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A New Model

3.1 The Operation-Event Graph

3.1.3 Incorporating Structure

Designers need to be able to specify the components of a design using dierent levels of abstraction. If a single specication language can capture a design at all of these dierent levels of abstraction, many benets, both tangible and intangible, accrue. One signif- icant benet is that synthesis can be viewed as a transformational process; behavioral specications are transformed, through a series of steps, into structural specications. In Section 2.3, we argued that a clean integration of structure into event-based specication languages was thus needed, and that representations should allow structural components to be specication elements.

We believe that operation-event graphs provide a good formal basis for expanding the expressiveness of event-based specication languages. We have included and integrated structure into the OEgraph specication language. Operations are allowed to operate on signals, e.g., to have signals as inputs and outputs. We have dened a new node type, a wire which is really a convenient syntactic extension. Operation-event graphs are quite capable of modeling structure. In OEgraphs, we simply extend the syntax of an operation's program code to operate on signal values. This is, in some sense, merely a perspective, a way of encapsulating and viewing the structure. Figure 3.2 shows behavioral and a structural perspectives of an inverter.

Both specications make use of the special properties of the signal value


(al- though this is explicit only in the behavioral version). We allow event nodes to be associated with a transition to


and their discrete events to be associated with transitions to either




depending upon the dynamic behavior of the opera- tions generating the events (i.e., statically


, at run-time either




). This facilitates the notion of data, in that operations may obtain the signal value for a dis-

oe_wire In("In"); oe_wire Out("Out"); inv_code(oe_trigger trigger) { cause(Out,10,not(In);} main { oe_operation inv("inv", inv_code); connect(In,inv); connect(inv,Out);} oe_wire In("In"); oe_wire Out("Out"); oe_event InH("InH",In,HIGH); oe_event InL("InL",In,LOW); oe_event OutV("OutV",Out,VALID); inv_code(oe_trigger trigger) { if (trigger==InH) cause(OutV,10,low); if (trigger==InL) cause(OutV,10,high);} // or, cause(outV,10,not(valueOf(trigger)); main {

oe_operation inv("inv", inv_code); connect(InH,inv);

connect(InL,inv); connect(inv,OutV);}

InH 〈In, high〉

OutV 〈Out,valid〉

InL 〈In, low〉 In

Out Wire Node

Figure 3.2: Two dierent specications for an inverter, the left specication is behavioral and operates on events, the right specication is structural and operates on wires. crete input event and decide what value a discrete output event should then assume. For example, the program code for the inverter could also be specied as noted by the tex- tual comment in the left specication of Figure 3.2. Note that we purposely have made no distinction between data and control, i.e., events can represent and carry both data and control information. This will allow optimization and synthesis algorithms greater exibility.

Conceptually, an operation with a structural input signal


should have all of the events that occur on


(i.e., f


j signal(e) = sg) as inputs. The operation should not

distinguish between the dierent input events; rather, all of the events should be treated the same way, because it is the value of the signal that is important, not the occurrence of a specic named event on the signal. Likewise, an operation with a structural output should be the only operation generating events for a particular signal.

Thus, although operation-event graphs do not contain structure (signals are not nodes in the graph), our specication language OEgraphs allows specications to \look

like structure." In essence, the presence of a wire merely indicates the presence of an implicit internal event|either an input or an output, e.g., see Figure 3.3.

oe_wire ck("ck"); oe_wire D("D"); oe_wire Q("Q");

ff_code(oe_trigger trigger) { if (trigger==ck && ck==HIGH)

cause(Q, uniform_delay(5,10),valueOf(D);} main {

oe_operation flipflop("flipflop", ff_code); connect(ck,flipflop); connect(D,flipflop); connect(flipflop,Q);} ck Q D flipflop Implicit Internal Events F R Resolution Operation

Figure 3.3: A clocked edge-triggered D ipop represented using OEgraphs. Note that the propagation delay is uniformly distributed between 5 and 10 time units. The ipop operation does not hold state; Q is set to the value of D on every rising clock edge. The transitions on the clock (wire


) are event nodes (e.g.,




from Figure 3.1) but the ipop has




) as an input and doesn't care about the specic event nodes that \make up" the wire.

Every wire has a physical model which is used to determine how events aect wires (e.g., a resolution function in VHDL). Structural details are essentially handled by chang- ing the structure of the resolution operation that collects all of the events for a partic- ular wire, e.g., the operation in Figure 3.3 that collects the events




. We dene resolve(


) to be the name of the internal event that collects all of the events occurring on


(for when


is an input wire to an operation), and output(


) to be the name of the internal event that is used when operation


has the wire


as an output.

Operations having wire inputs and outputs represent functionality from a structural perspective. Operations having event inputs and outputs represent functionality from a behavioral perspective. Mixed perspectives are also possible, e.g., an operation having wire inputs carrying data and event inputs signalling ow of control. Figure 3.4 contains two representations of our simple single phase clock (Figure 3.1). We rst \fold" our clock into a single operation, and then since all of the events on the clock are inputs and outputs of this single operation, we can transform the operation into a purely structural specication using only wires.

oe_wire ck("ck"); oe_event F("F",ck,LOW); oe_event R("R",ck,HIGH); f_code(oe_trigger trigger) { if (trigger==R) cause(F,25); if (trigger==F) cause(R,25);} main {

oe_operation folded("folded", f_code); connect(folded,F);connect(folded,R); connect(F,folded);connect(R,folded);} R 〈ck, high〉 folded F 〈ck, low〉 oe_wire ck("ck"); ck_code(oe_trigger trigger) { cause(ck,25, not(ck));} main {

oe_operation clock("clock", ck_code); connect(clock,ck);

connect(ck,clock);} ck


Figure 3.4: Structural transformations of the single phase clock in Figure 3.1 a variety of structural properties: bundled wires (busses), transport and inertial delay models, etc. Some of these issues have been addressed by our specication language. However, our emphasis has been on expressing temporal and not structural properties. We do believe that operation-event graphs are a framework within which these issues can be suitably addressed. For example, in most cases, the eect of an event on a signal corresponds exactly to the transition that the event represents. For a bus, however, this is not necessarily the case. With two or more operations driving a bus, an event asserting a tri-state value may leave the bus connected to ground (and not disconnected) because another operation connected to the bus keeps it low. Normally, any wire that has an indegree of more than one is a bus (i.e., two or more operations are driving the wire via multiple internal events). Two or more events on the same wire may or may not represent a bus, depending upon whether or not synthesis transforms the events into wire outputs of one or several physical components (represented as operations). In OEgraphs we keep track of this information using partition labels which can be attached to events. Two events (on the same wire) with dierent partitions represent events interacting on a bus.

In summary, OEgraphs support structure by allowing users the freedom to write structural specications which are then appropriately interpreted within the context

of the operation-event graph model. Users are able to work at their desired level of abstraction. Events can be generated on wires without the need to name them explicitly.