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Nonoscillation of First Order Dynamic Equations with Several Delays


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Research Article

Nonoscillation of First-Order Dynamic Equations

with Several Delays

Elena Braverman


and Bas¸ak Karpuz


1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N. W., Calgary,

AB, Canada T2N 1N4

2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, ANS Campus, Afyon Kocatepe University,

03200 Afyonkarahisar, Turkey

Correspondence should be addressed to Elena Braverman,maelena@math.ucalgary.ca

Received 18 February 2010; Accepted 21 July 2010 Academic Editor: John Graef

Copyrightq2010 E. Braverman and B. Karpuz. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

For dynamic equations on time scales with positive variable coefficients and several delays, we prove that nonoscillation is equivalent to the existence of a positive solution for the generalized characteristic inequality and to the positivity of the fundamental function. Based on this result, comparison tests are developed. The nonoscillation criterion is illustrated by examples which are neither delay-differential nor classical difference equations.

1. Introduction

Oscillation of first-order delay-difference and differential equations has been extensively studied in the last two decades. As is well known, most results for delay differential equations have their analogues for delay difference equations. In 1, Hilger revealed this interesting connection, and initiated studies on a newtime-scale theory. With this new theory, it is now possible to unify most of the results in the discrete and the continuous calculus; for instance, some results obtained separately for delay difference equations and delay-differential equations can be incorporated in the general type of equations calleddynamic equations.

The objective of this paper is to unify some results obtained in2,3for the delay difference equation

Δxt n


Aitxαit 0 fort∈ {t0, t0 1, . . .}, 1.1


differential equation

xt n


Aitxαit 0 for tt0,. 1.2

Although we further assume familiarity of readers with the notion of time scales, we would like to mention that any nonempty, closed subset Tof Ris called a time scale, and that theforward jump operatorσ : T → Tis defined byσt : t,T fort ∈ T, where the interval with a subscriptTis used to denote the intersection of the real interval with the setT. Similarly, thebackward jump operatorρ:T → Tis defined to beρt:sup−∞, tTfort∈T, and thegraininessμ:T → R0is given byμt:σttfort∈T. The readers are referred to

4for an introduction to the time-scale calculus.

Let us now present some oscillation and nonoscillation results on delay dynamic equations, and from now on, we will without further more mentioning suppose that the time scaleTis unbounded from above because of the definition of oscillation. The object of the present paper is to study nonoscillation of the following delay dynamic equation:

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit 0 fortt0,T, 1.3

wheren∈N,t0 ∈T, for alli∈1, nN,Ai ∈Crdt0,∞T,R,αiis a delay function satisfying αi∈Crdt0,∞T,T, limt→ ∞αit ∞, andαittfor alltt0,∞T. Let us denote

αmint: min


{αit} fortt0,T, t−1: inf


{αmint}, 1.4

thent1 is finite, sinceαmin asymptotically tends to infinity. By asolutionof1.3, we mean

a functionx:t−1,T → Rsuch thatx∈C1rdt0,T,Rand1.3is satisfied ont0,T

identically. For a given functionϕ∈Crdt−1, t0T,R,1.3admits a unique solution satisfying x ϕ on t1, t0T see5, Theorem 3.1. As usual, a solution of 1.3 is called eventually

positive if there exists st0,T such that x > 0 on s,T, and if −x is eventually

positive, thenxis calledeventually negative. A solution, which is neither eventually positive nor eventually negative, is calledoscillatory, and1.3is said to beoscillatoryprovided that every solution of1.3is oscillatory.

In the papers6,7, the authors studied oscillation of1.3and proved the following oscillation criterion.

Theorem Asee6, Theorem 1and7, Theorem 1. Suppose thatACrdt0,∞T,R0. If

lim inf

tT t→ ∞




eλAt, αt λ

>1, 1.5

then every solution of the equation

xΔt Atxαt 0 fortt0,∞T 1.6


Theorem A is the generalization of the well-known oscillation results stated forTZ andT Rin the literaturesee8, Theorems 2.3.1 and 7.5.1. In9, Bohner et al. used an iterative method to advance the sufficiency condition in Theorem A, and in10, Theorem 3.2Agwo extended Theorem A to1.3. Further, in11, S¸ahiner and Stavroulakis gave the generalization of a well-known oscillation criterion, which is stated below.

