Boolean equation systems for model
5.3 Reduction of Boolean equation systems.
In order to show that the model checking problem and the problem of solving a Boolean equation system are equivalent we also have to give a transformation in the other direction. For any closed Boolean equation systemE we will construct a formula of the modal -calculus and a
modelM, such thatEand
(;M) are equivalent, i.e. for all variablesof E they have the same solution. Roughly, after some reordering of
equations and introduction of new equations an equation system is divided into blocks. We dene a transition system that consists of as many states as the largest block contains equations. Transitions are dened straightforwardly in such a way, that the transformation
produces the required expressions.
Theorem 5.2
For a closed Boolean equation systemE there existsa proposition of the modal -calculus and a modelM= (T;V),
such that for a variable renaming function on the variables ofE,
all X2lhs(E) and environments
([[E]])(X) = ([[
(;M)]] )((X)):It is ad(E)ad(), T is of size O(jEj2) and is of size O(jEj2).
Proof: The construction of and a transition system is performed in seven steps. We assume that the Boolean equation system E is in
standard form.
(1) Divide E into blocks, such that consecutive blocks have dierent
xpoint operators and within one block there is a unique xpoint operator.
(2) Within each block move all disjunctions to the top and the con- junctions to the bottom according to theorem 3.21. Now divide each block into two new blocks, such that one contains no dis- junctions (called conjunctive block) and the other one contains no conjunctions (called disjunctive block).
5.3. Reduction of Boolean equation systems. 63
(3) Introduce a new variable for each block and if X is the variable of a block rename all the left-hand side variables of this block to X1;:::;Xj for some j 2 IN. Let be the injective renaming
function which maps an \old" variable to a \new" one.
(4) Transform the Boolean equation system into an equivalent one,E 0
in the following way. Assume there is occurrence of a variable X on the right hand side of an equation Y =f, where Y EX and X
is not a variable of the same block as Y and not of the directly sub- sequent block. Then introduce a new variable X0, transform the
equation above to Y =f[X=X0] and add the equation 0X0=X
to the directly subsequent block, where 0 is the xpoint oper-
ator of this block. Continue with introduction of new variables until there is no occurrence of a variable which belongs to a sub- sequent, but not directly subsequent block. Choose names of new variables, such that within one block there is still a unique vari- able name and consequent variables are numbered by consequent indices. The transformation is correct according to lemmata 3.25 and 3.22. The additional blow-up of the Boolean equation system is not more than O(n2) for n def
=jE j, because in each block ofE 0
cannot be added more equations than the number of right-hand side variables in the preceding blocks ofE.
(5) If n is the highest index appearing in one of the blocks then create a transition system T consisting of n states numbered 1 to n.
Dene a set of action labels, such that for each ordered pair of (block) variables (X;Y ) there exists a unique label xy. Transform
the equations and add labelled transitions to the transition system as follows. Let 1i;j;kn.
for equations of a disjunctive block, add to T transition(s)
iXi= Yj_Zk iXi=hxyiY _hxziZ i xy !j; i xz !k iXi= Yj iXi=hxyiY i xy !j for equations of a conjunctive block, add to T transition(s)
iXi= Yj^Zk iXi= [xy]Y ^[xz]Z i xy !j; i xz !k iXi= Yj iXi= [xy]Y ixy !j
The transformation does not increase the size of the equation sys- tem (apart from addition of modalities).
(6) Create a sequence of expressions, one for each block. For each disjunctive block with variables X1;:::;Xk dene
X def
= _k
fijXi=iis an equationg:
Note that according to the choice of action labels each variable appears at most once in X (assuming that hxyiY _hxyiY is
reduced tohxyiY ). Create the expression X:X.
Dually, for each conjunctive block with variables X1;:::;Xkdene
X def
= ^k
fijXi=iis an equationg:
Again according to the choice of action labels each variable ap- pears at most once in X. Create the expression X:X.
The size of X:X is linear in the number of blocks ofE 0.
(7) By construction the sequence of expressions has the property: in X:X occur only left-hand side variables from preceding expres-
sions or from the directly subsequent one. Generate an expression starting with the rst expression of the sequence and the iter- atively substituting the variable which is left-hand side variable of the next expression by the next expression. Show thatE
0 is a
subsystem of
(;M), where M consists of the transition sys-temT and an arbitrary valuation (this is, because the formulae
constructed do not contain atomic propositions).
The size of is linear in the size of all X, and hence quadratic
in the number of blocks ofE
0. Then, altogether, the size of is
O(b2), where b is the number of blocks in E, and the transition
systemT has at most n states and 2n transitions, where n is the
number of equations inE.
It is easy to show thatE
0 is a subsystem of
(; MT), where M
T =
(T;V). The valuationV can be chosen arbitrarily, because the formu-
5.3. Reduction of Boolean equation systems. 65
Remark 5.3
The number of action labels is quadratic in the num- ber of blocks ofE, but does not depend on the size of blocks. Whenconsidering innite Boolean equation systems we assume that the number of blocks is nite, but within each block there may be an innite number of equations. The transformation for the innite case then works as the one for the nite case, only the transition system will have an innite number of states. The formula has size quadratic in the number of blocks.
Example: step 1: Boolean equation system
Z1 = Z3 _ Z5 Z2 = Z4 ^ Z6 Z3 = Z1 _ Z6 Z4 = Z2 _ Z5 Z5 = Z3 ^ Z2 Z6 = Z4 _ Z3 step 3: renaming U1 = W1 _ Y1 V1 = X1 ^ X2 W1 = U1 _ X2 X1 = V1 _ Y1 X2 = X1 _ W1 Y1 = W1 ^ V1
step 2: block structure
Z1 = Z3 _ Z5 Z2 = Z4 ^ Z6 Z3 = Z1 _ Z6 Z4 = Z2 _ Z5 Z6 = Z4 _ Z3 Z5 = Z3 ^ Z2 step 4: introduction of additional variables U1 = V2 _ V3 V1 = W2 ^ W3 V2 = W1 V3 = W4 W1 = U1 _ X2 W2 = X1 W3 = X2 W4 = X3 X1 = V1 _ Y1 X2 = X1 _ W1 X3 = Y1 Y1 = W1 ^ V1
step 5: creating equations and a transition system U1 = huviV _ huviV V1 = [vw]W ^ [vw]W V2 = [vw]W V3 = [vw]W W1 = hwuiU _ hwxiX W2 = hwxiX W3 = hwxiX W4 = hwxiX X1 = hxviV _ hxyiY X2 = hxxiX _ hxwiW X3 = hxyiY Y1 = [yw]W ^ [yv]V
2 3 4 1 w v w x2 u; v u;v;w x21;x22;v;w y1;y2; w11 x1 x2step 6: create one expression for each block
X:hxviV _hxxiX_hxwiW_hxyiY
Y:[yw]W ^[yv]V
step 7: generate one expression
X:hxviV _hxxiX_hxwiW_hxyi(
5.3. Reduction of Boolean equation systems. 67
translate formula and transition system created back to a Boolean equation system
U1 = V2 _ V3 U2 = false U3 = false U4 = false V1 = W2 ^ W3 V2 = W1 V3 = W4 V4 = true W1 = U1 _ X2 W2 = X1 W3 = X2 W4 = X3 X1 = V1 _ Y1 X2 = X1 _ W1 X3 = Y1 X4 = false Y1 = W1 ^ V1 Y2 = false Y3 = false Y4 = false C