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Personal digital stories production and sharing

Vassilis Vassiliadis


5.3 Personal digital stories production and sharing

Training Activity Number of groups in each pilot country

(total) Number of digital stories produced (total)


F2F workshops 5 20 26 26 - - - -

Digital stories - - - - 49 25 142 35

Belgium participants were represented by 5 groups of youth with a total of 69 participants, who produced 49 personal stories in total. In Greece there were 20 groups of 131 young learners, who created 25 digital stories in total. Croatia participated with 26 groups and 302 participants, with an average of 12 participants per group; they created 142 personal stories in total, most of them addressing the subject of social inclusion and cultural diversity. Italy had 26 groups (one per each teacher/trainer) and from 5 to 10 participants per group. 15 groups were in formal education; 11 groups in non-formal education.


The BRIGHTS-Boosting Global Citizenship using Digital Storytelling blended training methodology employs a comprehensive learning method to facilitate both teachers/ trainers online training (tutoring, self-training and peer training) in MOOC form and Face to Face workshops boosting learners-trainer interpersonal interaction, and youth learners (13-19 yo) F2F workshops training on DS techniques to be used as a powerful tool for deep learning of GCE topics.

This training scheme is considered to be the most multi-functional, multi-learning, appealing and alternative way of training, flexible to adapt to learners’ own pace of learning and at the same time ideal to offer the confidence learners need to get from their interaction with their trainer/tutor/facilitator and the interaction among peers and the local community.

Its flexibility, user friendliness, affordability, interdisciplinary nature, and life-long learning profile make this methodology suitable to be included in the curriculum in formal and non-formal education settings with the necessary adaptations.

regular curriculum from next school year and create a YouTube channel to inform and aware students on GCE.

Teachers/trainers are the core factor in the successful implementation of this methodology, thus, more training projects using the proposed blended training on GCE using DS have to be launched. NGOs and government policy making will be playing a key factor role towards that end.

More user-friendly software options and better digitally equipped schools would boost the positive impact from this methodology.

In general, GCE using DS offers the opportunity for engagement and active participation of the global society at larger scales towards the fulfilment of the SDGs of the Agenda 2030 and a more just, democratic and sustainable world for all.

The BRIGHTS MOOC, available at http://www.brights-project.eu/en/, will run once a year.


The authors wish to thank the fellow researchers of the partner teams of the BRIGHTS project. More information is available at at http://brights-project.eu/


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