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Asymptotic Expansions for Higher Order Scalar Difference Equations


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Volume 2007, Article ID 67492,12pages doi:10.1155/2007/67492

Research Article

Asymptotic Expansions for Higher-Order Scalar

Difference Equations

Ravi P. Agarwal and Mih´aly Pituk

Received 26 November 2006; Accepted 23 February 2007

Recommended by Mariella Cecchi

We give an asymptotic expansion of the solutions of higher-order Poincar´e difference equation in terms of the characteristic solutions of the limiting equation. As a conse-quence, we obtain an asymptotic description of the solutions approaching a hyperbolic equilibrium of a higher-order nonlinear difference equation with sufficiently smooth nonlinearity. The proof is based on the inversion formula for thez-transform and the residue theorem.

Copyright © 2007 R. P. Agarwal and M. Pituk. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, dis-tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction


structure of the solutions of nonlinear functional difference equations in a neighborhood of an equilibrium. However, their results do not yield explicit asymptotic formulas for the solutions.

The paper is organized as follows. InSection 2, we study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of Poincar´e difference equations. InSection 3, we establish our main theorem about the behavior of the solutions of nonlinear difference equations in a neighborhood of a hyperbolic equilibrium. InSection 4, we apply our result to a second-order rational difference equation. We obtain an asymptotic description of the positive solutions, which improves the recent result due to Kalabuˇsi´c and Kulenovi´c [1].

2. Asymptotic expansions for Poincar´e difference equations

Throughout the paper, we will use the standard notationsZ,R, andCfor the set of in-tegers, real numbers, and complex numbers, respectively. The symbolZ+denotes the set

of nonnegative integers. For any positive integerk,Rkis thek-dimensional space of real column vectors with any convenient norm.

Consider thekth-orderPoincar´e difference equation

x(n+k) +a1(n)x(n+k−1) +···+ak(n)x(n)=0, n∈Z+, (2.1)

where the coefficientsaj:Z+C, 1≤j≤k, areasymptotically constantasn→ ∞, that is, the limits

bj=n→∞limaj(n), 1≤j≤k, (2.2)

exist and are finite. It is natural to expect that in this case, the solutions of (2.1) retain some properties of the solutions of thelimiting equation

x(n+k) +b1x(n+k−1) +···+bkx(n)=0, n∈Z+. (2.3)

The following Perron-type theorem established in [8] is a result of this type. It says that the growth rates of the solutions of both (2.1) and (2.3) are equal to the moduli of the roots of thecharacteristic equation

Δ(z)=0, Δ(z)=zk+b

1zk−1+···+bk. (2.4)

(For an extension to a more general class of functional difference equations, see [9]. For further related results on Poincar´e difference equations, see the monographs [10, Section 2.13] and [11, Chapter 8].)

Theorem2.1 [8, Theorem 2]. Suppose (2.2) holds. Ifx:Z+Cis a solution of (2.1), then


(i)x(n)=0for all largen, or (ii)the quantity

μ=μ(x)=lim sup n→∞



is equal to the modulus of one of the characteristic roots of (2.3), that is, the set

Λ(μ)=z∈C(z)=0,|z| =μ (2.6)

is nonempty.

Remark 2.2. Alternative (i) of the above theorem can be excluded in the following sense. If

ak(n)=0, n∈Z+, (2.7)

then the only solution of (2.1) satisfying alternative (i) is the trivial solutionx(n)=0 identically forn∈Z+. Indeed, ifx:Z+Cis a nontrivial solution of (2.1) such that

x(n)=0 for all largenandmis the greatest integer for whichx(m)=0, then (2.1) and (2.7) yield


−x(m+k)−a1(m)x(m+k−1)− ··· −ak−1(m)x(m+ 1)

=0, (2.8)

a contradiction.

In this section, we will show that if the limits in (2.2) are approached at an exponen-tial rate, then the conclusion ofTheorem 2.1can be substantially strengthened. First, we introduce some notations and definitions. Ifλis a characteristic root of (2.3),will de-note the multiplicity ofz=λas a zero of the characteristic polynomialΔgiven by (2.4). It is well known that in this case for any complex-valued polynomialpof order less than

mλ, the function

y(n)=p(n)λn, nZ, (2.9)

is a solution of (2.3). We will refer to such solutions as acharacteristic solution of (2.3) cor-responding toλ. More generally, ifΛis a nonempty set of characteristic roots of (2.3), then by acharacteristic solution corresponding to the setΛwe mean a finite sum of characteristic solutions for valuesλ∈Λ.

The main result of this section is the following theorem.

