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gender pay gap

Closing the Gender Pay Gap. Government response to the consultation

Closing the Gender Pay Gap. Government response to the consultation

... the gender pay gap is a key priority for this ...the gender pay gap is the lowest on ...average pay of their male and female ...the gender pay gap in ...


Scotland's gender pay gap : latest data and insights

Scotland's gender pay gap : latest data and insights

... the gender pay gap and improve ...largest gender pay gap of any industry in Scotland and a sizable female workforce) may be an important area of future ...Scotland’s ...


The Gender Pay Gap on the Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

The Gender Pay Gap on the Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

... the gender pay gap for these ...earnings gap in the first decade after graduation was due to women’s higher likelihood of taking time away from work (often associated with childbirth) and ...


The gender pay gap in the UK 1995-2007: research report number 1

The gender pay gap in the UK 1995-2007: research report number 1

... the gender wage gap have changed over the last 10 to 20 years? The research evidence on this topic is fairly limited, but a number of studies have employed British cohort studies to gain insights into these ...


Measuring links between labor monopsony and the gender pay gap in Brazil

Measuring links between labor monopsony and the gender pay gap in Brazil

... measure gender pay ...observed gender pay ...that gender elasticity differences accounted for 70 to 90% of the gender wage gap for low-education ...


The Gender Pay Gap In Vietnam, 1993-2002: A Quantile Regression Approach

The Gender Pay Gap In Vietnam, 1993-2002: A Quantile Regression Approach

... the gender pay gap has been less ...the gender pay gap widened in Bulgaria and Romania, was relatively stable in FRYugoslavia, Slovenia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, but fell in the Czech ...


The reversal of the gender pay gap among public-contestselected young employees

The reversal of the gender pay gap among public-contestselected young employees

... the gender pay gap vanishes among public-contest selected employees, and even reverses in favor of women ...and gender-fair screening ...are gender- fair because the coefficients ...


The Gender Pay Gap: Micro Sources and Macro Consequences

The Gender Pay Gap: Micro Sources and Macro Consequences

... firms’ gender composition to aggregate output and welfare. If gender-specific barriers impede women’s relocation to higher- productivity firms, the gender pay gap may be associated with ...


The gender pay gap in the UK: evidence from the UKHLS

The gender pay gap in the UK: evidence from the UKHLS

... the gender pay gap, we call these protective ...the gender pay ...the gender pay gap, as does union ...the pay gap and find that differentials in ...




... the gender pay gap in the Vietnamese wage employment sector over a recent time period, but this sector only comprised a quarter of those at work in Vietnam in ...the gender wage gap ...


Scotland's gender pay gap : latest data and insights

Scotland's gender pay gap : latest data and insights

... the gender pay gap and improve ...largest gender pay gap of any industry in Scotland and a sizable female workforce) may be an important area of future ...Scotland’s ...


Equal pay as a moving target: International perspectives on forty-years of addressing the gender pay gap

Equal pay as a moving target: International perspectives on forty-years of addressing the gender pay gap

... the gender wage gap forty years ...new gender-balanced graduate jobs, there emerges two separate streams of predominantly male graduate jobs and female graduate ...that gender pay gaps ...


The Gender Pay Gap in Informal Employment in Poland

The Gender Pay Gap in Informal Employment in Poland

... the gender pay gap declined at the beginning of the period of transition compared to its pre-transitional level, and that it has remained more or less stable since that ...earnings gap between ...


Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap

Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap

... Theoretical attempts of explaining discrimination often follow Becker’s (1971) concept of discrimination due to distaste. Since some employers dislike employing women, which is modelled by means of a distaste parameter ...


Do services reduce gender inequality in labor markets? The service sector, knnowledge intensive services and the gender pay gap

Do services reduce gender inequality in labor markets? The service sector, knnowledge intensive services and the gender pay gap

... The service sector, knnowledge-intensive services and the gender pay gap Dueñas, Diego and Iglesias, Carlos and Llorente, Raquel Department of Economics.. University of Alcalá, Departmen[r] ...


Toolkit 1: Measuring your gender pay gap

Toolkit 1: Measuring your gender pay gap

... This drive towards greater transparency will positively impact on differences between men’s and women’s pay. Public reporting demonstrates to investors, employees, customers and public audiences that employers are ...


Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap

Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap

... Theoretical attempts of explaining discrimination often follow Becker’s (1971) concept of discrimination due to distaste. Since some employers dislike employing women, which is modelled by means of a distaste parameter ...


The UK gender pay gap 1997-2015: what is the role of the public sector?

The UK gender pay gap 1997-2015: what is the role of the public sector?

... higher pay in the public sector reported in Cai and Liu (2011) and Fuller (2005) revolve around monopoly power, lower exposure to market forces, vote maximization, and the greater role for stakeholder (employee) ...


The Gender Pay Gap; Continually Hurting Women

The Gender Pay Gap; Continually Hurting Women

... the pay gap cannot be attributed to the fields that women work in because they are choosing to follow careers in the same fields as ...a gender pay gap and to see if they believe this ...


Closing the Gender Pay Gap. Government Consultation

Closing the Gender Pay Gap. Government Consultation

... pay information. We believe that greater transparency will encourage employers and employees to consider what more can be done to close any pay gaps. Doing this will take us a step further on the path to ...


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