• No results found

With the youth forming 36.2% of the South African population, opportunities for this group to contribute to the growth and success of the country is ample (Statistics South Africa, 2016). Therefore, placing importance on their development is critical. However, much research in this area has shown that the development of students; young individuals in leadership is focused on and influenced by corporate-related models (Thompson, 2013:1). The findings from this study provides further evidence of this, as the study’s respondents still required more for their leadership development that specifically caters for their needs as young individuals. Constructing effective developmental opportunities is necessary but equally important is providing fair opportunities for all students to participate. As Hatum (2010:29) pointed out such practices cannot be overstated due to its heightened importance. Allowing young individuals to reach their highest potential and attain essential skills, lies in the philosophy of collectivism. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, thus with dedicated efforts made by both individuals and organisations, positive outcomes from the grooming and strengthening of the essential skills of young people can be attained.



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