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1998 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition


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1998 IEEE Computer Society

Conference on Computer Vision

and Pattern Recognition

June 2 3 - 2 5 , 1998

Santa Barbara, California

Sponsored by

IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on

Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

IEEE > » ' •



Los Alamitos, California


Table of Contents

C o m p u t e r V i s i o n a n d P a t t e r n R e c o g n i t i o n (CVPR '98)

F o r e w o r d xiv C o m m i t t e e s xvi S e s s i o n TIA: T r a c k i n g

Incremental Tracking of H u m a n Actions from Multiple Views 2

M. Yamamoto, A. Sato, S. Kawada, T. Kondo, and Y. Osaki

Tracking People w i t h Twists and Exponential Maps 8

C. Bregler and J. Malik

Joint Probabilistic Techniques for Tracking Multi-Part Objects 16

C. Rasmussen and G.D. Hager

Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site 22

W.E.L. Grimson, C. Stauffer, R. Romano, and L. Lee

S e s s i o n T I B : F a c e D e t e c t i o n a n d R e c o g n i t i o n

Mixtures of Local Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition 32

B.J. Frey, A. Colmenarez, and T.S. Huang

Rotation I n v a r i a n t Neural Network-Based Face Detection 38

H.A. Rowley, S. Baluja, and T. Kanade

Probabilistic Modeling of Local Appearance and Spatial Relationships

for Object Recognition 45

H. Schneiderman and T. Kanade

Illumination Cones for Recognition u n d e r Variable Lighting: Faces 52

A.S. Georghiades, D.J. Kriegman, and P.N. Belhumeur

S e s s i o n P I A : P a t t e r n A n a l y s i s , 2 D a n d L o w - L e v e l V i s i o n

A Theory of Selection for G a m u t Mapping Color Constancy 60

G. Finlayson and S. Hordley

Generation of t h e Euclidean Skeleton from t h e Vector Distance Map

by a Bisector Decision Rule 66

H. Li and A.M. Vossepoel

Stochastic Computation of Medial Axis in Markov Random Fields 72

S.C. Zhu

Variable-Scale Smoothing and Edge Detection Guided by Stereoscopy 80

C.F. Olson

Exploitation of N a t u r a l Image Statistics by Biological Vision Systems:

1/f Power Spectra and Self-Similar B a n d p a s s Decompositions 86

F. Röhrbein and C. Zetzsche


Minimax Entropy and Learning by Diffusion 92

J. Shah

Image Segmentation Using Local Variation 98

P.F. Felzenszwalb and D.P. Huttenlocher

W h a t is t h e Spectral Dimensionality of Illumination Functions

in Outdoor Scenes? 105

D. Slater and G. Healey

A New Complex Basis for Implicit Polynomial Curves and its Simple

Exploitation for Pose Estimation and I n v a r i a n t Recognition I l l

J.-P. Tarel and D.B. Cooper

Salient and Multiple Illusory Surfaces 118

D. Geiger, H. Pao, and N. Rubin

Segmentation by Grouping Junctions 125

H. Ishikawa and D. Geiger

A Coupled PDE Model of Nonlinear Diffusion for Image Smoothing

and Segmentation 132

B.C. Vemuri, L. Wang, and Y. Chen

Fuzzy Relational Distance for Large-Scale Object Recognition 138

B. Huet and E.R. Hancock

Bagging in Computer Vision 144

B.A. Draper and K. Baek

A Probabilistic Formulation for Hausdorff Matching 150

C.F. Olson

Moment I n v a r i a n t s and Quantization Effects 157

G.I. Salama and A.L. Abbott

Empirical Performance Analysis of Linear Discriminant Classifiers 164

W. Zhao, R. Chellappa, and N. Nandhakumar

S e s s i o n P 1 B : M o t i o n , R e a l - T i m e a n d A c t i v e V i s i o n

A New Linear Method for Euclidean Motion/Structure from Three

Calibrated Affine Views 172

L. Quan and Y. Ohta

Making Good F e a t u r e s Track Better 178

T. Tommasini, A. Fusiello, E. Trucco, and V. Roberto

2D Fluid Motion Analysis from a Single Image 184

M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, and B. Delyon

An Objective Comparison Methodology of Edge Detection Algorithms

Using a S t r u c t u r e from Motion Task 190

M.C. Shin, D. Goldgof, and K.W. Bowyer

Action Recognition Using Probabilistic Parsing 196

A.F. Bobick and Y.A. Ivanov

Computing the C a m e r a Heading from Multiple F r a m e s 203

J. Oliensis

Direct Estimation of Motion and Extended Scene S t r u c t u r e from a

Moving Stereo Rig 211

G.P. Stein and A. Shashua


Dense Shape and Motion from Region Correspondences by Factorization 219

J. Ma and N. Ahuja

Scene Segmentation from 3D Motion 225

X. Feng and P. Perona

Elliptical Head Tracking Using Intensity Gradients a n d Color Histograms 232

S. Birchfield

A Specialized Multibaseline Stereo Technique for Obstacle Detection 238

T. Williamson and C. Thorpe

Stereo a n d Color Analysis for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance 245

