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?-Independent and Dissociate Sets on Compact Commutative Strong Hypergroups


Academic year: 2020

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-Independent and Dissociate Sets on Compact

Commutative Strong Hypergroups

A.R. Medghalchi


and S.M. Tabatabaie


1Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Engineering, Tarbiat

Moallem University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

2Department of Mathematics, The University of Qom, Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran


In this paper we define ω-independent (a weak-version of independence),

Kronecker and dissociate sets on hypergroups and study their properties and

relationships among them and some other thin sets such as independent and Sidon

sets. These sets have the lacunarity or thinness property and are very useful

indeed. For example Varopoulos used the Kronecker sets to prove the Malliavin

theorem. In the final section we bring some examples and find ω-independent and

dissociate sets on a compact countable hypergroup of Dunkle and Ramirez, the

dual Chebychev polynomial hypergroup, and some other polynomial hypergroups

from Lasser.

Keywords: Hypergroups; ω-independence; Kronecker sets; Dissociate sets; Riesz products

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 43A46, 43A62.


Corresponding author, Tel.: +98(21)77507772, Fax: +98(21)77602988, E-mail: [email protected] 1. Introduction and Notation

Hypergroups were introduced by Dunkl [2], Jewett [10], and Spector [17] in early 70's, although some similar structures had already been studied (see [15], [1]). Since then some aspects of harmonic analysis on groups have been generalized to hypergroups. Our aim in this paper is to study some special subsets of hypergroups and dual hypergroups that have lacunarity or thinness property and have many applications in harmonic analysis and related topics. In a series of papers [19-21], Vrem has studied lacunarity on hypergroups. Also C. Finet has extended some results about Riesz, Nicely placed, Shapiro and Rosenthal sets to the duals of compact hypergroups [4]. In this paper, we introduce the notion of ω−independent sets on hypergroups which is the extension of both of

independent sets on hypergroups [21] and independence property on groups. For a group G , a subset of G is called independent if for every distinct elements


1 n

x ,...,x of and every integers , the


S k1,...,kn




k k


x ...x =e implies 1




n k

x = ... =x =e [9]. For a compact commutative hypergroup K , a subset of

E Γ, the dual of K , is called independent by Vrem [21], if 1∉E and for any finite subset F ={ξ1,...,ξn} of E :

( )i for each ξ∈E \ F F, ∩ ξ ={1}; and

( )ii for all ψi ∈ ξi (i = ,...,1 n), { }ψ1 ∗...∗{ψn} is a singleton in Γ.


with the definition of independent subsets of groups, if is only a hypergroup the property ( of the above definition is quite restricted. By an

Γ ii)

ω−independent we mean an independent set which is not confined by

(definition 2.2(a)). As in example 4.4,

( )ii

1 2

{0 }

E = , − is an

ω−independent subset of dual Chebychev polynomial hypergroup of the first kind, and the center of this hypergroup is { 1+ , −1}. So in general an

ω−independent set does not necessarily intersect the center of the hypergroup. Theorem 2.9 implies that in some hypergroups there are infinite ω−independent sets that are not independent. Then ω−independence property properly contains independence property (see proposition 2.3).

One of the main results of the section 2 is that every

ω−independent subset of Γ with elements of infinite order is a Sidon set. (A subset is called a Sidon set if there is a constant B such that


ˆ( )

f B f

γ∈Γ| γ |≤ ∞

for every E -polynomial f on

K [19].) In the sequel we define and study the Kronecker sets on hypergroups and show that under certain conditions, an ω−independent set is a Kronecker set. These sets have been defined and named

sets by Hewitt and Kakutani [8] and then Rudin called them Kronecker sets on groups [16]. In particular, most recently

0 K

ε-Kronecker and sets in abelian groups have been studied in a series of papers [5-7]. We go further and introduce dissociate sets on duals of hypergroups and by using the Riesz products for hypergroups [21] we are able to prove some results on bounded dissociate sets. As a corollary we see that every bounded strongly asymmetric dissociate set is a Sidon set.

0 I

In the final section we bring some examples and find

ω−independent and dissociate sets on a compact countable hypergroup of Dunkle and Ramirez [3], the dual Chebychev polynomial hypergroup, and some other polynomial hypergroups from Lasser [13].

The main references for definitions and properties of hypergroups are [10] and [1]; see also [14].

Notations. Let K be a locally compact Hausdorff space. We denote by M (K ) the space of all finite Borel measures on K , by M+(K) the set of all positive measures in M (K ), and by δx the Dirac measure at the point x . The space K is a hypergroup if there exists a binary mapping (x y, ) δ δxy from

K K× into M+(K) satisfying the following conditions,

(1) The mapping (δ δx, y) δ δxy extends to a bilinear associative operator ∗ from M K( )×M K( ) into M (K ) such that

( ) ( x y) ( ) (

Kfd µ ν∗ = K K Kfd δ ∗δ dµ x ν )

∫ ∫ ∫

d y

for all continuous functions f in C K0( ).

(2) For each x y, ∈ K , the measure δ δxy is a probability measure with compact support.

(3) The mapping (µ ν, ) µ ν∗ is continuous from

( ) ( )

M+ K ×M+ K into M+(K); the topology on ( )

M+ K

being the cone topology.

