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Life Expectancy

Socioeconomic differentials in life expectancy and years of life lost in Victoria,1992-1996

Socioeconomic differentials in life expectancy and years of life lost in Victoria,1992-1996

... of Life Lost (YLL) are the mortality component of Disability Adjusted Life Years ...remaining life expectancy while discounting future years by three per ...cohort life ...


Life expectancy of parents with Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Life expectancy of parents with Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia

... that life expectancy in a largely unscreened population with HHT is worse than in their non-HHT partners [14], more specifically for patients with Endoglin mutations and especially ...normal life ...


Machine Learning For Prognosis of Life Expectancy and Diseases

Machine Learning For Prognosis of Life Expectancy and Diseases

... of life depicts the average age that the members of a particular population group will be when they ...die. Life expectancy varies with developed and developing countries, ratio of birth to death, ...


Health Index & Life Expectancy of HV Motor

Health Index & Life Expectancy of HV Motor

... Health index will be a very vital tool for the quantifying the machine condition in a number on the scale of 0-10. Subsequently Life expectancy can also be calculated based on the calculated health index. ...


Parental altruism, life expectancy and dynamically inefficient equilibria

Parental altruism, life expectancy and dynamically inefficient equilibria

... and life expectancy in such failure of the fi rst welfare ...long life expectancy prevent the occurence of inefficient ...and life expectancy actually favorize the emergence of ...




... – life expectancy. Some factors that appear to influence life expectancy include family history, marital status, economic status, physique, exercise, diet, drug use including smoking and ...


Dutch life expectancy from an international perspective

Dutch life expectancy from an international perspective

... in life expectancy is the result of a massive decrease in mortality at the time when post-war Japan became an economic power, changing its socio-political ...highest life expectancy in the ...


Race and life expectancy in the USA in the Great Depression

Race and life expectancy in the USA in the Great Depression

... Direct assistance programs may also play a role in the observed trends. Fishback et al. ("Black-white differences in access to new deal relief under the WPA in 1940 and the FERA in 1933", unpublished) show that ...


Life Expectancy In Zimbabwe: An Analysis Of Five Decades

Life Expectancy In Zimbabwe: An Analysis Of Five Decades

... ife expectancy has been progressively increasing in most parts of the world over the recent successive ...of life expectancy increased across the globe over the decades, enormous discrepancies exist ...


Exploring the determinants of global life expectancy in an ecological perspective

Exploring the determinants of global life expectancy in an ecological perspective

... Objective: This study is designed to understand the impacts of demographic events, socioeconomic differentials, health factors’ availability, and environmental reasons which influence life expectancy (LE) ...


Impact of diabetes mellitus on life expectancy and health-adjusted life expectancy in Canada

Impact of diabetes mellitus on life expectancy and health-adjusted life expectancy in Canada

... the life expectancy among people without diagnosed dia- betes instead of diabetes-deleted life expectancy [2,3,6] (or to be exact diabetes-specific death deleted life ex- pectancy) ...


New Characteristics of Active Life  Expectancy of the Elderly in China

New Characteristics of Active Life Expectancy of the Elderly in China

... of life expectancy in four states: healthy, partial self-care, complete lack of self-care and ...the life expectancy of complete lack of self-care, we can evaluate the pension costs, which is ...


Life expectancy: complex measures of the length and the health related quality of life

Life expectancy: complex measures of the length and the health related quality of life

... Life expectancy is a widely used indicator that accounts for mortality risks and, indirectly, for the health status of ...period life table which assumes a constant mortality to simulate the ...


Bayesian probabilistic projections of life expectancy for all countries

Bayesian probabilistic projections of life expectancy for all countries

... of life expectancy will decline in the future but that gains will continue, asymptotically, at a linear rate, on ...of life expectancy by the ...male life expectancy in 2050 are ...


The Impact of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth in Developing Countries

The Impact of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth in Developing Countries

... of life expectancy contributes to economic growth in a country? The response to this question is essential in the debates on health policy in the world in general and in developing countries (DC) in ...of ...


Norte maintained the highest life expectancy at birth and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa maintained the highest life expectancy at 65 years

Norte maintained the highest life expectancy at birth and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa maintained the highest life expectancy at 65 years

... The life table is a mathematical model of demographic analysis composed by a set of basic functions which provide a basis for measuring longevity in a given ...age, life tables for Portugal, NUTS 1, 2 and 3 ...


The influence of health care spending on life expectancy

The influence of health care spending on life expectancy

... in life expectancy even when adjusted for ...much life expectancy would have increased if the study findings were applied to the observed 40% increase in health care spending between 2000 and ...


Review. Life expectancy in cerebral palsy: an update

Review. Life expectancy in cerebral palsy: an update

... their life expectancy was reduced by only 5 years compared with the general pop- ...normal life expec- tancy ranged from 65 down to 31 ...later life, and the above 10% reduction is generally ...


Multilevel survival analysis of health inequalities in life expectancy

Multilevel survival analysis of health inequalities in life expectancy

... (life expectancy or mortality) and estimate comparable inequality measures at both individual and area levels after controlling for known fac- tors or ...


Social Economic Status to the Number of Life Expectancy

Social Economic Status to the Number of Life Expectancy

... Secondary data is used in this research, the primary source for the data is from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in the form of time series data analysis and cross-sectional analysis. The cross- section data can ...


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