Theorem Bsee11, Theorem 2.4. Suppose thatACrdt0,∞T,R0and

lim sup

tT t→ ∞



ηΔη >1. 1.7

Then every solution of 1.6is oscillatory.

The present paper is mainly concerned with the existence of nonoscillatory solutions. So far, only few sufficient nonoscillation conditions have been known for dynamic equations on time scales. In particular, the following theorem, which is a sufficient condition for the existence of a nonoscillatory solution of1.3, was proven in7.

Theorem Csee7, Theorem 2. Suppose thatACrdt0,T,R0and there exist a constant

λ∈R and a pointt1∈t0,∞Tsuch that

λA∈ R t1,T,R, λeλAt, αttt2,T, 1.8

wheret2∈t1,∞Tsatisfiesαtt1for alltt2,∞T. Then,1.6has a nonoscillatory solution.

In10, Theorem 3.1, andCorollary 3.3, Agwo extended Theorem C to1.3.

Theorem D see10,Corollary 3.3. Suppose that AiCrdt0,∞T,R0 for alli ∈ 1, nN

and there exist a constantλ ∈ R and t1 ∈ t0,∞T such thatλA ∈ R t1,∞T,Rand for all tt1,T

λ≥ 1



AiteλAt, αit, 1.9

whereA:i1,nNAiont0,∞T. Then,1.3has a nonoscillatory solution.

As was mentioned above, there are presently only few results on nonoscillation of

1.3; the aim of the present paper is to partially fill up this gap. To this end, we present a nonoscillation criterion; based on it, comparison theorems on oscillation and nonoscillation of solutions to 1.3 are obtained. Thus, solutions of two different equations and/or two different solutions of the same equation are compared, which allows to deduce oscillation and nonoscillation results.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some important auxiliary results, definitions and lemmas which will be needed in the sequel are introduced.Section 3contains a nonoscillation criterion which is the main result of the present paper.Section 4 presents comparison theorems. All results are illustrated by examples on “nonstandard” time scales


2. Definitions and Preliminaries

Consider now the following delay dynamic initial value problem:



Aitxαit ft fortt0,∞T

xt0 x0, xt ϕt fortt−1, t0T,


wheren∈N,t0 ∈Tis the initial point,x0 ∈Ris the initial value,ϕ∈Crdt−1, t0T,Ris the

initial function such thatϕhas a finite left-sided limit at the initial point provided that it is left-dense,f∈Crdt0,∞T,Ris the forcing term, andAi ∈Crdt0,∞T,Ris the coefficient

corresponding to the delay functionαifor alli∈ 1, nN. We assume that for alli ∈1, nN,

Ai ∈Crdt0,∞T,R,αi is a delay function satisfyingαi ∈Crdt0,∞T,T, limt→ ∞αit

andαittfor alltt0,∞T. We recall thatt−1 :mini∈1,nN{inftt0,∞Tαit}is finite, since

limt→ ∞αit ∞for alli∈1, nN.

For convenience in the notation and simplicity in the proofs, we suppose that functions vanish out of their specified domains, that is, letf:D → Rbe defined for someD⊂R, then it is always understood thatft χDtftfort∈R, whereχDis the characteristic function

ofDdefined byχDt≡1 fortDandχDt≡0 fort /D.

Definition 2.1. Lets∈T, ands1:infts,∞T{αmint}. The solutionXX·, s:s−1,∞T →

Rof the initial value problem

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit 0 forts,T

xt χ{s}t forts−1, sT,


which satisfiesX·, s∈C1rds,T,R, is called thefundamental solutionof2.1.

The following lemmasee5, Lemma 3.1is extensively used in the sequel; it gives a solution representation formula for2.1in terms of the fundamental solution.