(4) There exists eK such that δ δex

x x e

δ δ δ

= = ∗ for all xK .

(5) There exists a homeomorphism involution

x x

from K onto K such that, for all x y, ∈K , we have (δ δxy)−=δy− ∗δx− where for µ∈M K( ),


is defined by

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Kf t dµ t Kf t dµt


and also,

( x y)

e supp∈ δ δ∗ if and only if y =x−,

where supp(δ δxy) is the support of the measure

x y

δ δ∗ .

(6) The mapping (x y, ) supp(δ δxy) is continuous from K K× into the space (CK) of compact subsets of K , where (CK) is given the topology whose sub-basis is given by all

{ ( ) and

U V, = AK :A U ≠ ∅ A V⊆ }


where U, V are open subsets of K .

Note that δ δxy is not necessarily a Dirac measure. The set Z K( ):={x∈ :K for all yK ,

supp(δ δxy) is a singleton} is called the center of hypergroup. Then Z K( ) with (x y, ) xy is a locally compact semigroup and a group if K is commutative (x y∗ =z means δ δxyz, where

( )

x y, ∈Z K ). A hypergroup K is commutative if

x y y x


If x y, ∈K , for a Borel function f on K ,

( ) K ( x y)

f x y∗ =

fd δ ∗δ . A complex-valued

continu-ous function ξ on K is said to be multiplicative if (x y) ( ) ( )x y

ξ ∗ =ξ ξ holds for all x y, ∈K . A multiplicative function ξ on K is called a character if

(x ) ( )x

ξ − =ξ

for all x in K . The dual Γ =Kˆ of K is the space of all characters of K . is not necessarily a hypergroup. A hypergroup


K is called strong if its dual is also a hypergroup with complex conjugation as involution, pointwise product as convolution, that is


{ }m { }m



( ) ( ) ( ) η χ( )


x x x d

η χ =

ξ δ ∗δ ξ

for all η χ, ∈Kˆ and xK , and the constant function 1 as the identity element, and ˆΓ K , where ˆΓ is the dual of Γ.

For µ∈M K( ), the Fourier-Stieltjes transform ˆµ of µ is defined by

ˆ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

K t d t

µ ξ =

ξ µ , ξ∈ Γ .

Similarly the Fourier transform ˆf of a function


( )

fL K is defined as

ˆ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


f ξ =

ξ t f t dm t ,

where ξ∈Γ.

Throughout this paper K is a compact commutative strong hypergroup.

For a subset E of K , the closed subhypergroup generated by i.e., the intersection of all closed subhypergroups of


K contains E , is denoted by E . If x y, ∈K and A B, ⊆K we denote { } { }xy =supp(δ δxy), A B∗ =

x A y B∈ , ∈ { } { }xy ,


{ }x ={ }e , { }x n ={ } { }xx n−1 and { } for a positive integer n. The sets of natural numbers, integers, non-negative integers, non-positive integers, and complex numbers with absolute value one are denoted by N, Z, Z+, Z- and T, respectively. Then for every subset o x of

{ }

n n

x= x

( ) n n+ ′,

{ } { }

1 1

{ } { }

1 1

{ n n ... k nk k nk

E ξ ξ ξ ξ : i

′ ′

=∪ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ n ∈ Z+,


n′ ∈ Z-, k∈ N, ξiE}.

Almost periodic functions on hypergroups have been studied in [11]. We denote the set of all almost periodic functions on m′∈Z− by k =m m+ ′ and by

the space of all bounded linear operators on AP( )Γ with strong operator topology. The function n n+ ′>0 is defined by r s, , where 0≤ <s r (n n+ ′=rk s+ ). is not an algebra in general. In fact if is a hypergroup compactification of

{ }m { }

e x x m

n { }n { }


0≤ <s r then (−rm n+ ′) ( rmn) s

+ − + = is an algebra and (for more details we refer to [11]).

( )

o x

2. s = 0 Independent and Kronecker Sets

First we extend the usual definition of order of an element of a group to elements of a hypergroup.

Definition 2.1. Let o x( ). If there exist n∈Z+ and

n′∈Z- such that ( )o e =1 and , then we define the order of

( ) ( )

o x =o x

( ) 1

o a = by

( ) min{| |:

o x = n n+ ′ n∈Z+, n′∈Z-,

0, { }n { } }n

n n+ e x x

Otherwise we say K has infinite order and denote


Remark. As in the group case it is not difficult to see that if n∈Z+, n′∈Z-, n n+ ′≠0 and

{ }n { }

e x x n

then o x( ) divides n n+ ′. For, if ( )

o x =k (k is nonzero), then by above definition there exist m∈Z+ and m′∈Z- such that k =m m+ ′ and e∈{ }x m ∗{ }x m′. If , then by division algorithm there exist non-negative integers r s


n n+ ′>

, such that 0≤ <s r and n n+ ′=rk s+ . Since

{ }m { }

e x x m

and e∈{ }x n∗{ }x n′ we have { } rm { }rm { }n { }n { }rm n { }rm n

ex − ∗ x − ′∗ xx ′= x − ′+ ∗ x − + ′. But 0≤ <s r and (−rm n+ ′) (+ −rm′+n)=s, so by definition of o x( ), s =0. That is o x( ) divides n n+ ′.

