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Dynamics of mather type plasma focus with step anode configuration


Academic year: 2020

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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Physics)

Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



First and foremost, all praise to Allah, the Almighty, the benevolent for hlis blessing and guidance, for giving me the inspiration to embark on this project and instilling in me the strength enabling me to carry out this research successfully.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Jalil bin Ali for his continued and consistent support throughout my Ph.D project. His immense knowledge, inspiring motivation and guidance, persistent scientific enthusiasm and continued encouragement have provided an inexhaustible source of my research progress and thesis writing. I feel very fortunate for being supervised by Prof. Dr. Jalil for his academic insight, wisdom and compassionate towards his student. His invaluable assistance have been the outermost help in completing my Ph.D project.

I am mostly grateful and indebtedness to Emeritus Prof. Dr. Lee Sing for his guidance, comment and suggestions. I wish to express my gratitude to the local and international Plasma Focus research fellows, Prof. Dr. Saw Sor Heoh (INTI IU), Dr. Mohamad Youunes Akel (Syria), Dr. Yap Seong Ling (UM), Dr. Paul Lee Choon Keat (NTU), Dr. Rajdeep Singh Rawat (NTU), and more for their kind suggestions or comment during my research period.




















1.1 Background of Study 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Research Objectives 3

1.4 Research Scope 3

1.5 Significance of Research 4

1.6 Thesis outline 4


2.1 Introduction 6

2.2 Historical background of Dense Z-pinch plasma 6

2.3 Plasma Focus Device 9


2.4.1 The Electrical Breakdown phase 12

2.4.2 The Axial Phase 14

2.4.3 The Radial Phase 16

2.5 Review on Multi Radiation of Plasma Focus 22

2.5.1 Electron Beam 23

2.5.2 Soft and hard X-ray 24

2.5.3 Neutrons 27

2.5.4 Ion Beams 28

2.6 Dynamics of current sheath in plasma focus 29 2.7 Different anode length in plasma focus 31


3.1 Introduction 33

3.2 Dynamic model of Plasma Focus device from Lee’s code 33

3.2.1 Axial Phase 34

3.2.2 Radial phase 38

3.3 Dynamics and Electrical properties of step anode

configuration (SAC) 43

3.3.1 Axial Phase 44

3.3.2 Radial phase 51

3.4 Plasma Resistance 55

3.5 Dynamic Properties of Shock Wave 56

3.5.1 1D Shock Wave 56

3.6 Thermodynamics of Plasma 62

3.6.1 Thermodynamic Properties in Shocked Gas

Condition 62

3.6.2 Gross Behaviour of Plasma 63

3.7 Neutron yield computation 66

3.8 Expanded column 68

3.8.1 Equation of motion 69

3.8.2 Circuit Equation 69



4.2 Digitizing Experimental Data 71 4.3 Static and Dynamic of Inductance and Resistance of the

Plasma Focus Device 74

4.4 Computation procedure for numerical simulation of current

waveform 77

4.5 Discharge current waveform fitting method 81


5.1 Introduction 87

5.2 Determination of the inductance and resistance of the

3.3 kJ PF device 88

5.2.1 Capacitor voltage, tube voltage and circuit voltage 88

5.2.2 The circuitry system 90

5.2.3 The tube system 92

5.3 Numerical Experiment on Current Fitting 101 5.4 Plasma Kinetics in Deuterium-filled Plasma Focus with Step Anode

Configuration 106

5.5 Neutron Yield for Different Anode Configurations 112


6.1 Conclusion 117

6.2 Future work 119





5.1 Static inductance and static resistance 100

5.2 Parameter of 3.3kJ plasma focus device with step anode configuration (SAC 100/19-70/15)


5.3 Neutron yield for different anode configuration using various range of pressure


5.4 Optimum neutron yield for different anode configurations 113 5.5 Neutron yield and pinch current for the SAC 100/19-70/15,

CAC 173/19 and CAC 173/15 plasma focus system with




2.1 Nine configuration of Z-pinches 9

2.2 Three type of plasma focus configuration (a) Filippov type (b) Mather type and (c) Spherical PF chamber


3.1 Simplified plasma sheath developments in a plasma focus 35 3.2 Axial phase with two dimensional displacement 36 3.3 Illustration of (a) schematic diagram of a typical Mather

type PF system and its (b) equivalent circuit.


