes the renminbi variations indistinguishable from US dollar movements for quite some ...the rate of ...floating exchange rate regime ...


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