Lemma 2.2. Letxbe a solution of 2.1, thenxcan be written in the following form:

xt x0Xt, t0



Xt, σηfηΔη

i∈1,nN t


Xt, σηAi


ηΔη fortt0,∞T.


As functions are assumed to vanish out of their domains,ϕαit 0 ifαitt0 fort


Proof. As the uniqueness for the solution of2.1was proven in5, it suffices to show that

the fundamental solutionX, we have


Example 2.3. Consider the following first-order dynamic equation:

xΔt Atxt 0 fortt0,T, 2.7

then the fundamental solution of2.7can be easily computed asXt, s eAt, sfors, t

t0,∞Tprovided that−A∈ Rt0,∞T,R see4, Theorem 2.71. Thus, the general solution

of the initial value problem for the nonhomogeneous equation

xΔt Atxt ft fortt0,T

xt0 x0


can be written in the form

xt x0eAt, t0




t, σηfηΔη fortt0,∞T, 2.9

see4, Theorem 2.77.

Next, we will apply the following resultsee6, page 2.

Lemma 2.4see6. If the delay dynamic inequality

xΔt Atxαt≤0 fortt0,∞T, 2.10

whereACrdt0,∞T,R0andαis a delay function, has a solutionxwhich satisfiesxt>0for

alltt1,∞Tfor some fixedt1∈t0,∞T, then the coefficient satisfiesA∈ R t2,∞T,R, where t2∈t1,Tsatisfiesαtt1for alltt2,T.

The following lemma plays a crucial role in our proofs.

Lemma 2.5. Letn∈ Nandt0 ∈ T, and assume thatαi, βiCrdt0,∞T,T,αit, βittfor

alltt0,T,KiCrdT×T,R0for alli∈1, nN, and two functionsf, gCrdt0,T,R



i∈1,nN t


t, ηfβiηΔη gttt0,T. 2.11

Then, nonnegativity ofgont0,∞Timplies the same forf.

Proof. Assume for the sake of contradiction thatg is nonnegative butf becomes negative at some points int0,T. Set


tt0,∞T:≥0 ∀ηt0, tT. 2.12

We first prove thatt1cannot be right scattered. Suppose the contrary thatt1is right scattered;


this contradicts the fact thatt1 is maximal. It follows from2.11that after we have applied

the formula forΔ-integrals, we have


This is a contradiction, and thereforet1is right-dense. Note that every right-neighborhood of

t1contains some points for whichf becomes negative; therefore, infηt1,tT{}<0 for all

tt1,∞T. It is well known that rd-continuous functionsmore truly regulated functions

are bounded on compact subsets of time scales. Pickt3∈t1,∞T, then for eachi∈0, nN, we

which yields the contradiction 1≤2/3 by canceling the negative termsft2on both sides of

the inequality. This completes the proof.

The following lemma will be applied in the sequel.


and the corresponding inequalities

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit≤0 fortt0,T, 3.2

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit≥0 fortt0,T 3.3

under the same assumptions which were formulated for2.1. We now prove the following result, which plays a major role throughout the paper.

Theorem 3.1. Suppose that for alli∈ 1, nN,αiCrdt0,∞T,Tis a delay function andAi

Crdt0,T,R . Then, the following conditions are equivalent.

iEquation3.1has an eventually positive solution.

iiInequality3.2has an eventually positive solution and/or3.3has an eventually negative solution.

iiiThere exist a sufficiently larget1 ∈ t0,T andΛ ∈Crdt1,T,R0such that−Λ ∈

R t1,∞T,Rand for alltt1,∞T



Aite−Λt, αit. 3.4

ivThe fundamental solutionXis eventually positive; that is, there exists a sufficiently large

t1∈t0,∞Tsuch that, s>0holds ons,∞Tfor anyst1,∞T; moreover, if3.4

holds for alltt1,∞Tfor some fixedt1∈t0,∞T, then, s>0holds ons,∞Tfor


Proof. Let us prove the implications as follows:i⇒ii⇒iii⇒iv⇒i.

i⇒iiThis part is trivial, since any eventually positive solution of3.1satisfies3.2

too, which indicates that its negative satisfies3.3.