3.4 Schematic diagram of typical step anode configuration 43 3.5 Shock wave generated by the impulsive motion of a piston.

a) Initial state at rest; b) state in unit time after the piston had acquired velocity, vp impulsively; and c) motion in

shock-fixed coordinates 57

3.6 (a) Shock wave induced by a fast piston effect to the distribution of (b) temperature, T (c) density, ρ and (d)

pressure, P across the shock gas tube 61

3.7 Schematic of radial compression by self-induced magnetic

field. 66

4.1 Process and precaution steps for digitizing method 73 4.2 Flow chart of resistance and inductance determination 76 4.3 Simplified computation procedure for the modified Lee


4.4 Simplified computation procedure for the modified Lee

mode code continue from Figure 4.3 78

4.5 Example of computed discharge current trace without

fitting parameters 83

4.6 Example of fitted discharge current waveform between the

computed and experimentally measured 85

4.7 Flow chart for the current fitting method 86

5.1 Capacitor voltage and voltage drop profiles of PF system 89 5.2 Resistance profile of circuitry part with different

inductance 91

5.3 Inductance evolution profile with varied static inductance 94 5.4 Resistance profile of the system load with input static

inductances of 0 nH and 30 nH 96

5.5 Resistance profile of the system load with input static

inductances of 21.5 nH 97

5.6 Inductance evolution profile with varied stray resistance 98 5.7 Inductance development profile with varied current factor 100 5.8 Modified Lee model and Lee model current traces fitted

with experimental current trace 104

5.9 Total amount of charge left in the capacitor temporally for

modified Lee code and Lee code 105

5.10 Plasma inductance development for modified Lee code

and Lee code 106

5.11 Axial speed of the plasma sheath as a function of discharge

time for both CAC and SAC 108

5.12 A comparison between the radial speed of the CS and SF as a function of the time in radial phase for both step anode


5.13 Radial position of the CS and SF as a function of discharge time limited to the radial phase in both of the system CAC

and SAC. 110

5.14 Plasma temperature as a function of the discharge time 111 5.15 Neutron yields variations with respect to the initial

operating pressure of deuterium gas for various anode

radius 114

5.16 Neutron yield comparison between SAC and CAC plasma



PF - Plasma focus

RADPF - Radiative plasma focus

SPF - Spherical plasma focus


- United Nation University—International Center for Theoretical Physics Plasma Focus Facility

NIE-SSC-PFF - National Institute of Education - School of Science – Plasma -Focus Facility

SF - Shock front

RP - Radial piston

SAC - Step anode configuration

CAC - Cylinder anode configuration

WOCM - Without corrected mass

WCM - With corrected mass

LR - Lower region

UR - Upper region

SR - Step region

OFHC - Oxygen-free high conductivity

VBA - Visual Basic for Application

SXR - Soft X-ray

HXR - Hard X-ray

MHD - Magneto-hydro-dynamical

ICF - Inertial confinement fusion

DXS - Diode x-ray spectrometer



A - Atomic Weight

a - Anode Radius

a1, a2 - Step anode radius B - Magnetic Field b


- -

Cathode Radius Radial position

c - Ratio of Cathode to Anode Radius

cs - Sound speed

Co - the Capacitor bank for energy storage dQ - External Input Energy

EINP - Energy input into plasma

EI - The energy stored in the tube inductance Ei - Ionization energy

γ - Specific Heat Ratio Γ - Shock density ratio

fm1 - Axial mass factors

fc - Axial current factors

fm2 - Radial mass factors

fd - surface coefficient

fL - Inductance factor



- -

Radial current factors Drag force

Fz1 - Axial Lorentz force on plasma sheath Fzr - Radial force on plasma sheath Fm - Magnetic force


ht - Total enthalpy

h - Plank’s Constant

hL - leakage resistance in the plasma tube

I - Discharge Current

Ip - Plasma Current

Ipinch - Pinch current

Imax - Peak Discharge Current

J - Current Density

J×B - driving magnetic force kB - Boltzman Constant keV - kilo electron volt

lIns - Length of the insulator

- The mean free-path

Lo - The fixed circuit inductance

Lpr - Effective inductance

Lp - Changing plasma tube inductance.