Theorem2.3. Suppose that the convergence in (2.2) is exponentially fast, that is, for some

η∈(0, 1),

aj(n)=bj+Oηn , n−→ ∞, 1≤j≤k. (2.10)

Assume also that


Ifx:Z+Cis a solution of (2.1), then either

(i)x(n)=0for all largen, or

(ii)there existsμ∈(0,)such that the set of characteristic rootsΛ(μ)given by (2.6) is nonempty, and for some∈(0,μ), one has the asymptotic expansion

x(n)=y(n) +O(μ−)n , n−→ ∞, (2.12)

whereyis a nontrivial characteristic solution of (2.3) corresponding to the setΛ(μ).

As a preparation for the proof ofTheorem 2.3, we establish a useful technical result. Recall that ifgis a meromorphic function in a region of the complex plane andλis a pole ofgof orderm, then theresidue ofgatλ, denoted by Res(g;λ), is the coefficientc−1of the

Lemma2.4. Ifλis a nonzero characteristic root of (2.3) and f is holomorphic in a neigh-borhood ofz=λ, then the function

y(n)=Res(idn−1Δ−1f;λ), nZ, (2.14)

is a characteristic solution of (2.3) corresponding toλ.(Hereidn−1(z)=zn−1.)

Proof. The characteristic polynomialΔcan be written as

Δ(z)=(z−λ)q(z), (2.15)

whereqis a polynomial andq(λ)=0. For eachn∈Z, the function idn−1f is holomorphic in a neighborhood ofz=λ. Consequently, the functiong=idn−1Δ−1f is holomorphic in

a deleted neighborhood ofz=λand its Laurent series has the form (2.13) withm=mλ. By the calculus of residues, we have that


We now give the proof ofTheorem 2.3.

Proof ofTheorem 2.3. Suppose thatxis a solution of (2.1) for which alternative (i) does not hold. ByTheorem 2.1, the quantityμdefined by (2.5) is equal to the modulus of one of the characteristic roots of (2.3). Thus,Λ(μ) is nonempty. By virtue of (2.11), the characteristic roots are different from zero, and henceμ >0. Rewrite (2.1) as

x(n+k) +

It is well known that thez-transform ofxgiven by


Taking thez-transform of (2.18) and using the shifting property

According to the inversion formula for thez-transform, we have that

x(n)= 1




whereγis any positively oriented simple closed curve that lies in the region|z|> μand winds around the origin. Choose>0 so small thatμ−2and the set of the roots of the characteristic polynomialΔbelonging to the annulusμ−2<|z|< μ+ 2coincides with the setΛ(μ). From (2.24) and (2.26), we obtain

x(n)= 1



zn−1Δ−1(z)f(z)dz, n∈Z+, (2.27)

where f =q+ ˜candγ1is the circle,

γ1(t)=(μ+)eit, 0≤t≤2π. (2.28)

Sinceqis an entire function (polynomial) and ˜cis holomorphic for|z|>ν, the function

f is holomorphic in the region|z|>ν. This, together with the choice of, implies that the function idn−1Δ−1f is meromorphic in the region

Ω=z∈C|μ−2<|z|< μ+ 2 (2.29)

and its poles in that region belong to the setΛ(μ). Letγ2be the positively oriented circle

centered at the origin with radiusμ−, that is,

γ2(t)=(μ−)eit, 0≤t≤2π. (2.30)

By the residue theorem, we have that

1 2πi


zn−1Δ−1(z)f(z)dz= 1



zn−1Δ−1(z)f(z)dz+y(n), (2.31)




Residn−1Δ−1f;λ , (2.32)

Abeing the set of poles of idn−1Δ−1f in the annulusΩ. (This follows from [12,

The-orem 10.42] applied to the cycleΓ1γ3 inΩ−A, whereγ3is the opposite to γ2.)

Substitution into (2.27) yields

x(n)=y(n) + 1 2πi


zn−1Δ1(z)f(z)dz, nZ+. (2.33)

As noted before,A⊂Λ(μ). Consequently, byLemma 2.4,yis a characteristic solution of (2.3) corresponding to the setΛ(μ). The integral in (2.33) can be estimated as follows (see [12, Section 10.8]):



zn−1Δ1(z)f(z)dz2πK(μ)n, (2.34)


K= max



This proves (2.12). Finally, we show thatyis a nontrivial solution. Indeed, if y(n) were zero identically forn∈Z+, then (2.12) would imply that

lim sup n→∞


x(n)≤μ−< μ, (2.36)

contradicting (2.5).

Remark 2.5. As shown in the above proof, the positive constantμin alternative (ii) of

Theorem 2.3is given by formula (2.5).

In most applications, the coefficients of (2.1) are real and only real-valued solutions are of interest. As a simple consequence ofTheorem 2.3, we have the following.