ii⇒iii Let x be an eventually positive solution of 3.2, the case where x is an eventually negative solution to3.3is equivalent, and thus we omit it. Let us assume that there exists t1 ∈ t0,T such that xt > 0 andxαit > 0 for all tt1,T and all

i∈1, nN. It follows from3.2thatxΔ ≤0 holds ont1,∞T, that is,xis nonincreasing on

t1,∞T. Set



xt fortt1,∞T. 3.5

Evidently Λ ∈ Crdt1,T,R0. From 3.5, we see that Λ satisfies the ordinary dynamic



FromLemma 2.4, we deduce that−Λ∈ R t1,T,R. SincexΔ−Λxont1,T, then by

4, Theorem 2.35and3.6, we have

xt xt1e−Λt, t1 ∀tt1,∞T. 3.7

Hence, using3.7in3.2, for alltt1,∞T, we obtain

−Λtxt1e−Λt, t1


Aitxt1e−Λαit, t1≤0. 3.8

Sincext1>0, then by4, Theorem 2.36we have



Aite−Λαit, t1 e−Λt, t1


Aite−Λt, αit. 3.9

⇒ivLet Λ ∈ Crdt0,∞T,R0satisfy −Λ ∈ R t1,∞T,Rand 3.4 ont1,∞T, where t1 ∈ t0,∞T is such that αmintt0 for all tt1,∞T. Now, consider the initial value




Aitxαit ft fortt1,∞T

xt≡0 fortt0, t1T.


Letxbe a solution of3.10, and setgt:xΔt Λtxtfortt1,∞T, then we see that xalso satisfies the following auxiliary equation

xΔt Λtxt gt fortt1,∞T

xt1 0,


which has the unique solution




eΛt, σηgηΔη fortt1,∞T 3.12

seeExample 2.3. Substituting3.12in3.10, for alltt1,∞T, we obtain

ft −Λt



e−Λt, σηgηΔη e−Λσt, σtgt


Aite−Λt, αit



e−Λt, σηgηΔη,


which can be rewritten as

ft −Λt



e−Λt, σηgηΔη gt


Aite−Λt, αit



eΛt, σηgηΔη


Aite−Λt, αit



e−Λt, σηgηΔη.


Hence, we get






t, σηgηΔη ft 3.15

for alltt1,∞T, whereα0t:t1fortt1,∞T,

Υit:Aite−Λt, αit≥0 fortt1,∞T, i∈1, nN

Υ0t: Λt


Aite−Λt, αit≥0 for tt1,∞T. 3.16

Applying Lemma 2.5 to 3.15, we learn that nonnegativity of f on t1,∞T implies

nonnegativity of g on t1,T, and nonnegativity of g ont1,T implies the same forx

ont1,∞Tby3.12. On the other hand, byLemma 2.2,xhas the following representation:




Xt, σηfηΔη fortt1,T. 3.17

Sincexis eventually nonnegative for any eventually nonnegative function f, we infer that the kernel X of the integral on the right-hand side of 3.17 is eventually nonnegative. Indeed, assume the contrary that x ≥ 0 on t1,∞T but X is not nonnegative, then we

may pick t2 ∈ t1,T and find st1, t2T such that Xt2, σs < 0. Then, letting

ft : −min{Xt2, σt,0} ≥ 0 fortt1,∞T, we are led to the contradictionxt2 < 0,

wherexis defined by3.17. To prove eventual positivity ofX, set


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

Xt, seΛt, s fortt1,∞T,

0 fortt0, t1T,


wherest1,Tis an arbitrarily fixed number, and substitute3.18into3.10, to see that


thatxis nonnegative ons,T. Consequently, we haveX·, se−Λ·, s>0 ons,∞Tfor

anyst1,∞Tsee4, Theorem 2.48.

iv⇒i Clearly,X·, t0is an eventually positive solution of3.1.

The proof is therefore completed.