Also we can easily see that ( )o e =1 and ( ) ( )

o x =o x

. But there are some differences too. For instance, in the finite hypergroups 9.1B, 9.1C and 9.1D of [10] we have ( )o a =1, while a is not the identity e. If K is a locally compact commutative group the following definitions of ω−independent and Kronecker sets correspond to the definitions of independent and Kronecker sets in the group case given in [9].


ω−independent set if for every choice of distinct elements x1,...,xk of , non-negative integers

and non-positive integers , the


implies (


1 k

n,...,n n′1,...,nk

k k

e x 1 x ′1∗...∗ x x 1 1

{ }n { }n { }nk { }nk

{ }ni { }ni

i i

e x x


i = ,...,k ).

(b) A subset E of K is called a Kronecker set if for every continuous function f on with and every

E | |=f 1 0

ε> , there exists ξ∈Γ such that ( ) ( )

f x ξ x ε

| − |< (xE ).

Proposition 2.3. Every independent subset of Γ is also


Proof. Let E be an independent subset of Γ. Then , and for any finite subset

1∉E F ={ξ1,...,ξk} of E :

( )i for each ξ∈E \ F F, ∩ ξ ={1}; and

( )ii for all ψi ∈ ξi (i = ,...,1 k), { }ψ1 ∗...∗{ψk} is a singleton in Γ.

Let where

Z+ and Z-. Then for some

(unique) ( ) we have

1 1

1 1

1 { }n { }n { }nk { }nk

k k

ξ ξ ′ ξ ξ ′

∈ ∗ ∗...∗ ∗

1 k

n,...,nn′1,...,nk∈ { }ni { }ni

i i i

ψ ξ ξ ′ i = ,...,1 k


1 { }∈ψ ∗...∗{ψk} and by ( )ii , {1} { }= ψ1 ∗...∗{ψk}. For any subsets A B, of Γ, 1∈A−∗B if and only if

[7, 4.1.A]. Hence

A B∩ ≠ ∅ ψ−∈{ψ2}∗...∗{ψk},

and so by ( )i , ψ1=1. Similarly ψi =1 for i = ,..,2 k and the proof is completed.

We have an interesting result on real hypergroups.

Theorem 2.4. For K := R or [0 1], let (K,∗) be a hypergroup such that for every x y, ∈K ,

( x y)

supp δ δ∗ contains at most two points. Then (K,∗) contains an infinite ω−independent set.

Proof. In the case K =R, (K,∗) is isomorphic to one of the following hypergroups:

( )i -hypergroup R+ together with the convolution defined by


( ) ( )

2 2

r s r s r s

cosh r s cosh r s coshr coshs coshr coshs

δ δ∗ = − δ| − |+ + δ +

. . ,

where r s, ∈R+, and identity as involution; or

( )ii hermitian one-dimensional hypergroup (R+,∗)

with convolution 1 1 2 2

r s r s r s

δ δ∗ = δ| − |+ δ + , [1, Theorem


In the case K = ,[0 1], (K,∗) is isomorphic to (iii) the (double-coset) hermitian one-dimensional

hypergroup ([0 1] ), ,∗ with convolution given by

1 1 1 2 2

r s r s r s

δ δ∗ = δ| − |+ δ| −| − || where , [1,

Theorem 3.4.21].

[0 1]

r s, ∈ ,

Hence it is enough to establish the existence of infinite ω−independent sets in these three hypergroups.

In the both hypergroups ( )i and ( )ii , { } { } {rs = | − |, +r s r s} R+

. Then we can easily see that for every

(r s, ∈ )

r s, ∈R+, and { }

{ }r m = , , ,...,{0 2 4r r mr} s n = , , ,...,{ 3 5s s s ns} and also 0 { }∈ r m∗{ }s n if and only if

3 3 3

1 1 1

2 2 2 4 4 4

{ }

r n n n

s∈ , ,..., , , ,..., ,..., , ,...,m m m , where n m, are odd and even integers, respectively. Similarly for m,

odd, if and only if

n 0 { }∈ r m∗{ }s n

3 3 3

1 1 1

3 3 3 5 5 5

{1 3

r n n

s∈ , ,..., , , ,..., , , ,..., ,..., , ,...,n m m mn}. So if at least one of the integers is odd, we have

if and only if there exists

1 k




0 { }n { }k


r r

∈ ∗...∗ n



(a,...,ak)≠ ,...,(0 in Zk such that . Therefore for any non-negative non-algebraic number

1 1 k k 0

a r + ... +a r =

ζ∈R and every distinct elements r1,...,rk in

2 3

{ }

S = , , ,...ζ ζ ζ , 1 if and only if


0 { }n { }k


r r

∈ ∗...∗ n

1 k

n,...,n are all even. So implies

, and this shows that S is 1


0 { }n { }k


r r

∈ ∗...∗ n





0 { }n 0 { }k



∈ ,..., ∈


In the hypergroup , every element of { } is of the form a b

(iii) r n


+ , where r∈ , , ∈[0 1] n Z+, a b, ∈ Z. In general, every element of is a linear combination of



{ }n { }k


r ∗...∗ r n

1 k

r,...,r with integer coefficients. This implies that for any non-algebraic η∈ ,[0 1] and odd integer n we have 0 { }∉η n. Hence for every distinct elements r1,...,rk in

2 3


T = , , ,...η η η } and integers

1 k

n,...,n , 1 if and only if


0 { }n { }k


r r

∈ ∗...∗ n

1 k


are all even and so 0 { ( ). Therefore T is




i = ,...,1 k


Remark. The sets and T introduced in the proof of theorem 2.4 do not satisfy in the condition of independent sets and so are not independent.