T.F. Rabie and D. Terzopoulos

3D Object Depth Recovery from Highlights Using Active Sensor a n d

Illumination Control 253 X. Yi and O.I. Camps

Real-Time Tracking for Enhanced Tennis Broadcasts 260

G.S. Pingali, Y. Jean, and I. Carlbom

Background Modeling for Segmentation of Video-Rate Stereo Sequences 266

C. Eveland, K. Konolige,and R.C. Bolles

S e s s i o n T2A: M o t i o n

Motion F e a t u r e Detection Using Steerable Flow Fields 274

D.J. Fleet, M.J. Black, and A.D. Jepson

Optimal S t r u c t u r e from Motion: Local Ambiguities and Global E s t i m a t e s 282 S. Soatto and R. Brockett

Singularity Analysis for Articulated Object Tracking 289

D.D. Morris and J.M. Rehg

S e s s i o n T2B: M e d i c a l I m a g e A n a l y s i s

Extraction a n d Tracking of the Tongue Surface from Ultrasound

Image Sequences 298

Y.S. Akgul, C. Kambhamettu, and M. Stone

Anomaly Detection through Registration 304

M. Chen, T. Kanade, H.A. Rowley, and D. Pomerleau

Orientation Space Filtering for Multiple Orientation Line Segmentation 311

J. Chen, Y. Sato, and S. Tamura

I n v i t e d T a l k

Digital Convergence and Opportunities for Computer Vision Research

J. Kajiya

S e s s i o n T3A: D e f o r m a b l e M o d e l s a n d S h a p e

Incorporating Illumination Constraints in Deformable Models 322

D. Samaras and D. Metaxas

Image Segmentation Based on the Integration of Pixel Affinity and

Deformable Models 330

T.N. Jones and D.N. Metaxas


Boundary Finding with Correspondence Using Statistical Shape Models 338 y. Wang and L.H. Staib

Inferring Segmented Surface Description from Stereo D a t a 346

M.S. Lee and G. Medioni

S e s s i o n T3B: I m a g e s a n d V i d e o

Mosaics of Scenes w i t h Moving Objects 354

J. Davis

A Spatiotemporal Motion Model for Video Summarization 361

N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman

Video Scene Segmentation via Continuous Video Coherence 367

J.R. Render and B.-L. Yeo

Image Editing in t h e Contour Domain 374

J.H. Elder and R.M. Goldberg

S e s s i o n P2A: S h a p e A n a l y s i s

Segmenting 3-D Surfaces Using Multicolored Illumination 384

G. Healey and L. Wang

Rotated Wedge Averaging Method for Junction Classification 390

W. Yu, K. Daniilidis, and G. Sommer

Fitting Undeformed Superquadrics to Range Data: Improving Model

Recovery and Classification 396

E.R. van Dop and P.P.L. Regtien

Direct Shape from Texture Using a Parametric Surface Model and an

Adaptive Filtering Technique 402

K.M. Lee and C.-C.J. Kuo

Edge/Region-Based Segmentation and Reconstruction of U n d e r w a t e r

Acoustic Images by Markov Random Fields 408

V. Murino and A. Trucco

Clustering Appearances of 3D Objects 414

R. Basri, D. Roth, and D. Jacobs

Camera Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction from Known

Observer Translations 421

T. Pajdla and V. Hlaväc

Interactive Construction of 3D Models from Panoramic Mosaics 427

H.-Y. Shum, M. Han, and R. Szeliski

A Layered Approach to Stereo Reconstruction 434 S. Baker, R. Szeliski, and P. Anandan

A Statistical F r a m e w o r k for Long-Range Feature Matching in

Uncalibrated Image Mosaicing 442

T.-J. Cham and R. Cipolla

From P a r a m e t r i c W a r p i n g to t h e Cooperation of Local F e a t u r e s

and Global Models 448

T. Jelonek and F.P. Ferrie

Well-Behaved, Tunable 3D-Affine Invariants 455 /. Rigoutsos


On 3-D Surface Reconstruction Using Shape from Shadows 461

M. Daum and G. Dudek

Varying Focal Length Self-Calibration and Pose Estimation from

Two Images 469

B. Rousso and E. Shilat

Projective Translations and Affine Stereo Calibration 475

A. Ruf, G. Csurka, and R. Horaud

Metric Rectification for Perspective Images of Planes 482

D. Liebowitz and A. Zisserman

Interactive Sensor Planning 489 /. Stamos and P.K. Allen

S e s s i o n P 2 B : D i g i t a l a n d V i d e o L i b r a r i e s , A p p l i c a t i o n s