Corollary2.6. Suppose that the coefficientsaj:Z+R,1≤j≤k, are real-valued and there exist constantsbj∈R,1≤j≤k, andη∈(0, 1)such that (2.10) and (2.11) hold. If

x:Z+Ris a real-valued solution of (2.1), then either

(i)x(n)=0for all largen, or

(ii)there existsμ∈(0,)such that the setΛ(μ)is nonempty, and for some∈(0,μ), one has the asymptotic expansion

x(n)=w(n) +O(μ−)n , n−→ ∞, (2.37)

wherewis a nontrivial (real-valued) solution of the limiting equation (2.3) of the form



qλ(n) cosnθλ +rλ(n) sin

nθλ , (2.38)

where, for everyλ∈Λ(μ),θλ=Argλis the unique number in(−π,π]for which

λ=μeiθλandqλ,rλare real-valued polynomials of order less thanmλ.

Proof. Clearly, ifx is a real-valued solution of (2.1) satisfying the asymptotic relation (2.12) ofTheorem 2.3, then (2.37) holds withw=Rey. Since the coefficients of the lim-iting equation (2.3) are real, the real part of the solutionyis also a solution of (2.3). It is an immediate consequence of the definition of the characteristic solutions thatw=Rey

has the form (2.38). Finally, ifw(n) were zero identically forn∈Z+, then (2.37) would

imply (2.36) contradicting (2.5).

3. Behavior near equilibria of nonlinear difference equations

In this section, as an application of our previous results on Poincar´e difference equations, we establish an asymptotic expansion of the solutions of nonlinear difference equations which tend to a hyperbolic equilibrium. We will deal with the equation

x(n+k)=fx(n),x(n+ 1),. . .,x(n+k−1) , n∈Z+, (3.1)

wherekis a positive integer andfRis aC1function,Ωbeing a convex open subset


x(n)=videntically forn∈Z+. Equivalently,

v=(v,v,. . .,v)Ω, (3.2)

v= f(v). (3.3)

Associated with (3.1) is thelinearized equationabout the equilibriumv,

x(n+k) +b1x(n+k−1) +···+bkx(n)=0, n∈Z+,

bj= −Dk−j+1f(v), 1≤j≤k.


The equilibriumvof (3.1) is calledhyperbolicif the characteristic polynomialΔ of the linearized equation (3.4) given by (2.4) has no root on the unit circle|z| =1.

The main result of this section is the following theorem.

Theorem3.1. Letvbe a hyperbolic equilibrium of (3.1). Suppose that the partial derivatives

Djf,1≤j≤k, are locally Lipschitz continuous onΩand

D1f(v)=0 (3.5)

(withvas in (3.2)). Letx:Z+Rbe a solution of (3.1) satisfying


n→∞x(n)=v. (3.6)

Then either

(i)x(n)=vfor all largen, or

(ii)there exists μ∈(0, 1)such that the set Λ(μ)given by (2.6) is nonempty, and for some∈(0,μ),one has the asymptotic expansion

x(n)=v+w(n) +O(μ−)n , n−→ ∞, (3.7)

wherewis a nontrivial solution of the linearized equation (3.4) of the form (2.38). If, in addition, it is assumed that

D1f(x)=0, xΩ, (3.8)

then alternative (i) holds only for the equilibrium solutionx(n)=videntically forn∈Z+.

Remark 3.2. A sufficient condition for the partial derivativesDjf, 1≤j≤k, to be locally Lipschitz continuous onΩis that f is of classC2onΩ.

Proof. Letxbe a solution of (3.1) satisfying (3.6) for whichx(n)=0 for infinitely manyn. We have to show thatxsatisfies alternative (ii). Define

u(n)=x(n)−v, n∈Z+,



Thenu(n)=0 for infinitely manyn, and from (3.1) and (3.3), we find forn∈Z+that

by (3.5). By the application ofTheorem 2.1, we conclude that

μ=lim sup n→∞


u(n) (3.14)

is equal to the modulus of one of the roots of the characteristic equation (2.4). Since

u(n)0 asn→ ∞,μ≤1. Thus,μis equal to the modulus of one of the roots of (2.4)

and hence there existsK >0 such that

u(n)=x(n)vn, nZ+. (3.16)

This, together with the Lipschitz continuity of the partial derivativesDjf, 1≤j≤k, im-plies that (2.10) holds. ApplyingCorollary 2.6to the solutionuof (2.1), we obtain the existence of(0,μ) such that

u(n)=w(n) +O(μ−)n , n−→ ∞, (3.17)

wherewis a solution of the linearized equation (3.4) of the form (2.38). This proves (3.7). Suppose now that (3.8) holds and letxbe a solution of (3.1) satisfying alternative (i). Thenu(n)=0 for all largen. SinceD1f is continuous onΩandΩis convex, (3.8)

im-plies thatD1f has a constant sign onΩ. As a consequence, (2.7) holds withak as in (3.11). According toRemark 2.2, we have thatu(n)=0, and hencex(n)=videntically for


