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the exchange rate

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... The exchange rate measures the value of one country currency in terms of other ...the exchange rate system being followed. Under a fixed exchange rate system, this value is set ...


Bonds And The Exchange Rate

Bonds And The Exchange Rate

... - exchange rate, GDP deflator, GDP, international reserve, money supply, short term interest rate, UK stock index and net trade - as the independent variables in the regression ...interest ...


Investment and the Exchange Rate

Investment and the Exchange Rate

... between exchange rate fluctuations and the investment decisions of a sample of Italian manufacturing ...the exchange rate has a positive effect on investment through the revenue channel, and a ...


Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... Originality/value: To the authors‟ knowledge, this is the first study to use panel data analysis to analyze the impact of lending practices on operating profitabilit[r] ...


Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... Therefore, budget constraints alone are not sufficient conditions for the provision of fiscal sustainability. In light of these definitions, it can be said that fiscal sustainability focuses on two main points: ...


Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... In respect of the aggregate model, external borrowing, domestic borrowing and grants all in the long run lead to increase in government expenditure which confirms concept of aid illusio[r] ...


Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... the rate of return on equity for the company, and is expressed as a rate of return per month computed from the (continuously compounded) equity rates of return for the company's ...


Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

Exchange Rate Volatility in Sudan: Does the Exchange Rate System Matter?

... unemployment rate rose from 5% to 10% between December 2007 and October 2009, Yellen stayed focused on boosting economic growth and improving the labor ...Funds Rate (ZIRP), Quantitative Easing (QE), and ...


On exchange rate regimes, exchange rate fluctuations, and fundamentals

On exchange rate regimes, exchange rate fluctuations, and fundamentals

... real exchange rates in dynamic stochastic general equilib- rium models with nominal rigidities, ...the exchange rate properties under floating rates, we direct our attention to the effects of different ...


The Interest Rate — Exchange Rate Nexus: Exchange Rate Regimes and Policy Equilibria

The Interest Rate — Exchange Rate Nexus: Exchange Rate Regimes and Policy Equilibria

... interest rate on the terms of ...nominal exchange rate (provided that the anchor country ensures price ...the exchange rate target completely dominates other terms in the objective of ...


The interest rate - exchange rate nexus: exchange rate regimes and policy equilibria

The interest rate - exchange rate nexus: exchange rate regimes and policy equilibria

... the exchange rate on target all the ...interest rate based on the forecast of the future net foreign asset position and of the expected future ...nominal exchange rate will remain in ...


Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Exchange Rate: Case of Rupiah Exchange Rate

Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Exchange Rate: Case of Rupiah Exchange Rate

... RUPIAH EXCHANGE RATE CASE ANALYSIS Indonesia Bank has used the intervention policy as liquidity management tools to balance government spending since managed exchange rate system was changed ...


Exchange Rate Determination I: Prices and the Real Exchange Rate

Exchange Rate Determination I: Prices and the Real Exchange Rate

... countries’ exchange rates and inflation relative to the United States over various time ...its exchange rate should devalue by 1% against the ...change rate depreciations for the last quarter ...


Impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate On

Impact of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate On

... interest rate and exchange rate on Malaysia stock market ...and exchange rate policies. However, interest rate and exchange rate have been chosen in this ...the ...


Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Determination

Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Determination

... In the basic equation of the monetary approach the exchange rate is a function of the relative money supplies of the two countries, the relative income levels, and the relative interest [r] ...


Exchange Rate Policy in Morocco and Persistence of  Real Exchange Rate Misalignments

Exchange Rate Policy in Morocco and Persistence of Real Exchange Rate Misalignments

... foreign exchange market completely free , where the dirham exchange rate is determined by supply and demand and without limits set by the central bank requires a strong enough financial and economic ...


Real exchange rate volatility, financial crises and exchange-rate regimes

Real exchange rate volatility, financial crises and exchange-rate regimes

... that exchange rate regimes do really matter, as we obtain evidence in favour of nominal regimes affecting RER ...the exchange rate regime, the higher the volatility of the RER, as well as an ...


Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: External Exchange Rate Volatility Matters

Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: External Exchange Rate Volatility Matters

... in exchange rate of other countries could have sizable impact on trade flow between two ...the exchange rate volatility between Euro and Mexican ...peso exchange rate could ...


Home bias, exchange rate disconnect, and optimal exchange rate policy

Home bias, exchange rate disconnect, and optimal exchange rate policy

... on exchange rate movements obstruct the expenditure-switching effect for intermediate goods: in the face of country-specific technology shocks, the nominal exchange rate cannot move freely to ...


An Empirical Investigation into Exchange Rate Regime Choice and Exchange Rate Volatility

An Empirical Investigation into Exchange Rate Regime Choice and Exchange Rate Volatility

... flexible exchange rate versus an irrevocably (and credibly) fixed nominal exchange ...different exchange rate regimes, varying from free float to full ...fixed exchange ...


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