Qualitative and Quantitative Car Tracking from a Range Image Sequence 496

L. Zhao and C. Thorpe

Shape from Equal Thickness Contours 502

G. Cong and B. Parvin

Head Tracking via Robust Registration in Texture Map Images 508

M. La Cascia, J. Isidoro, and S. Sclaroff

Model-Based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery 515

Q. Zheng, S. Der, and R. Chellappa

Ground from Figure Discrimination 521

A. Amir and M. Lindenbaum

Computer Modeling, Analysis a n d Synthesis of Dressed H u m a n s 528

N. Jojic, J. Gu, I. Mak, H.C. Shen, and T.S. Huang

Using Hierarchical Shape Models to Spot Keywords in Cursive

Handwriting D a t a 535

M.C. Burl and P. Perona

A Content-Based Search Engine for VRML Databases 541

E. Paquet and M. Rioux

Efficient Query Refinement for Image Retrieval.. 547

C. Nastar, M. Mitschke, and C. Meilhac

An Optimized Interaction Strategy for Bayesian Relevance Feedback 553

I.J. Cox, M.L. Miller, T.P. Minka, and P.N. Yianilos

Performance Characterization and Comparison of Video Indexing Algorithms 559

U. Gargi, R. Kasturi, and S. Antani

A Bayesian Framework for Semantic Content Characterization 566

N. Vasconcelos and A. Lippman

Retrieval of Commercials by Video Semantics 572 C. Colombo, A. Del Bimbo, and P. Pala

Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on H u m a n Perceptual Color Clustering 578

Y. Gong, G. Proietti, and C. Faloutsos


S e s s i o n T4A: R e a l - T i m e a n d A c t i v e V i s i o n

Real-Time 2-D F e a t u r e Detection on a Reconfigurable Computer 586

A. Benedetti and P. Perona

Image Alignment for Precise Camera Fixation and Aim 594

L. Wixson, J. Eledath, M. Hansen, R. Mandelbaum, and D. Mishra

Integrated Person Tracking Using Stereo, Color, and P a t t e r n Detection 601

T. Darrell, G. Gordon, M. Harville, and J. Woodfill

S e s s i o n T4B: P h y s i c s - B a s e d V i s i o n

Comparing Images u n d e r Variable Illumination 610

D.W. Jacobs, P.N. Belhumeur, andR. Basri

Histogram Model for 3D Textures 618

K.J. Dana and S.K. Nayar

Image U n d e r s t a n d i n g from T h e r m a l Emission Polarization 625

L.B. Wolff, A. Lundberg, and R. Tang

S e s s i o n T5A: 2 D a n d L o w - L e v e l V i s i o n

Object Detection and Localization by Dynamic Template Warping 634

A.L. Ratan, W.E.L. Grimson, and W.M. Wells III

Texture Recognition Using a Non-Parametric Multi-Scale Statistical Model 641

J.S. De Bonet and P. Viola

Markov Random Fields w i t h Efficient Approximations 648

Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, and R. Zabih

A Radial Cumulative Similarity Transform for Robust Image Correspondence 656

T. Darrell

S e s s i o n T5B: R e c o g n i t i o n

Robust Recognition of Scaled Eigenimages through a Hierarchical Approach 664

H. Bischof and A. Leonardis

Efficient Multiple Model Recognition in Cluttered 3-D Scenes 671

A.E. Johnson and M. Hebert

Probablistic Affine I n v a r i a n t s for Recognition 678

T.K. Leung, M.C. Burl, and P. Perona

Hierarchical Organization of Appearance-Based P a r t s and Relations

for Object Recognition 685

O.I. Camps, C.-Y. Huang, and T. Kanungo

S e s s i o n P3A: R e c o g n i t i o n , M e d i c a l I m a g e A n a l y s i s , a n d P h y s i c s - B a s e d V i s i o n

