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Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed

Clinical and Etiological Profile of Children with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed and Endoscopic Correlation

Clinical and Etiological Profile of Children with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed and Endoscopic Correlation

... of upper gastrointestinal bleed in 68 children and adolescents, has observed, in descending order of frequency, the five most common causes of UGI bleed as duodenal ulcers ...


A review of duodenal metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix presenting as an upper gastrointestinal bleed

A review of duodenal metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix presenting as an upper gastrointestinal bleed

... A detailed review of the published English literature yielded only six cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix with documented metastases to the small bowel (Table 1). The most common site of metastases was the ...


Predicting risk of upper gastrointestinal bleed and intracranial bleed with anticoagulants: cohort study to derive and validate the QBleed scores

Predicting risk of upper gastrointestinal bleed and intracranial bleed with anticoagulants: cohort study to derive and validate the QBleed scores

... for upper gastrointestinal bleed in men and ...previous bleed, oesophageal varices, chronic liver disease or pancreatitis, atrial fibrillation, venous thromboembolism, congestive cardiac ...


Discharge of patients with an acute upper gastrointestinal bleed from the emergency department using an extended Glasgow Blatchford Score

Discharge of patients with an acute upper gastrointestinal bleed from the emergency department using an extended Glasgow Blatchford Score

... ► Up to 60% of patients who present to the emergen- cy department with an acute upper gastrointestinal bleed (AUGIB) are at low risk of requiring interven- tion or of dying within 30 days. UK ...


Acute cholecystitis with massive upper gastrointestinal bleed: A case report and review of the literature

Acute cholecystitis with massive upper gastrointestinal bleed: A case report and review of the literature

... The initial investigation for a patient suspected to have a pseudoaneurysm is ultrasonography with color Doppler. It typically demonstrates an anechoic lesion with colour flow though it is difficult to accurately ...


Clinical Vs Endoscopic correlation of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed

Clinical Vs Endoscopic correlation of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed

... A thorough medical history and careful physical examination are critical in the assessment of an individual presenting with gastrointestinal bleeding. Details from the patient history can help mold the ...


Study of Clinical and Endoscopic Profile of Patients with Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed

Study of Clinical and Endoscopic Profile of Patients with Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed

... Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is referred as the loss of blood occuring within intraluminal gastrointestinal tract from any location between upper oesophagus to duodenum proximal to ...


A study to compare the efficacy of intermittent versus continuous regimen of pantaprazole in the management of upper gastrointestinal bleed (non variceal)

A study to compare the efficacy of intermittent versus continuous regimen of pantaprazole in the management of upper gastrointestinal bleed (non variceal)

... Background: UGI bleeding is defined as bleeding that occurs in the digestive tract proximal to the ligament of treitz. Intermittent dosage regimen IV bolus and high dose IV continuous infusion forms helps in achieving ...


Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed - Causes, Endoscopic profile and usefulness of Rockall Score.

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed - Causes, Endoscopic profile and usefulness of Rockall Score.

... acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage over the age of 16, identified over a four month period in 1993 and 1625 cases identified subsequently over a three month period in 1994 were included in the ...


Post traumatic intra thoracic spleen presenting with upper GI bleed! – a case report

Post traumatic intra thoracic spleen presenting with upper GI bleed! – a case report

... Left sided portal hypertension as a result of isolated splenic vein thrombosis secondary to trauma is rare. Diag- nosisis difficult and a high index of suspicion is required. The unusual presentation of our case, splenic ...


Defining upper gastrointestinal bleeding from linked primary and secondary care data and the effect on occurrence and 28 day mortality

Defining upper gastrointestinal bleeding from linked primary and secondary care data and the effect on occurrence and 28 day mortality

... specific upper gastrointestinal bleed code in one dataset with a probable or specific code in the linked dataset (box 3a & 3b, Figure ...acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage ...


Comorbidities affect risk of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Comorbidities affect risk of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

... an upper gastrointestinal bleed were defined a priori for erosions/ulcer- ation, varices, angiodysplasia, fistula/trauma and coagulopathy, and code lists derived for diagnoses and medications that ...


Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in people aged 20–64 years: cohort study using a primary care database

Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in people aged 20–64 years: cohort study using a primary care database

... the upper gastrointestinal bleed outcome we tested for interactions between antidepressant class and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ...


Splenosis involving the gastric fundus, a rare cause of massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a case report and review of the literature

Splenosis involving the gastric fundus, a rare cause of massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a case report and review of the literature

... Abstract: Splenosis, the autotransplantation of splenic tissue following splenic trauma, is uncommonly clinically significant. Splenosis is typically diagnosed incidentally on imaging or at laparotomy and has been ...


Comparison of prediction of outcomes in upper GI bleed using non-endoscopic scoring systems

Comparison of prediction of outcomes in upper GI bleed using non-endoscopic scoring systems

... in upper gastrointestinal tract, adherent clot, visible or spurting vessel) are recognized risk factors for rebleeding, surgery and death and are indications for endoscopic ...


An Analysis of Upper Gastro Intestinal Bleeding

An Analysis of Upper Gastro Intestinal Bleeding

... Incidence of upper gastro intestinal bleeding is 220 per 100000 cases. Total number of cases admitted during the study period in our hospital is 1,90,000 out of these UGI bleeding was 420 cases and out of these ...


Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children and Adolescents

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children and Adolescents

... <20% or < 7 gm/100 ml, respectively, (2) transfusion requirements of >85 mI/kg of blood without surgical intervention, (3) failure to identify the source of bleeding, (4) presen[r] ...


Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia

... Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia ORIGINAL ARTICLE Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia III JI J M N Lakhwani*, A R Ismai1**, C D J Bar[.] ...


Hepatic artery aneurysm rupture presenting as an upper GI bleed: A case report

Hepatic artery aneurysm rupture presenting as an upper GI bleed: A case report

... Hepatic artery aneurysms are a rare entity and even less common cause of gastro­intestinal bleeding. Although no hepatic artery­duodenal fistula had been described prior to 2000 in the literature, this marks the third ...


Appropriate Utilisation of Emergency Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in a Tertiary Referral Centre

Appropriate Utilisation of Emergency Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in a Tertiary Referral Centre

... recent upper gastrointestinal bleeding (haematemesis, melaena and symptomatic anaemia) had a significant relationship with endoscopic diagnostic yield (P < ...appropriate upper ...


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