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Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)

Determination of the Peak Ground Acceleration for Operating Basis Earthquake and its Influence in Design of Structures

Determination of the Peak Ground Acceleration for Operating Basis Earthquake and its Influence in Design of Structures

... value of 0.22. There appears to be various practices of determining the peak ground acceleration for operating basis earthquake (OBE). The PGA for OBE is required to be at least a given fraction of ...


A novel model for comparing Peak Ground Acceleration derived from three attenuation laws using an integrated GIS technique in Sabah area, Malaysia

A novel model for comparing Peak Ground Acceleration derived from three attenuation laws using an integrated GIS technique in Sabah area, Malaysia

... and ground deformation has resulted in extensive damage to infrastructures in this area, specifically to schools and teachers quarters (Mohammed ...2012). Peak ground acceleration (PGA) is ...


Estimation of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration for South India with local site effects: probabilistic approach

Estimation of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration for South India with local site effects: probabilistic approach

... level peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration values can be different from the rock level ...design ground motion at a site, after incorporating the local site condi- ...


Assessment of Seismic Vibration Response of Structure to Expected Peak Ground Acceleration

Assessment of Seismic Vibration Response of Structure to Expected Peak Ground Acceleration

... the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and earthquake deformation ratio (EDR) which can be used for simplified dynamic analysis and can prove handy tool for structural engineers to know earthquake ...


Relationship between Modified Mercalli Intensity and peak ground acceleration in Myanmar

Relationship between Modified Mercalli Intensity and peak ground acceleration in Myanmar

... However, according to the limitations of the available PGA data in Myanmar, in particular for the past 100 years of earthquake events that are reported only as iso- seismal maps, then here the PGA is assumed for this ...


Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East : horizontal peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration

Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East : horizontal peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration

... that ground motions in Europe and California seem to be significantly ...in ground motions between western North America and Europe perhaps are not as significant as would be thought given the analysis of ...


Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East : vertical peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration

Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East : vertical peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration

... measured ground motion is proportional to the amplitude of the ground motion cannot be rejected, so the logarithmic transformation is ...increasing ground motion amplitude, which has never been ...


Probable Liquefaction Map for Purbachal New Town, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Probable Liquefaction Map for Purbachal New Town, Dhaka, Bangladesh

... calculate peak ground acceleration of surface rock layer ―Edushake‖ software is ...lithology, ground water table, thickness, unit weight, share wave velocity, plasticity index and damping ...


Seismic Hazard Analysis and Obtaining Uniform Hazard Spectra for Esfahan Region, Iran

Seismic Hazard Analysis and Obtaining Uniform Hazard Spectra for Esfahan Region, Iran

... determine peak ground acceleration (PGA) over bedrock in probabilistic analysis methods for the seismic hazard and uniform hazard spectra at different hazard levels for Esfahan ...


Development   of Uniform Hazard Response Spectra for a Site (K217)

Development of Uniform Hazard Response Spectra for a Site (K217)

... Traditionally, the seismic design basis ground motion has been specified by normalised response spectral shapes and peak ground acceleration (PGA). The mean recurrence interval (MRI) used to ...


Strong motion PGA prediction for southwestern China from small earthquake records

Strong motion PGA prediction for southwestern China from small earthquake records

... a joint inversion by the micro-genetic algorithm. The objec- tive function is defined as the summation of square differ- ences between envelopes of calculated and observed Fourier velocity amplitude spectra. The result ...


Natural disasters and demand for redistribution: lessons from an earthquake

Natural disasters and demand for redistribution: lessons from an earthquake

... the peak ground acceleration (PGA) recorded throughout the National Strong Motion Network during the L’Aquila earthquake with nationally represen- tative survey data about individual opinions and ...


A first-order second-moment calculation for seismic hazard assessment with the consideration of uncertain magnitude conversion

A first-order second-moment calculation for seismic hazard assessment with the consideration of uncertain magnitude conversion

... local ground motion model, magnitude conversion rela- tionship and earthquake catalog, the analysis shows that the best-estimate annual rate of peak ground acceleration (PGA) greater than ...


Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Of Major Dams Of Chhattisgarh State (India)

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Of Major Dams Of Chhattisgarh State (India)

... of Peak Ground Acceleration ...of Peak Ground Accelerations ...of Peak Ground Acceleration ...of Peak Ground Accelerations ...


Analysis of Data from   Structural Response Recorders in North and North East Indian Earthquakes   (K539)

Analysis of Data from Structural Response Recorders in North and North East Indian Earthquakes (K539)

... horizontal peak ground acceleration from SRR data by using mean values of spectral amplification factors for calculation of PGAs and applying correlation coefficient between RSA and PGA as weighing ...


Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Gorakhpur Region

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Gorakhpur Region

... of ground motion parameters at a particular area by considering some past earthquake ...of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and maximum credible earthquake ...of peak horizontal ...


Earthquake ground motion estimation using strong-motion records : a review of equations for the estimation of peak ground acceleration and response spectral ordinates

Earthquake ground motion estimation using strong-motion records : a review of equations for the estimation of peak ground acceleration and response spectral ordinates

... The other method for removing bias due to non-triggered instruments is the regression based method of Campbell and Bozorgnia 1994, Campbell 1997 and Chapman 1999 whi h uses all the avail[r] ...


Seismic hazard in low slip rate crustal faults, estimating the characteristic event and the most hazardous zone: study case San Ramón Fault, in southern Andes

Seismic hazard in low slip rate crustal faults, estimating the characteristic event and the most hazardous zone: study case San Ramón Fault, in southern Andes

... expected acceleration during a characteristic earth- quake, and then link this output with ...damage. Acceleration is an objective measure of the seismic effects, and thus it is not affected by the quality ...


Spatial Data Clustering and Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area

Spatial Data Clustering and Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area

... The data used in this study consists of the data peak ground acceleration (PGA), lithology and topography zone data. Data conversion processes have been done for lithology and topography zone from ...


Comparison Of Acceleration Spectra Modelled With Eurocode 8 Procedures And Detailed Seismic Wave Propagation In 2D.

Comparison Of Acceleration Spectra Modelled With Eurocode 8 Procedures And Detailed Seismic Wave Propagation In 2D.

... the peak ground acceleration (PGA) values on ground type A (rock) from the seismic hazard map of ...the ground is formed the response spectra which serves as input for seismic analysis ...


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