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Occupational Accidents

Investigation of Occupational Accidents Induce Sever Injury in Fars, Iran from 2005 to 2007

Investigation of Occupational Accidents Induce Sever Injury in Fars, Iran from 2005 to 2007

... most accidents occurred in Fars capital (Shiraz) ...to occupational accidents than single ...recorded accidents (85%) correspond to the work- ers with diploma and lower education ...


Studying Psychological and Organizational Factors’ Roles on Occupational Accidents among Nurses and Nursing Aids in Qom, Iran

Studying Psychological and Organizational Factors’ Roles on Occupational Accidents among Nurses and Nursing Aids in Qom, Iran

... addition, occupational accidents happened to responders were reported by them and were then compared with available documents to increase ...accuracy. Occupational accident means an occurrence ...




... occupational accidents at sea ...Only accidents aboard cargo ships in international trade is included in the Poisson regression analysis due to limitations in the information on time at risk aboard ...


Safety Motivation and Work Pressure as Predictors of Occupational Accidents in the Petrochemical Industry

Safety Motivation and Work Pressure as Predictors of Occupational Accidents in the Petrochemical Industry

... Work pressure was also found to have a significant posi- tive correlation with occupational accident rate (0.430). These results are consistent with other findings (e.g. Seo (3), Hofmann and Stetzer (14) and ...


Evaluation of the Relationship between Occupational Accidents and Usage of Personal Protective Equipment in an Auto Making Unit

Evaluation of the Relationship between Occupational Accidents and Usage of Personal Protective Equipment in an Auto Making Unit

... of accidents in industrial units, the aim of this study is to evaluate the association between occupational accidents and the use of PPE in the body section of a vehicle manufacturing ...


Proactivity and consequence based safety incentive (PCBSI) developed with a fuzzy approach to reduce occupational accidents

Proactivity and consequence based safety incentive (PCBSI) developed with a fuzzy approach to reduce occupational accidents

... Abstract: This study introduces a new reward system for enhancing safety during work activities, by improving workers' motivation in performance and thereby reducing occupational accidents. The reward ...


Application of Structural Equations Modeling to Assess Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, General Health and Occupational Accidents

Application of Structural Equations Modeling to Assess Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, General Health and Occupational Accidents

... with occupational accidents (with adjust about interfering variables) depicted that both of them were in significant relationship with accidents ...of accidents in workplaces and GH ...


The Relationship between Workers’ Attitude towards Safety and Occupational Accidents Experience

The Relationship between Workers’ Attitude towards Safety and Occupational Accidents Experience

... positive occupational safety attitude are informed about the importance and the key role of personal protective equipment in prevention of accidents in their workplaces and believe that there is always a ...


The Importance of Safety in Construction Sector: Costs of Occupational Accidents in Construction Sites

The Importance of Safety in Construction Sector: Costs of Occupational Accidents in Construction Sites

... severe accidents occur in construction sites in Turkey due to lack of attention, dangerous behaviours, disregarding the occupational safety by employers, managers and workers, disapplying the rules of ...


Factors affecting occupational accidents in the construction industry (2009-2013)

Factors affecting occupational accidents in the construction industry (2009-2013)

... all accidents which caused human injuries were ...the accidents. All recorded reports of different occupational accidents on construction sites were gathered, then, accident investigation was ...


Association between Occupational Accidents and Sleep Apnea in Hospital Staff

Association between Occupational Accidents and Sleep Apnea in Hospital Staff

... Sleep deprivation in health care staff may have adverse effects and result in an increase of procedural errors in patient care as well as occupational accidents (4). Epidemiological studies have focused on ...


Relationship between risk perception and occupational accidents: a study among foundry workers

Relationship between risk perception and occupational accidents: a study among foundry workers

... the occupational accidents of workers were also extracted from the accidents ’ records of the ...of occupational accidents during 2013 – 2016 were compared with workers without an ...


Safety Attitudes among Nurses and Its Relation with Occupational Accidents: A Questionnaire Based Survey

Safety Attitudes among Nurses and Its Relation with Occupational Accidents: A Questionnaire Based Survey

... to occupational accidents such as sprains, strains and muscle tears resulting from heavy lifting, slips and falls, needle-stick, contact with blood and other body fluids and open wound contamination with ...


The impact of worker’s age on the consequences of occupational accidents: empirical evidence using Spanish data

The impact of worker’s age on the consequences of occupational accidents: empirical evidence using Spanish data

... workplace accidents and risk factors are collected in the same ...remember occupational injuries and vice ...work accidents that have occurred during a whole year and where all the information ...


Analysis of occupational accidents in underground and surface mining in Spain using data-mining techniques

Analysis of occupational accidents in underground and surface mining in Spain using data-mining techniques

... of occupational accidents in the mining sector was conducted using the data from the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Safety between 2005 and 2015, and data-mining techniques were ...the ...


Questionnaire on Registration of Occupational accidents / work related injuries in Baltic Sea region

Questionnaire on Registration of Occupational accidents / work related injuries in Baltic Sea region

... OF ACCIDENTS AT WORK the employer is obliged to organise the registration of accidents at work, draw up lists of occupational accidents resulting in a worker being unfit for work for more than ...


Evaluating Occupational Accidents and Their Indices In a Refining and Distributing Company of Petroleum Products of Mahshahr 2008-2010

Evaluating Occupational Accidents and Their Indices In a Refining and Distributing Company of Petroleum Products of Mahshahr 2008-2010

... of occupational accidents happened in the former; this result is confirmed by the present ...important accidents in the workers of warehouse construction related to collision with objects and ...


Can Emotional Intelligence be Used as a Tool to Control Occupational Accidents?Case Study in an Iranian Industry

Can Emotional Intelligence be Used as a Tool to Control Occupational Accidents?Case Study in an Iranian Industry

... for accidents decreased from 1 to 50% and productivity goals can be increased by increasing production ...and occupational accidents in a printing and publishing industry in the city of Qom and was ...


The effect of mental workload on occupational accidents among nurses in hospitals of Kerman, Iran

The effect of mental workload on occupational accidents among nurses in hospitals of Kerman, Iran

... and occupational factors affecting workload can be effective in planning of managers and relevant authorities, it is suggested that in future studies, individual-social factors and occupational factors ...


Occupational Accidents among Hospital Staff

Occupational Accidents among Hospital Staff

... of accidents with the exception of 4 inci- ...tional accidents except in the case of slipping and falling ...and occupational incidents (Smith & Leggat ...the occupational accidents ...


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