( )ii

Theorem 2.5. Every ω−independent set with elements of infinite order is a Sidon set.

E ⊆ Γ

Proof. We will prove the condition of the equivalence 2.2 in [19]. For this, let

( )v


{ k}


1 ( )


i i E


f =

=aγ ∈Trig K , where are complex

numbers and denotes all the trigonometric polynomials on . Then by orthogonality of characters

1 n


( ) E

Trig K E

if ( 1 )

ˆ( )

0 otherwise

i i


a K i n

f ξ ⎧⎪| | γ ξ γ= = ,..., ,

| |= ⎨

, ⎪⎩

where Kγ =

γγdm. We have

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )({1}),

K x x dm x

x dm x d


γ γ γ γ

γ γ

ξ δ δ ξ δ δ

= = ∗ = ∗


and so 1 1

ˆ ˆ( ) ( )

( )({1}) i i i n n i i i a K

f f dm γ a

γ γ ξ ξ δ δ = | | = | | = = | | . ∗

1 i=

Put 1

(i) 0 ( )i

Re a

A =

Re a , 2

(i) 0 ( )i

Re a

A =

< |Re a |,

3 Im a(i) 0 ( )i

A =

Im a and


4 Im a(i) 0 ( )i

A =

< |Im a | .


1 4 1 1

( ) ( ) 4 { }

n n

i i i

i i

a Re a Im a max A A

= =

| |≤ | | + | |≤ . ,..., .

Let A1 =max A{ 1,...,A , (proofs in the other cases

are similar). For i = ,...,1 n, if Re a( )i ≥0 we take


x =e. If Re a( )i <0, since

γidm =0 and γi( )e =1,

there exists some v in K such that Re( ( ))γi v <0. Choose xi ∈ ,{v v−} such that Im a( )i and Im( (γi xi)) have different signs. So if Re a( )i ≥0 then

( i i( i)) ( i

Re ax =Re a), and if Re a( )i <0 then

( ( )) ( ) ( ( ))

( ) ( ( )) 0.

i i i i i i

i i i

Re a x Re a Re x

Im a Im x

γ γ γ . = − ≥ Hence 1 1 ( ( n

i i i i

A Re a γ x


. )).

Claim: there exists an xK such that ( ) ( )

i xi i x

γ =γ , for all i = ,...,1 k .

To prove this claim, first note that the function ϕ

defined on F by


( ) k ( ( ))ni ni

i i

i x

ϕ ξ γ + ′



, where

Z+, Z- ( ) and

, is well-defined,

because if for other integers Z+



nnii = ,...,1 k


1 1

1 1

{ }n { }n { }nk { } k

k k

ξ γ γ ′ ∗...∗ γ γ


mmi∈ Z -we also have


1 1

1 1

{ }m { }m { }mk { }mk

k k

ξ γ γ ′ ∗...∗ γ γ ′


1 1


1 1 1


1 { } { } { } { } { }

{ } { } { }

k k

k k

n n n n

k k


m m

k k

γ γ γ γ γ

γ γ γ

− ′ ′ − − ′ − ′ ∈ ∗ ∗...∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗...∗ ∗ m m − 1 1 1 1 1 1

{ }n m { }n m { }nk mk { }nk k

k k

γ − ′ γ ′− γ − ′ γ ′

= ∗ ∗...∗ ∗ ,

and then, since E is ω−independent, 1∈ for . Now because every element of E is of infinite order, we have { }ni mi { }ni mi

i i

γ − ′ γ ′−


i = ,...,k

ni m i 0

i i

m − ′ + ′ −n = for k . In addition, for given


i = ,...,

ξ η, in F that 1 1 .

1 1

{ }n { }n

ξ γ γ ′..

{ }nk { }nk

k k

γ γ ′

∗ ∗ and ,


1 1

1 1

{ }m { }m { }mk { }mk

k k

η γ γ ′...∗γ γ ′

i i

n m, ∈Z+ and n mi, ′ ∈i Z-, we have 1 1

1 1

1 1

{ } { } { }n m { }n m { }nk mk { }nk mk

k k

ξ η γ + γ ′+ ′ ∗...∗ γ + γ ′+ ′

and then 1 1 ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ( )) ( )( ) ( ( )) ( ) ( ) i i i i i i i i k

n m n m i i



n m n m i i


t d t

x d t


ξ η

ξ η

ϕ ξ η ϕ δ δ

γ δ γ ϕ + + ′+ ′ = + + ′+ ′ = ∗ = ∗ = ∗δ

ξ ϕ η

= = .

