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GDP per capita

Real GDP per capita since 1870

Real GDP per capita since 1870

... real GDP per capita in the biggest OECD countries is represented as a sum of two components – a steadily decreasing trend and fluctuations related to the change in some specific age ...real ...


Bayesian and Frequentist Approach to Time Series Forecasting with Application to Kenya’s GDP per Capita

Bayesian and Frequentist Approach to Time Series Forecasting with Application to Kenya’s GDP per Capita

... future GDP per capita can be the primary determinant of investments, employment, wages, profits and stock market ...real GDP per ...


Modelling real GDP per capita in the USA: cointegration test

Modelling real GDP per capita in the USA: cointegration test

... We are happy to join the JF’s attempt to establish a more rigorous and testable empirical consideration of various economic models and propose as an alternative the two-component model formulated above. Our model ...


Public Health Spending and GDP per Capita in Malaysia: Does the Lucas Critique Apply?

Public Health Spending and GDP per Capita in Malaysia: Does the Lucas Critique Apply?

... to GDP per ...output per capita nexus in ...since GDP per capita is one of the explanatory variables, which appears to have only a lag effect on public health ...output ...


University Rankings Game and its relation to GDP per capita and GDP growth

University Rankings Game and its relation to GDP per capita and GDP growth

... To sum up all these findings, we can say that given other things equal, countries with higher income levels and larger population are able to produce more World-Class Universities (WCUs) that are able to enter the ...


India and the great divergence : an Anglo Indian comparison of GDP per capita, 1600 1871

India and the great divergence : an Anglo Indian comparison of GDP per capita, 1600 1871

... real GDP for India during the period 1600-1871. In Section V, these GDP estimates are then combined with data on population to derive estimates of Indian GDP per capita, and used to ...


Predicting real GDP per capita in France, Germany, New Zealand, and the UK

Predicting real GDP per capita in France, Germany, New Zealand, and the UK

... real GDP per capita ...real GDP per capita (for the sake of brevity, below we often omit “per capita”) in developed countries is characterized by an annual ...


Modeling and forecasting Botswana's Growth Domestic Product (GDP) per capita

Modeling and forecasting Botswana's Growth Domestic Product (GDP) per capita

... on GDP per capita in Botswana from 1960 to 2017, the study analyzes GDP per capita using the Box – Jenkins ARIMA ...Botswana GDP per capita data is I ...


Real GDP per capita in developed countries

Real GDP per capita in developed countries

... real GDP per capita is represented as a sum of two components – a monotonically decreasing economic trend and fluctuations related to the change in some specific age ...real GDP per ...


Welfare in Slovakia and the EU — an alternative to GDP per capita

Welfare in Slovakia and the EU — an alternative to GDP per capita

... Implementing this measure for Slovakia, our results indicate that relative welfare is approximately 10 percentage points higher in Slovakia than GDP per capita would suggest. In the medium run, ...


The contribution of university rankings to country's GDP per capita

The contribution of university rankings to country's GDP per capita

... To sum up all these findings, we can say that given other things equal, countries with higher income levels and larger population are able to produce more “world - class universities”, which means they can afford to ...


Rapid Reports  Regions  Per capita GDP in the community regions in 1990  1993 1

Rapid Reports Regions Per capita GDP in the community regions in 1990 1993 1

... In Belgium, France and the United Kingdom, the regions containing the national capital Brussel, Ile­de­France and Greater London have GDP per capita figures more than 50% above the Commu[r] ...


Do Democracies Grow Faster? Revisiting the Institutions and Economic Performance Debate

Do Democracies Grow Faster? Revisiting the Institutions and Economic Performance Debate

... A priori, there is little reason to believe that democratic nations should nec- essarily grow faster or slower than their non-democratic counterparts. Indeed, a quick glance at the bilateral data alone (Figure 1) ...


Determinants of Uganda’s Export Performance: A Gravity Model Analysis

Determinants of Uganda’s Export Performance: A Gravity Model Analysis

... including GDP per capita of Australia and its partners, the per capita GDP differential between Australia and its partners, openness of its partners and dummies for common ...


Does education affect economic liberty? The role of information and the media

Does education affect economic liberty? The role of information and the media

... Education is probably correlated with a number of factors which are commonly associated with economic freedom but not included in regression estimates of Table 6. In this case our estimates would suffer from endogeneity ...


Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions: What If Vietnam Followed China’s Development Path?

Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions: What If Vietnam Followed China’s Development Path?

... shows GDP per capita (calculated as power purchasing parities) in Vietnam and China between 1980 and ...similar per-capita income (Vietnam 1980: 437 US$; 1990: 936 US$; China 1980: 304 ...


Has the crisis affected the behavior of the rating agencies? Panel evidence from the Eurozone

Has the crisis affected the behavior of the rating agencies? Panel evidence from the Eurozone

... in GDP per capita, GDP growth rate, exchange reserves and cumulated current account results in a credit rating upgrade (cumulative current account’s significance emerges only during the ...


Appraising Relationship Of Selected Macro-Economic Variables On Mutual Funds

Appraising Relationship Of Selected Macro-Economic Variables On Mutual Funds

... As per previous historical data, it was observed that any economic events affect the investment corpus of ...like GDP, inflation, gold prices, Sensex, GDP per capita, GNI per ...


Globalization and health worker crisis: what do wealth effects tell us?

Globalization and health worker crisis: what do wealth effects tell us?

... security(GDP per capita growth and health expenditure), economic considerations(savings, inflation and population growth), physical security(freedom and government effectiveness), political ...


Determinants of Health Professionals’ Migration in Africa

Determinants of Health Professionals’ Migration in Africa

... increased GDP per capita and could also improve the general health of a population(Packer et ...of per capita GDP trickling-down to mitigate poverty is mixed at ...


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