Remark 3.2. Note that Theorem 3.1for 1.6includes Theorem C, by letting Λt : λAt

for tt1,∞T, whereλ ∈ R satisfies −λA ∈ R t1,∞T,R. AndTheorem 3.1 reduces

to Theorem D, by letting Λt : λi1,nTAit for tt1,T, where λ ∈ R satisfies

λi1,nTAi∈ R t1,∞T,R.

Corollary 3.3. IfΛ ∈ Crdt−1,∞T,R0,−Λ ∈ R t0,∞T,Rsatisfies 3.4on t0,∞T and x0≥0, then


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

x0e−Λt, t0 fortt0,∞T,

x0 fortt−1, t0T


is a positive solution of 3.2, andxis a negative solution to3.3.

The following three examples are special cases of the above result, and the first two of them are corollaries for the casesTRandThZ, which are well known in literature, and the third one, forTqZwithq >1, has not been stated thus far yet.

Example 3.4see2, Theorem 1and8, Section 3. LetT R, and suppose that there exist

λ∈R0 andt1∈t0,∞such that



Aiteλtαittt1,. 3.20

Then, the delay-differential equation 1.2 has an eventually positive solution, and the fundamental solutionXsatisfiesX·, s>0 ons,Tfor anyst1,Tbecause we may


Example 3.5see3, Theorem 2.1and8, Section 7.8. Leth∈0,∞,T hZ, and suppose that there existλ∈0,1andt1 ∈t0,hZsuch that

1−λh i∈1,nN

Aitλtαittt1,hZ. 3.21

Then, the following delayh-difference equation:

Δhxt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit 0 fortt0,hZ, 3.22

whereΔhis defined by


xt hxt


has an eventually positive solution, and the fundamental solutionXsatisfiesX·, s> 0 on

s,hZt1,hZbecause we may letΛt:≡1−λ/hfortt0,hZ. Notice that if for

alltt1,hZand alli∈1, nN,Aitandtαitare constants, then3.21reduces to an

algebraic inequality.

Example 3.6. LetTqZforq∈1,∞, and suppose that there existλ∈0,1andt1∈t0,qZ,

wheret0∈qZ, such that

1−λq−1t i∈1,nN

Aitλ−logqt/αittt1,qZ. 3.24

Then, the following delayq-difference equation:



Aitxαit 0 fortt0,qZ, 3.25

where theq-difference operatorDqis defined by


⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩


q−1t , t >0,


sqZ s→0


s , t0


has an eventually positive solution, and the fundamental solutionXsatisfiesX·, s> 0 on

s,qZ ⊂t1,qZbecause we may letΛt: 1−λ/q−1tfortt0,qZ. Notice that

if for alltt1,hZand alli∈1, nN,tAitandt/αitare constants, then3.24becomes

an algebraic inequality.

4. Comparison Theorems

In this section, we state comparison results on oscillation and nonoscillation of delay dynamic equations. To this end, consider3.1together with the following equation:

xΔt i∈1,nN

Bitxβit0 fortt0,T, 4.1

wheren ∈ N,Bi ∈ Crdt0,∞T,Rand βi ∈ Crdt0,∞T,Tis a delay function for alli

1, nN. LetYbe the fundamental solution of4.1.

Theorem 4.1. Suppose thatBiCrdt0,T,R0,AiBi and αiβi ont1,Tfor alli

1, nN and some fixedt1 ∈ t0,∞T. If the fundamental solutionXof 3.1is eventually positive,

then the fundamental solutionYof4.1is also eventually positive.

Proof. ByTheorem 3.1, there exist a sufficiently larget1 ∈ t0,TandΛ ∈Crdt1,T,R0


and−Λ∈ R t1,T,Rimply thate−Λt, sis nondecreasing ins, hencee−Λ1/e−Λt, s

is nonincreasing inssee4, Theorem 2.36. Without loss of generality, we may suppose that

AiBiandαiβihold ont1,∞Tfor alli∈1, nN. Then, we have



Aite−Λt, αit


Bite−Λt, βit 4.2

for alltt1,T. Thus, byTheorem 3.1we haveY·, s>0 ons,Tfor anyst1,T,

and equivalently,4.1has an eventually positive solution, which completes the proof.