Hence ϕ is a character on F . Since ˆK is also a

hypergroup and Kˆˆ K , K separates the elements of

F . Therefore there exists an xK such that ( ) ( ) ( )

i x i i xi

γ =ϕ γ =γ and the claim is proved.

Thus and then


( ni i i( )) (


= ax =Re f x( ))


ˆ 4 ( ( )) 4 ( ) 4

f ≤ ⋅Re f x ≤ ⋅ |f x |≤ ⋅ f .

Theorem 2.6. Suppose Γa is a hypergroup. Every finite

ω−independent subset E of Γ that generates Γ and has no element of finite order is a Kronecker set.

Proof. Let f be a function on E with | |=f 1 and


{ }

E = ξ,...,ξk . Since Γ is generated by E , for every

ξ∈Γ there exist integers ni ∈Z+, ni∈Z- (i = ,...,1 k )

such that . We


1 1

1 { 1

{ }n }n { }nk { }nk

k k

ξ ξ ξ ′ ∗...∗ ξ ξ ′


ϕ: Γ → by . Note that


( ) k ( )ni ni

i i f

ϕ ξ ξ + ′



( )i f ( )i

ϕ ξ = ξ for i = ,...,1 k . If also for other mi ∈Z+,


m′ ∈Z- (i = ,...,1 k ), 1 1

1 1

{ }m { }m { }mk



{ }mk


ξ ′

∗ then in the same way as the function ϕ defined in the proof of theorem 2.4, ϕ is well-defined. Also ϕ is multiplicative. Because if


, where 1


1 1

{ }n { }n { }nk { }nk

k k

ξ ξ ξ ′ ∗...∗ ξ ξ ′ 1


{ }m

η∈ ξ



{ }m { }mk { }mk

k k

ξ ′ ξ ξ ′

∗ ∗...∗ ∗ n mi, i ∈Z+,

Z-, then

i i

n m′, ′ ∈

1 1 1 1

1 1

{ } { } { } { }

{ }k k { } k k

n m n m

n m n m

k k

ξ η ξ ξ

ξ ξ

+ ′+ ′

+ ′ + ′

∗ ⊆ ∗ ∗.

∗ ∗



and therefore

{ } { } { } { }



( ) ( ) ( )( )

( ) ( )( )

( ) ( ) ( )

i i i i

i i i i


n m n m i



n m n m i



f d


ξ η ξ η

ξ η ξ η

ϕ ξ η ϕ γ δ δ γ

ξ δ δ γ

ξ ϕ ξ ϕ η

+ + ′+ ′ ∗ =

+ + ′+ ′ =

∗ = ∗

= ∗

= =


a a

Since is a hypergroup, is an algebra and

[11]. So

(for a commutative Banach algebra a

Γ AP( )Γ

( a) ( )

A Γ =C Γ Γ ≅ ∆a ( (A Γa))≅ ∆( (C Γ ))

A, ∆( )A denotes the maximal ideal space of A). Therefore for every


ε> there exists x0∈K such that 0

( )i i(x )

ϕ ξ ξ ε

| − |< (i = ,...,1 k ).

3. Dissociate Sets

Dissociate sets are weak versions of independent sets that were introduced in [9] for characters group of a compact abelian group. We generalize this concept for duals of compact hypergroups and give some results on hypergroups. Throughout this section K is a compact and strong hypergroup ( that is, is also a hypergroup). A subset of Γ is called bounded if



{Kγ : ∈γ E} is bounded, where Kγ−1=

γγdm . The

subset E is called symmetric if E ={γ γ: ∈E}, is called asymmetric if 1∉E and γ∈E with γ γ≠ imply γ ∉E , and is called strong asymmetric if for all


γ∈ we have γ γ≠ and γ ∉E . Obviously strongly asymmetric implies asymmetric.

Definition 3.1. A subset of is said to be dissociate if 1 and for every distinct elements



1 k E

γ ,...,γ ∈

( )i 1


{ } { }k


ε ε

γ ∗...∗ γ is a singleton for each

1 k { 1 1}

ε,...,ε ∈ + , − ;

( )ii for each ni ∈Z+ and Z- with


n′ ∈

{0 1 2} i


n +n′ ∈ , ± , ± (i = ,...,1 k ), if 1


1 { }∈ γ n



{ }n { }nk { }nk

k k

γ ′ γ γ ′

∗ ∗...∗ ∗ then 1 { }ni { }ni

i i

γ γ ′

∈ ∗

(i = ,...,1 k );

(iii) E is asymmetric.

Remark. As in the example 4.4 a dissociate set dose not necessarily belong to the center of the hypergroup. Moreover if K is a compact abelian group then the definition of dissociation given above corresponds to the usual definition of dissociation in groups. For and any subset of



N Γ not containing 1 define

( ) ( )(



R N ψ



γ δ γ

, =

∑ ∏

where the sum is over all asymmetric subsets B of

{ }

N ∪ γ γ: ∈N with card B( )=s . A subset E of Γ is called quasi-independent if for every finite subset A of E , R As( , =1) 0 for s= , ,...1 2 [21]. Suppose is a dissociate subset of


Γ and N =E \{γ γ γ: = }. For 1 2

s = , ,... we put

2( ) ( )(



R N ψ



γ δ γ

, =

∑ ∏

where the sum is over all the subsets B of {

N ∪ γ γ: ∈N} with and could be repeated in

( )

card B =s

B ψ

ψ∈ δ

up to 2. Obviously 2

( 1) 0 s

R N, =

for s= , ,...1 2 . Thus every strongly asymmetric dissociate set is quasi-independent. Also we can easily see that every independent set is a dissociate set. So our definition of dissociation has the same position as dissociation does in groups.

