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Centre Of Mass (com)

Combining forces and kinematics for calculating consistent centre of mass trajectories

Combining forces and kinematics for calculating consistent centre of mass trajectories

... of centre of mass (CoM) is a fundamental object of investigation in biomechanical ...the CoM motion can either be calculated from force data (dynamic method) or motion capture data (kinematic ...


Reliability and validity of a novel Kinect based software program for measuring posture, balance and side bending

Reliability and validity of a novel Kinect based software program for measuring posture, balance and side bending

... the centre of mass (CoM) of the body. By projecting the CoM to the floor (base of support), the position, displacement, velocity and acceleration of the centre of pressure (CoP) can be ...


Dynamics of the body centre of mass during actual acceleration across transition speed

Dynamics of the body centre of mass during actual acceleration across transition speed

... body’s centre of mass (Alexander, 2003; Cavagna et ...body centre of mass (COM), whereas in running these mechanical energy components fluctuate in- phase, often referred to in the ...


When navigating wood ants use the centre of mass of a shape to extract directional information from a panoramic skyline

When navigating wood ants use the centre of mass of a shape to extract directional information from a panoramic skyline

... the centre of mass of the training shape when facing the goal and can then guide themselves by placing the centre of mass of training and test shapes in this learnt ...


The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on locomotion and balance in patients with chronic stroke: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on locomotion and balance in patients with chronic stroke: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

... the centre of mass (COM) during gait can also be evaluated [23], providing useful information regarding the control of gait [23 – ...the COM in patients with hemiparesis [23, 24] have shown ...


Propulsive force calculations in swimming frogs I  A momentum–impulse approach

Propulsive force calculations in swimming frogs I A momentum–impulse approach

... the centre of mass and the drag on the frog’s body seems to imply a few ...the centre of mass, the estimate of the total propulsive force remained positive throughout hind limb ...frog’s ...


Hovering of model insects: simulation by coupling equations of motion with Navier–Stokes equations

Hovering of model insects: simulation by coupling equations of motion with Navier–Stokes equations

... body centre of mass in the horizontal direction dominates the body oscillation; and the non- dimensional horizontal displacement of the body centre of mass consisted of two parts, one (due to ...


The landing–take off asymmetry in human running

The landing–take off asymmetry in human running

... the centre of mass of the body at landing and take-off, and the characteristics of the muscle–tendon units during stretching and recoil, are usually assumed to be the ...the centre of mass of ...


Effect of an increase in gravity on the power output and the rebound of the body in human running

Effect of an increase in gravity on the power output and the rebound of the body in human running

... the centre of mass during each running step can be divided into two parts: one taking place when the vertical force exerted on the ground is greater than body weight (lower part of the oscillation) and ...


Network Effect in Geocentre Motion

Network Effect in Geocentre Motion

... These data products are for degrees n ≥ 2 only, as the GRACE satellites alone are incapable of observing the geocentre (GC) motion. Therefore, we use the degree-1 coefficient timeseries2 from Swenson et al. [2008], ...


Factors affecting metabolic cost of transport during a multi stage running race

Factors affecting metabolic cost of transport during a multi stage running race

... the centre of mass (CoM) was calculated as the mean position of the markers placed over the spina iliaca (right and left) and over the second lumbar vertebra (Bourdin et ...of CoM, as ...


A new rare type of supernovae: hypervelocity stellar collisions at galactic centres

A new rare type of supernovae: hypervelocity stellar collisions at galactic centres

... total mass of the gas that remains bound to the SMBH and the distribution of the arrival time-scales of this gas can vary significantly as a function of the combination of explosion en- ergy and the velocity of ...


Balance responses to lateral perturbations in human treadmill walking

Balance responses to lateral perturbations in human treadmill walking

... ‘extrapolated centre of mass’, and (2) a lateral ankle strategy, which comprises a medial or lateral movement of the centre of pressure under the foot ...extrapolated centre of mass is ...


Birds achieve high robustness in uneven terrain through active control of landing conditions

Birds achieve high robustness in uneven terrain through active control of landing conditions

... A traditional measure of stability is minimisation of CoM fluctuations throughout a perturbation (Gatesy and Biewener, 1991; Leeuwen, 1999). During obstacle negotiation, however, minimising height fluctuations ...


The double contact phase in walking children

The double contact phase in walking children

... same mass, not only can both actuators do work on the mass but they can also do work on each other provided they are not maintained in an exactly 90° orientation to each ...The mass-specific work per ...


Is there a minimum complexity required for the biomechanical modelling of running?

Is there a minimum complexity required for the biomechanical modelling of running?

... To construct the knee-spring-ankle-spring (KSAS) and knee-spring-ankle-actuator (KSAA) models (Figure 1), an additional rigid segment, representing the foot, was added. The thigh and shank segment lengths were defined as ...


Malaria research in Malawi from 1984 to 2016: a literature review and bibliometric analysis

Malaria research in Malawi from 1984 to 2016: a literature review and bibliometric analysis

... 483 publications of primary malaria research originat- ing from Malawi were online and 165 malaria approved studies from ECs. Malaria research activity in Malawi has steadily grown from two publications in 1984 to 51 in ...


Six degree of freedom analysis of hip, knee, ankle and foot provides updated understanding of biomechanical work during human walking

Six degree of freedom analysis of hip, knee, ankle and foot provides updated understanding of biomechanical work during human walking

... 6DOF+Foot work explained the positive energy changes of/about the body ’ s COM during walking, specifically during gait phases when conventional 3DOF estimates failed to capture much of the body ’ s kinetics (Fig. ...


Intra specific variation in wing morphology and its impact on take off performance in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) during escape flights

Intra specific variation in wing morphology and its impact on take off performance in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) during escape flights

... Body mass varies as a result of both diurnal and seasonal deposition of fat, and wing area varies through the loss of feathers (and consequently wing area) as a result of moult and feather ...body mass ...


The mechanics of head supported load carriage by Nepalese porters

The mechanics of head supported load carriage by Nepalese porters

... In the Everest valley of Nepal, because of the rugged mountain terrain, roads are nothing more than dirt paths and all material must be conveyed on foot. The Nepalese porters routinely carry head- supported loads, which ...


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