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Vol 6, Issue 9, December 2016 Page 147 The instruments utilized in this study were: Background Questionnaire, and Students'

In document Vol. 6, Issue 9, December 2016 (Page 147-149)

Questionnaire (Needs Analysis Test) .The background questionnaire for this study was designed to elicit information on the students' subjects. The questionnaire developed by the researcher consisted of 8 questions which were related to their universities; faculty, age, language use, information about the parents, details about siblings, language attitude, etc.The Students' Questionnaire for this research was designed to find out about general English language needs of the students of Bushehr Universities, Iran. This test comprised of 2 items:Language Attitude, and English language needs. The questionnaire developed by the present researcherin order to collect data in this study.

3.3 Procedure

In order to achieve the aim of this work, the procedures were adopted: Development of the background questionnaire;and its administration; Development of the students'needs analysis questionnaire; and then its administration, and finally, analysis of collected data. Before focusing on the needs analysis test (Students' Questionnaire) which plays the crucial role in this project, the researcher developed and administered the background questionnaire and then developed and administered needs analysis test as the main test of this study. Thebackground test was administered to the Iranian students at the four universities in this research. The time limit was, therefore, set. Thus, before the collection of data, we have completed the ethics procedure in order to do this research and collect data from the participants of the universities. I made proposal of my research and submitted to the Bushehr University of Medical Sciences committee. The members of the committee have reviewed and then they approved their consent for completing this project. To probe the consent of other universities, this study required of the present researcher to visit the universities, discuss with principals and chairpersons of English departments to help the researcher to complete his project.Thesubjects were informed that the aim of the project was to examine a research work (needs analysis) and the result of this research would not affect their examination results. The Students' Questionnaire (Needs Analysis Test) for this research was designed to find out about general English language needs of the students of Bushehr Universities in Iran. The test was administered to the students at the four universities. The researchercleared the students’ doubts during the test. In addition, 226 Iranian learners were selected in order to answer to the students' questionnaire. 122 of them were females and the rest of them were males who were selected for computer analysis from the four universities after they took Students' Questionnaire Test (Needs Analysis Test).

4. Results and Discussion

An attempt is made here to classify and find out about general English language needs of the Iranian EFL learners who studying general English language at Bushehr universities in Bushehr city, Iran.The first category of the Students' test was 'Language Attitude;' the question of this item: what is your attitude towards English Language?

According to answer to question on language attitude, 123 of the Iranian students selected strongly agree which came to 55.2and 79 of the studentsselected agree English language which came to 35.4;3 of them chose disagree which came to 1.3 and only 2 of them chose strongly disagree the English language which came to .9; therefore, 16 of the studentschose tolerate which came to 7.2. In general, their attitude towards English is that they like the language. The following table shows after analyzing language attitude among the Iranian EFL learners:

Table 1: Language Attitude by Iranian EFL Learners

Vol. 6, Issue 9, December 2016 Page 148

Language Attitude Frequency Valid Percent Strongly agree 123 55.2 Agree 79 35.4 Tolerate 16 7.2 Disagree 3 1.3 Strongly disagree 2 .9 Total 223 100.0

English Language Needs

1. Which of the four major skills are the most important for you?

In this category, the Iranian students responded the above question, according to their response to this question, they chose speaking item as the most important skill among the four skills. The number of the Iranian learners chose speaking item was 160 which came to 71.1. Writing as one of the language skills was less important for them. The number of the learners chose this item was 13 which came to 5.8. Another item was considered by the Iranian learners was listening. The number of the Iranian students chose listening item was 22 which came to 9.7. The last number item in this question was reading. The number of the Iranian EFL students chose reading item was 30 which came to 13.3. This category is presented in the following table.

Table 2: Which of the four major skills are the most important for you?

Item Frequency Valid Percent

Reading 30 13.3

Writing 13 5.8

Speaking 160 71.1

Listening 22 9.7

Total 225 100.00

2. Which of ways of learning English language is helping you in improving your English language?

According to responses to question number 2, the first item was conversation; The number of Iranian learners chose agree and strongly agree respectively to conversation item was 56 which came to 25.1 and 144 which came to 64.6. They chose strongly agree to conversation item as the most important item among the other items in this question. The result of this question indicated that the Iranian EFL learners was strongly agree to conversation item, this item helps the researcher focusesmore on the conversation item for the Iranian EFL learners. Mohan and Banerji(2002) argued that the best practice for conversation in conversation itself. The number of the Iranian EFL students chose tolerate was 15 which came 6.7. The number of the Iranian EFL students chose dis agree and strongly dis agree respectively to conversation item was 7 which came to 3.1 and 1 which came to .4. The second item was video. The number of Iranian EFL students chose agree and strongly agree respectively to video item was 88 which came to 39.5 and 91 which came to 40.8. The number of the students chose tolerate was 31 which came to 13.9.

Vol. 6, Issue 9, December 2016 Page 149

In document Vol. 6, Issue 9, December 2016 (Page 147-149)


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