The following interesting theorem is an extension of [6, 37.14] to hypergroups, with completely different technique.

Theorem 3.2. Let be a strongly asymmetric dissociate subset of


Γ bounded by D, and g be a complex-valued hermitian function on


Q =E∪ γ γ: ∈E} such that for every γ∈E,

1 2

( )

g γ

| |≤ D. Then there exists a measure µ∈M+(K) such that ˆ (1)µ =1 and ˆ ( )µ γ =g( )γ for all γ∈E.

Proof. The function h Q: → C defined by

( ) ( )

hγ =Kγ⋅g γ , is clearly hermitian and 1 1


( )

h γ Kγ 2


1+h( )γ γ +h( )γ γ= +1 h( )γ γ+h( )γ γ = +1 h( )γ γ+h( )γ γ, and inequalities |h( )γ γ +h( ) )γ γ |≤ |2 h( )γ |≤1 imply that 1+h( )γ γ +h( )γ γ is real and non-negative. For a finite asymmetric subset A of Q we define

(1 ( ) ( ) )


P =

γ +h γ γ +h γ γ . Then is

real-valued and non-negative and by [21] A


( )


P =

γ∈ΓC γ γ, where A( ) ( ( ))


B h


γ =




ψBδ γψ)( (the last sum ranges over all subsets


B A).

For distinct elements γ1,...,γkE and numbers

1 k { 1 1}

α,...,α ∈ + ,− let 1


{ } { }k


α α

γ = γ ∗...∗ γ . If also

for other distinct elements η1,..., ∈ηt E and numbers

1 t { 1 1}

β,..., ∈ + ,−β , we have 1


{ } { }t


β β

γ = η ∗...∗η , then

1 1

1 1

1 { } { }k { } { } t

k t


α α β

γ γ η − η −

∈ ∗...∗ ∗ ∗...∗ . If for an

index j , ηj ∉{γ1,...,γk}, 1 { j} j


η −

∈ and so ηj =1, a contradiction. Hence γi ’s are unique. Now let ηii

(i = ,...,1 k ). Since E is dissociate and

{0 1 2} i i

α −β ∈ ,± ,± (i = ,...,1 k ), 1 { }i { } i

i i

α β

γ γ −

∈ ∗ . If


i i 1

α = ,β = − (similarly if βi = ,1αi = −1) then 1 { } { }∈ γi ∗ γi and so γii a contradiction because

is strongly asymmetric. Hence

E αi ’s are also

unique. For 1


{ } { }k


α α

γ = γ ∗...∗ γ we have



( ) ( ) ( ) k

A k

C γ =h γ α...h γ α and so Pˆ ( )A γ =CA( ) ( )γ γ γˆ

1 1


( ) ( )k


h α h α K


γ γ −

= ... . By relation (2.2) in [21] . For other

ˆ (1)A CA(1) 1

P = = γ ’s, ˆ ( )PA γ =0. Since is non-negative we have


P PˆAm = PˆA 1

. If is finite we put

ˆA ˆ (1)A 1

KP dm P


= = E


P m

µ= and if E is infinite we consider the set finite

{P mA : AE}. With directing this set with inclusion,

1 1 1

1 1

( ) ( ) if { } { }


lim ( ) 1 if 1

0 for others

k k

k k


h h K


α α α α


γ γ γ γ γ


⎧ ... = ∗...∗ ,

⎪⎪ =⎨ ⎪

. ⎪⎩

γ= ,


By Alaoglu ’s theorem the net {P m:finiteAE} has a weak*-cluster point µ∈M+(K) and so for a subnet {µα} of {P mA }, w*-limα αµ =µ. Finally

ˆ( ) d limα d α limα ˆα( )

µ γ =

γ µ=

γ µ = µ γ =


1 1 1

1 1

( ) ( ) if { } { }

1 if

0 for others

k k

k k

h α h α K α α


γ γ γ γ γ


⎧ ... = ∗...∗ ,

⎪⎪ = ,

⎨ ⎪

. ⎪⎩

In particular µ γˆ ( )=h( )γ Kγ−1=g( )γ for all γ∈E . Corollary 3.3. Every bounded strongly asymmetric dissociate subset E of Γ is a Sidon set.

Proof. Let g be a complex-valued function on bounded by C. Take a real number D greater than


2 ⋅supγ∈E |g(γ)|. Then and

are functions on satisfying in the hypothesis of theorem 3.2. So there are

C 1

( )

Re g

D 1

( )

Im g



1 2 M (K)

µ µ, +

such that

and on . Thus

1 1

ˆ Re g( )

µ =D 1


ˆ Im g( )

µ =D E

1 2ˆ

(D⋅ +µ iD⋅µ )=g on . Now by theorem 2.2 of [19] E is a Sidon set.


