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HIV patients

Evaluation of serum sex hormones and CD4+ count among HIV patients on HAART, HAART naive patients and apparently healthy subjects in Sokoto, Nigeria

Evaluation of serum sex hormones and CD4+ count among HIV patients on HAART, HAART naive patients and apparently healthy subjects in Sokoto, Nigeria

... HIV-infection in men is more prevalent among the age 45-54 years HAART naïve men and 15-24 years HIV patients on HAART (Table 3). There was significant decrease in testosterone among HIV ...


Opportunistic Respiratory Infections in HIV Patients Attending Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal

<p>Opportunistic Respiratory Infections in HIV Patients Attending Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal</p>

... among HIV patients was reported to be due to Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus in fl uenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and ...


Comparison of health system responsiveness between HIV and non-HIV patients at infectious disease clinics in Yunnan, China

Comparison of health system responsiveness between HIV and non-HIV patients at infectious disease clinics in Yunnan, China

... of HIV and non-HIV patients in two hospitals with the largest HIV ...admissions. Patients’ experience and expectation of HSR were measured using a self-reported questionnaire containing ...


Isolation of Candida albicans among HIV Patients Presenting with Oral Thrush in Abuja, Nigeria

Isolation of Candida albicans among HIV Patients Presenting with Oral Thrush in Abuja, Nigeria

... both HIV seropositive and HIV seronegative, 21 ...the patients might play a central role with regards to age specific prevalence rate ...adolescence HIV patients might account for ...


Study of Thyroid Function Abnormalities in Newly Diagnosed HIV Patients

Study of Thyroid Function Abnormalities in Newly Diagnosed HIV Patients

... in HIV patients is not always adrenal insufficiency, it can occur due to many causes in advanced HIV ...in HIV patients causes inhibition of adrenal corticosteroid synthesis (20) and it ...


Correlation between Parasitic Infections in HIV Patients
Parasitic Infections in HIV Patients

Correlation between Parasitic Infections in HIV Patients Parasitic Infections in HIV Patients

... This may be related to the age factor, since all individuals examined were adults and possibly the personal hygiene conditions were adequate, or because the water used by the population had been treated or filtered. It ...


Lipodystrophy in HIV patients: its challenges and management approaches

Lipodystrophy in HIV patients: its challenges and management approaches

... Abstract: HIV-associated lipodystrophy is a term used to describe a constellation of body composition (lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy) and metabolic (dyslipidemia and insulin resistance) alterations that ...


The increasing burden and complexity of multi-morbidity and polypharmacy in geriatric HIV patients: a cross sectional study of people aged 65 – 74 years and more than 75 years

The increasing burden and complexity of multi-morbidity and polypharmacy in geriatric HIV patients: a cross sectional study of people aged 65 – 74 years and more than 75 years

... both HIV positive and HIV negative groups and were categorized using the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification in which the drugs are divided into different groups based on therapeutic ...


Virologic and immunologic outcome of HAART in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1 infected patients with and without tuberculosis (TB) and latent TB infection (LTBI) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Virologic and immunologic outcome of HAART in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1 infected patients with and without tuberculosis (TB) and latent TB infection (LTBI) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

... all patients with CD4+ < 200 cells/μl and would restore optimal immune responses specific to Mtb, the cumulative incidence of TB would decrease by 22% over 20 years ...of patients on HAART which are ...


Radionuclide imaging of inflammation in atherosclerotic vascular disease among people living with HIV infection: current practice and future perspective

Radionuclide imaging of inflammation in atherosclerotic vascular disease among people living with HIV infection: current practice and future perspective

... of patients (Subra- manian et al. 2012). Group one contained chronic HIV-infected patients ( n = ...the HIV group by age, gen- der, and Framingham risk score (n = ...non-HIV ...


Inflammatory status hepatic enzymes and serum creatinine in HIV-, HIV+ and HIV-TB co-infected adult Central Africans

Inflammatory status hepatic enzymes and serum creatinine in HIV-, HIV+ and HIV-TB co-infected adult Central Africans

... After adjusting for age and sex (Table 3), the means of AST, ALT, GGT, CRP, and creatinine varied highly signifi- cantly (P , 0.01) across the study groups. The highest con- centrations of ALT, GGT, creatinine, and CRP ...


Results from the first audit of an intensive care unit in Botswana

Results from the first audit of an intensive care unit in Botswana

... include patients aged between 14 and 18 years, as in our ...adult patients admitted to a small single mixed ICU in Botswana, not reflecting all critically ill patients in the ...full, patients ...


Diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients by Real Time PCR: a 4 Year Prospective Study

Diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients by Real Time PCR: a 4 Year Prospective Study

... mised patients with acute respiratory symptoms who were investigated for PCP were included, totaling 659 patients (814 bron- choalveolar lavage fluid ...samples). Patients with negative microscopy ...


Inflammatory Responses in Blood Samples of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Pulmonary Infections

Inflammatory Responses in Blood Samples of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Pulmonary Infections

... in patients with BP, mycobacteriosis, and ...tuberculosis patients, TNF-␣ production is present at the site of disease but is seldom found in the circulation (18, ...in HIV-infected macrophages than ...


Tuberculosis and diabetes in Nigerian patients with and without HIV

Tuberculosis and diabetes in Nigerian patients with and without HIV

... with HIV were less likely to have a positive TB culture than HIV-negative ...as HIV infection is known to dramatically increase the risk of TB (Pawlowski et ...Although HIV patients are ...


Evaluation of collaborative TB/HIV activities in a general hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Evaluation of collaborative TB/HIV activities in a general hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

... In concurrence with global reports (WHO 2010 report), the IPT uptake rate was low [13]. Although the guidelines recommend IPT as part of the standard care for HIV patients without active TB, low uptake con- ...


Clinical Study of Cutaneous Manifestations in HIV Positive Patients in Correlation with CD4 Count

Clinical Study of Cutaneous Manifestations in HIV Positive Patients in Correlation with CD4 Count

... Primary skin and soft tissue infections caused by Staph.aureus are – folliculitis, furuncles, impetigo, bullous impetigo, ecthyma, carbuncles, cellulitis, botryomycosis and pyomyositis. Secondary staphylococcal infection ...


Antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in HIV-1 associated neurocognitive disorder: a cross-sectional cohort study

Antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in HIV-1 associated neurocognitive disorder: a cross-sectional cohort study

... distribution, patients with primary HIV infection and asymptomatic HIV patients were younger and OIND patients were ...OND patients who were well ...included HIV positive ...




... treating HIV/TB treatment is complicated.Drug- to-drug interactions of HIV-TB drug regimens acts as limitations to therapy and paradoxically, HIV/AIDS leads to Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory ...


Burden of malaria among adult patients attending general medical outpatient department and HIV care and treatment clinics in Oromia, Ethiopia: a comparative cross sectional study

Burden of malaria among adult patients attending general medical outpatient department and HIV care and treatment clinics in Oromia, Ethiopia: a comparative cross sectional study

... that HIV and malaria co- infected patients were less likely to have the classical symptoms of malaria (fever, chills and headache) com- pared to the HIV negative—malaria positive ...finding. ...


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