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Technology/Internet Usage Workshop


Academic year: 2021

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Technology/Internet Usage Workshop

1) Workshop Goals – (1



2) Computers

Desk Top

(Show examples)



Wireless Device

Introduce Tammy Welsh from Gateway

3) What is the Internet?

The Internet is a network of networks, linking computers to computers sharing the TCP/IP protocols.

Each computer runs software to provide or serve information. The Internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents on another computer. The Internet itself does not contain information. You don’t find things on the Internet. You find things using the Internet. The Internet is the Information Super Highway.

4) What is a Network?

1-We said the Internet is a network of networks. Naturally, we need to know what is a network?

Two or more computers that are able to communicate and share files with one another. What’s so happy about that you ask? I can e-mail you a file. That may not be true. Some systems impose file type and size limits. Sharing is almost always better than duplicating.


Hardware physically connects the computers via phone lines, fiber optic cables routers, gateways and the computers themselves.

The software is what enables us to use the hardware for communication and exchanging information.

3-Your brain tells your body parts how to function and work together – this software tells the computers how to talk to each other and perform


All networking software is created to follow a set of rules. We refer to these rules as a protocol.

4-Networks are interoperable. It doesn’t matter what type of computer it is. They can all talk to each other if they follow the network protocols.

5) What is TCP/IP?

Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol

It’s actually a collection of protocols or rules that govern the way data travels from one machine to another across networks.

The Internet is based on TCP/IP. 2-Has 2 parts IP (give time to read) 3 The TCP

Basically, they work together to break data into small pieces, communicate the destination of the data to the network, verify that the data is received at the end of the transmission, puts it all back together in its original form.

6) Internet Services

What does the Internet offer or make possible? Most important are the 1st and the last


The World Wide Web – it’s the largest, fastest growing activity on the Internet.

Telnet – login remotely to a computer as if you were right there – not on same network

FTP – lets you rapidly retrieve or place a file on another computer

Gopher – early text only method of accessing documents on the Internet. It’s possible you might come across a gopher document linked into a web page.

7) What is the World Wide Web?

The WWW uses all of the services we talked about on the last slide and more.

Just like networking had a set of rules (called what? – protocol), the WWW has a set of rules. Its protocol is HTTP


HTTP is the protocol or set of rules

that govern the transfer of hypertext between 2 or more computers. The foundation on which the WWW currently functions is a programming language called HTML, Hypertext Markup Language. The web presents

information as a series of documents, often referred to as web pages. Theses pages are created using HTML.

The web is non-linear. It has no top and no bottom. You don’t have to start at a beginning and go sequentially through a document. You can jump around using hypertext links.

You can retrieve documents, view images, animation, video, listen to sound files, speak and hear voice, and view programs that run on practically any software any where in the world if your computer has the software and hardware to do those things.


Let’s talk a little bit about this hypertext stuff --- (Sample code on pad) HTML allows you to create web pages that contain links. Links are areas within the page on which you can click your mouse button, these links can be text or graphics. But when you click on a link, you are able to retrieve

another document or resource. This click ability is the feature that is unique and revolutionary about the web (Show example).

2-How do hypertext links work?

Every document or file or site or movie or sound file or anything you find on the web has a unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies what computer the thing is on, where it is within the computer, and it’s specific file name. You can think of an URL as a postal address for the Internet (See URL Anatomy on pad).

Every hypertext link on every web page in the world contains one of the URL’s. When you click on a link of any kind on any web page you are sending a request to retrieve the uniquely identified document from some computer in the world.

This is a global information retrieval phenomenon. It transcends all political and language boundaries and it is made possible by the cluster of

internationally accepted standards. That really is something to think about….. People got it together long enough to do that. The web doesn’t know your race or gender. It really is color-blind. It doesn’t know where you live. 3-What is a Web Browser?

A browser is the gateway to the www.

It is software that allows you to access and view any document on the web. There are a number of different browsers. Some are text only, they don’t display images, color or sound, and others are graphical.


The browser software contacts a web server and asks for information. When it receives the information it displays it on the computer. The most popular browsers are Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator (Show Example).

8) Connecting to the Internet

To connect to the Internet you need some type of device that is capable of accessing it, sort of like a cable ready TV. So, that could be a computer, a cell phone that’s Internet capable, TV box etc.

You need an Internet service provider (similar to a cable provider or a long distance provider and of course you pay a monthly fee – there is a free provider – NETZERO, I think it is still free – free things always have a catch), then you need some telecommunications equipment to hook you into the network.

2-There are a number of ways

- dial in through the phone system with a modem

- direct phone line to your ISP (at work T1, T3, fiber optic) - Broadband services

DSL – Zoomtown in Cinci – but you can use any provider Cable – mostly one provider – Road Runner in Cinci Satellite – pretty expensive

Wireless Providers – Go America – radio towers – cool as long as you’re in range. Go America services my wireless e-mail device 3- So, this is a graphic of a hook-up to the Internet – big network

9) How do you use the Internet?


You can search for information – lots of tools to find information – Popular way is to use a Search Engine – 2 popular search engines are AltaVista and Yahoo

You can download files – programs, music, pictures, lots of things – be careful you could introduce bugs and viruses on your computer

You can send and receive e-mail 10) What is E-mail?

Electronic mail allows information to be sent between computers and people on the Internet.

The Internet mail system works because of SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It’s part of TCP/IP. SMTP enables mail to move smoothly through the Internet regardless to the type of computer, PC, UNIX, or Macintosh. Now, you are not limited to just text. Other types of files can be added to mail messages as attachments. Attachments can be word processed documents, spreadsheets, or graphical images.

2-Just like a letter can be sent to multiple recipients, an e-mail message can be sent to multiple e-mail addresses.

An e-mail address identifies a person and the computer for purposes of exchanging electronic messages.

You need software designed to handle e-mail. Two popular applications are Lotus cc:Mail and Microsoft’s Outlook, on most home computers you get the scaled down version Outlook Express.

11) What does all this mean for us – Southwest Ohio

Well the Internet is an excellent communications tool. Anybody can use it. It’s never closed. The Web is going to get bigger and bigger.


E-commerce – do you know what that means or could mean to us? We could sell things over the Internet. We’d have to set up better to conduct business this way.

Then there’s our web site – under utilized by our own people…….I need information……..It has to be up-to-date…. . A good site is always improving. Let’s explore the current site.

12) What’s Next?

Well, I hope this has helped you. I pray I haven’t overwhelmed you with information. I hope we’re moved to action……….

Visit the site often – www.fbhchurch.org

The General Council will fund the site. Let’s make it a good one. Content rich! If you don’t have a computer, go to the library. Libraries offer free 30-minute sessions.

Use e-mail. You can make free e-mail accounts at Yahoo or Hotmail and other locations.

I did set-up an e-mail account for the Elder on Hotmail. His e-mail address is:

[email protected]

Are there any questions? You can use the computers. I’ll help you best I can.

Resources for this Seminar

Internet Primer – The 15 minute Series

Glossary of Internet and Web Jargon

Glossary of Dial-in Terms -


How Stuff Works -



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