Another proof for corollary 3.3 follows from corollary 4.4 of [21].

Corollary 3.4. Let be a strongly asymmetric and dissociate set, bounded by C. Then C is bounded if and only if

E ⊆ Γ

g E: →

g is the restriction to of a bounded positive-definite function on Γ.


Proof. Suppose g is bounded and put h=


(2Csup g{| ( )γ |: ∈γ E})− g. Then 1 2

( )

h γ

| |≤ C and by theorem 3.2. there exists an υ∈M+(K) such that

ˆ ( ) ( )

h γ =υ γ (γ∈E). Therefore g( )γ =µ γˆ( ) (γ∈E) where µ=2Csup g{| ( )γ |: ∈γ E}υ, and since the Fourier transform of the measure µ is bounded and positive definite on Γ, the corollary is established. (The other part of the corollary is plain.)

4. Examples

Example 4.1. Fix a prime and let denote the ring of -adic integers. Every has a unique



p x∈ ∆p

2 0 1 2

x =x +x p x p+ + ... where xi ∈ {0 1, ,..., −p 1} (i = , , ,...0 1 2 ), we refer to 10§ of [9] for details. For G = ∆p, the group of p-adic integers, and


{ p

H = x∈ ∆ :x ≠0}, the group of units in ∆p, the countable compact hypergroup GH is homeomorphic to Ζ+, the one-point compactification of Z+. Then Ζ+


the following convolution,

{ }for and

m n min m n m n

δ ∗δ =δ , ≠ ,


2 1


n n n k n k

k n p

p p

δ δ δ ∞

= +

∗ = +

δ .

∈ 2

Then for every m∈Z+ and every integer n≥2,

{ }m n ={m m, + , + ,...,∞ .1m 2 }

If Z+ and then for all integers

, . This

implies that the only

1 2

m m, m1<m


n≥ { 1} { 2} { 1 1 1 }


m m m m

∞ ∈ ∗ = , + ,...,∞

ω−independent subsets of Z+∞ are

singletons. In addition implies that for every m Z+,

1 2

{ }m − { }m { }m

∞ ∈ ∗ = 3

o m( )=1.

We can identify the dual hypergroup ˆZ+∞ with

n : = , , ,...n 0 1 2 }, where χn is a function on

+ ∞

Z defined by

1 if or


( ) if 1


0 if 2


m n m

m m


m n


⎧ ≥ =

⎪ ⎪ −

=⎨ =

⎪ ⎪



− ,

≤ − . ⎩

We have χ χn mmax m n{ , }, and 1 2

0 1


1 2


( 1)

n k n

n n k


p p


p p n

χ χ − − χ


= + +

χ .


Z is hermitian and so every subset of ˆZ∞+ is

asymmetric and satisfies the condition ( of definition

3.1, because for distinct elements )


1 k ˆ

n n

χ χ +

,..., ∈Z we


1 {1 }

n}∗...∗{χnk} {= χmax n,...,nk }.

If 0<n1<n2 then χ0∈ 1 2


n} {∗ χn }

1 0 1 1 2 0 1

{ n} { n n } { }

2 n

χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ

= ∗ , ,..., ,..., = , ,..., but


0 { n}

χ ∉ χ . Hence the only dissociate subsets of ˆZ+ are singletons.

The following example comes from [13].

Example 4.2. Let be sequences of non-zero real numbers and be a sequence of

real numbers with the following properties, 0

(an n)Ν ,(cn n) N

0 (bn n) ∈N

0 0 1 a +b =

1 1

n n n

a +b +c = , ≥ .n

Let be a polynomial sequence defined by 0

(Rn n)∈N

0 1



( ) 1 ( ) ( )

R x R x x b

a 0

= , = − ,

1( ) n( ) n n 1( ) n n( ) n n 1( ) 1 R x R x =a R + x +b R x +c R x n, ≥ .

Then we have

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

n m

n n k

k n m

R x R x + g n m k R x

=| − |


, ; ,

where (g n m k, ; )∈R for all | − |≤ ≤ +n m k n m. If the coefficients (g n m k, ; ) satisfy

for all

( ) 0

g n m k, ; ≥ n m, ∈ R

and| − |≤ ≤ +n m k n m( )℘ ,

then (N0,∗) is a discrete commutative hermitian

hypergroup (called a polynomial hypergroup) with convolution

( )

n m

n m k

k n m

g n m k

δ δ + δ

=| − |

∗ =

, ; .

For details one can consult to [12]. Now fix a b, >2 and put a0 = ,1

1 1

a a

a =| − |,


1 1 1

1 2 2 2


n n

a b b

c = , =a, = ,c a =c = (n≥ ,3) 0


b =

(n∈N0 . By recursion formula there exists an

orthogonal polynomial satisfying

property ( )

0 (T x a bn( ; , ))nN

℘). Using formula (1) of [12] (g n m k, ; ) ’s can be computed and so that

{0} { } { }∗ n = n (n≥0),

{1} { } {∗ n = n− , +1n 1} (n≥1),

{2} { } {∗ n = n− , , +2n n 2} (n≥2),

{3} { } {∗ n = n− , − , + , +3n 1n 1n 3} (n≥3),

{4} { } {∗ n = n− , − , , + , +4n 2n n 2n 4} (n≥4),

{ } { } {mn = n m n m− , − + , − + , + − ,2n m 4n m 4

n m+ − , +2n m} (nm≥5).