The following result is an immediate consequence ofTheorem 4.1.

Corollary 4.2. Assume that all the conditions ofTheorem 4.1hold. If 4.1is oscillatory, then so is


For the following result, we do not need the coefficientBi to be nonnegative for all i∈1, nN; consider3.1together with the following equation:

xΔt i∈1,nN

Bitxαit 0 fortt0,∞T, 4.3

where for alli∈1, nN,Bi∈Crdt0,T,Randαiis the same delay function as in3.1. Let

XandYbe the fundamental solutions of3.1and4.3, respectively.

Theorem 4.3. Suppose thatAiCrdt0,∞T,R0,AiBiont1,∞Tfor alli∈1, nNand some

fixedt1∈t0,T, and that, s>0ons,Tfor anyst1,T. Then,, s≥ X·, sholds

ons,Tfor anyst1,∞T.

Proof. From4.3, any fixedst1,∞Tand allts,∞T, we obtain

t, s


AitYαit, s


AitBitYαit, s. 4.4

It follows from the solution representation formula2.3that

Yt, s Xt, s

i∈1,nN t


Xt, σηAi



η, sΔη 4.5

for all ts,T. Lemma 2.5 implies nonnegativity of Y·, s since X·, s > 0 on

s,Tt1,∞Tand the kernels of the integrals in4.5are nonnegative. Then dropping the


Corollary 4.4. Suppose that the delay differential inequality

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit≤0 fortt0,∞T, 4.6

whereAit:max{Ait,0}fortt0,∞TandAi, αiare same as in3.1for alli∈1, nN, has

an eventually positive solution, then so does3.1.

Proof. By Theorem 3.1, we know that the fundamental solution of the corresponding differential equation

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit 0 for tt0,∞T 4.7

is eventually positive, applyingTheorem 4.3, we learn that the fundamental solution of3.1

is also eventually positive sinceAiAiholds ont0,∞Tfor alli∈1, nN. The proof is hence


We now compare two solutions of2.1and the following initial value problem:

xΔt i∈1,nN

Bitxαit gt fortt0,∞T

xt0 x0, xt ϕt fortt−1, t0T,


wheren∈N,x0, ϕandαifor alli∈1, nNare the same as in2.1andBi, g∈Crdt0,T,R

for alli∈1, nN.

Theorem 4.5. Suppose thatAiBifor alli∈ 1, nNandgf ont0,∞T, and, s> 0on

s,Tfor anyst0,T. Letxbe a solution of 2.1withx >0ont0,T, thenyxholds on

t0,∞T, whereyis a solution of4.8.

Proof. By Theorems3.1and4.3, we haveY·, s≥ X·, s >0 ons,Tfor anyst0,∞T.

Rearranging2.1, we have

xΔt i∈1,nN

Bitxαit fti∈1,nN

AitBitxαit 4.9


we have

As an application ofTheorem 4.5, we give a simple example on a nonstandard time scale below.

byTheorem 4.5. For the graph of 30 iterates, seeFigure 1.

Corollary 4.7. Suppose thatAiCrdt0,∞T,R0for alli∈1, nNand, s>0ons,∞Tfor

anyst0,T. Letx, y, zbe solutions of 3.1,3.2and3.3, respectively. Ify >0ont0,T


3 2.5

2 1.5

1 2 3 4

x y

Figure 1:The graph of 30 iterates for the solutions of4.11and4.13illustrates the result ofTheorem 4.5, hereyt> xtfor allt∈√3


Corollary 4.8. Letxbe a solution of 3.1, and, s > 0ons,T for anyst0,∞Tbe the

fundamental solution of

xΔt i∈1,nN

Aitxαit 0 fortt0,T, 4.14

andy >0ont0,Tbe a solution of this equation. Ifxyholds ont−1, t0T, thenxyholds on


Theorem 4.9. Suppose that there existt1 ∈ t0,∞Tand Λ ∈ Crdt1,∞T,R0such that−Λ ∈

R t1,T,Rand for alltt1,T









. 4.15

Then,3.1has an eventually positive solution.