4. Application

As an application, consider the second-order rational difference equation

x(n+ 2)= B

x(n+ 1)+


x(n), n∈Z

+, (4.1)

whereB,C∈(0,). We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of the positive solutions of (4.1). This equation is a special case of (3.1) when

fx1,x2 = C


B x2,

x1,x2 Ω=(0,)×(0,). (4.2)

Equation (4.1) has a unique positive equilibriumv=√B+C. The linearized equation about the equilibriumvhas the form

x(n+ 2) + B

B+Cx(n+ 1) + C

B+Cx(n)=0, n∈Z

+. (4.3)

The characteristic roots of (4.3) are



2(B+C) . (4.4)

Depending on the parametersBandC, we have the following three possible cases.

Case 1(C < B/(2(1 +2))). Thenλ+andλ−are real and

1< λ−< λ+<0. (4.5)

Case 2(C=B/(2(1 +2))). Then

1< λ+=λ−=λ= −2(BB+C)<0. (4.6)

Case 3(C > B/(2(1 +2))). Thenλ+andλ−are complex conjugate pairs,

λ±=μe±iθ forμ=λ+=λ−=


B+C and someθ∈(0,π). (4.7)

In all three cases, both characteristic rootsλ+and λ− lie inside the open unit disk


Let us mention two results available for (4.1). Kulenovi´c and Ladas [2] showed that every positive solutionx:Z+(0,) of (4.1) tends tovasn→ ∞. In a recent paper [1],

Kalabuˇsi´c and Kulenovi´c determined the rate of convergence of the positive solutions of (4.1). In [1, Theorem 2.1], they showed that ifx:Z+(0,) is a positive solution of

(4.1) which is eventually different fromv, then inCase 1, either

lim n→∞

x(n+ 1)−v



lim n→∞

x(n+ 1)−v

x(n)−v =λ−, (4.9)

while, in Cases2and3, we have that

lim sup n→∞


x(n)−v=λ+=λ−. (4.10)

Theorem 3.1yields the following more precise result about the asymptotic behavior of the positive solutions of (4.1).

Theorem4.1. Every nonconstant positive solutionx:Z+(0,)of (4.1) has the following

asymptotic representation asn→ ∞. InCase 1, either


+++ n (4.11)

for someK∈R− {0}and∈(0,+|), or


+Oλ−− n (4.12)

for someK∈R− {0}and∈(0,|λ−|). InCase 2,

x(n)=v+λnK1n+K2 +O

|λ| − n (4.13)

for some(K1,K2)R2− {(0, 0)}and∈(0,|λ|)(withλas in (4.6)).

InCase 3,


1cos() +K2sin() +O

(μ−)n (4.14)

for some(K1,K2)R2− {(0, 0)}and∈(0,μ)(withμandθas in (4.7)).


Mih´aly Pituk was supported in part by the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research (OTKA) Grant no. T 046929.


[1] S. Kalabuˇsi´c and M. R. S. Kulenovi´c, “Rate of convergence of solutions of rational difference equation of second order,”Advances in Difference Equations, vol. 2004, no. 2, pp. 121–139, 2004. [2] M. R. S. Kulenovi´c and G. Ladas,Dynamics of Second Order Rational Difference Equations,

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[3] S. Stevi´c, “Global stability and asymptotics of some classes of rational difference equations,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 316, no. 1, pp. 60–68, 2006.


[5] J. Mallet-Paret, “The Fredholm alternative for functional-differential equations of mixed type,” Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1–47, 1999.

[6] M. Pituk, “Asymptotic behavior and oscillation of functional differential equations,”Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 322, no. 2, pp. 1140–1158, 2006.

[7] H. Matsunaga and S. Murakami, “Some invariant manifolds for functional difference equations with infinite delay,”Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 661–689, 2004.

[8] M. Pituk, “More on Poincar´e’s and Perron’s theorems for difference equations,”Journal of Dif-ference Equations and Applications, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 201–216, 2002.

[9] H. Matsunaga and S. Murakami, “Asymptotic behavior of solutions of functional difference equations,”Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 305, no. 2, pp. 391–410, 2005.

[10] R. P. Agarwal,Difference Equations and Inequalities, vol. 155 ofMonographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, USA, 1992.

[11] S. Elaydi, An Introduction to Difference Equations, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, New York, NY, USA, 3rd edition, 2005.

[12] W. Rudin,Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, 3rd edition, 1987.

Ravi P. Agarwal: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901-6975, USA

Email address:agarwal@fit.edu

Mih´aly Pituk: Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of Veszpr´em, P.O. Box 158, 8201 Veszpr´em, Hungary


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