{1}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 n} (n even),


{2}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 2 }n (n≥2),

{3}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 3 }n (n even),

{3}n = , , ,...,{1 3 5 3 }n (n odd),

{4}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 4 }n (n≥2),

{5}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 5 }n (n even),

{5}n = , , ,...,{1 3 5 5 }n (n odd),

{6}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 6 }n (n≥4),


{6} = , , , , , , , ,{2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18},


{6} = , , , , ,{0 2 4 8 10 12},

{7}n = , , ,...,{0 2 4 7 }n (n≥4 even),

{7}n = , ,...,{3 5 7 }n (n≥3 odd),


{7} = , , , , ,{0 2 4 10 12 14},

Then for every odd n∈N, the hypergroup (N0,∗) is

generated by n, because


{ }

nn ; 5

2 2 { }

n− , + ∈n n ; 7

4 4 { }

n− , + ∈n n 2

1 2, n− ∈1 { }n n+ ; 4

2n+ ∈1 { }n n+


For even we have

and this implies that for every even numbers there exists an such that . Then by the following remark the only


2 4 6

2 { } 4 { } 6 { }∈ n , ∈ n , ∈ n ,.

k n, m

{ }m


ω−independent subsets of (N0,∗) are singletons.

Remark. Let be a discrete commutative hermitian hypergroup and let


AK . For every xe in A \ A, the set A∪{ }x is not ω−independent. Because xA \ A implies that there are

and Z+ such that

1 k

a,..., ∈a A

1 k

n,...,nxai ( ) and

. So and by


i = ,...,k

n 1


{ }n { }nk


xa ∗...∗ a 1


{ } { }n { }k


exa ∗...∗ a xe, A∪{ }x is not ω−independent.

Example 4.3. In some hypergroups (N0 such as

Chebyshev polynomial hypergroup of the first kind and also -hypergroup on N0, we have




{ } { } {mn = | − |, +n m n m} (m n N0) [1]. So for

every N0,

, ∈


odd and


{ } { 3 5 } ( ) { }

{0 2 4 } ( )

k k

n n n n kn k n

n n kn k

= , , ,...,

= , , ,..., .

Then 0 { }∈ n k ∗{ }n k′ ={ }n kk′ (k ∈Z+, k′∈ Z-, 0

n≠ ) implies that k k− ′ and so is even. So the order of every element of N0 except 0 is 2. Let

k +k

A be an ω−independent subset of N0 and be distinct

elements of

1 2 n n,

A. Then there are p q, ∈N such that gcd(p q, )=1 and 1

2 n p

n =q and without lose of generality we may suppose that is odd. The proof of theorem

2.4 implies that , while


1 2

0 { }∈ n q∗{ }n p


0 { }∉ n p, a contradiction. Hence the only

ω−independent subsets of N0 are singletons.

In the following example we find ω−independent and dissociate sets that are not singleton.

Example 4.4. Let G =T, the unit circle group, and {

H = id,τ}, where id x( )=x and τ( )x =x (xT). Then GH ≡ ,[0π] and if we replace [0,π] with [ 1,1]− by transformation cosθ=x then [ 1 is a hypergroup such that its structure is given by


2 2 2 2

(1 )(1 ) (1 )(1 )

1 1

2 2

x y xy x y xy x y

δ δ δ δ

− − − + − −

∗ = + .

In fact it is dual Chebyshev polynomial hypergroup of the first kind [1]. The hypergroup [ 1 is hermitian and so the orders of it’s elements are at most two. For every


[ 1 1]

x∈ − , , { }x 2= ,{1 2x2−1}, 3

{ }x =


{x x,4 −3 }x , {0} { }x = ± −{ 1 x2}

and { 1} { }− ∗ x = {−x}. Also in particular {0}n = ,−{1 1} for n≠0 even,

for odd, {0}n ={0} n 1


{ }− n = ,{1 1}


for all ,

for even and { 1 for n odd. Then



{ 1}− n ={1} n − }n = −{ 1} (0) ( 1) 2

o = − =o and 1


( ) 1


. If 1


1 {0}∈ n∗{ }− m

then m n, >1 and n is even. So 1 {∈ 0}n and 1 2

1 { }∈ − m.

Therefore 1 2

{0 }

E = , is ωindependent. For

[ 1 1]

x y, ∈ − , , { } { }xy is singleton if x = ±1 or 1

y = ± . Then the subsets of the form E = ,{1 }x or { 1 }

E = − ,x satisfy the condition ( of definition 3.1. We have { 1



}n { }x m { }x m

− ∗ = for even and

for odd. So if we take


{ 1}− n∗{ }x m = − : ∈{ t t { } }x m n [ 1 1]

x∈ − , such that 1 { }− ∉ x m for all m∈Z+

, then { 1 }


odd 1 { 1}∉ − n∗{ }x m, and for n even 1 {∈ −1}n∗{ }x m implies 1 { 1}∈ − n and 1 {∈ x}m. For instance

1 2

{ 1 }

E = − , is dissociate.


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