Proof. ByCorollary 4.4, it suffices to prove that4.6has an eventually positive solution. For this purpose, byTheorem 3.1, it is enough to demonstrate thatΛsatisfies



Aite−Λt, αittt1,T. 4.16

Note thatΛ∈Crdt1,T,R0and−Λ∈ R t1,T,Rimply thate−Λt, sis nondecreasing


Lemma 2.6, for alltt1,T, we have








Ait e−Λt, αmint


AiteΛt, αmint


AiteΛt, αit,


which implies that4.16holds. The proof is therefore completed.

Corollary 4.10. Suppose that there existM, λ∈R0 withλ1−≥1andt1∈t0,∞Tsuch that

λi1,nNAi ∈ R t1,∞T,Rand




AiηΔηMtt2,T, 4.18

wheret2 ∈t1,Tsatisfiesαmintt1 for alltt2,T. Then,3.1has an eventually positive


Proof. In this present case, we may letΛt:λi1,n

NAitfortt1,∞Tto obtain4.15.

Remark 4.11. Particularly, lettingλ 2 andM 1/4 inCorollary 4.10, we learn that 3.1

admits a nonoscillatory solution if−2i1,n

NAi ∈ R t1,∞T,Rand t



AiηΔη≤ 1

4 ∀tt2,∞T. 4.19

It is a well-known fact that the constant 1/4 above is the best possible for difference equations since the difference equation

Δxt axt−1 0 for t∈N, 4.20

wherea∈R , is nonoscillatory if and only ifa≤1/4see3,12.

The following example illustratesCorollary 4.10for the nonstandard time scaleTqZ.

Example 4.12. Letai ∈ R ,pi ∈ Nfori∈ 1, nNandq ∈ 1,∞. We consider the following q-difference equation



ai tx


t qpi



where theq-difference operatorDqis defined by3.26. For simplicity of notation, we let

which implies that the regressivity condition inCorollary 4.10holds. So that4.21 has an eventually positive solution if

Proof. As in the proof ofTheorem 4.9, we deduce that there existsΛsatisfying3.4. Hence,


ByCorollary 3.3, we havegt:yΔt i1,nNAityαit≤0 for alltt0,T. Then,y

ByCorollary 4.7, we know thatygiven by

yt x0Xt, t0

Proof. Solution representation formula2.3implies for a solution of4.31that


Theorem 4.15. Suppose that AiCrdt0,T,R0, i ∈ 1, nN, 3.4 has a solution Λ ∈

Crdt0,∞T,R0with−Λ∈ R t0,∞T,R,xis a solution of 4.26andyis a positive solution of

the following initial value problem

yΔt i∈1,nN

Aityαit 0 fortt0,T

yt0 y0, xt ψt fortt−1, t0T.


Ifx0≥y0≥0andψϕ≥0ont−1, t0T, then we havexyont0,∞T.

Proof. The proof is similar to that ofTheorem 4.13.

We give the following example as an application ofTheorem 4.15.

Example 4.16. LetTN3:{n3:nN}, and consider the following initial value problems:

xΔt 1 tx

$ 3 √



0 fort∈64,N3

xt 34−log3t fort1,64






t 13

% −xt

3 √

t 13−t

fort∈N3 4.35


yΔt 1 ty

$ 3 √




yt 1−2−log3t fort∈1,64



Ifxandyare the unique solutions of4.34and4.36, respectively, then we have the graph of 7 iterates, seeFigure 2, wherex > ybyTheorem 4.15.

5. Discussion

In this paper, we have extended to equations on time scales most results obtained in


1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0.2

0.4 0.6 0.8

1 x


Figure 2:The graph of 7 iterates for the solutions of4.34and4.36illustrates the result ofTheorem 4.15, herext> ytfor allt∈64,N3.

P1In2, it was demonstrated that equations with positive coefficients has slowly oscillating solutions only if it is oscillatory. The notion of slowly oscillating solutions can be easily extended to equations on time scales in such a way that it generalizes the one discussed in2.