Lo - External (stray) Inductance

M - Molecular weight



- -

The mass of atom or ion. Atomic mass of the filling gas

n - Number density of ions and electrons



- -

Ion Density (in the code)

Atomic number density of the filling gas

nb - Number of beam ions per unit plasma volume

Ni - Ion number density

Ne - Electron number density

Nb - number of beam ions  - Shocked gas density o - Ambient gas density

PB - Magnetic pressure

Pp - Piston pressure

PJ - Rate of Joule heating


P - Shocked gas pressure

Q - Total electric charge

qo - Speed of the shocked gas

q - Speed of the ambient gas

Rs - Particle position

RC - Integration time constant

rp - Slug external radius

rs - Slug internal radius

r - The boundary radius of curvature

rc - Critical radius

Ro - The circuit resistance

Ro - Universal gas constant

Rp - Plasma resistance

T - Shock temperature

tp-s - Transmission time

ta - Characteristic axial run down time

τ - Confinement time

T - Plasma temperature

Te - Electron temperature

µo - Permeability of Free Space

V o - Capacitor voltage

VSlug - Volume of plasma slug

V - Plasma volume

Vmax - Maximum voltage induced by the current sheath

U - Internal energy

U - disruption-caused diode voltage

υTi - The thermal velocity of ion



- -

shock front speed piston speed

vb - beam ion speed

Yth - Thermonuclear term

Yb-t - Beam-target yield


z - Instantaneous current sheath position

Zeff - Effective (average) charge number of one ion

zo - Length of anode

zf - Radial elongation pinch length

Zi - Effective charge

Cp - Specific heat capacity at constant pressure

Cv - Specific heat capacity at constant volume



- -

Dissociate number of the singular gas particle or one neutral atom Spitzer resistivity




A Modified Lee Model Code with Step anode configuration




1.1 Background of Study


Previously, Zakaullah et al. [14] have studied the anode configuration effect on the energy of argon X-ray as well as Bhuyan et al. [13] on nitrogen and hydrogen SXR energy for Mather-type PF. Serban [15] had investigated anode configuration geometry and focus characteristic experimentally using the National Institute of Education - School of Science - Plasma -Focus Facility (NIE-SSC-PFF). In this study, the effect of anode configuration on the plasma focus neutron yield is investigated based on numerical modelling. Numerical modelling plays an important role where it can be used to compare the developed physical theories with experimental data. The process and physical properties related to PF which includes the energy transfer processes, the electrical properties, the shock wave interactions and the thermodynamic properties are know to be complex. Nevertheless, with a suitable equation applied describing the processes and physical properties involved, numerous physical models have been developed which able to simulate the plasma temperature, plasma dynamics and along with the emission of electromagnetic radiation and high energy particle from a PF device from a contructive reasoning. The dynamical model can be from a simple 1D snowplough model to a slightly complex 2D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model [16]. The thesis is focus on the numericals study of Mather type PF device with step anode geometry and cylindrical anode geometry. The plasma dynamic dependency on the anode geometrical shapes is investigated using modified Lee Model Code.

1.2 Problem Statement


simulated result to be realistic to the experimental observation. The current versions of the Lee model are already capable of simulating various PF devices around the globe although it is still limited to the standard cylindrical electrode configuration. There are only few numerical studies were conducted for the past decades regarding to the step anode which only give us little information regarding how this actual could bring a significant effect to the dynamics of plasma sheath during axial phase and neutron yield.

1.3 Research Objectives

The general objective of this research is to investigate the dynamic phase and the circuit model of Mather type plasma focus with step anode configuration (SAC) using the Lee Model. The specific objective are as follows

 To determine the total static inductance, stray resistance profile and plasma inductance development from numerical analysis of discharge current traced and tube voltage signal.

 To improve the precision of current profile fitting by considering the impedance development in the modified Lee code

 To examine the dynamics of the PF for both axial and radial phases for cylindrical anode and step anode geometry.

 To evaluate numerically on the neutron yield from the cylindrical and step electrode configuration.

1.4 Research Scope


profile of the NIE-SSC-PFF device [15] will be firstly determined from discharge current trace and voltage signal which then will be used to acquire the inductance development. The model current trace will be fitted with the experimental result as a baseline to calibrate the numerical simulation in order to make it realistic. Neutron generation from fusion reaction when using deuterium filling gas is computed for step anode and compared with the standard cylindrical electrode in this numerical investigation.

1.5 Significance of Research

The significance of this study is to expand the potential of the Lee Model Code which enable it to compute more than just a standard tube parameter of cylindrical electrode configuration. The improvement of the Lee model will give us a significant control variable and this will open a new area in optimizing the DPF device for SXR yield and neutron yield. The new optimize value achieve from computing with various configuration electrode will give us a new understanding on how we could design the electrode that satisfactory for a specific used of the DPF devices. The determination of static inductance and stray resistance profile from numerical analysis can be contributed to new understanding of plasma discharge in the plasma focus device. Temporal inductance evolution of the PF device determined from both current trace and voltage signals can be used as a tool for understanding the dynamic of the plasma sheath in PF discharges.

1.6 Thesis outline



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