Creaseness Measures for CT and MR Image Registration 694

A.M. Lopez, D. Lloret, and J. Serrat

Correspondence between Different View Breast X-Rays Using a

Simulation of Breast Deformation 700

Y. Kita, R. Highnam, and M. Brady


Volumetrie Layer Segmentation Using Coupled Surfaces Propagation 708

X. Zeng, L.H. Staib, R.T. Schulz, and J.S. Duncan

Fuzzy Convergence 716

A. Hoover and M. Goldbaum

Model-Based Multiscale Detection of 3D Vessels 722

K. Krissian, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, R. Vaillant, and Y. Trousset

Nonrigid Motion Analysis Based on Dynamic Refinement of Finite

Element Models 728

L.V. Tsap, D.B. Goldgof, and S. Sarkar

Connected Vibrations: A Modal Analysis Approach for Non-Rigid

Motion Tracking 735

H. Tao and T.S. Huang

Curves Matching Using Geodesic P a t h s 741 J. Cohen and I. Herlin

Efficient Optimization of a Deformable Template Using

Dynamic Programming 747

J. Coughlan, A. Yuille, C. English, and D. Snow

Analyzing the Bidirectional Texture Function 753

P.-H. Suen and G. Healey

Appearance Based Behavior Recognition by Event Driven

Selective Attention 759

T. Wada and T. Matsuyama

Multiple F e a t u r e Integration for Robust Object Localization 765

S. Shah and J.K. Aggarwal

The Sample Tree: A Sequential Hypothesis Testing Approach to

3D Object Recognition 772

M. Greenspan

Learning to Form Large Groups of Salient Image Features 780 S. Sarkar

Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes of 3D Objects 787

Y. Gdalyahu and D. Weinshall

Towards the Computational Perception of Action 794

R. Mann and A. Jepson

A Classification Based Similarity Metric for 3D Image Retrieval 800

Y. Liu and F. Dellaert

S e s s i o n P 3 B : F a c e R e c o g n i t i o n , V i s i o n a n d G r a p h i c s

Recognizing Abruptly Changing Facial Expressions from Time-Sequential

Face Images 808

T. Otsuka and J. Ohya

Variants of Dynamic Link Architecture Based on Mathematical Morphology

for Frontal Face Authentication 814


Hierarchical Morphable Models 820

M.J. Jones and T. Poggio

Probabilistic Reasoning Models for Face Recognition 827

C. Liu and H. Wechsler

A Verification Protocol and Statistical Performance Analysis for

Face Recognition Algorithms 833

S.A. Rizvi, P.J. Phillips, and H. Moon

Face Recognition Based on N e a r e s t Linear Combinations 839

S.Z. Li

Weak Orthogonalization of Face and Perturbation for Recognition 845

K. Nagao and M. Sohma

Subtly Different Facial Expression Recognition and Expression

Intensity Estimation 853

J. J.-J. Lien, T. Kanade, J.F. Cohn, C.-C. Li, and A.J. Zlochower

Soccer Image Sequence Computed by a Virtual Camera 860

K. Matsui, M. Iwase, M. Agata, T. Tanaka, and N. Ohnishi

The Acquisition and Use of Interaction Behavior Models 866

N. Johnson, A. Galata, and D. Hogg

Acquisition of a Large Pose-Mosaic D a t a s e t 872

S. Coorg, N. Master, and S. Teller

Nonlinear PHMMs for the Interpretation of Parameterized Gesture 879

A.D. Wilson and A.F. Bobick

Automatic Mosaicing w i t h Super-Resolution Zoom 885

D. Capel and A. Zisserman

Extraction and Classification of Visual Motion P a t t e r n s for H a n d

Gesture Recognition 892

M.-H. Yang and N. Ahuja

H u m a n Action Detection Using P N F Propagation of Temporal Constraints 898

C.S. Pinhanez and A.F. Bobick

Reliable Tracking of H u m a n Arm Dynamics by Multiple Cue Integration

and Constraint Fusion 905

Y. Azoz, L. Devi, and R. Sharma

Image Segmentation for H u m a n Tracking Using Sequential-Image-Based

Hierarchical Adaptation 911

A. Utsumi and J. Ohya

S e s s i o n T6A: P a t t e r n A n a l y s i s

Fingerprint Preselection Using Eigenfeatures 918

T. Kamei and M. Mizoguchi

A Weighted Combination of Classifiers Employing Shared and

Distinct Representations 924

J. Kittler and S.A. Hojjatoleslami

A Methodology for Deriving Probabilistic Correctness Measures

from Recognizers 930

D. Bouchaffra, V. Govindaraju, and S. Srihari


S e s s i o n T 6 B : A p p l i c a t i o n s

Robust Defect Segmentation in Woven Fabrics 938

H. Sari-Sarraf and J.S. Goddard, Jr.

Exhaustive Detection of Manufacturing Flaws as Abnormalities 945

V.-D. Nguyen, A. Noble, J. Mundy, J. Janning, and J. Ross

Depth Measurement by the Multi-Focus Camera 953

S. Hiura and T. Matsuyama

D e m o s

w : A Real Time System for Detecting and Tracking People 962 /. Haritaoglu, D. Harwood, and L.S. Davis

Rotation I n v a r i a n t Neural Network-Based Face Detection 963

H.A. Rowley, S. Baluja, and T. Kanade

Magic Morphin' Mirror: Person Detection and Tracking 964

T. Darrell, G. Gordon, M. Harville, and J. Woodfill

VADIS: A Video Analysis, Display and Indexing System 965

U. Gargi, S. Antani, and R. Kasturi

Remote Reality Demonstration 966

T.E. Boult

A u t h o r I n d e x 967


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