Definition 5.1. A solution xof3.1is said to be slowly oscillating if it is oscillating and for everyt1 ∈t0,∞Tthere existt2, t3 ∈t1,∞Twitht3 > t2andαmintt2for alltt3,∞T

such thatx >0 ont2, t3Tandxt4<0 for somet4∈t3,∞T.

Is the following proposition valid?

Proposition 5.2. Suppose that for alli∈1, nN,αiCrdt0,∞T,Tis a delay function andAi

Crdt0,∞T,R . If3.1is nonoscillatory, then the equation has no slowly oscillating solutions.

P2InSection 4, oscillation properties of equations with different coefficients, delays and initial functions were compared, as well as two solutions of equations with the same delays and initial conditions. Can any relation be deduced between nonoscillation properties of the same equation on different time scales?

P3The results of the present paper involve nonoscillation conditions for equations with positive and negative coefficients: if the relevant equation with positive coefficients only is nonoscillatory, so is the equation with coefficients of both signs. Is it possible to obtain efficient nonoscillation conditions for equations with positive and negative coefficients when the relevant equation with positive coefficients only is oscillatory?

We will only comment affirmatively on the proof of the proposition in ProblemP1. Really, let us assume the contrary that3.1 is nonoscillatory butx is a slowly oscillating solution of this equation. ByTheorem 3.1, the fundamental solutionX·, sof3.1is positive ons,Tt1,T for somet1 ∈t0,T. There existt2 ∈t1,T andt3 ∈ t2,Twith

αmintt2for alltt3,∞Tsuch thatx >0 ont2, t3Tandx /≥0 ont3,∞T. Therefore, we



for alltt3,Tand alli∈1, nN. It follows fromLemma 2.2that

xt xt3Xt, t3−



Xt, ση







≤ − t


Xt, ση





for alltt3,∞T. Since the integrand is nonnegative and not identically zero by5.1, we

learn that the right-hand side of5.2is negative ont3,∞T; that is,x <0 ont3,∞T. Hence, xis nonoscillatory, which is the contradiction justifying the proposition.

Thus, under the assumptions of Proposition 5.2 existence of a slowly oscillating solution of3.1implies oscillation of all solutions.


E. Braverman was partially supported by NSERC research grant.


1 S. Hilger,Ein Maßkettenkalk ¨ul mit Anwendung auf Zentrumsmannigfaltigkeiten, Ph.D. thesis, Universit¨at W ¨urzburg, 1988.

2 L. Berezansky and E. Braverman, “On non-oscillation of a scalar delay differential equation,”Dynamic Systems and Applications, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 567–580, 1997.

3 L. Berezansky and E. Braverman, “On existence of positive solutions for linear difference equations with several delays,”Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29–47, 2006.

4 M. Bohner and A. Peterson, Dynamic Equations on Time Scales. An Introduction with Applications, Birkh¨auser Boston, Boston, Mass, USA, 2001.

5 B. Karpuz, “Existence and uniqueness of solutions to systems of delay dynamic equations on time scales,”http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.0737v3.

6 M. Bohner, “Some oscillation criteria for first order delay dynamic equations,”Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 289–304, 2005.

7 B. G. Zhang and X. Deng, “Oscillation of delay differential equations on time scales,”Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 36, no. 11–13, pp. 1307–1318, 2002.

8 I. Gy˝ori and G. Ladas, Oscillation Theory of Delay Differential Equations, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, 1991.

9 M. Bohner, B. Karpuz, and ¨O. ¨Ocalan, “Iterated oscillation criteria for delay dynamic equations of first order,”Advances in Difference Equations, vol. 2008, Article ID 458687, 12 pages, 2008.

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Figure 1: The graph of 30 iterates for the solutions of �4.11� and �4.13� illustrates the result of Theorem 4.5,here y�t� > x�t� for all t ∈ �√33, ∞� 3√N.
Figure 2: The graph of 7 iterates for the solutions ofhere �4.34� and �4.36� illustrates the result of Theorem 4.15, x�t� > y�t� for all t ∈ �64, ∞�N3.


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